IRC log for #asterisk on 20190705

00:13.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
00:15.07*** join/#asterisk yuljk (~yuljk@unaffiliated/yuljk)
00:15.57*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:15.57*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.27.0 (2019/5/30) 16.4.0 (2019/5/30), Security Only: 15.7.2 (2019/2/28); DAHDI: 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
01:35.55*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
02:18.55*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
03:05.26*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
07:05.55*** join/#asterisk infobot (
07:05.55*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.27.0 (2019/5/30) 16.4.0 (2019/5/30), Security Only: 15.7.2 (2019/2/28); DAHDI: 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
07:15.41*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
07:26.21*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
07:27.51*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (
09:32.11*** join/#asterisk troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:8981:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
10:03.45*** join/#asterisk _ganapathi_ (~Ganapathi@
10:04.25_ganapathi_Anybody help me to get dahdi-linux.spec file. from where i can get this ?
10:04.57_ganapathi_somewhat i already builded dahdi-tools rpm using dahdi-tools.spec from fedora site
10:39.08*** join/#asterisk [devil-boy] (
11:04.20*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
11:06.38*** join/#asterisk emsjessec (~emsjessec@
11:16.38*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
12:12.24*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
12:30.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:49.30*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
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13:08.23*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
13:16.55*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
13:41.16*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
13:41.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o DivideBy0] by ChanServ
13:50.01*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
13:50.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
13:50.58*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
14:23.12*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
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14:51.16*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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15:10.54*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
15:26.56*** join/#asterisk NWATechSupport (
15:31.39*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (
15:35.36*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
15:43.26*** join/#asterisk yoink (~yoink@unaffiliated/yoink)
15:54.37twanny796trying to set up basic-pbx, and my first question - how come asterisk.conf is empty?
15:55.02*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
16:00.39*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
16:01.28SamotBecause you haven't set it up?
16:02.31twanny796That means I copy what I already have, I can might as well leave the old one!
16:09.51*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
16:37.36*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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18:17.50*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (
18:18.24*** join/#asterisk gugaua (~gugaua@unaffiliated/gugaua)
18:34.47*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
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20:04.10*** join/#asterisk badpixel (~badpixel@unaffiliated/badpixel)
20:04.35*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
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20:27.41*** join/#asterisk sicelo_ (~sicelo@Maemo/community/ex-council/sicelo)
20:58.57*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
21:05.31*** join/#asterisk cryptic (~cryptic@
21:18.32*** join/#asterisk gpx8 (~ryan.gehr@unaffiliated/deviantlinux)
21:20.21gpx8hi, I recently updated from asterisk 15.3.0, to 15.7.2 and experience super choppy audio, trying to figure out what changed between the versions that I need to update the config for, seems when it does transcoding with 3 endpoints is when the audio gets choppy, but if between 2 on the same codec it has good audio
21:22.09*** join/#asterisk ganbold_ (~ganbold@
21:34.13gpx8im starting to wonder why 14.x and 15.x were ever released if most mention immediately "get off that and onto 13.x or 16.x!"
21:35.33filebecause 16 didn't exist, and they were standard releases as described on
21:36.14filestandard releases exist to allow people to work on moving forward and testing out substantial new changes
21:41.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:42.59gpx8I gotcha
21:43.35gpx8so right now, being on 15.3, what is the best move forward?  if we still use chan_sip?  move to 13.x latest, or try 16.x?
21:43.46sibiria16.x still has chan_sip
21:54.56[TK]D-Fender13 != forward
21:55.24[TK]D-Fenderif you can switch to PJSIP do it now
22:00.58gpx8agreed, will have to look into that
22:01.04gpx8sibiria: I thought it was deprecated in 16
22:02.35fileit is still present and you can use it
22:02.37gpx8ah, that was 17+ and about development not current release
22:02.42gpx8yeah I will look at 16 now, thank you!
22:08.10*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
22:30.06*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
23:22.07*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
23:29.06*** join/#asterisk yuljk (~yuljk@unaffiliated/yuljk)

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