IRC log for #asterisk on 20190704

00:00.20SamotIs there a GUI interface?
00:02.27Reinhilde[TK]D-Fender: welcome back!@
00:03.19ircarcsSamot: "xivo"
00:03.42SamotThen you need to go to their website or help channels.
00:04.26ReinhildeSamot: is this true if all the GUI does is provide a list of buttons for each config file and opens each config file in a plain text editor?
00:04.32Reinhilde(hypothetical, but I figured I'd ask)
00:06.36SamotXivo is not one of those.
00:06.45SamotIt's an appliance that uses Asterisk as it's telephony engine.
00:06.47ircarcsSamot: actually i d like to know what skill are required for a someone who don't know annnything about asterisk or voip to host a server .
00:07.04ircarcsfor that purpose
00:07.17Samotircarcs: Asterisk/VoIP knowledge
00:07.40SamotYou need to look at the Xivo documents.
00:07.48SamotAnd use their support channels.
00:08.33ircarcsi m working on a new network and i have to make choices  Qos . Vlans .. so .. i m askink : )
00:08.38ircarcsok thanks
00:10.52SamotReinhilde: Projects like Xivo, FreePBX, et al are just using Asterisk as their telephone engine. They may break up or change the file structure. They may store additional information and generate configs/dialplan. They in no way compare to some simple HTML form that lets you do basic file editing.
00:11.44ircarcsSamot: thanks.
00:13.08ReinhildeSamot: sounds about right
00:15.36SamotThen why did you ask that question?
00:16.19*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:16.19*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.27.0 (2019/5/30) 16.4.0 (2019/5/30), Security Only: 15.7.2 (2019/2/28); DAHDI: 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
00:16.36ReinhildeSamot: because why not
00:16.56SamotIf you already knew the answer, it was pointless to ask it.
00:18.06ircarcsSamot:  sometime asking make you understand .
00:19.01ircarcsSamot > as is was pointless to mention it ...
00:20.42Reinhildei don't know much about xivo
00:29.21ircarcsby tha way thanks all .  Samot actually will not be admin of the astreisk xivo server but for the "comuters" hosting it ..
00:31.42Reinhildethat's incoherent
00:34.09ircarcsReinhilde: have to deal with / bandtith / ressources / for asterisk - xivo application  against my need  > i host sometime apps i don't know but they needs.
00:36.05ircarcsdoes some app need many cpu while another not ?
00:38.19Reinhildean unadjusted network configuration should be adequate for most smaller installations of Asterisk or any other IP PBX solution.
00:52.00FuriousGeorgeim a little confused here.  i just deployed asterisk on a compute engine slice, and I'm getting flooded with:
00:52.01FuriousGeorgechan_sip.c:26179 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device <sip:2500@>;tag=836066503
00:52.14FuriousGeorgethat ip is mine
00:52.29FuriousGeorgewhere's the ip of the person attempting to connect to 2500?
00:52.58Reinhildethe ip is yours because that's the hostname of the asterisk instance, and so would be the RHS as the registrant's SIP address.
00:54.31FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  are you saying the system is trying to register to itself?  i looked for those extensions in the /etc/asterisk directory, and did not see them
00:54.52FuriousGeorgeactually, fail2ban picks up on this, and tried to ban it's own external ip
00:55.01FuriousGeorgeactually does
00:56.55ReinhildeFuriousGeorge: no, I am not saying that.
00:57.23FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  what confuses me, in that case, is shouldn't the output tell me where the failed connection attempt came from?
00:57.43Reinhildein my experience, it doesn't, and likely shouldn't.
00:58.43FuriousGeorgeim getting hundreds of these a minute.  i can't think of any other way to stop them.  the tcpbindaddr = setting in sip.conf does not succeed in changing the port (i know it's not an ideal solution),
00:58.48FuriousGeorgeand the comments seem to suggest it should
00:59.42Reinhildeyou need udpbindaddr.
01:02.18FuriousGeorgei just changed it on externaddr, and nothing stops these failed attempts.  now ill try it as you suggested
01:03.09FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  but it did succeed in taking out my trunk registration.  something is really odd here
01:04.58FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  that worked...  merciful silence
01:05.35FuriousGeorgeof course, why not just port scan me... then what?  there has to be a better way.  i can't keep changing my port
01:05.47FuriousGeorgeif there's no host, i can't use fail2ban
01:06.32FuriousGeorgecould this be some misconfiguration of the asterisk 13 in the debian repo?  the only thing i've done different is to not compile from source
01:06.52FuriousGeorgealso notice sip reload disconnects all my peers, unbeknownst to them, so they do
01:07.00FuriousGeorgen't try to reconnect.  never seen that before either
01:07.11Reinhildei've had sip reload take 7 minutes
01:08.10FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  there are examples more complicated than this server right now.  there are four peers, one registered user, and 2 lines of dialplan making it all work
01:08.20FuriousGeorgeand by "all" i mean "almost nothing"
01:08.35FuriousGeorgesip reloads quick
01:28.11SamotFuriousGeorge: are your nat settings right?
01:28.26SamotFuriousGeorge: also disable allowguests
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01:52.10FuriousGeorgeSamot:  i did disable that
01:52.23FuriousGeorgei just resintalled from source.  it's 15 this time.  im still on port 5080 tho
01:53.51FuriousGeorgeone good thing now:  reloading sip does not drop all peers.  that was a big problem
01:54.18FuriousGeorgedo i dare put it back on 5060?  i may as well just to see if the flood of badness continues
01:57.07FuriousGeorgeyup, they are there.
01:57.46FuriousGeorgefail2ban obviously thinks this is dumb.  why not show the attacking IP?  unfortunately, the regex causes it to block the external ip
01:58.10FuriousGeorgehow can this be the out of the box behavior for fail2ban and asterisk combined?
01:58.20SamotFuriousGeorge: Why are you using 15?
01:59.36FuriousGeorgecuz it's more recent than 13 but not as recent as 16?
01:59.55FuriousGeorgeSamot:  should it matter?  13 was in the repos for debian, so i tried that first.  same result
02:00.19*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
02:00.30FuriousGeorgethis is apparently what causes the connection issues after sip reload.  now when i reload sip, peers get dropped, and do not rejoin on their own
02:02.04FuriousGeorgeThe peer doesn't try to do anything, as it, for whatever reason, believes itself to still be connected:
02:02.05FuriousGeorgeSIP Identity Status:
02:02.30FuriousGeorgebegging the quesstion:  why doesn't keepalive work here?
02:02.34FuriousGeorgewhat a mess
02:02.35[TK]D-FenderPhone has to have a reason to check
02:03.59SamotFuriousGeorge: 15 is unsupported. So any issues you have with it, you're on your own.
02:05.43FuriousGeorgeSamot:  no problem.  let's see how 16 does
02:08.27FuriousGeorgeill nuke the vm, and start from scratch too
02:34.23FuriousGeorgeSamot:  16 doesn't compile in the latest debian, because libjansson is not new enough.  i suppose i could compile that
02:36.55FuriousGeorgebut no matter.  ill go back to 13, since it appears to be supported still,  i doubt 16 would work any differently ayway
02:38.47[TK]D-FenderYou're just setting yourself up for having to upgrade sooner again rather than plotting a clean and sane path
02:44.33SamotAlso, we never verified what your actual configs where.
02:44.53SamotThis very well could be a misconfiguration.
02:49.40*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~michael@gateway/tor-sasl/k0hax)
03:03.40FuriousGeorgeSamot:  check out steps to reproduce:
03:04.49FuriousGeorgeill post my configs now
03:05.22FuriousGeorgewhatever this attacker is doing, he is able to render many installs broken, I'd guess
03:09.20SamotWaiting on the configs.
03:12.20FuriousGeorgeSamot:  one sec
03:16.40FuriousGeorgewas trying to strip out the lines that start with spaces and end with comments but i couldn't get the regex right
03:16.52FuriousGeorgetook out most in the process of copy pasting
03:17.23FuriousGeorgeleft out peer settings below, as i don't think they are relevant, please correct me if I'm wrong, Samot
03:17.44SamotSo this box is behind NAT
03:18.04SamotTherefore there should be nat=force_rport,comedi in the [general]
03:18.09SamotTherefore there should be nat=force_rport,comedia in the [general]
03:18.28SamotYou should have the same nat setting for all your peers that are behind NAT.
03:19.14FuriousGeorgeit is not behind nat
03:19.25FuriousGeorgeSamot:  do i have a setting which suggests it is?
03:19.35FuriousGeorgeit is an instance on GCE
03:19.46SamotSo there is a public WAN directly on the server?
03:20.09SamotThen why do you have an external address and a local network set?
03:20.35FuriousGeorgewell, kinda....  i forget what this setup is called.  there is an internal ip, and there is an external ip, but there is no nat
03:20.47FuriousGeorgethe internal ip only works between nodes
03:20.53SamotIs the internal IP an RFC1918 IP?
03:20.56FuriousGeorgeit's just how google does their compute engine stuff
03:21.01SamotIs the internal IP an RFC1918 IP?
03:21.07FuriousGeorgelet me look up what i think this setup is called
03:21.18SamotCan you not answer the question?
03:21.44FuriousGeorgeit is
03:21.58SamotThen you are behind NAT.
03:22.00FuriousGeorgei believe that answers it, unless i have my rfc's confused
03:22.03FuriousGeorgeno, it's not
03:22.20SamotPublic WAN is being TRANSLATED to a RFC1918 IP
03:22.29SamotNetwork Address Translation.
03:22.51ReinhildeSamot: he could be speaking of a 1:1 NAT?
03:23.03Samot1:1 NAT = NAT
03:23.14SamotIt's in the name.
03:23.29FuriousGeorgelike a pseudo nat i guess.  from the outside there is no nat
03:23.36ReinhildeYou're getting fixated on this one terminological issue, Samot, and it's really annoying me
03:23.39FuriousGeorgeit's more like a server with two interfaces
03:23.43*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
03:23.44SamotAll that means is a WAN IP is only NAT'd to a SINGLE IP.
03:23.45Reinhildeand it's not helping FuriousGeorge get his life straight
03:23.58SamotOK, this is a NAT issue.
03:24.04Reinhildedo you take any psychoactive medications or any statins?
03:24.11SamotIf you will refuse to accept that NAT is involved you cannot fix the problem.
03:24.20FuriousGeorgeok, i can set the nat setting
03:24.55SamotYou also need to apply that nat setting to all your peers.
03:25.02SamotThat are behind NAT.
03:25.04ReinhildeI'd set it to just comedia, or to auto_force_rport,comedia. It shouldn't be a problem if it's a 1:1 NAT, but it seems htat it is.
03:25.40Samot1:1 NAT means that the public IP cannot be NAT'd to other private IPs.
03:25.51SamotTherefore all the ports on the WAN will go to the same ports on the LAN.
03:26.42ReinhildeFuriousGeorge: it's a nat situation. you may be the only person on that public IP, but it's a nat situation. we clear?
03:26.55Reinhildethat's what Samot has been saying all along, but he's been unbelievably aggressive about it.
03:26.58SamotIs 9984 one of your peers?
03:27.00FuriousGeorgethis m,eans fail2ban would still block my external ip, even with the nat setting in general
03:27.08FuriousGeorgedid i misunderstand what you wanted me to do?
03:27.19SamotIs 9984 one of your peers?
03:27.24ReinhildeSamot: Implied no.
03:27.26FuriousGeorgeSamot:  no, i have no idea where that is comming from
03:27.33ReinhildeSamot: It's one of the wardialers.
03:27.34FuriousGeorgei can start tcpdunping
03:27.42ReinhildeI've seen similar issues
03:27.47SamotThen you're being hit.
03:27.56FuriousGeorgethat part i got
03:27.57SamotSo you need to get some better firewalling in place.
03:28.19ReinhildeThe issue that FuriousGeorge is having is that the external IP of his own server is showing instead of the IP of who's hitting him.
03:28.21FuriousGeorgei can enable the firewall, but i always have to have a port open for the remote peers, so i'm screwed either way
03:28.42ReinhildeUsually the issue is benign if your passwords are strong and allowguest= is no, or if your guest context doesn't allow you to run up a huge toll.
03:28.56Reinhildeor any toll.p
03:29.04Samot104.196.159.95 <-- That's your PBX IP?
03:29.17FuriousGeorgeyes, as per the comments in the pastenin, fail2ban bans my external IP
03:29.26FuriousGeorgeso it breaks sip for remote clients
03:29.48SamotTime to enable the sip debug
03:29.49ReinhildeFuriousGeorge: why are packets showing coming from /your/ external IP if they're from someone else's?
03:29.52FuriousGeorgethey will become unreachable, and not try to reregister
03:29.52Samotsip set debug on
03:30.27FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  i have no idea.  i assumed it was showing the extension and server of the destination
03:30.42Reinhildethe extension they're trying to register to '@' your server
03:30.43FuriousGeorgeit's on AF samot ;)
03:30.56ReinhildeFuriousGeorge: asterisk -rx 'sip set debug on'
03:31.00SamotShow some output
03:31.09FuriousGeorgeright, the destination being my server.  i have no idea why there is not a part that says "from <IP>"
03:31.15*** join/#asterisk life_of_e (
03:31.29SamotShow the output from the debug
03:31.52ReinhildeThis is a problem that every public-facing Asterisk admin has - they get hit and it's always their IP in the RHS of the authentication failure, so they end up blocking themselves, or they could block some innocent user
03:32.48FuriousGeorgeSamot:  i can get more in one shot, just gotta set up keys in putty or something.  google
03:32.51FuriousGeorge's console is bad
03:33.00FuriousGeorgei guess not that bad for a web based terminal though
03:33.17FuriousGeorgei see an external IP
03:33.31FuriousGeorgeofc, i was assuming it was coming from external, so that doesn't really help
03:33.44Samot<sip:10061000@>;tag=955610318 <-- That is the From Header.
03:33.47FuriousGeorgei could manually drop packets from there, but is there a better way
03:34.03FuriousGeorgeI'm in the from header
03:34.04SamotThe FROM header.
03:34.14SamotYes, as the FROM DOMAIN.
03:34.36FuriousGeorgei just spun up the GCE instance.  you need rsa keys to connect
03:34.36SamotWhich means they have your IP and have it in their HOST section of their PBX/device.
03:34.37SamotVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK668742547;received=;rport=55415
03:34.45SamotThat is where it is coming from.
03:34.46FuriousGeorgeo i c
03:34.56SamotFuriousGeorge: Do you think your IP hasn't been used before?
03:35.14SamotDo you think that major VM providers aren't being scanned for people with poor firewalls?
03:35.19ReinhildeI don't know what the problem is. Samot for seemingly being on psychoactive drugs that have fried his brain, or FuriousGeorge for not researching SIP protocol basics.
03:35.20FuriousGeorgeSamot:  not by me.  i generated it for this VM.  it's possible someone else had and released it.  very possible
03:35.36SamotOK so right now someone is trying to send calls to your PBX.
03:35.46SamotSince there is no peer for them they are being rejected.
03:35.55SamotSince they are being rejected, fail2bain is finding that in the log.
03:36.06FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  this hardly seems basic.
03:36.16ReinhildeMy read on it is this: This is benign and you do not need to react to the matter unless your passwords are weak.
03:36.20FuriousGeorgeSamot:  with you so far
03:36.36Reinhildeturns into a predictive text enghine
03:36.41SamotThis is not benign because it's Chan_SIP.
03:36.42FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  benign aside from rendering my console useless
03:36.51SamotWhich can be grounded to a halt with an attack.
03:37.10FuriousGeorgeyeaj, no bueno
03:37.42SamotAre the phones at someplace with a static IP(s)?
03:37.47FuriousGeorgei could very easily get a new ip, too.  this is mostly academic on my side
03:37.55Reinhildein my experience, using a nonstandard port significantly reduces the density of failed auth noticesn.
03:37.55SamotThat's not going to matter.
03:38.01FuriousGeorgeSamot:  they are not, but im not sure it matters
03:38.12SamotIt does
03:38.17SamotBecause if they had static IPs..
03:38.21FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  if i go to port 5080 everything stops
03:38.26SamotYou could close the system off to every but those IPs.
03:38.36ReinhildeFuriousGeorge: then tell your clients to use that port as the SIP registrar port
03:39.01Reinhildealternatively, if you use DNS and SRV records, you can set your SRV record to use the nonstandard port.
03:39.17FuriousGeorgethe main location is already dynamic, then they gonna want mobile clients...  i can see that getting annoying
03:39.32FuriousGeorgethat's a good idea
03:40.01Reinhildeat the WORST, as samot says, this is likely to be a DoS problem, not a toll fraud problem.
03:40.23Reinhilde(unless you've jacked up your guest configuration, WHILE allowing guests)
03:41.19FuriousGeorgei think i'll change the port and ip and continue to monitor it
03:41.36FuriousGeorgewould be nice if asterisk could handle this situation for me in a future release
03:41.46Samotiptables would handle this
03:41.52SamotLike on any other SIP box.
03:41.53FuriousGeorgeim using them
03:41.56Samoter linux box
03:42.01SamotNo, you're using fail2ban
03:42.10SamotWhich writes to iptables after the fact.
03:42.28Reinhildethat's obviously not working for this person
03:42.39FuriousGeorgewhich runs ip tables.  here's where im not understanding you:  they are attacking on the same port my clients are using.  how does blocking that port solve the issue if now my clients are blocked too?
03:42.51SamotI didn't say block that port.
03:42.56SamotI said you needed better firewalling.
03:43.06Samotfail2ban is not suited for that.
03:43.45FuriousGeorgecould you flesh that out a bit.  im getting hit on port 5060, and my clients are also using 5060.  What would i do in my better firewall to resolve that?
03:44.18SamotUse rate limiting
03:44.26SamotBlock unwanted subnets.
03:44.34SamotDo you need your entire machine open to the world?
03:45.37FuriousGeorgethere should be a blacklist of bad subnets somewhere, no?  i know lists like these are maintained for other purposes
03:46.00SamotWell there are bogon lists of bad IPs.
03:47.32SamotBut I'm talking a bit broader.
03:47.38FuriousGeorgerate limiting is gonna be an issue with the client's main location using dynamic ips
03:47.44SamotFor example, I only have users in ARIN IP space.
03:47.48SamotNo it's not.
03:47.51SamotThat's the point.
03:48.11SamotYou're rating limiting the incoming request...
03:48.30SamotHow many INVITES do they need to send in a 60 seconds?
03:51.28FuriousGeorgeSamot:  thanks for the help.  im going to start employing some of your suggestions in general
03:51.45Reinhildemy view is that using a nonstandard port works to reduce the console clutter and flooding, but it is not more secure
03:51.48FuriousGeorgebut especially for asterisk, which seems to be a magnet for miscreants of all sorts
03:51.52FuriousGeorgemyself included
03:51.52SamotAs I was saying, I only have users in ARIN IP space.
03:51.57FuriousGeorgei noticed that part
03:51.57SamotSo I block everything else.
03:52.04FuriousGeorgethat was my favorite
03:52.15SamotNow I only have to deal with those IPs.
03:52.20SamotAnd not the entire world.
03:53.02FuriousGeorgemakes sense
03:53.04FuriousGeorgethanks for the help
04:37.52FuriousGeorgeSamot:  not to beat a dead horse, but rate limiting and a firewall would not stop someone from forcing you to ban yourself
04:38.08FuriousGeorgeunless you have really liberal fail2ban settings, or you don't use fail2ban
04:38.17SamotI don't use fail2ban.
04:38.24SamotI like to stop the stuff as it happens.
04:38.32SamotNot later.
04:38.50FuriousGeorgei maen, if you have enough servers you are doing that full time.  they are magnets
04:39.04SamotIt's what I do full time.
04:39.38FuriousGeorgefair enough
04:40.52FuriousGeorgea lot of people do use fail2ban with aserieks, however, if for no other reason than because (rightly or wrongly) a lot of docs recommend it
04:41.24SamotThe first thing Asterisk does when under load is stop low level things.
04:41.28SamotLogging is low level.
04:41.46SamotHow can fail2ban do anything if the attack has rendering logging useless?
04:43.00SamotYou should be asking yourself "Why is fail2ban banning the IP in the from domain instead of the actual source IP"
04:43.38SamotThe SIP debug clearly showed the correct source IP multiple locations.
04:44.56FuriousGeorgemy assessment of the situation was that the logs were omitting some information...  as if I were looking at a smtp server log and saw an auth fail for, but not seeing the source ip
04:45.18FuriousGeorgethe explanation of the hosts file was no where near where my head was at.  ive seen a lot of things, just not that
04:45.22SamotYou should check those settings.
04:45.29FuriousGeorgethe host file on the attacking side*
04:46.31FuriousGeorgebut, that said, i knew i could change the port or ip, and make it stop.  i knew it was originating outside my domain, despite having my ip in there
04:46.48ReinhildeFuriousGeorge: then tell your clients to use an odd port
04:46.51Reinhildethe one that you change to
04:46.56SamotIt's not originating from your IP
04:47.27FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  they'd look at me funny.  i just put stuff in for them or tell them what to do.  they actually don't like explainations
04:47.42FuriousGeorgeSamot:  meant to say was NOT
04:48.19ReinhildeFuriousGeorge: don't need to explain anything to say "use an odd port"
04:48.30FuriousGeorgehence changing the IP or port would resolve
04:48.46SamotChanging the IP will just mean it's another IP being attacked.
04:48.50SamotOr scanned.
04:48.52FuriousGeorgeReinhilde:  i thought you meant literally tell them we are using a non-default port
04:48.58SamotIt is just what happens, you need to accept it.
04:49.09FuriousGeorgelike death and taxes
04:49.20SamotIt's like any other Internet facing system.
04:49.30SamotIt will be scanned and attempts will be made on it.
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04:50.14SamotRelying on non-standard ports is a false flag of security.
04:50.27SamotWhile they may not be scanned as often or as much, they are still scanned.
04:51.14ReinhildeSamot: It's scanned less. It's not security we're going for, but admin convenience.
04:51.24ReinhildeI know full well that my Asterisk is just as exploitable on pt 5022 as on port 5060
04:51.36FuriousGeorgei mentioned at the time that it wasn't much of a fix, hence why i was here, but in general it can't hurt as part of a comprehensive plan
04:51.45SamotThat's a poor sacrifice.
04:54.16SamotFuriousGeorge: No, it can't hurt. It just can't be the only thing.
04:56.59ReinhildeI voluntarily allow guests knowing that it is more exploitable than not.
04:57.15SamotYeah, those are things I just don't do.
04:57.35SamotThose types of things don't pass security audits.
05:00.19*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
05:00.50SamotAdmin convenience for me is nothing having my usage costs blown through the sky, or risk having peers shut down with upstream's due to fraud activity. Specially not having to explain to end users why calls aren't working.
05:04.04SamotI even have a layer of security checks for end user devices despite even if it is coming from a trusted IP/domain.
05:04.24SamotBecause end user devices can be compromised.
05:05.36SamotI had an end user's PBX get hacked a few weeks back, not only didn't calls not go through because they didn't have International calling rights but it shut down all their calling because they raised flags.
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07:38.19lwlvlI'm trying to determine the status of a extension with for example ${EXTENSION_STATE(202@internal)}. I also have a hint in "internal" (exten => 202,hint,SIP/jan). The problem is, that since asterisk 13 hints are not updated if nobody subscribed to them - which is the case for that hint. Any suggestions how to solve this?
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13:58.47cuscowhat module is required for the ISNULL function?
13:59.02cusco(or where can I find that out?)
14:05.17sibiriayou've probably disabled func_logic when configuring before building
14:07.38cuscoI still have the output of the ./configure
14:07.49cuscowhat should I grep for?
14:10.01sibiriaafter configuring you're doing make menuselect i presume
14:10.07sibiriathat's where oyu enabled/disable stuff to be built
14:10.37sibiriaif not, just do "make menuselect" after configuring
14:10.48sibiriafunc_logic should be in the dial plan function section
14:11.32cuscoyes I went trough make menu select
14:11.46cuscochecking it out again
14:12.27sibiriadon't forget to save changes before exiting
14:12.29cuscofunc_logic is enabled
14:12.34cuscoso it means it was enabled before
14:12.40cuscoso that is probably the module I need to load
14:12.59sibiriaright so you autoload nothing in modules.conf, i guess...
14:13.05cuscook got it
14:13.06sibiriathat's a bit unusual
14:13.12cuscoyea, optimizing.. lol
14:13.34cuscothank you sibiria
14:13.34sibiriawell this is the result ;)
14:13.46sibiriakeep in mind that asterisk is very lean even if you autoload _everything_
14:13.52sibiriavery small memory footprint
14:13.55cuscosure, configure once.. but that once is troubleshoot over and over again
14:14.17cuscoow yes, but for a embeded system, I really want it to be cut short
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15:01.30sibiriathe x86-64 asterisk build on my test system, which builds with everything more or less, and autloads everything, uses less than 100mb of ram
15:13.48sibiriawith the whole OS running, that is - asterisk itself takes up only ~30mb of RAM
15:28.48*** join/#asterisk sumic (abd48c48@
15:29.07sumichi everyone~
15:30.34sumichow can i get the "hoard" packeg?
15:31.10sumic"hoard" package
15:31.11*** join/#asterisk mahafyi (~quassel@
15:33.38mahafyiHello, for setting externip , does the packets actually have to be routed from that IP addr , or can one have a externip where inbound port fwding is setup, but the actual source IP address is different? configuring some firewall and had this doubt
15:34.24mahafyihappy July 4th to all in USA!
15:34.48SamotWell the external IP is how they communicate with you
15:34.57SamotSo the the source IP route back to the PBX?
15:35.14mahafyiyes, the externip routes back to the asterisk box
15:38.57sumicSamot: could you help me? i cann't find "hoard" package
15:39.11SamotWhat hoard pacakage?
15:39.14SamotWhat hoard package?
15:40.08sumic"/home/asterisk-16.4.0/contrib/scripts/install_prereq test
15:41.33sumicSamot: i'm using CentOS release 6.10 (Final)
15:42.37SamotI don't use it.
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16:51.37qakhanhi all, my customer is using rrmemory as strategy in Q1 and Q2.
16:51.37qakhanqueue members are Local/3001@agent, Local/3002@agent, Local/3003@agent and Local/3004@agent.
16:51.37qakhanLocal/3001@agent and Local/3002@agent penalty 0 in Q1 and Local/3003@agent and Local/3004@agent penalty 5 in Q1
16:51.37qakhanLocal/3001@agent and Local/3002@agent penalty 5 in Q2 and Local/3003@agent and Local/3004@agent penalty 0 in Q2
16:51.37qakhannow the requirement is if penalty 0 agents are busy (on the call) don’t send a new call to them and send a new call to penalty 5 agents.
16:51.37qakhanif penalty 5 agents are also busy (on the call) then send a new call to penalty 0 agents even though penalty 0 agents are already on the call (busy).
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17:16.18qakhanI have limited 1 call to an agent at a time. I need to send a new call to agents who are already on the call.
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18:51.59qakhanany thought on my question
19:00.06qakhandoes queue support this ringing strategy? or can we do something about it
19:00.29SamotWell the ring strategy is rrmemory
19:00.33SamotSo yes, it supports that.
19:01.35qakhani am current using rrmemory, but main objective is to send 1 call to each the agent at a time. but if all agents are busy then send new calls to busy agents
19:07.38SamotWell 3001 and 3002 are going to be called first.
19:07.44SamotThen 3003 and 3004
19:07.55SamotThen rinse repeat.
19:19.02qakhanyes thats what is happening rightnow. but if all agents are busy then the send calls to 3001 and 3002 and the 3003 and 3004
19:21.01SamotDoesn't it retry them?
19:29.33qakhan1 requirment is, if 3001 is on the call dont send second to 3001. send it to 3002 and so on.
19:32.12qakhannow all agents are on the call. according to 1st requirment no agent should receive second call. but since all agents are busy (on the call) now start sending second call to in same rrmemory fashion to 3001 then 3002 and so on
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19:51.40[TK]D-Fender<qakhan> any thought on my question <- you didn't even ask one
19:52.13[TK]D-Fenderthink I missed something in there...
19:59.15SamotIt's the same thing he's posted for a day or so.
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