IRC log for #asterisk on 20190605

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06:31.43davidzaghello anyone worked on whatsappcall with chan mobile ?
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14:38.31*** join/#asterisk Accord (~quassel@
14:39.45Accordhey guys, what is it called when a user types on the dialer during call? I know old telco bots used to do this
14:40.31AccordI want to implement something similar
14:49.18SamotYou mean type words?
14:49.28SamotCan you clarify?
14:57.49Accordcan't type words on the dialer, only numbers, # and *
14:58.20AccordI know bots would ask you to pick option 1 , 2, 3 , 4 and when you pressed that number on your dialer it would go to that next menu
14:58.43Accordso how does the bot know I pressed something?
14:59.49*** join/#asterisk _ganapathi_ (~Ganapathi@
15:00.37_ganapathi_how do i disable pjsip module in asterisk 16.
15:06.19[TK]D-Fender_ganapathi_, modules.conf <-
15:06.39SamotWhy would you do that?
15:06.46[TK]D-FenderHowever you should make the transition to it if your intent was to use chan_sip instead...
15:07.31_ganapathi_am using chan_sip. but i dont knw real usage of pjsip. so i dont required. so to gain performance by disabling
15:07.42Accordfigured it out, it's called DTMF
15:08.09seanbrightsomeone could have answered that for you if we understood what you were looking for
15:08.12seanbrightit wasn't super clear
15:08.26_ganapathi_i tried to disable pjsip through modules.conf but it's throws some error as dependency
15:09.14_ganapathi_if i disable pjsip then rtp also disabled. but i required rtp on sip
15:10.07seanbrightdisabling pjsip does not disable rtp
15:10.13seanbrightthey are separate modules is the RTP engine implementation
15:10.39seanbrightwhich does not know or care about chan_pjsip
15:11.15SamotThere are very few reasons to say on Chan_SIP.
15:12.00seanbrightthe main reason people don't want to switch is that it requires learning something new
15:12.35SamotWell for me it's the lack of a full RFC 4235 support.
15:12.46SamotSo there are some I have to leave on Chan_SIP.
15:13.44SamotBecause the lack of RFC4235 makes BLF/Call Pickup a PITA.
15:15.53seanbrightoh, there's an xml schema in this rfc...
15:15.55seanbrighttaps out
15:16.21seanbrightdoes chan_sip support that RFC?
15:17.41seanbrightthat's surprising
15:17.45seanbrightis CCSS a piece of that?
15:19.53seanbrightcall completion supplementary services
15:20.48seanbrightso what doesn't PJSIP support exactly?
15:20.53SamotThe <local></local> and the <remote></remote> sections are missing.
15:20.58SamotThat's from Chan_SIP.
15:21.23SamotSo with PJSIP I can see 100 is getting a call or that 100 is busy
15:21.52SamotBut I can't see who is calling 100 and when I hit the BLF to pick it up, it doesn't have the 100 information for appending to the **
15:22.09SamotSo my phone still wants me to enter the extension to pick up..
15:22.33SamotIn Chan_SIP, I can see who is calling 100 and I can hit the BLF button and 100 gets appended to **
15:23.05seanbrighti can implement it i guess for $15k or so
15:23.10seanbrightlet me know
15:23.16SamotThere is RFC4235 support in PJSIP, it's just not a full implementation.
15:23.33SamotWhich really does mess with BLF/Call Pickup support on numerous phones.
15:25.05SamotThe end result, I have numerous offices still running on Chan_SIP while anyone else who doesn't need that feature/function is on PJSIP.
15:25.26*** join/#asterisk sekil (
15:29.33fileI vaguely recall someone putting a patch on an issue but never putting it up on code review
15:29.48SamotSomeone did and then never followed through as requested.
15:31.52SamotSo that little piece is stopping me from fully moving to PJSIP.
15:32.04seanbrightok, ok... $14.5k
15:32.12seanbrightbut only because we're friends
15:32.46SamotWell I'm kind of hoping it gets added.
15:33.11SamotOtherwise I'm going to have to put something in place to deal with it. I don't want to stay on Chan_SIP much longer.
15:35.15SamotI'm going to guess it's also hampering others from a full migration to PJSIP as well.
15:37.25SamotAnd by that I mean numerous people in the FreePBX forums have complained about it and told by vendors such as Yealink, etc that the issue is with Asterisk lack of RFC support.
15:38.21seanbrighti think we all understand what you are saying
15:38.43SamotSo $14.5K?
15:38.46seanbrightor you could restate it a 5th time with slightly different words
15:38.52SamotI could.
15:39.00seanbrightby all means
15:41.26*** join/#asterisk mmx87 (
15:42.15seanbrightif i can find some free time i might take a whack at it
15:42.24seanbrighti'm sure it is non-trivial which is why it wasn't done in the first place
15:43.11SamotIf I had any real experience in C I'd take a whack at it but I don't.
15:43.34SamotThe XML schema is there with PJSIP, it's just not the full schema.
15:52.41seanbrightright. so the pjsip module is just receiving an event and serializing it into dialog-info
15:52.54seanbrightmy guess is that it just doesn't have access to the remote party's info
15:52.59seanbrightbut i haven't look at it, so that is just a guess
15:53.46SamotI'd try that but like I said, I have zero C knowledge and I don't trust myself to not break anything.
15:54.45seanbrighti mean, have you tried just pasting that code into the module? or you don't feel comfortable with that?
15:56.05SamotThere is that.
15:56.15*** join/#asterisk _ganapathi_ (~Ganapathi@
15:56.18seanbrighti can create a branch and add it for you to test
15:56.22seanbrightwhat version of asterisk?
15:56.29SamotPlus it has the remote as a static 0 for the example. I wouldn't know how to get the remote party details for it.
15:56.48seanbrightah, right
15:56.55_ganapathi_where i can find asterisk.spec file to build rpm
15:56.57SamotThat is really my biggest hold up.
15:57.15SamotIf I knew that I might try to patch a test box with it.
15:59.25seanbrightit looks like you can get the remote uri (the <target> node i guess) but not the identity
15:59.45seanbrightanyway, what version of asterisk are you running?
16:00.11SamotIt's FreePBX based boxes so it's all RPM. That said, 16.3.0
16:04.58seanbrightso that is just with his patch integrated\
16:05.03seanbrightcompiles for me
16:05.59SamotI take it the remote info would be in the state_data obj?
16:06.53seanbrightand that patch just prints the remote dialog uri to the log as an error
16:07.00seanbrightso we can see if it is useful
16:08.02seanbrightoh, and then there is this:
16:08.25seanbrightwhich has a patch (11-dialog-info.patch) that does the heavy lifting
16:08.56SamotI think that maybe what file was referring to.
16:09.34seanbrightso there is a patch there
16:09.39seanbrightyou could test it?
16:13.51SamotI can this weekend.
16:14.04*** join/#asterisk alexandre9099 (~alexandre@unaffiliated/alexandre9099)
16:14.07SamotI'm looking at that patch file right now.
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16:16.34SamotSo this should be fine even though it looks like a patch in 15.2.2?
16:17.12SamotBecause I think this patch might do the trick.
16:25.18seanbrightit's not the cleanest patch
16:25.25seanbrightand it might not apply cleanly to 16
16:26.35seanbrightwget -O - | patch -p1
16:26.42seanbrightthat works for me with a fresh checkout of 16
16:26.44_ganapathi_Error loading module '', missing dependency: res_pjproject
16:27.04seanbright_ganapathi_: then load
16:27.16seanbrightyou don't need the other pjsip modules
16:28.15_ganapathi_then am getting some other error while loading res_pjproject
16:28.21seanbrightwhich is?
16:28.36seanbrighti'm going to guess that you aren't loading res_sorcery_*
16:29.54seanbrightok, so load them. i think there are 4.
16:30.00_ganapathi_need to enable all sorcery module ?
16:30.18seanbrighttechnically no... but yes
16:31.26seanbrightso how does call pickup work when multiple callers are trying to reach a device?
16:31.33_ganapathi_ok thnks. now rtp loaded.
16:31.40seanbrightso A and B are both calling C and on D you want to pickup C
16:32.38_ganapathi_so sorcery necessary on multiple caller calling SIP ?.
16:32.50seanbright_ganapathi_: no, i am talking about something else now
16:35.02Samotseanbright: Sorry was on a call. But it's the same as just doing **D
16:35.35SamotThe phone reads the XML and prepends the callee's extension to the call pick command.
16:35.54seanbrightright, but what if there are multiple incoming calls? do you get multiple soft keys?
16:36.08SamotIt just sends **<extension>
16:36.24SamotSo it will grab the last channel that was presented.
16:36.44SamotI still have to tell the phone what the Call Pickup code is..
16:37.13SamotThe BLF functionality just prepends and sends it as one-touch.
16:37.32seanbrightseems inflexible, but it is what it is
16:37.37seanbrighti guess that situation arises rarely
16:37.48SamotLike I said, it's no different than dialing **100
16:37.55SamotWhat does Asterisk do then?
16:38.07seanbrighti've never used asterisk before
16:38.14seanbrightwhere am i?
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18:28.37*** join/#asterisk _ganapathi_ (~Ganapathi@
18:28.57_ganapathi_res_rtp_asterisk is required for ?
18:29.07seanbrightRTP - alone not enough to handle rtp ?
18:30.03seanbrightchan_sip uses res_rtp_asterisk
18:30.10seanbrightchan_pjsip uses res_rtp_asterisk
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18:32.00seanbrightchan_rtp uses res_rtp_multicast
18:32.33seanbrightchan_rtp is used to send RTP without SIP signaling. it's probably not what you want.
18:52.52*** join/#asterisk _ganapathi_ (~Ganapathi@
18:53.40*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
18:55.27_ganapathi_using websocket .
18:55.49_ganapathi_enabled websocket,http,http post module. but any other module dependent for this ?
19:05.49sawgoodIn the older days of (chan_sip): we could run:  sip show peer 1000 (and) see details about the "phone type" (like say Yealink and see cool thigns like firmware versions)  ... using PJSIP: is there a command like this (I tried) pjsip show endpoint 1000
19:06.14seanbrightpjsip show contact xyz
19:07.52sawgoodnot that one, sir ... but on the same topic:  using pjsip show auth 1000-auth (we can see the secret) which is excellent
19:08.25sawgoodI really dig that ... seeing the secret
19:12.44seanbrightprobably should fix that
19:13.08seanbrightbut if you have CLI access, you probably have access to the credentials anyway
19:15.28Samotsawgood; In PJSIP endpoints have nothing to do with contacts.
19:15.40SamotContacts are an AOR thing.
19:17.57SamotI don't think anything in the cli output shows the user agent though.
19:18.21SamotI know it stores it somewhere as you can pull the UA with dialplan functions.
19:19.52seanbrightdatabase show registrar
19:20.03seanbrightassuming they register and aren't static
19:22.28SamotWell there wouldn't be any UA information for a static.
19:22.30_ganapathi_while connecting
19:32.08_ganapathi_openssl minimum version  for asterisk 16 ?
20:09.23_ganapathi_anybody pls help me on openssl error
20:09.53_ganapathi_using 14  was working fine. after upgraded to 16 not working
20:11.02seanbrightif it's compiling, it has a sufficient version
20:19.34*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
20:25.03alexandre9099hi, does anyone know how a POTS phone works "electrically wise"? I am trying to run a modem as a voice gateway (which i'm getting mild success), but i don't quite understand how POTS/PSTN works
20:25.28alexandre9099for example, if i try to dial a number using DTMF tones nothing happens
20:26.11alexandre9099(this has nothing to do with asterisk though)
20:28.02SamotFirst you have to understand a modem is not an FXS/FXO module.
20:28.13SamotIt's not designed to expect or use voice.
20:29.54alexandre9099but it does work for voice kinda well, sure it's not dedicated for that task, but it works
20:30.14alexandre9099(it get's recognized as a sound card on ALSA)
20:30.37alexandre9099anyhow, what i would like to know is how the phone works "inside the line" when dialing a number
20:31.09alexandre9099maybe i'm not searching right, but i find absolutely nothing about POTS/PSTN insides
20:31.12SamotThat's DTMF.
20:32.01alexandre9099hmm maybe i'm doing something wrong then, is it literally just the DTMF tones when off-hook?
20:32.07SamotDTMF is either sent inband (in the audio payload) or outofband (its own audio payload)
20:32.28seanbrightfor traditional telco (a copper pair) it will always be inband
20:33.10seanbrightthe other side "listens" for the dtmf and acts on them
20:33.17seanbrightthe other side generates dial tone and ringback
20:33.21seanbrightetc, etc.
20:33.27alexandre9099so in theory if i generate DTMF tones on audacity and play them to the line it should work, right?
20:33.49seanbrightgoogle for 'captain crunch whistle'
20:33.55seanbrightenjoy the rabbit hole
20:34.33SamotSpecially since there are numerous FXS/FXO options to achieve what you are trying to do on something not designed for this.
20:34.34alexandre9099what would be the normal audio rate for a POTS line? maybe the rate is not right and so it fails to send the DTMF tones right :)
20:34.40alexandre9099i'll give a look at it
20:35.08SamotThe problem with your questions are that POTS settings are regional.
20:35.17alexandre9099Samot, i would also like to understand how it works, i do not really intend to use this as a "production" device, but more as a learning experience
20:35.30SamotLearning POTS now is a waste of time.
20:35.49SamotAll telecos have been transitioning from it.
20:36.08alexandre9099Samot, i know, but i can be curious on how it works, no? :)
20:36.08SamotIn most cases now the copper is just in the last mile.
20:36.25SamotWhere are you in the world?
20:36.26alexandre9099seanbright, i will give it a try, i was doing with 16k or 9k
20:36.41SamotOK, you have different standards then us.
20:36.44SamotWe're in the US.
20:36.46seanbrightwell, i'm talking north america, so...
20:37.10SamotSo anything we would tell you is not going to be accurate in regards to POTS.
20:37.25alexandre9099i see, anyhow i'll try 8k :)
20:38.19alexandre9099yey, got it through :)
20:38.27alexandre9099it was indeed 8k
20:39.01seanbright9k isn't a thing that i have ever heard of
20:39.22seanbrightmultiples of 8k, yes. 9k, no.
20:39.39alexandre9099no idea, i was trying to use slmodemd (to create an AT interface with the sound card) and it was talking something about the card only supporting 16k and not 9k...
20:41.08alexandre9099btw, this thing i'm doing is kinda stupid and just to prove a point i did with an ISP technician that told me that either i got to pay or i simply couldn't use my landline phone number over voip (i have fiber, so the POTS/PSTN i'm talking about is over voip)
20:41.23_ganapathi_seanbright: any idea about openssl error. moment wss connection creation then am getting this error.
20:41.50seanbright_ganapathi_: i don't. you aren't providing a ton of information other than "it doesn't work"
20:42.38seanbrightif you open a browser and go to https://asterisk-server:port/wss do you see the "Upgrade Required" message?
20:42.48_ganapathi_i have no idea what else need to provide for this error. sorry.. will u pls let me know any other area need to look into
20:42.51seanbrightis loaded?
20:43.02seanbrightis it snowing in space?
20:43.11_ganapathi_500 error
20:43.22seanbrightis loaded?
20:43.23_ganapathi_yes. res_http_websocket loaded
20:43.54seanbrightok, turn on debug output, hit the page again from your web browser, and then pastebin the debug output
20:44.05seanbrightcore set debug 10
20:44.37seanbrightassuming you have debug output going to a file (like 'full'). you'll have to confirm that in logger.conf
20:46.28_ganapathi_asterisk/message /
20:47.06seanbrightwhat is at the beginning of that line?
20:47.09seanbrightfull =>
20:48.28seanbrighti have to leave in 12 minutes so let's get moving
20:52.55seanbrightyour certificate, is it self-signed or legit?
20:53.43seanbrightopenssl's error message are garbage, obviously
20:56.04seanbrightyeah, i dunno
20:57.27seanbrightwhat's weird is that even after that error it looks like the WS is still opened\
20:57.37seanbrightres_http_websocket.c: WebSocket connection from '' for protocol 'sip' accepted using version '13'
21:00.07seanbrightanyway. i have to leave. hopefully 1 of the other 200 people in here wake up.
21:00.45_ganapathi_ha ha.
21:00.57_ganapathi_am awake only for this.
21:09.07*** part/#asterisk _ganapathi_ (~Ganapathi@
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21:26.35rgpxhi - so I've been searching a ton about bad UDP checksums in tcpdump output, a few will be checksum OK, then ill see a bad one etc.  Generally, is this a kernel-level setting people running asterisk in production use?  Or rather it's indicative of another problem?
21:27.11rgpx(kernel level setting meaning does anyone disable checksums via ethtool or another method)
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23:00.40Sladeanyone here have an opinion on a solid conferencing/bridge line for meetings? nothing self hosted or anything, some 'cloud' offering
23:01.43Sladei know amazons got something. i'm assuming microsoft too
23:02.50SamotWhat do you need?
23:03.07SamotIf you have Asterisk and just need basic conf calls, that covers it.
23:03.31Sladeyea dont have asterisk setup yet. I guess i could spin it up quickly. wanted to see whats out there tho
23:03.45SamotGoToMeeting and others like it.
23:03.46SladeI do just need very basic calls tho
23:04.10Sladeyea theres gotomeeting, amazon, ciscos thing..
23:06.35Sladei've seen a few that'll call participants to get them to join, seems handy
23:17.42Slade   probably doesnt stand up quickly
23:30.30*** join/#asterisk sarlalian (~sarlalian@

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