IRC log for #asterisk on 20190516

00:00.26*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (~paulgrmn@
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07:36.23*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2600:8802:1500:5f5:84e6:cc01:5888:9ee3)
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08:25.40*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:31.42*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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11:56.31*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
12:01.54*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
12:50.47Apocryphalasdf  Is there any way to make asterisk always execute a pre-dial macro (Dial b-flag), so I don't need to specify it in ever call I do to Dial?
13:00.33sibiriado it in the dial plan, maybe, if you don't want to specify a pre-dial handler in the Dial() call itself
13:02.07sibiriaie. you'd it directly before the Dial instead of having the context elsewhere
13:02.17sibirianot that it'd make much difference
13:02.24ApocryphalI need it to set PJSIP headers on outgoing calls
13:02.32ApocryphalLike for ever single call we need to set these headers
13:02.43ApocryphalI've just got Dial called sooo many places
13:02.59*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:03.12sibiriayou don't use call files, i suppose
13:06.03ApocryphalNo Fast AGI mostly really
13:06.35ApocryphalSwitching from chan_sip to pjsip, and the Add Headers stuff in PJSIP requires a pre-dial macro
13:06.47ApocryphalIn chan_sip the headers would just propagate to all outgoing calls
13:06.57ApocryphalAh well, pre-dial macros are my life now I guess haha
13:08.14ApocryphalWould just have been convenient if I could configure a default macro that'll always be executed somewhere
13:10.47sibiriaunless you have a common entry point, i suppose not
13:10.58ApocryphalWell I do have a common entry point
13:11.04ApocryphalAll calls enter in the same context in my dial plan
13:11.23sibiriaand it doesn't work calling SIPAddHeader from there?
13:11.30ApocryphalDoes for chan_sip
13:11.38ApocryphalBut for chan_pjsip you must set outgoing headers in a predial macro
13:11.52ApocryphalThe documentation is also quite clear on that
13:12.02sibiriai've missed this difference. thanks for elaborating
13:12.26ApocryphalI wish it just propagated - would have made my life easy right about now
13:29.43*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~michael@gateway/tor-sasl/k0hax)
14:08.29Samotsibiria: You have to call b() now for PJSIP to set headers on the called channels.
14:08.51SamotIt's not a pre-dial macro, it's a GoSub. There are differences.
14:09.13SamotOne being Macro() is deprecated and being removed in the future.
14:09.34ApocryphalI've made this monstrosity where I set a bunch of __out_head_0=X-Header:Value, __out_head_1=X-Other:value, and then loop through those in the b-script
14:10.22ApocryphalWorks like a charm
14:11.37ApocryphalThough doing loops and string manipulation in dial plan code might be a health and safety hazard :D
14:14.50SamotNot really
14:15.00SamotAnd how are you looping this?
14:25.04ApocryphalLike so
14:25.17ApocryphalNothing wrong with it, i'll just never learn to love the syntax is all
14:25.59*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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14:29.18*** join/#asterisk war9407 (war@2600:4040:4001:1e00::f7aa)
14:35.39SamotYou could just HASH it.
14:38.12ApocryphalHash it?
14:39.27SamotHASH and HASHKEYS
14:39.35ApocryphalI didn't know about those
14:39.36SamotSo you can create an associative array
14:39.40ApocryphalYeah that's a way better solution
14:39.44SamotAvoid doing the CUTs
14:39.57SamotStill need your while loop but it will be a key pair.
14:40.06ApocryphalYeah it would be much prettier
14:40.24SamotThe you can create a gosub to add headers as needed to the HASH
14:40.52ApocryphalWill this hash array be visible to the new channels though?
14:41.03SamotIf you set it to be.
14:42.19ApocryphalHow would I do that? prefixing it with two underscores or some such thing like with ordinary variables?
14:42.41ApocryphalAh, found some documentation here I think
14:43.18ApocryphalSet(HASH(__headers, X-Header)=Value) i guess
14:43.57SamotWell you are calling on them from the master channel.
14:44.21SamotSo it doesn't matter as the b() gosub will put them on the new channels.
14:44.31SamotNot inherit them.
14:44.53ApocryphalHm? Calling what on the master channel?
14:45.06SamotThe channel the call is on..
14:45.13SamotThe one that is going to trigger the Dial()
14:45.27ApocryphalI'd set the HASH on the master channel, and the gosub would read the HASH in the gosub on the newly created channel
14:45.38ApocryphalSo the hash needs to be inherited into the new channels
14:45.46SamotYou're not listening.
14:46.00SamotYou call from your device, it hits Asterisk that is Channel A
14:46.07SamotYour hash will be on Channel A
14:46.20SamotChannel A is going to call a Dial() with the b() option in it..
14:46.37SamotIt will then set those headers on the new channels being created..
14:46.43SamotBecause that is what b() does.
14:46.54SamotIt runs a GoSub on the newly created channels.
14:48.01ApocryphalCorrect, but variables set on channel A are not inherited into the new channels by default, and the documentation is just unclear on how to do that with HASH
14:48.10ApocryphalI know how to do it with ordinary variables (prefix with two __)
14:48.29Samotexten => s,n,Set(HASH(_SIPHEADERS,${ARG1})=${ARG2})
14:48.32SamotThat's all you need
14:48.46ApocryphalExcellent, I was looking for where to set the _
14:49.05ApocryphalAnd I'll need two, because I'm calling into a Local channel, that then calls Dial
14:49.21ApocryphalSo there will be more than one channel between Channel A and the one doing the actual dial
14:49.39SamotOK then do __
14:49.44ApocryphalThanks :D
14:49.50ApocryphalIt's much prettier like this
14:49.52Samot_ = Child , __ = Child of Child
14:50.10Apocryphal__ inherits indefinitely, but yes
14:56.05*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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15:50.47*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-jsockpypdfgjuhof)
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15:51.06*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
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17:39.03Sladeheh. i just had to renew my business insurances..  i was asked the question    "Do you manufacture firearms, distribute pornography, or operate a voice over ip service"
17:42.54SamotWell when your voice service could result in someone's permanent injury or death the insurance company needs to know  to cover it.
17:43.43Sladepornography can result in permanant injury or death?
17:43.56Sladei guess i'm curious why those 3 things got lumped into a single question..
17:43.58SamotNo but it can get you sued for selling to underage.
17:44.04SamotOr in legal trouble.
17:45.27Sladeyea. they asked lots of questions separately..  "Do you perform automotive maintenance" "Do you create textiles"
17:45.31SamotThere have been a lot of porno laws passed recently.
17:46.51Sladeanyhow. i thought it was amusing question
17:46.54SamotFL got in shit because shortly after Stoney Ridge their priority law they passed was declaring porno harmful to kids and the welfare of people.
18:23.23*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
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18:30.19*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
18:37.02*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
19:19.42*** join/#asterisk Downlots (
19:21.19*** join/#asterisk Downlots_ (~Downlots@2a02:85f:510:600:4d1b:3970:d862:73f2)
20:23.10war9407when someone hangs up and does not leave a voice mail, I get a 20-25s wav of the dial-tone, how do I go about fixing this?
20:23.15war9407I'm using a Cisco SPA3102
20:25.59jplohthis seems to be an issue with the ATA itself. hangup signal is not being detected. i have the same problem but haven't had time to play around with ATAs again. try changing your region/country settings.
21:13.24*** join/#asterisk juvenal (Elite21271@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-ngrbwmgnrudnhewe)
21:41.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:00.34degenerateanyone know of a good service for phone number lookups? i need an API that tells me if a phone number is a VOIP number or a real landline or cell number, like what craigslist does for their phone verification.
22:00.54degeneratetwillio claims to have it:
22:01.07degeneratebut 10 tests have all been false positives. so pretty bad quality of data.
22:01.24degeneratemaybe tis because i'm testing with canadian phone numbers
22:03.37degenerateSamot: yup to me?
22:03.46SamotYeah, did you read their docs?
22:03.54SamotSo they support looks up for non-US DIDs?
22:05.21degenerateAfter May 10th, 2018, carrier data for Canadian phone numbers will no longer be provided by default via either the Lookups API or the Twilio Console. The following attributes will now return null, rather than the actual data:
22:07.08*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
22:11.56degenerategod damn.
22:12.08degeneratetwillio says its because the CLNPC has rained down with terror
22:12.14degenerateand wants $1800/year fee
23:47.24*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (~paulgrmn@

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