IRC log for #asterisk on 20190504

00:42.03*** join/#asterisk troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:8981:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
00:50.00*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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02:17.53*** join/#asterisk ShellyRoll (
02:18.27ShellyRollIs anyone here familiar with the TALK_DETECT app? How can I use it effectively in a dialplan? I'd like to know what variables it sets
02:19.09ShellyRollI'm looking for replace WaitForSilence with it. Is this possible?
02:43.57*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
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04:39.01Reinhilde/ 12
04:39.37ShellyRollDisregard my last question. Samot at #freepbx infromed me that Talk_Detect is more like WaitForNoise than WaitForSilence.
04:40.30SamotNo I did not.
04:41.06SamotI never once uttered WaitForNoise or made the comparison.
04:42.24ShellyRollMy apologies for misunderstanding you
04:43.02SamotBut now that you have mentioned WaitForNoise, because I wasn't thinking it, _that_ is more the opposite of WaitForSilence. Because you specify how long, how many times and a timeout to wait for noise.
04:43.13SamotTALK_DETECT will detect either silence or talking..
04:43.32SamotNot over a period of time or iterations. Just once.
04:46.29ShellyRollI see, it seems to me like it's like WaitForNoise but without a timeout or iterations
04:47.44ShellyRollEither way, it doesn't seem like it will suit my needs. Thanks for your time.
05:07.51*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
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06:47.47*** join/#asterisk mindthelion (
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06:56.19*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
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07:02.51*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
07:16.12*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
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07:47.55gustoyesterday I found the solution, it was the domains
07:47.59gustoagain ! LOL!
07:48.15gustohe tried to call extension on IP address and got forbidden by asterisk
07:48.34gustoafter I put in domain name FQDN he took the right domain and asterisk was letting the call trough
07:48.45gustoso! everything works now
09:20.59*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a01:c844:2400:fe02:783f:239c:6562:1db9)
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11:48.45*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
11:52.27*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (maliutamat@gateway/shell/
12:14.34*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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13:50.48*** join/#asterisk pyro25 (4c44a4b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:52.04pyro25good morning everyone
13:53.01pyro25I'm building a setup with kamailio-asterisk. So far my peers are good, except when I add kamailio in the mix, invites get sent with no username
13:53.45pyro25so it goes something like Dial(PJSIP/5000) => Invite A.B.C.D [instead of 5000@A.B.C.D or something]
13:54.07pyro25I'm currently looking at my pjsip table, I guess I can find something about that there
14:44.31*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
14:51.47Samotpyro25: You have debugs for this?
15:02.06*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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15:08.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
15:23.00*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
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17:49.22SladeDamn my HDMI cables might not be antiviral
17:50.19*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
17:58.00sibiriathe only thing worse than a virus is a noisy virus that create transmission noise on the video output
18:34.22*** join/#asterisk repasp87 (4f7a35c8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:35.18repasp87is it possible to make asterisk to log every event (for example playback event, goto event) into a pgsql db?
18:38.21sibiriayou can probably hack that together with an AMI listener
18:38.52sibiriabut whether asterisk can or cannot do it on its own, using an RDBMS as a log medium is a terrible idea
18:40.59repasp87One application => one line in DB, with about a 50 of app for a call and 200-300 call / day, i think it's a quite easy task for a PGSQL
18:41.17sibiriayes it's not a performance or storage concern
18:41.26sibiriait's just a bad engineering choice, simply
18:41.37repasp87it's a manager order
18:42.13sibiria<tech-illiterate project manager> guise can we use "blockchain" for this? i think that would be good
18:47.59repasp87maybe there is a better way than parsing the full log
18:54.52filewhatever you do, don't do it in Asterisk
19:04.13sibiriarepasp87: i would personally not have a problem with parsing the full log
19:04.36sibiriai would prefer that method over an application listening in over AMI
19:04.59sibiriathe log format is after all somewhat regular
19:12.34SamotWell the full log already does this.
19:30.26*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
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20:05.13*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a01:c844:2400:fe02:783f:239c:6562:1db9)
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20:55.16*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
21:24.47*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
21:32.23*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
21:37.13*** join/#asterisk yoink (~yoink@unaffiliated/yoink)
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21:58.01*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
22:10.09*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
22:12.50*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
22:25.13*** join/#asterisk yoink (~yoink@unaffiliated/yoink)
23:06.41*** join/#asterisk yoink (~yoink@unaffiliated/yoink)

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