IRC log for #asterisk on 20190503

00:00.09Sladerolling my own can come only if there is some volume of scale for me to make a profit
00:00.12SamotOr you can do resale in some form. Either with you inbetween (you bill them, etc) or you just are a partner.
00:00.21SamotGet a commission and let them do everything else.
00:00.26Sladeany recommended people for me to look at?
00:00.39SamotReally it depends on where you are at.
00:00.45Sladei'd prefer to put it all on one, instead of that
00:00.47Sladedallas texas
00:00.49SamotThere are national players and local players.
00:01.39SamotComcast, ATT, CenturyLink, etc. etc. etc. they all have options.
00:02.41Sladeah, i didnt even look at any of these big boys
00:03.10Sladethey don't put prices on their pages it seems
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00:50.29SamotNo. They generally dont.
00:55.27Sladetypical price seems about $20 per user/extension
01:25.01SamotYup. That is standard.
01:25.27SamotBut that generally includes the DID and unlimited calling.
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03:03.24Reinhildeso have you ever heard of [May  3 03:01:59] NOTICE[7134][C-0000001a]: chan_iax2.c:8389 authenticate: No way to send secret to peer  <ip redacted> (their methods: 4)
03:28.25SladeSamot, cheaper at any kind of scale just to run your own eh.. course then i'm taking on the pain
03:28.40SamotI didn't say that.
03:29.08SamotPart of the reason people are moving to hosted is to actually save costs.
03:30.22Sladewell what i meant is its cheaper just to grab a $10 machine from vultr and hook in flowroute.
03:30.46SamotIt doesn't matter if the PBX is on-premises or in the cloud. Someone has to admin it.
03:30.58SamotSomeone has to support it. Keep it secure, updated, running, backed up.
03:31.41SamotSo at the end of the day, having Bob on the payroll as the PBX admin and you really don't need him that much....
03:32.06Sladecant just load it and forget it eh :P
03:32.37SamotBut I have contracts with other MSPs and PBX sellers....
03:33.15SamotAs the back up guy.
03:33.25SamotBecause their main guy is a flake.
03:34.20SamotOr they, themselves, have limited abilities.
03:34.31SamotAnd pay me a lot of money just to answer the phone when they need me.
03:35.55SamotI'm not sure what you do at the school for your day job but while your idea is nice and a good could hurt the people you're trying to help inadvertently.
03:37.37SamotExample: I'm one of your grads that you provide services for. I have a very important call that can make or break my new business. The PBX is derped, you're too busy with your day job to look at it in a timely fashion. I'm screwed.
03:38.32SamotThere are markets I am in where my prices are on par with the LECs/Teleco's.
03:38.42Sladewhat do you mean
03:39.16SamotYou noticed how the average price was $20-$25 per user..
03:39.21SamotCould get over $30 depending..
03:39.38SamotI come in and quote them $10 less per user...I'm never considered.
03:40.13SamotOr even worse, lower.
03:40.48Samot1) If I'm that much less than every other big player in the market, why?
03:41.29SamotThat's basically the biggest thing.
03:41.44Sladei'm familiar with that yes
03:42.16SamotSo in those markets, where those are who I have to go up against, I am on par.
03:42.51SamotBut then again, I don't sell a PBX. I sell a voice service that has PBX features + more.
03:44.18Sladeyour own build up?
03:44.44SamotYes. Designed a product, built the product.
03:46.11SamotI have a 100% hosted service for Hotels, with PMS integration launching this summer as a new feature.
03:46.48SamotI have a hybrid solution for hotels that have certain rules about their PBX.
03:47.14Sladesounds fancy
03:50.54Sladewell specialized
03:50.57SamotJust practical. I have a big hotel market in the SW.
03:51.06SamotOh that's just a part of it.
03:51.10SamotI have SIP Trunks
03:51.20SamotSOHO, Office...
03:52.36SamotI have hotels and offices where I am their everything.
03:52.51SamotExcept for their ISP.
03:53.02SamotBut even then, I got a guy for that.
03:53.45SamotFrom the core edge router inward, all me.
03:53.54SamotNetwork, wifi, user support..
03:55.33Reinhildei simply cgan't anymore
03:58.26SladeSamot, your own company?
03:58.55SamotIn a sense. I am my own company as I am contracted.
03:59.25SamotBut in this particular market, I have actual stake in the company there.
04:00.30SamotSo not my company because I'm not the majority holder.
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04:17.26SamotSlade: A suggestion for your project, is maybe start of small with it. Spin up a box at Vultr, go with Flowroute but do more of a road warrior/Google Voice style service to start with.
04:18.34SladeSamot, i'm going to spin it up for my other business and hopefully just forward it to my cell
04:18.35SamotYou can use FollowMe or another method but the idea would be just to forward the calls for now to a cell phone and let them snap back to a voicemail if they don't accept or answer the call.
04:18.53Sladeyup. thats generally what i want anyhow :)
04:19.07SamotExactly. Because some of these guys may just want to use the cell phones but not have a public number.
04:19.14Samoter their number public.
04:20.14Sladethen i can cut in a receptionist there at some point
04:20.37SamotSure can.
04:20.49SamotThough I'd probably start with an IVR.
04:21.02SamotBecause the receptionist will require someone to be available all day long.
04:21.15SamotAnd there's no guarantee of how many calls they would actually field.
04:22.45SamotPlus, as we talked about before, setting up a receptionist can be done but it's going to be a job.
04:23.03SamotMaking sure they know what call is for what company, etc. How to answer, all that.
04:24.02Sladeivr isnt useful really in this situation. its mostly just appointment taking. something a website is best at.  and yea. theres some options there
04:24.12Sladecourse there are services that already do this, ruby receptionists, etc
04:24.29SamotRight, one that doesn't require you to pay a person to sit around on Facebook all day
04:24.33SamotBecause there was 3 calls.
04:25.23SamotI think there is one call or something like that...
04:25.56SamotI got an MSP that has a SPA that uses that for their appointments and such.
04:26.28SamotAnd they're almost close to what you are looking to do as the receptionist is usually the only office person in the office.
04:26.53SamotAll the others have softphones or forwarding to their cells.
04:31.07Sladeah, i am familiar with didnt know they did phone
04:33.32SamotThey don't. I was just saying that as an option for the appointments
04:33.39SamotAs you said a website is best for that..
04:38.06Sladeoh yea. thats true, but not everyone wants to use website
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08:44.34jkroonI just had one of those totally wack ideas that normally lands me in trouble.  Dealing with Call Centres, there is an obvious tendency to use headsets.  We've experienced that a lot of "voice trouble" is actually headset related.  Does anybody know of (or have some ideas around) a way to monitor the quality of the headset based purely on the audio stream coming from that headset?  (in other words, if we use Monitor to capture the audio coming from the
08:47.52bhuddahjkroon: why not just monitor MOS on the internal call leg?
08:48.15jkroonbhuddah, because that's scoring max value due to no jitter or packet loss.
08:48.32jkroonthe audio being encoded is already low.
08:49.30bhuddahi see.
08:50.13bhuddahwithout a signal to compare it to it would be pretty hard.
08:50.36bhuddahyou could screen for crackling or cut out samples and so on.
08:51.01jkroonie, FIR the filter and look for certain frequencies that should not form part of normal voice comms?
08:51.02bhuddahbut it would be a lot simpler to regularly test the headsets in a test setup i guess.
08:51.41bhuddahi don't think you'd ever see strange frequencies. most of the problems are probably loose connections
08:53.08jkroonthat makes sense.  ok.  i'll just let that idea slide for now.  got enough other work ongoing, thanks for the chat.
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13:26.07ozgurhello all
13:26.10ozgurI want to help
13:26.45ozgurI want to run curl function when it comes to every call.
13:28.06ozgurmy command: exten => 101,n,Set(CURL_RESULT=${CURL(http://localhost/cgi/WebCGI?account=test&password=test&port=2&destination=05323878454&content=${CALLERID(num)})})
13:28.27ozgurthis functions send call number to me sms.
13:28.36ozgurmy extension is 101
13:28.56ozgurwhere should i add this exten?
13:29.45filedialplan is something that is written by you, or the deployer, or a GUI ... so there is no answer to that without understanding the dialplan or what is going on
13:32.29ozgurhmm so circumstances I added to /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf
13:32.37ozgurand it works.
13:32.44fileare you using FreePBX?
13:32.51ozguryep I use freepbx
13:33.13filethen such questions are likely better asked in #freepbx next time, as FreePBX is what constructs the dialplan and has spots for adding your own
13:33.19ozgurexten => _X.,1,Set(CURL_RESULT=${CURL(http://localhost/cgi/WebCGI?account=test&password=test&port=2&destination=05323878454&content=${CALLERID(num)})})
13:33.25ozgurthis line is work
13:33.37ozgurbut what is _X. ?
13:33.49sibiriain this case it means "any extension" (any number)
13:34.04ozgursibiria, thank you but
13:34.11ozgurI want to spesific number :)
13:34.16sibiriatry  101,1,...
13:34.17ozgur1001 1002 1003?
13:34.19sibirianot 101,n
13:34.32sibiriai'm uncertain if you can use 'n' prio as first step
13:34.37fileyou can't
13:34.46ozguris correct?
13:34.52sibiriayes but 101
13:35.16ozgurwait I test notw :)
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13:38.42ozgursibiria, why not work on the n?
13:38.50ozgurI dont understand what is mean of "n"?
13:39.04sibiriait's the "next" priority
13:39.11sibiriaif increments on the previous priority
13:39.22sibiriawhich you don't have
13:39.36ozgurokay I understand my friend thank you
13:39.43ozgurI'm try now :)
13:39.50ozgurfile, thanks my friend
13:39.55sibiriainstead of writing 101,1 ,2 ,3 etc., you can do 101,1 ,n ,n ,n
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13:59.10ozgursibiria, I want to problem
13:59.31ozgurfor example I have to IVR system
13:59.54ozgurfirstly call come to yeastar yeastar send to IVR IVR send to Extensions
14:00.07ozgurextensions: 1001 - 1002 - 1003 - 1004
14:03.31ozgurexten => _X.,1,Set(CURL_RESULT=${CURL(http://localhost/cgi/WebCGI?1500101=account=test&password=test&port=2&destination=5323815547&content=${CALLERID(num)})})
14:03.35ozguris worked
14:03.57ozgurthis problem this exten send to caller number only number
14:04.14ozgurI want for example 1001 send to different number 1002 different number
14:04.17ozgurI add
14:04.35ozgurexten => 1001,1,Set exten => 1002,1,Set and exten => 1003,1,Set
14:04.39ozgurand not work not send sms
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16:08.45sibiriaozgur: not sure i understand
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16:10.43[TK]D-Fendersibiria, Solved in #freepbx
16:11.04ozgursibiria, thanks my friend I solve this problem
16:11.10ozgurthanks for all help
16:11.11sibiriaglad to hear it
16:11.57ozgurfirsting we have found the correct exten id then I found that the extra number was added when sending sms number :)
16:12.08ozgur[TK]D-Fender help me and find exten id
16:12.11ozgurnot is 1001
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21:24.00gustoI seem to have a serious problem with my asterisk config, I have a peer and I want it to be able to call an extension and it gets forbidden
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