IRC log for #asterisk on 20190502

00:08.49*** join/#asterisk yuljk (~yuljk@unaffiliated/yuljk)
00:49.50ReinhildeIf I have a non-registering peer in Realtime, it doesn't always pick up that it's that peer and so sends things to the wrong context
00:52.22ReinhildeIs this to be expected?
00:55.18Reinhildeand what would cause `sip reload` to take 10 minutes?
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02:41.24Reinhildeam i the only person in this channel who actually likes talking to people on the phone
03:24.12*** join/#asterisk [red]_ (sid221222@gateway/web/
04:11.54Sladehuh, amazons phone services are reasonably priced
04:12.00Sladei wonder if theres some catches
04:21.22SamotWell it's Amazon. So that should give you a clue.
04:26.37SamotSlade: Are you referring to Amazon Connect?
05:06.47*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
05:33.13ReinhildeSlade: it's amazon
05:33.19Reinhildethat's a pretty big catch
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08:53.27bengoaHello guys! Could someone please give me some advice on Asterisk servers behind NAT? I'm running some servers behind a NAT and, in some circumstances, I'm having no audio on both ways. I can see the flows on iptables/conntrack's expect table, but not on the conntrack table itself. This problem only happens when I dial to a second party not Answering the call on Asterisk (letting the B party do that). I guess I'm missing something...
09:58.10*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
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13:27.29SladeSamot, chime i was thinking. sorry i fell asleep
13:27.39Sladeamazon chime
13:30.45SamotSo the web conferencing.
13:32.34SamotA little different from phone service.
13:33.45*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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14:50.21Sladeoh it had phone service built in too. is that a different product?
14:54.46SamotChime is a conferencing solution.
14:54.52SamotConnect is a call center solution.
14:55.05Sladewhats the pstn connection solution?
14:55.12SamotThere is none.
14:55.18SamotConnect = Amazon's Skype
14:55.24SamotChine = GoToMeeting
14:55.29SamotChime = GoToMeeting
14:55.57Sladesns =  text messaging?
14:56.03Slade+ other things
14:58.16SamotSure if you're looking for outbound SMS.
14:58.22SamotAmazon is a toolkit.
14:59.15Sladethey have inbound sms pricing too..
14:59.42SamotOK. So what are you looking for exactly?
15:01.15Sladeoh, nothing, just learning about them. i just stumbled upon chime/connect/sns and didnt know how deep they were into this
15:01.24*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (
15:01.35Sladei didnt realize they didnt offer regular voice services tho
15:01.47SamotNo. They don't.
15:01.56SamotAgain, they are an applications toolkit
15:02.01Sladei thought people in here would have better insight to them than me reading their stuff :)
15:02.01SamotNot a Teleco.
15:02.10drmessanoAmazon SNS isn't an "SMS Service" .. It's a PubSub service that has SMS as one of it's notification options
15:02.13*** join/#asterisk narziss (~philt@unaffiliated/narziss)
15:02.28SamotWell the general take is AWS is not the best platform for VoIP.
15:02.38Sladeyea i'm noticing
15:02.47SamotWell outside of it being very high cost
15:03.05SamotThey tend to oversell their shit.
15:03.17Sladeyea i hate their virtual machines
15:04.20narzissSo what're you thinking, colo'd?
15:04.27narzissOr specialized VOIP providers?
15:04.33Slademe? i use vultr. tho i'm considering digitalocean
15:05.04drmessanoWhy move from Vultr to DO?
15:05.20narzissno idea what those are but ill look them up in a few minutes.
15:05.49narzissIve been assigned installing asterisk 16 + freepbx 15 on an Azure VM so I'll be around this chan and #freepbx
15:06.14SamotFreePBX 15 is not stable.
15:06.16SamotIt's beta.
15:06.19SamotThis for testing?
15:06.29drmessano11:04:34 <Slade> me? i use vultr. tho i'm considering digitalocean <-- Why?
15:07.03SladeSamot, why considering the move?  I'm not getting good info on PCI and HIPAA with vultr
15:07.24SamotWhat PCI/HIPAA info?
15:07.27SamotIt's not their job.
15:07.34Sladeits absolutely the datacenters job
15:07.43*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
15:07.46SamotTo make your stuff PCI compliant?
15:07.53Sladeno, to make the datacenter compliant
15:08.09Sladeindividual components still have to be compliant,  but they need to be in a compliant datacenter
15:09.03Sladephysical access is a component of data security
15:09.08Slade   <-- PCI-DSS in lots of the digital ocean datacenters
15:09.40drmessanoVultr is PCI-DSS Compliant
15:10.36drmessanoHowever, that's irrelevant
15:10.37SamotIt's not transferrable to the user.
15:10.55drmessanoYour HIPAA and PCI certification is on YOUY
15:10.57drmessanoYour HIPAA and PCI certification is on YOU
15:11.26SamotIt's your responsibility to handle your data "at rest" and "in transit"
15:11.55SamotThe DC could have all the protection in the world but if you transfer data non-securely that's not their issue.
15:11.57drmessanoHIPAA AND PCI compliance in the cloud are on you, not the provider
15:11.57SamotThat's yours
15:12.55drmessanoIf you don't understand why this is the case, then you're asking for the wrong reasons
15:14.01drmessanoThis is like asking Western Digital if they maintain PCI certification before buying one of their hard drives
15:14.07SamotDO and Vultr have those for themselves because they transfer data
15:14.13SamotBetween their nodes and DCs.
15:14.59drmessanoVultr and DO can't bless your instances with compliance like a Digital Pope
15:15.56narzissSamot: yeah for testing by my boss. though I wouldnt be surprised if he ignored the part about it not being stable.
15:16.23Samotnarziss: It's not production ready. You really need to stress that
15:16.44narzissthat should be fine for now.
15:16.55narzissjsut a test machine so far.
15:17.05SamotRight and that's fine.
15:17.16SamotTesting it is fine that is what a beta release is for.
15:17.20SamotBut that is really it.
15:19.13drmessanoIt's sad that this has to be explained, tbh.  You're gonna blindly proclaim a VPS provider isn't such-and-such compliant when YOU are solely responsible for the storage and transit of the data on your instances.
15:19.25*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-dpvxzqyhxgegzlal)
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15:22.05SamotAlso, with someone like Vultr or DO it's probably even more secure.
15:22.16SamotBecause they don't have rando's coming in and out of those buildings.
15:23.15SamotPart of the DC's side of it is to make sure I just can't walk in and have free accesss
15:24.12drmessanoEven Amazon says "It's on you to store and transmit securely.. "
15:26.00drmessanoOh and
15:26.11drmessanoCustomers must manage their own PCI DSS compliance certification, and additional testing will be required to verify that your environment satisfies all PCS DSS requirements.
15:26.29drmessanoThey also say PCI Compliance is ON YOU
15:26.58drmessanoSo bagging Vultr or anyone else for not having compliance info is misdirected and misinforned
15:29.04SamotPlus outside of all of that, moving from Vultr to DO is kind of a lateral move.
15:40.17SamotIf you're that concerned about PCI/HIPPA compliance's there are firms for that.
15:40.44SamotI had no issue hiring a firm to make sure I had all the right FCC/federal/state/local taxes
15:40.59SamotWhat fell under what and what wasn't subject to those.
15:41.46*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
15:48.16drmessanoRight and if you think being able to brag about HIPAA and PCI to customers is as simple as finding a provider with a certification, you're wrong.
15:49.35drmessanoThat's like asking the provider if they have a business license and then assuming it passes through to you for purposes of being a legal entity
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18:25.32qakhanHi all. i have freshed installed * 13.24 when i run asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvv it diconnects in few seconds. when i try to connect again it gives following message
18:25.32qakhanUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
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18:26.02qakhanafter this message it i can connect to * but it disconnect again
18:27.59SamotDid you answer the question?
18:28.14*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
18:32.35*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
18:33.45qakhanSamot are yo asking me?
18:34.10Samot(does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
18:34.48qakhanit exists
18:35.02SamotAnd it is running as the proper user for asterisk?
18:37.17Samotls -l /var/run/asterisk
18:37.19SamotShow the output
18:42.29qakhansrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 May  2 14:42 asterisk.ctl
18:45.09SamotSo you're running Asterisk as root?
18:45.22qakhanyes it is test server
18:45.35SamotOK so why isn't it setup properly?
18:45.48SamotRunning Asterisk as root is a bad call.
18:46.16[TK]D-Fender<qakhan> Hi all. i have freshed installed * 13.24 when i run asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvv it diconnects in few seconds. when i try to connect again it gives following message
18:46.37[TK]D-FenderWhere do you see that * is even running?
18:46.55[TK]D-FenderFor all we know those files are just lingering there....
18:47.26qakhan[TK]D-Fender it connects to CLI
18:47.43qakhanbut in few seconds it disconnects a
18:47.49[TK]D-FenderAnd then dies shorly after?
18:48.19[TK]D-Fenderthen stop the daemon and run it manually and just sit there and wait for it to die live on oy
18:48.41qakhanSamot i ll setup it later but fisrt i need to make it working
18:52.38SamotPart of making it working is to setup right
18:52.47SamotWhat's the point of doing all this to make it work and then change it?
18:53.56qakhanyou are right. i ll do it. but lets first fix the issue.
18:56.37Samotls -l /etc/asterisk
18:56.44Samotpastebin the output.
18:59.22qakhan[TK]D-Fender when i run asterisk -c it gives     asterisk: symbol lookup error: asterisk: undefined symbol: json_vsprintf
18:59.50[TK]D-FenderYou should have more on the startup parameter list than just that...
19:00.09qakhanSamot here
19:02.19[TK]D-Fenderasterisk -gvvvvvvvvc
19:05.19qakhan[TK]D-Fender here
19:06.35[TK]D-Fenderhow long until it kicks you?
19:07.47filethat would happen if Asterisk was built against one version of libjansson, but is run against another
19:08.50Samotasterisk: symbol lookup error: asterisk: undefined symbol: json_vsprintf
19:09.41SamotThe claim is this is a fresh install.
19:10.00SamotSo it should have been compiled with the right version and run against that version.
19:11.04*** join/#asterisk adnidor (
19:11.47qakhanwhat is the right version of jansson with * 13.24
19:12.37fileit'll build and work against any reasonable version, just the older versions don't have all the functionality so it wraps things in those cases
19:12.53filethe lack of a json_vsprintf symbol means that when building Asterisk it thought there was a version of libjansson with that functionality
19:12.56filebut when run, it wasn't there
19:13.24filecould also happen if multiple versions of libjansson installed
19:14.09fileyou can also pass --with-jansson-bundled to configure, and then it'll use the bundled one in Asterisk
19:20.06qakhanok i am doing it
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23:25.01SladeSamot, i still feel like flowroute might be the best pureplay voip around
23:27.32SamotFor just SIP peers? Probably
23:28.32Sladethere doesnt seem to be many reasonably priced full pbx systems around that arent complete garbage
23:30.20*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
23:30.32SamotYou mean actual PBX systems?
23:30.56Sladeyea. phone system in a cloud
23:31.33SamotAnd who have you looked at?
23:32.15Sladehmm. i'd have to go through my history.. its been a bunch.  flowroute you just host a vultr and make your own seems to be the cleanest solution typically
23:32.31Slademaybe my google fu sucks and i'm only finding bad ones :)
23:32.55SamotI guess it depends on what you are actually looking for.
23:33.35Sladepartially just learning.. but for a solution i'd be looking at it for lots of little small businesses really.
23:34.38SamotI've installed one on-premises PBX for a customer in the last year.
23:34.41SamotZero cloud.
23:34.55SamotThere is a big chunk of the market that doesn't want one.
23:34.56Sladenot a cloudy person?
23:35.06SamotNo, it's what I do.
23:35.14Sladeoh, heh ok
23:35.36SamotI have 12 hotels on the calendar for the summer/fall. Not a single one of them is using their own PBX.
23:35.45SamotThey are paying for seats and features.
23:35.49Samot100% hosted.
23:37.11SamotI have a handful of office users that have their own PBX and get SIP Trunks. I also have a chunk of hotels still on old Mitels, etc that use SIP Trunks.
23:37.23SamotHowever, 90% of the business is hosted users.
23:38.25Sladeah, i run a small vocational school, lots of my students go off to start their own businesses.  They only ever need a single line really, but it'd be nice to be able to offer them a solution
23:38.46Sladebeing able to interject a receptionist in the middle would be useful too
23:39.04SamotA real one?
23:39.06SamotOr an IVR?
23:39.10Sladeno real one
23:39.15SladeIVR only marginally useful
23:39.19SamotThat's not hard.
23:39.38Sladeno, simple requirements i think
23:40.06SamotSo the real question becomes how responsible do you want to be for it all?
23:40.35Sladethat is the question indeed!
23:40.58SamotBecause providing voice service is more than just having a PBX and a Flowroute account.
23:42.35Sladecan you elaborate?
23:42.41Slade(I agree btw)
23:45.57Sladei guess the sms is a little issue too in a normal pbx
23:47.55SamotWell there is understanding how Telephony works.
23:48.17SamotAre you going to do outbound calling for this? What type of security will you have in place for that?
23:48.22SamotWhat about emergency calling?
23:48.31Sladeits all tip and ring right? :)
23:49.08SamotHow can it be Tip/Ring with SIP?
23:49.39Sladewas being silly
23:50.03Sladeit was in response to <Samot> Well there is understanding how Telephony works.
23:50.40SamotWell, joking or not the answer is no. It's not all tip/ring.
23:53.36SamotWell I'm running out for a bit. But yeah there's quite a few things that need to be considered.
23:53.39Sladebut you're right, some of those things do have to be answered. outbound calling and emergency calling is one of those legal requirements
23:53.43SamotIncluding the support part of it.
23:53.59Sladeoutbound calling is probably handy, and emergency calling is legal :p
23:54.30SamotYeah that's the thing about 9-1-1.
23:54.45SamotThere are new rules in place, specially for a PBX system.
23:54.55Samot911 must route and must be answered by a _real person_
23:55.04Sladereally my interest would be in providing them the receptionist to share. figuring out a nicely efficient way to do that is tricky
23:55.11SamotIt doesn't have to go directly to the PSAP but someone has to answer and handle the call.
23:55.22SamotNo, it's really not.
23:55.44SamotYou have a phone with side cars or a call management portal.
23:56.04SamotYou either prefix the callerid or distinct ring it or both.
23:56.26SamotThis is no different then a call center agent sitting in multiple queues.
23:56.52SamotThey can be provided who the call is destined for and who the caller id.
23:56.53Sladeah, call centering stuff is further away than i know how to do. i'm pretty basic.
23:56.55SamotThey can be provided who the call is destined for and who the caller is.
23:57.04SamotI just gave you how to do it.
23:57.26Sladethat'd be running my own system to do that eh?
23:57.40SamotIt's a PBX feature.
23:57.42SamotIt's call routing.
23:57.52SamotThese are all things providers can offer.
23:58.09Sladeah, so any pbx really. just need to find a decently priced pbx provider, or roll my own :)
23:58.28SamotAnd like I asked, how responsible do you want to be?
23:58.41Sladeyea. i havent figured out the answer to that yet :)
23:58.44SamotThe former lets you pass things off to someone else, the latter means everything stops with you.
23:59.01Sladeideally i'd like to pass it off, if its not too unreasonable
23:59.38SamotYou can either have a single account and allow all the users to be able to get support on it. Not uncommon.

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