IRC log for #asterisk on 20190427

00:19.27*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
00:20.05*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
00:26.28*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
01:01.39*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
01:41.15*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
01:42.52*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
03:14.47*** join/#asterisk cranq (~crank@
03:42.01*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
04:21.58*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
05:11.46*** join/#asterisk ais-admin (~ais-admin@2001:470:d:fb2::2000)
05:26.25ais-adminHello asterisk gurus - my google-fu having failed me I come here in desperation. I am using custom device states in my dialplan successfully for setting custom states to BUSY or NOT_INUSE. All works fine and all subscribed devices reflect the custom states. The hints are working perfectly. When a custom device state is changed I see on the asterisk CLI a whole bunch of lines reporting "notify changed for etc etc". I expect to see this and
05:26.26ais-adminall is right with the world. The problem I am having is this: When I change a custom device state to anything other than BUSY, NOT_INUSE or INUSE, by any means inluding direct database put or dialplan set() functions, asterisk does not respond by changing the notify settings for any subscribers. Nothing happens at all except asterisk updates the value stored in the database for CustomDevState/"variable". So... if I change a device state to
05:26.26ais-adminUNAVAILABLE which is a valid custom state, nothing happens at all except the value in the database is updated. Asterisk does not inform subscribers of the change. Can someone give me a hint where to go from here please?
05:30.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:22.36*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
06:57.21*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
07:20.06*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@2a02:85f:150f:3200:2f1b:5ddc:a319:450)
07:25.23*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
07:28.59*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
07:53.46*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
08:27.25*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
09:30.06*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
09:54.35*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
10:17.08*** join/#asterisk Downlots (
10:18.14*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
10:19.38*** join/#asterisk Downlots_ (~Downlots@2a02:587:3218:4100:b11a:67d7:d795:9f77)
10:24.02*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
10:42.10*** join/#asterisk zapata_ (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:a97e:aa50:7fea:da00)
10:53.26*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
10:55.07*** join/#asterisk Downlots_ (
11:03.30*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
11:09.50*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
11:13.34*** join/#asterisk Downlots_ (~Downlots@2a02:587:3218:4100:b11a:67d7:d795:9f77)
11:25.35*** join/#asterisk echoSMILE (~echoSMILE@unaffiliated/echosmile)
11:52.07*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a01:c844:2404:1f02:4787:51f1:1943:118c)
11:55.23gustoanyone an idea what it means when asterisk rejects an authentication because of "not a local domain"?
11:59.42gustoI had figured out what the problem was
11:59.58gustoI had to put in FQDN as proxy server  not IP address
12:18.36*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a01:c844:240a:a102:3ac:312:c451:7666)
12:25.06*** join/#asterisk Downlots_ (~Downlots@2a02:85f:150f:3200:2f1b:5ddc:a319:450)
12:26.41*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
12:42.00*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a01:c844:2401:a502:9bfa:7de9:23e9:1c70)
12:55.07*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
12:56.49*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
14:08.02*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
14:10.29*** join/#asterisk pihahiroth (
14:20.26*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a01:c844:240a:e602:6d7c:1bce:20af:5d6)
14:34.38*** join/#asterisk bank (
14:56.11*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
14:57.17*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
15:40.37*** join/#asterisk aness (
15:52.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:30.35*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
16:31.34*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
16:31.47gustodoes anyone have a gandstream with FXO port?
16:31.52gustoI am unable to send calls outside
16:32.03gustoover PSTN I mean
16:35.15gustoOK, it works now
16:35.26gustoWait for Dial-Tone: was set to YES -> NO solved t
16:51.55*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
17:05.15*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
18:12.15*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
18:27.23*** join/#asterisk hvxgr (
18:33.16*** join/#asterisk melikaforo (b893b9d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:33.30melikaforoI have yealink phones connecting to our hosted PBX all fine over a DSL connection. I also have one Mitel (old Aastra) on the same network connecting to same hosted PBX and it looses registration once in a while. I think this is a NAT issue. How can I know and fix this?
18:33.42melikaforo[2019-04-27 14:26:21] NOTICE[703]: chan_sip.c:21575 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '300' is now Reachable. (30ms / 2000ms) [2019-04-27 14:27:34] NOTICE[703]: chan_sip.c:27018 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '300' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 128 [2019-04-27 14:28:15] NOTICE[703]: chan_sip.c:21575 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '300' is now Reachable. (44ms / 2000ms) [2019-04-27 14:29:19] NOTICE[703]: chan_sip.c:27018 sip_poke_no
18:34.02melikaforoso it's almost every minutes...
18:46.13*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
19:07.36*** join/#asterisk scampbell (
19:46.58*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
20:26.33*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
20:27.48*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
21:53.41*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95_ (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
22:09.59*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
22:28.54*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
22:48.04*** part/#asterisk ais-admin (~ais-admin@2001:470:d:fb2::2000)
23:53.24*** join/#asterisk setham (~textual@unaffiliated/setham)

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