IRC log for #asterisk on 20190419

00:03.42*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
02:43.55*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
03:00.44*** join/#asterisk skippyish (
04:48.41*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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05:24.16*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
06:03.54*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
06:07.59*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
06:50.12*** join/#asterisk saxa (
06:52.40saxaHello, I want to use a Grandstream HT813 ATA as my sip trunk, to receive and send calls. Right now I set it up but when I try to place a call from my voip phone I get a "Forbidden from sip....." answer on my asterisk console. But I can answer calls.
06:53.23saxaAny idea what is makeing asterisk to think that my voip phone cant call out ?
06:54.10saxaI searched the net but could not find an answer as nearly all answers were ask your provider
06:54.21saxabut I do not have a sip provider
06:58.53saxathis is the sip show peers and sip.conf
07:00.01saxain some way asterisk does not route the call to the correct direction I think, of course due to a misconfiguration.
07:02.30*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
07:26.41saxac u l8r
08:11.31*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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09:44.43*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
10:03.27*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
10:21.39*** join/#asterisk Martin` (
10:21.59Martin`Hello world!
10:22.53Martin`I've configured asterisk 16 with phoneprov, the users/macs are in users.conf but when I restart asterisk the routes of phoneprov are not correctly loaded, I have to reload phoneprov.conf before it works, is this a known problem?
10:23.06Martin`looks like he does not get the macs during startup
10:23.30Martin`create routes like cfg.xml instead of cfgHEREMAC.xml
10:52.10*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
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13:44.34*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
14:01.32*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
14:08.57*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
14:22.07SamotSo is Asterisk 17 on the calendar for 2019? Or will a year be skipped for stable like in 2015?
14:25.30life_of_esaxa: the HT813 has two different ports for the SIP connection.  By default it uses port 5062 for the FXO connection.  You need to add that to relevant section in sip.conf
14:25.48life_of_eThe FXS port uses 5060.
14:25.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
14:29.48SamotOr pjsip.conf depending on your tech choice.
14:30.12life_of_eyeah, he quoted his sip.conf file
14:30.25SamotI wonder what is going to happen with all these FXS/FXO in the near future.
14:30.53SamotAll the documentation relies heavily and 99% of the time on chan_sip.
14:31.14SamotWhich is on its death bed.
14:32.37life_of_eAs long as the port can be specified it should be fine, right?
14:34.26*** join/#asterisk alexandre9099 (~alexandre@unaffiliated/alexandre9099)
14:35.21SamotThat was never an issue before.
14:35.31SamotYou can specific whatever port you'd like for chan_sip.
14:35.41saxalife_of_e: can i just change that port in the HT813 admin panel in the FXO tab ?
14:36.04life_of_esaxa: no, you can't have the FXS and FXO port sharing the same UDP port number
14:36.13*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
14:36.16saxalife_of_e: let me see how I add that port to sip.conf
14:36.24life_of_eIt's one device with one IP, it has to use two different port numbers
14:36.42life_of_eYou just add it as port=NNNN to the configuration
14:36.45saxai c
14:36.55*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-xufbkiddwduvhovg)
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14:36.57life_of_eJust log into the HT813 and verify the SIP port for the FXS and FXO
14:37.37life_of_eSamot: can you not do the same for pjsip?
14:37.48SamotOf course you can.
14:38.04Samot10:30:54 AM <Samot> All the documentation relies heavily and 99% of the time on chan_sip.
14:38.14life_of_eOh I see what you meant
14:38.23SamotNo one has had the guts to do it with PJSIP
14:38.47SamotThe fact that 10 year old documentation on the Internet can still apply to most things in Asterisk today is a double edge sword.
14:39.09saxalife_of_e: i am still getting that forbidden
14:39.11SamotOn the one edge you have the fact that certain core things just don't change.
14:39.31SamotOn the other edge, you have people not using current things because of that same fact.
14:40.08life_of_eThe auto conversion script managed to get my FXO configuration *almost* right.  It lost the port= value but otherwise it worked with the FXS configuration.
14:41.10saxalife_of_e: yeah it is 5062 as port in the FXO section.
14:41.54life_of_eIs FXO enabled (mine defaulted to off) and have you verified the authentications?
14:43.21saxalife_of_e: Ok, let me check that well again, step by step.
14:43.27saxalife_of_e: thanks for now !
14:46.09life_of_eYep, the grandstream docs aren't great but be sure to check all the configuration options especially things like autoprovision and various registration and authentication settings (like turning off authenticate incoming invite, etc)
14:46.43saxai c, i left all as default for now, not touched anything.
14:47.18life_of_eYeah, the defaults didn't work for me either, I did have to make an adjustment here and there but I can't remember what those were compared to the defaults
14:48.30saxaI will play a bit with it during the weekend
14:48.35saxai hope to make it work
14:48.51life_of_eSorry, I tinkered with mine until it worked but I didn't note what I changed.  I only backed up the configuration afterwards so I could always restore it to the known working state.
14:49.03saxathe thing is that is probably something with authentication for sure, since it says forbidden from >(
14:49.06wonderworldi want to implement busygroups, ie. only one peer in a group can be called. if one peer in the group is in a call, the others should signal busy when other calls come in. i thought about configuring the busygroups in astdb and check all channels in the group before a dial.
14:49.18wonderworldis there a more simple solution?
14:50.06life_of_eIt does work, I've been using it for the same purpose.  Keep in mind there's a delay when it dials out.  It takes about 10 seconds between the time you finish dialing on your phone to the time the FXO finishes dialing and reports back a ringing signal.
14:50.11saxalife_of_e: i want to make it work with a BananaPi Pro board and astersisk on it, so it wont need to leave my whole computer up just for the phone when I am away.
14:50.28life_of_eI run Asterisk on a RaspberryPi, works fine
14:53.00life_of_eMy new toy is being delivered today, a SIP intercom gateway
14:53.50saxawhat is this _
14:53.52wonderworldlife_of_e: ha, i am building one just now with a raspberry pi
14:54.18wonderworldwill be used in a car park
14:54.23saxalife_of_e: do you know if I have to register with both ports FXS and FXO ?
14:54.48life_of_eYes, you do have to have both ports authenticate
14:55.16bipolarCan anyone point me to a comprehensive tutorial/documentation on using the AMI command UpdateConfig? The documentation is incredibly confusing.
14:55.22saxaso I have to create one section for the FXS and one for the FXO port in sip.conf ?
14:55.50life_of_eYes, that's correct.  The device acts as two endpoints, they just share the same IP
14:56.46saxai think i read somewhere on the net its not needed
14:57.06life_of_eI have two sections in my configuration
14:57.22life_of_eI gave the two ports different user IDs
14:58.28life_of_eand of course the section names match those user IDs
14:58.47life_of_ewonderworld: a car park?
15:00.51life_of_esaxa: You should have both ports set up to allow outgoing calls without registration.  That would be the registration you don't want.
15:01.46wonderworldlife_of_e: yes as intercom on the gates when you drive out. to contact the guard on duty .
15:02.34life_of_ewonderworld: oh, that's what a car park is, ok. :)
15:02.58wonderworldmaybe it's not the correct english word, i am unsure :)
15:04.08life_of_eSounds like a British term so it's English :)
15:20.06*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
15:21.31*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
16:02.38*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
16:48.46*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
17:23.30*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
17:23.36kevinnnhow can I get the name of a channel so I can hang up on it?
17:24.44fileyou can list channels on the console...
17:25.50filethose are the channel names, and you can tab complete in the console too for the hangup command
17:26.00kevinnnLocal/4000@from-internal should be a channel name right?
17:26.16fileit's an incomplete one, but tab completion will fill it in
17:26.30kevinnnthere's a ton of zero's after it
17:26.49filebecause that is how Local channel naming works.
17:26.59kevinnnokay cool, thanks for the help
18:07.20*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
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18:45.18*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
19:14.48*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (~dwayne@2605:a601:a803:7800:ffaf:2fa4:84dc:10e4)
19:24.10Deeewayneanyone have an opinion on what the best solution for phone calls through a browser are these days?  WebRTC vs SIP over WebSocket?  jssip vs sip.js ?  I've tried to get a sample working Asterisk master and can get the registrations working, I have even gotton calls to work, but no audio in the browser
19:24.12*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
19:24.36DeeewayneRTP tracing seems to indicate packets are being sent and my firewall is open, but not sure where the issue is
19:47.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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20:15.04*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~michael@gateway/tor-sasl/k0hax)
20:33.22*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@2600:8802:1500:81f:d4b2:3e87:83f0:a0d)
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22:57.04*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
23:13.19*** join/#asterisk Micc (

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