IRC log for #asterisk on 20190410

00:02.35*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
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00:32.56*** part/#asterisk dimestop (~h@2607:5300:201:3000::16d5)
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01:37.36*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
01:51.41SamotWhat triggers the voicemail_app to rename a folder's files into a sequential order? Is the trigger only by moving, deleting, etc via the app?
02:37.27*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
03:44.35*** join/#asterisk simbalion` (~simba@
03:45.39simbalion`So I dove into FreePBX and found it's really short-bus special. Most significantly the latest stable version apparently requires PHP 5.6 which has been unsupported for months now. Can anyone recommend an open source GPL/MIT GUI for Asterisk that has better development standards?
03:47.08SamotYou may want to look at the op list
03:47.15SamotAnd also realize that Sangoma owns Digium.
03:47.20SamotIe. FreePBX owns Asterisk.
03:49.19simbalion`Samot: That's irrelevant, FreePBX does not fit the definition of "Active development", and I would like to find some alternatives. We're talking about open source software, if you want to lose all credibility in the open source community start talking about intellectual property rights and privileges and see where that gets you.
03:49.42SamotYes, it's open source.
03:49.45SamotSo fix it.
03:49.59SamotFind what doesn't work in PHP 7 and fix it.
03:50.16simbalion`Samot: You really are a hostile person. I'm asking for alternative GUIs that folks using Asterisk can recommend, if you don't want to contribute positively then why contribute at all.
03:50.26SamotAgain, v15 will be on PHP 7 it is _actively being developed right now_
03:50.34SamotThere are options.
03:50.38SamotMost are older than FreePBX.
03:50.46SamotIncluding their support for Asterisk.
03:51.48simbalion`I understand that which is why I'm asking for recommendations from other Asterisk users.
03:51.57SamotRight now the FreePBX Project is the only project that is current-ish.
03:52.00SamotAcross the board.
03:52.06SamotThat is OSS.
03:52.16SamotAsterisk users don't use GUI's.
03:52.29SamotGUI is a four letter word here.
03:56.07SamotSincerely, if you need a GUI based release to run Asterisk and it must be on PHP7.2 or higher then your best option is to make FreePBX wotk with it.
03:56.29SamotOtherwise you are developing it yourself or you can pick another project and do the same.
04:03.24*** kick/#asterisk [simbalion`!sid6728@gateway/web/] by tm1000 (cool story)
04:12.30X-RobAww man I wish I had seen that earlier
04:12.35X-RobI would have loved to heckle.
04:13.04tm1000such a waste of a person
04:13.05tm1000"FreePBX does not fit the definition of "Active development""
04:13.38Samot"VoIP PBXes are going to blow up in a couple years"
04:13.44tm1000"Very High Activity"
04:29.53*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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05:13.44*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
05:42.15*** join/#asterisk dogcow (~dogcow@freebsd/user/dogcow)
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06:08.16*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
06:20.33*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!~simba@] by tm1000
06:20.38X-Robtm1000: hah
06:20.46X-RobI was just about to ping you
06:21.01tm1000the guy threatened me and if you look at his own website you'd agree
06:21.06tm1000I know you did...
06:38.12*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
06:41.44*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
06:44.21*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95_ (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
06:55.58*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@
06:59.25*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
07:34.50jkroonin dialplan, is there a way to get the SIP domain?  I need to add a custom SIP header to an outbound INVITE that needs to contain the same domain as for the From: header, ie, if From: "Foo" <sip:123@my.domain> then I need my.domain in the extra header.
07:35.14jkroonI'd prefer to not use a dialplan variable as this needs to deploy to multiple (different domain) servers.
07:50.42pchero_workjkroon: Have you check this?
07:52.15*** join/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
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08:08.33jkroonHi pchero chan_sip.
08:08.53jkroonpchero_work, internal project for migration to PJSIP still ongoing.
08:10.27pchero_workjkroon: Then, how about this?
08:10.35*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
08:12.04jkroonpchero_work, yes, that's exactly how I'm adding the extra header, but how can I find the DOMAIN that will be used for the outbound From: header?
08:12.54jkroonWell, SIP_HEADER gets the incoming headers on the incoming conversation, AddSipHeader adds to outgoing INVITE.
08:17.03*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
08:33.54*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:46.51*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
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11:38.29*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
12:01.33*** join/#asterisk phodius (
12:02.38i_i got a simple asterick question how do i make phone call as in outbound ivr call is there a free plugin? on asterisk 13 freepbx
12:17.28*** join/#asterisk mukeshtilwani (67e97767@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:19.55i_is there anything, i thought it was built in?
12:20.26bhuddahit is best to use some form of phone for that.
12:20.42sibiriait's a basic, native function of asterisk. nothing complicated. but since you're working with freepbx maybe you should try #freepbx to get help on how to configure it
12:20.48pchero_workjkroon: I'm not clear what you want.
12:21.20pchero_workjkroon: OOps sorry, mis typing.
12:22.04i_im using a dongle for sim access
12:22.46i_and i have freepbx in vmware and i access the freepbx by my host on chrome
12:23.25i_i just want to beable to call and hear call using the trunk ivr
12:24.11SamotRead up.
12:26.26Samot4:12:04 AM <jkroon> pchero_work, yes, that's exactly how I'm adding the extra header, but how can I find the DOMAIN that will be used for the outbound From: header? <-- IT's set by the fromdomain= setting in Chan_SIP or it's going to use the default domain of the PBX which is generally it's IP.
12:28.38*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
12:28.53*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:32.17i_i know there barge call , how would i be able to hear the it when it dials i was accessing the dongle and sending texts
12:33.21i_i want to hear it my computer for example there is an application called  Flash Operator Panel 2
12:33.49*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
12:33.54i_but there is a free one called
12:34.02i_but i dont think it got live calls
12:34.57i_also can i treat my dongle like a sip as i put a custom trunk as i think it not a sip
12:36.04i_you say read up but this this stuff is all for sips i am using gsm
12:38.50*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
12:47.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:48.36i_you would think i asking a simple question to 159 astrisk experts
12:51.40i_Flash Operator panel 2 will proabably be what i need
12:53.14i_can i connect a sip gui to it
13:07.05*** join/#asterisk as3ty (uid332392@gateway/web/
13:35.36*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:38.32jkroonpchero, what i'm trying to achieve is to if asterisk is going to send a From: <sip:123@fneh> I want to add a header "X-Custom-Header: stuff@fneh"
13:39.18SamotThe From Header is going to be populated by Asterisk.
13:39.39SamotIt's going to look at global settings for the driver and then at the peer settings for these things.
13:39.55SamotYou can set fromdomain= to whatever you'd like and that will override the Asterisk header.
13:43.28*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
13:59.52*** join/#asterisk somepoortech (~somepoort@
14:13.05*** join/#asterisk LoKoMurdoK (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
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14:14.05*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
14:21.06*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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14:33.47*** join/#asterisk jrun (~jrun@unaffiliated/glphvgacs)
14:34.00jruntrying to parse this line: exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${RESULT}" == "notfound"]?0,1)
14:34.05jrunwhere is 0,1?
14:34.36jrun"line 1 of extension 0", the author tells me. not quite sure what that means?
14:34.46SamotDid you write this?
14:34.54SamotOr are you looking at some other generated dialplan?
14:35.10SamotAnd what else is there?
14:35.10jrunlooking at some's code
14:35.14SamotOne line isn't enough.
14:35.53SamotThat right now means if the statement is true it will go to extension 0 priority 1 in that same context.
14:36.24jrunwhat's priority ?
14:36.43sibiriathe sequential step of the extension
14:36.47jrunand by extension 0, we mean do whatever would have happened had 0 was pressed?
14:37.14sibiriajrun: yes, unless there happens to be a label named 0
14:37.31SamotLabels are for priorities
14:37.34SamotNot extensions.
14:37.55Samot0,start would be a labeled called
14:38.06Samotif you had n(start) in 0 exten
14:38.07sibiriaah sorry, i misread that as a colon, not a comma
14:38.16jrunSamot: "Labels"? you mean goto labels? in C's goto
14:38.18SamotThere is no false action right now in that code.
14:38.34jrunSamot: yes, i made the same mistake first time reading it
14:38.39SamotLike that
14:39.19Samotjrun: Are you just trying to understand dialplan?
14:39.32jrunSamot: yes
14:39.46jrunin this case there is no extension and/or label 0
14:39.58jrunthen we fallthrough extension 1?
14:39.59SamotThen it's poorly written dialplan
14:40.10SamotThat's not an either/or thing.
14:40.35SamotWhen you want to move around in the dialplan you have to use the format context,extension,priority(label)
14:41.02SamotSo the ?0,1 means what I said earlier. Extension 0 in the same context at  priority 1
14:41.17SamotOnly if the statement is true
14:41.18jrunbut there is no 'extension 0'
14:41.25jrunwhat happens in this case?
14:41.26SamotThen someone hasn't written proper dialplan.
14:41.41SamotIt errors out and ends the call because there's no more dialplan.
14:41.44sibiriajrun: there might be an i extension
14:41.45filecould be a pattern match I suppose, or you aren't seeing it because it's included
14:41.57SamotThere could be that.
14:42.02filewithout seeing everything it's hard to understand the flow or the gist
14:42.11SamotDialplan is written by the author..
14:42.27fileyou can use "dialplan show" to kind of help though, dialplan show <extension>@<context> and it'll tell you how it would play through
14:42.38SamotWe can look at certain syntax's like what you've shown but we can't give details on the logic.
14:43.22jrunsorry everyone, there is 0. but in Samot's posted syntax it's sitting at place of context:
14:43.28jrunexten => 0,1,Verbose(1,${CHANNEL(name)} IVRRECORD *** ${IVRMSG} - Playing menu)
14:43.36SamotNo it's not.
14:43.47SamotIf the context is missing it assumes the _current context_
14:43.53jruni see
14:44.04Samot10:35:53 AM <Samot> That right now means if the statement is true it will go to extension 0 priority 1 in that same context.
14:44.20jrunSamot: correct
14:45.55SamotThat would mean if true jump to priority 20 of the extension.
14:53.20*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
14:59.50jrunit clear now, thanks
15:04.11*** part/#asterisk jrun (~jrun@unaffiliated/glphvgacs)
15:16.06*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-wrasfukcqfuuqpoz)
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15:24.10*** join/#asterisk elguero (
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15:44.14*** join/#asterisk jkister (
15:45.24*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
16:03.53jkisteri have an issue with dtmf in asterisk/1.8.15-cert2.  i send it SIP INFO dtmf and then it has to send out RFC2833 dtmf.  it always receives sip info correctly, but it often regenerates dtmf # into dtmf 3. i looked at changelogs for newer versions of 1.8-cert but dont see anything that seems interesting for this-  any ideas what i can look at?  (besides the obvious upgrade-and-see-if-that-works
16:12.08seanbrightif upgrade-and-see-if-that-works is not an acceptable answer, then i got nothing
16:12.50seanbright(1.8.15-cert2 is a 6 year old piece of software)
16:14.31jkister1.8 is still probably my favorite :D  maybe 11.
16:14.46jkister(nothing to do with why im not upgrading)
16:20.06sibiriagosh, running 1.8 still
16:20.12sibiriain the words of Ali G: bitch, is you crazy
16:21.09sibiriathe list of important bug fixes must be longer than the Brexit deal
16:21.39SamotThere are no important bug fixes in 1.8
16:21.51SamotNot for six years at least.
16:21.59sibiria1.8->16, obviously
16:24.15filehuh, mixing 1.8 and Brexit, creative
16:25.47*** join/#asterisk narziss (~philt@unaffiliated/narziss)
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16:33.57jkisterit very clearly has to do with timing, separing the dtmf # from surrounding dtmf makes the regeneration always work.  e.g., 3 <wait 1> # <wait 1> 3 <wait 1> # <wait 1>  has a 100% success rate.  elinimating the wait/dialing naturally exposes the problem.
16:34.08jkisterseems similar/same as ASTERISK-23197
16:34.59jkisterexcept this is all tcp/sipinfo and rfc2833 so no tones are really used.
16:36.11Samotjkister: Are you hoping for a resolution?
16:36.47jkisterjust ideas, places to look- i mean a resolution sure :)
16:37.15SamotUnfortunately that is going to be slim.
17:04.48*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (
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18:16.29i_i connect zoiper to the the extension with chan_sip but when i dial numbers on zoiper it says call reject service unavailable  code 503
18:17.02i_is say chat is a premium feature does it not do voice call with the free version?
18:17.42i_what does the free version do then?
18:23.36i_im getting error 53
18:23.44i_*error 503
18:27.22*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:1579:3650:c9a9:5403)
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19:02.48[TK]D-Fender<i_> what does the free version do then? <- voice obviously
19:09.37*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
19:10.58wonderworldi am trying to use externnotify, but my script isn't run by asterisk. i can run it from the CLI just fine with !/my/script but it isn't executed after a dropped voicemail. i set verbosity and debug to 1000 but can't spot asterisk trying to run the script at all?
19:17.32seanbrightpastebin the relevant part of your voicemail.conf
19:19.02seanbrightif you turn on debug output you should see a message showing that it is trying to run it
19:32.25*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
19:36.17wonderworldseanbright: thank you, i fixed it in the meantime...permissions as always i guess
19:36.37wonderworldbut strangely still no notice in the cli, but it works now
19:38.36*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@2a02:85f:534:1000:88b1:9c05:4993:9ded)
19:47.45seanbrightyou need to turn on debug (core set debug 10) to see a notice in the CLI
19:47.57seanbright(assuming you've configured debug output to go to the console)
19:49.54*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
19:50.15DovidIs ther any way to have Asterisk launch an agi (say a script) and fork it so it keeps going?
19:52.05[TK]D-FenderOf course not
19:52.15[TK]D-FenderAGi is INTERACTIVE to the channel
19:53.18*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (~dwayne@2605:a601:a803:7800:ffaf:2fa4:84dc:10e4)
20:02.21wonderworldseanbright: actually i did core set debug 10000 but didn't see anything. i guess i must have configured it to *not* go to the console. where would i configure this?
20:08.00[TK]D-Fendernot configured what to go to console?
20:08.24[TK]D-FenderIt's not an AGI call so I'm not sure console will grab anything at all...
20:10.14seanbrightwonderworld: logger.conf
20:18.06wonderworldthanks. ok it seems to be disabled on console by default. at least on debian.
20:32.12*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
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