IRC log for #asterisk on 20190409

00:14.19*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
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12:36.04jkroonany ideas why asterisk (chan_sip) would respond with 404 in response to an OPTIONS package?
12:37.48SamotWhat does the 404 say?
12:37.50SamotNot Found?
12:37.54SamotNo User?
12:39.33SamotOK Asterisk is not replying.
12:39.52jkroonsorry, ULS VoIP Switch is asterisk.
12:39.53SamotOr did you modify the Server: header?
12:40.02jkroonWe modified the header, local_ip is us.
12:40.18*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:40.23fileOPTIONS is treated as an INVITE, so since there is a lack of a user in the request URI it would make the extension "s", and then it would check the dialplan if that exists
12:40.32Samot^^^ That.
12:41.26jkroonok, so create exten s,1,Hangup(some nasty code to indicate access denied) and it should solve it.  I try.
12:41.50SamotWell is the remote IP valid?
12:42.30jkroonyes, there is a type=friend, host=${remote_ip} configured.
12:42.45SamotOK so the other side isn't sending a user in their keep alive
12:42.50SamotThat is actually normal.
12:42.50jkroonin sip.conf, but if there is dialplan involvement for exten=s, that's not there.
12:43.00SamotSo before you write nasty dialplan about access denied...
12:43.10jkroonSamot, no they're not, and unlike asterisk the do care about the response code :(
12:43.24SamotThe other side doesn't care because it got a reply.
12:43.32SamotAnd a reply = other side alive.
12:43.56jkroonin theory, the other side is however refusing to proceed with other aspects until such time as they receive a 200 OK.
12:44.09SamotIt's an OPTIONS.
12:44.21SamotWhat more needs to be processed?
12:45.09jkroonSamot, you're dealing with people that in some cases barely passed grade 7 (not sure what the US or other equivalent would be, but that's basically primary school)
12:45.27seanbrightin the US that is an undergraduate degree
12:45.29SamotYou mean you? Or the end users?
12:45.37jkroonseanbright, at age 13?
12:45.46jkroonno, we're dealing with another provider here.
12:46.00SamotSo this is another provider?
12:46.11SamotWho is sending you keep alives?
12:46.18seanbrighti used to be funny...
12:46.25seanbrightbut looks aren't everything
12:46.42jkroonSamot, call it an "aliveness check" rather than keepalive.
12:46.56SamotNone of my providers do that.
12:47.04SamotThey'll reply to my keep alives
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12:47.09SamotBut they don't send keep alives.
12:47.09jkroonie, we each have multiple servers on either end, and both sides needs to be aware which hosts on the remote side is alive.
12:47.30SamotOK so you are hosing servers with this provider?
12:47.32jkroonSamot, in this case we're both really considered providers, so peers is perhaps a better term.
12:47.52SamotSo these are both YOUR servers?
12:47.54jkroonno, we've got our own environment, but the bosses have established a bi-directional voice peering agreement.
12:48.05jkroonno, local_ip are ours, remote_ip are theirs.
12:48.16SamotWhat do they run?
12:48.22jkroonsorry, i guess i'm being thoroughly confusing.
12:48.28SamotYou are.
12:48.37jkroonSamot, i honestly have no idea and they're not very forthcoming.
12:48.47SamotSo your provider is sending you keep alives
12:49.00jkroonhehehe, they're checking that they can reach our hosts.
12:49.22SamotI get what they are doing.
12:49.22jkroonthink of this as a peering between SP1 and SP2 where they're SP1 and we're SP2.
12:49.26SamotI don't get why they are doing it.
12:49.32SamotIt's a waste of resources on their side.
12:49.35jkroonrather than client + SP.
12:50.30SamotSo they are sending you keep alives and because you're sending back a 404 they stop sending you calls?
12:50.53SamotOf course.
12:51.49*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
12:51.54SamotSo they are sending you keep alives and because you're sending back a 404 they stop sending you calls?
12:52.17jkroonprecisely.  they consider that a fault condition.
12:52.32jkroonwish i knew what they were running internally.
12:53.41SamotSo they only allow one IP?!
12:55.15*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
12:55.22SamotAre you good now?
12:55.46jkroonno clue ... suspected hardware issue here (laptop keeps rebooting sporadially)
12:55.58SamotSo they only allow one IP?!
12:56.07SamotYour provider only sends calls to one IP?
12:59.23*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:00.52jkroonwe've convinced them now to send to two, but they'll always send to one first, then the other.
13:01.44jkroonand they'll skip over whatever is flagged as "down" due to no or non-200 response to OPTIONS.
13:02.13SamotWell that's insanity.
13:02.17SamotThat is poor.
13:02.25jkroonwhat would you propose?
13:02.36SamotBecause some people don't need to respond to OPTIONS/Keepalives.
13:02.41SamotOr want to.
13:02.47SamotAgain, none of my providers send keepalives.
13:02.56SamotThey don't care if my system is up or down.
13:03.13jkrooni actually like that they care.
13:03.16SamotThey send calls to the IPs I tell them and that includes a list of IPs to rollover.
13:03.25SamotThat has nothing to do with it.
13:03.28jkroonget the call to a server that is alive in the shortest timeframe.
13:03.29SamotIt's a poor way to do it.
13:03.34bailrocholy hanna,
13:03.39bailrocthis positron is killing me
13:03.52Samotjkroon: I come from Voice Providers, real ones don't do this.
13:04.06SamotIt's a waste of system resources.
13:04.15jkroonthey rather delay trying to find the next available server?
13:04.24SamotWhat delay?
13:04.35jkroonINVITE ... time out ... try INVITE to next server.
13:04.45SamotI can take down my primary switch right now
13:04.45bailroconly 4 of the SIP phones will associate with the PBX right now. what can I look for to associate them? (this to cryptic?)
13:04.57SamotThere will be almost zero delay in moving to the secondary
13:05.06jkroonbailroc, are there NAT gateways or firewalls in the way?
13:05.24jkroonso same LAN?
13:05.50jkroonbailroc, does tcpdump see the traffic you're expecting?
13:05.50SamotWhat do you mean "associate them"?
13:05.59jkroonSamot, he means REGISTER with.
13:06.00bailrocIt's an old system, I built a FreePBX system, but they company hasn't implemented it yet.
13:06.15bailrocjkroon: correct.
13:06.45bailrocjkroon: will do one now but I just had 4 of them registered, not they too are no longer registered.
13:07.20SamotSo they registered and now they are not registered?
13:07.33jkroonSamot, ok, good idea or not, besides the point.  remote side is expecting response of 200 on OPTIONS.
13:07.42bailrocyes, and all calls go directly to mailbox or followme.
13:07.57Samotbailroc: Do you see them attempting to register again
13:08.10Samotjkroon: Then you need to make sure Asterisk responds with a 200 OK
13:08.15bailrocdoing dump, 1 min.
13:08.22SamotSo adding nasty dialplan that says "access denied" is the wrong answer.
13:08.43jkroonadding an exten => s to the context for the remote side doesn't seem to help in any way.
13:09.47filethat's the extent of what I recall from chan_sip
13:09.59jkroonsip debug revealed the issue.
13:10.08Samotjkroon: Do you register?
13:10.12jkroonnot sure why i didn't try that first, i feel like an idiot now.
13:10.24SamotWhat was the issue?
13:10.33jkroonSamot, no.  [peer] / type=friend / host= / context = abc
13:10.35SamotAnd where did those option messages that you posted earlier come from?
13:10.44jkroonon incoming OPTIONS it looks for s@default
13:10.53jkroonSamot, those were sniffed with sngrep
13:11.03SamotOK why are you using type=friend?
13:11.11SamotFor something you are peering with?
13:11.37jkroonpeer = send calls to, user = receive calls from, friend = both.
13:11.47SamotYou just need PEER
13:11.52SamotThere is no USER
13:12.09jkroonyou're right.
13:12.58SamotSo Asterisk thinks there is a USER associated with the PEER
13:13.04SamotWhen you use friend.
13:13.07SamotAnd there isn't.
13:13.09SamotIt's just a peer.
13:14.44jkroonjust FYI, asterisk also does To: <sip:${remote_ip}> if you set qualify=yes for this peer (which I've done for two reasons: (1) to confirm that their side responds correctly; and (2) to confirm connectivity)
13:15.32jkroonanyway, why is asterisk using a context different than that shown in sip show peer for the given peer?
13:16.58SamotYou only have one peer with them for this host right?
13:17.13Samothost= <-- only one peer has this?
13:17.40jkroonasterisk -rx "sip show peers" | grep confirms
13:18.08jkrooncreating a [default] context with exten => s,1,Hangup(21) solves the issue.
13:18.29jkroonbut i still find it odd that i need to create a completely different context than what's specified in the peer config.
13:18.46jkroonto me indicates it's treating the incoming OPTIONS like a guest, instead of as the peer.
13:19.17sibiriai wonder how this maps out for pjsip
13:20.03jkroonsibiria, if you're suggesting I try pjsip ... i'd love to, but we've bumped into a few stoppers for us which we first need to get sorted out.
13:20.06SamotAnd it sends back a 200 OK?
13:20.13SamotWhat stoppers?
13:20.20jkroonSamot, correct @ 200 OK.
13:20.21sibiriajkroon: i'm mostly curious for my own behalf since we're moving to pjsip soon
13:20.46jkroonSamot, mostly to do with the way we deal with CDRs, it's not an asterisk issue per sé but rather the way in which some external stuff is being handled.
13:20.50sibiriabut since in your case, it goes into the context of [default] (so to speak)... i wonder what pjsip will do
13:20.56jkroonsibiria, you multi-homed?
13:21.08sibiriajkroon: we're still on chan_sip only
13:21.33jkroonsibiria, no, if you do "ip ad sh" or "ifconfig" - do you have multiple interfaces with outbound routes on the host?
13:21.56sibiriano we don't multihome. we're on a single uplink
13:21.57SamotAnd how does PJSIP impact CDRs?
13:22.00jkroonfor that matter, do you have multiple ip addresses assigned on the host?  Say back end vs front end ... or any other such stuff?
13:22.07jkroonsibiria, so you'll be fine.
13:22.08filePJSIP does authentication/matching before any care is given to the request itself, so it would get matched based on IP and then should end up at the correct context
13:22.18jkroonSamot, i'd have to ask the guys that blocked the CR.
13:22.40SamotWhat CR?
13:22.45jkroonchange request.
13:23.16filein fact it looks like the PJSIP implementation has specific logic to handle this case and doesn't require touching the dialplan
13:23.18jkroonanyway, thanks for te help Samot - you've given rise to another internal CR (type = friend to type = peer).
13:23.35SamotWait, you guys are using friend for all your peers?!
13:23.36jkroonfile, that's good to know.  I'll make a note of that.
13:23.50jkroonSamot, i did a quick scan and there are a few more that has the same problem yes.
13:24.28bailrocmaking an outgoing call registered the phones to the network..
13:24.33bailrocall is well
13:24.44SamotI mean outside of the fact that Chan_SIP is on the way out the door....
13:24.55SamotIt's 2019. How can people still not understand how Chan_SIP works?
13:25.44jkroonSamot, i think you can take the attitude and put it somewhere.  chan_sip is an overly complex beast and I seriouly doubt there is any one individual that actually grasps all the nuances.
13:25.58jkroonwe all WANT to move to PJSIP.
13:26.10SamotPJSIP has nothing do with this.
13:26.59jkroonit might just be that the original guys doing the deployements had some misunderstanding ... that skipped through years and templates were wrong, so it just needs to be fixed and that has now been raised.  so someone here will sort it out after performing QA and then it's all sorted.
13:27.47jkroondocumentation has improved over the last 10+ years when the first deployments were made.  so frankly, most of those that I found now that was type=friend came from 2008, that's 11 years.
13:28.14jkroononce QA is done, the change goes through, and it's sorted, no harm done.
13:28.32SamotYes, friend was a way to have both a peer and a user without having to configure them both.
13:28.52SamotBut it's never needed with you're just peering. A user is never needed.
13:28.58SamotBefore 2008, after 2008..
13:29.05jkroonwhich funny enough we need for the majority of our sip endpoints, so for 99% of them it's actually correct to have type=friend.
13:29.14SamotEndpoints are different.
13:29.17SamotThey aren't peering.
13:29.21SamotThey are REGISTERING
13:29.32SamotWith the host=dynamic I'm sure
13:29.35SamotThat requires a USER
13:31.51SamotWell if Chan_SIP is a complex beast for your guys.
13:31.57SamotPJSIP might break them.
13:34.23SamotFor example, your trunks to your providers...
13:34.33SamotThe actual PJSIP endpoints do not do the qualify.
13:34.46SamotThe PJSIP AORs do the qualify.
13:34.58SamotAnd a single PJSIP endpoint could use multiple PJSIP AORs.
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14:10.18*** join/#asterisk mukeshtilwani (67e97767@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:10.57mukeshtilwaniHi everyone
14:11.23mukeshtilwaniAfter changing parameter "media_address" in sip.conf to any valid IP, we are getting one way or no voice issues on few calls. Sometimes voice passes successfully, we would like to know why this is happening and resolution for same.
14:15.24*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
14:15.27filewhy are you setting the option?
14:18.42mukeshtilwaniany valid public media server IP
14:19.19mukeshtilwaniTelco IP
14:20.13filethe option is for specifying an IP address that chan_sip will place into the SDP, which tells the other side where to send media
14:20.31fileif it is not an IP that Asterisk can receive media on, then bad stuff will happen
14:23.29mukeshtilwaniThank you for response.  Could you please tell me then why it sometimes working fine..
14:23.51filebecause it depends upon the remote side as to what they do - they may detect media is coming from a different place, and correspondingly send their media to there
14:26.15mukeshtilwaniok, as per defination in sip.conf, it is "Note that this does not change the listen address for RTP, it only changes the ; advertised address in the SDP. The Asterisk RTP engine will still listen on ; the standard IP address."
14:27.39mukeshtilwanii wanted to advertize different media_address, while it should use standard media address. Is it possible?
14:28.01fileI don't understand what you mean by that
14:28.40filemedia_address as you mentioned will change what is placed into the SDP, but will not use that local address for sending from
14:28.49mukeshtilwaniwell, i wanted to advertize a different media_address in SDP, without any voice issues
14:29.16filedoes the IP address you are specifying in media_address route back to Asterisk?
14:29.32filethat is: will packets sent to it get to Asterisk
14:29.43filemukeshtilwani: I do not provide private support
14:30.12filethen you'd need to look at the flowing RTP traffic to understand what precisely is happening within your environment
14:30.55mukeshtilwanidoes the IP address you are specifying in media_address route back to Asterisk?   No
14:31.10filethen it is unlikely to work
14:31.25fileyou provide, in SDP, to the remote end where you want them to send media
14:31.37fileif you tell them somewhere else... then they may send it somewhere else
14:33.26mukeshtilwaniwhen i used and changed the media_address then out of 10 calls 4-5 calls successfully connected without any media issues...
14:34.04filethe remote side does not have to use what is in the SDP
14:34.06mukeshtilwaniwe are looking for other failure calls to work
14:34.09filethey may choose not to.
14:34.53filebut generally you can't just set media_address to some random IP address and have it work, unless the remote side always ignores what you say
14:36.02mukeshtilwaniyou are absolutely right...few telcos are passing calls, but few are not..
14:37.08mukeshtilwanihowever, which parameter in SDP define that other party ignores whatever we are sending..
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14:37.26fileyou don't specify it or control it in SDP, that's policy and behavior of the remote side
14:38.34mukeshtilwaniok..thanks for support...much apreciated your help..
14:43.53wdoekes"which parameter in SDP define that other party ignores whatever we are sending" -> it helps if you send an RFC1918 IP. that may persuade some endpoints to ignore it because it's clearly unreachable, and may trigger nat detection
14:46.49*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
14:49.48SamotIs the RTP supposed to flow through Asterisk?
14:50.15SamotOr are you sending the RTP to another server to handle it?
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15:25.09mukeshtilwaniIs the RTP supposed to flow through Asterisk? no
15:25.53SamotWell why do you need to set the media_address?
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16:45.35mukeshtilwaniWell why do you need to set the media_address?  well, i was check new features of Asterisk and found this one..when I used it then i saw some calls working fine and other failing due to one way or no audio issues..
16:45.57mukeshtilwaniits just curosity why some calls worked and why not others...
16:47.44mukeshtilwanifyi, I have seen calls of more then 1 hours, in those senarios..
16:53.25SamotAnd when it's not set, do you have these random issues?
16:56.23mukeshtilwaniNo, if it is not set Asterisk passes calls perfectly..
16:57.08mukeshtilwaniIn change log of Asterisk 16, it says :- sip.conf.sample - note that media_address does not change listen address, just the SDP
16:57.52mukeshtilwanihere listen address will be signaling address only?
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17:01.39mukeshtilwaniwell, in sip.conf asterisk 15 it says :- Note that this does not change the listen address for RTP, it only changes the ; advertised address in the SDP. The Asterisk RTP engine will still listen on ; the standard IP address.
17:02.03SamotDo you need to send the media to another media_address?
17:02.05SamotYes or no?
17:03.48mukeshtilwaniI wanted to advertise a different media address matter wheather it relay from asterisk or peer to peer communication...
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17:10.45SamotIs that IP address on the same Asterisk box?
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19:15.50Maxxedi'm looking to redirect an inbound call based on caller id string to a different context.. can one of you guys point me in the right direction?
19:26.58*** join/#asterisk kevinnn (ae4c1654@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:27.17kevinnnhi all, how can I originate multiple calls from cli?
19:27.26kevinnnat the same time
19:27.40kevinnnseems that I can only call console dial once
19:27.59kevinnnevery other attempt to call that function just seems to do nothing until that first call is stopped
19:30.02kevinnnany help at all would be appreciated...
19:31.57[TK]D-Fender"console dial" is not "originate
19:32.13[TK]D-Fenderthey are completely separate things
19:39.33kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: not sure what you mean by that
19:40.00[TK]D-FenderOriginate is a very specific Asterisk term
19:40.27[TK]D-FenderSo if you meant some dictionary meaning separate from the fact it's a special terms specifically with what you;'re using you could understand the confusion...
19:40.55kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: to rephrase... how can I initiate multiple calls from cli?
19:40.55[TK]D-Fenderconsole dial is a single call at a time period because it's acting as the audio interface.
19:41.05[TK]D-FenderYou can't have multiple audio calls from CLI like that at a time
19:41.14kevinnn... really?
19:41.28[TK]D-Fendernot with CLI having the AUDIO.
19:41.45[TK]D-Fender(as in the sound card attached to the server)\
19:42.37[TK]D-FenderThis is the difference between the interactive "console channel", vs a channel that is started by calling out to a device and upon answer having the call tossed into the dialplan for processing
19:42.51kevinnnokay... so how can I call multiple extensions at the same time?
19:42.53[TK]D-FenderThe latter being "channel originate"
19:44.33kevinnnhmm, don't see console channel as an option
19:44.52kevinnnNo such command 'console channel'
19:44.59[TK]D-FenderI did not say that
19:45.04[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> The latter being "channel originate"
19:45.28[TK]D-Fenderthere is no multiple "console dial" with the server sound interface being used for audio
19:46.26kevinnnso I have a couple of these set up: exten => 1103,1,Page(SIP/1003,A(/var/www/music/Song))
19:46.38kevinnnhow do I set off multiple of these at once?
19:47.05kevinnnBefore I was just doing: console dial 1103@from-internal
19:47.10[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> The latter being "channel originate" <---
19:47.49[TK]D-FenderRead the page I linked you
19:49.09kevinnnwhat is <tech/data>
19:49.45[TK]D-FenderThe same thing you could pass Dial()
19:50.07kevinnnso instead of console dial 1103@from-internal
19:50.29kevinnnI would do channel originate extension 1103@from-internal
19:51.29[TK]D-FenderDid you read the instructions?
19:52.21[TK]D-FenderYou didn't even read what I just pasted back....
19:52.39[TK]D-FenderGo properly read the page I linked...
19:54.22kevinnnim reading, my apologies
19:57.52kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: can I create a dummy SIP/hello on the fly?
19:58.06kevinnnwithout restarting asterisk or anything
19:58.13[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't a "dummy"
19:58.21[TK]D-Fenderit will call whatever you tell it to call.
19:58.34*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (~pruonckk@
19:58.41[TK]D-FenderSo re-imagine the actualy flow
19:59.06kevinnnchannel originate SIP/dummy extension 1103@from-internal
19:59.07[TK]D-Fenderwhat gets called?  What happens then?
19:59.12kevinnnthis didn't work...
19:59.19[TK]D-Fender"dummy" isn't a thing
19:59.53kevinnnDo I have to create a SIP device in sip.conf for this specific purpose?
20:00.11[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> So re-imagine the actual flow
20:00.36kevinnnokay so 1103@from-internal gets called
20:00.42kevinnnexten => 1103,1,Page(SIP/1003,A(/var/www/music/Song))
20:00.49kevinnnwhich is a Page
20:01.01[TK]D-FenderMaybe Page isn't needed at all <--------------
20:01.25[TK]D-FenderYou need to actually think about what is on each end of this
20:02.00kevinnnexten => 1104,1,Page(SIP/1003&SIP/1004,A(/var/www/music/Song))
20:02.11kevinnnfor 1104 I think I need a page right?
20:02.46kevinnnif I want the song to play on all the devices simultaneously?
20:04.01[TK]D-FenderEach originate is its own channel
20:04.20[TK]D-FenderThere is nothing technically syncing any of these together
20:04.32[TK]D-Fenderthey could be CLOSE.....
20:04.38[TK]D-Fenderor less than.....
20:04.59kevinnnhmmm, page seems to be good enough though, I don't notice much of a de-sync
20:05.09[TK]D-FenderI just saw you 2nd sample
20:05.21[TK]D-Fenderthat one DOES send audio simulataneously
20:05.27[TK]D-FenderYour first singled out 1 device
20:05.38[TK]D-FenderSo we've shifted tracks now
20:06.06kevinnnya, some extensions have multiple devices
20:06.13kevinnnsorry I should have been more clear
20:06.49[TK]D-Fenderunless you do it all in one then each of them will be independent
20:07.02[TK]D-Fender1104 does do 2 at once, so at leeast those 2 will be synced
20:07.26[TK]D-Fenderbut those will be different than any others you launch
20:07.58kevinnnthat is fine, often the extensions will not conflict device wise. the audio played will also vary from extension to extension
20:08.27kevinnnso there is no need to synchronize between channels
20:09.43[TK]D-FenderSince I'm getting the impression you will take a long while before coming to the idea:  You don't seem to need page period
20:10.05[TK]D-FenderOriginate each call out TO the device and dump them into a PLAYBACK <-
20:11.23kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: that might perhaps be more efficient but for the this particular use case I cannot modify extensions.conf
20:11.38kevinnnextensions.conf is all I am given...
20:13.52kevinnnis it not possible to do with the given extensions configuration?
20:14.29*** join/#asterisk hexanol (~hexanol@
20:15.31[TK]D-FenderSomething has to be on the "left side"
20:15.43[TK]D-FenderConsider a Local channel.
20:17.57*** join/#asterisk donuthole (~babbage_@
20:18.23kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: I am not quite sure what that means...
20:18.46kevinnnI'd just like to make multiple extensions go off at once...
20:18.56kevinnnI don't understand why that could be so impossible to do
20:20.50[TK]D-Fenderstop saying "just" and look at the tool
20:22.02kevinnnI read the guide that you linked and I am still not sure what I should put in the SIP/Alice slot
20:22.10[TK]D-Fendergo Originate a LOCAL channel to have something on the LEFT side... so that you can toss it towards that other dialplan.
20:22.17[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Something has to be on the "left side"
20:22.18[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Consider a Local channel.
20:22.30kevinnnokay let me try that
20:24.11*** part/#asterisk hexanol (~hexanol@
20:25.19kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: okay sorry, i must be missing something, is a local channel something I have to set up?
20:26.51kevinnnlike inside of sip.conf?
20:27.42donutholeI'm having trouble with outbound SIP calling.   Full details at   I'm getting the error "es_pjsip_outbound_authenticator_digest.c:144 digest_create_request_with_auth_from_old: Unable to create request with auth.  No auth credentials for any realms in challenge." but as far as I can tell I do have the correct realm configured.   Details in the paste.
20:28.56donutholeAny help appreciated.
20:30.12donutholeInternal SIP calls from the same phone to internal extensions (e.g. the "hello world" example config on 100) seem to work OK.
20:30.58donuthole(I indluded pjsip logging in the paste, apologies if it is too voluminous)
20:32.04[TK]D-Fenderkevinnn, <----------------
20:33.04donutholeI'm running Asterisk version 13.14.1~dfsg-2+deb9u4 (on, unsurprisingly, Debian Linux)
20:33.33[TK]D-Fenderdonuthole, [blueface_endpoint] <- you very clearly didn't put an AUTH in there
20:33.54[TK]D-Fenderdonuthole, You made a section you COULD have referenced in your endpoint, but you didn't actually use it
20:34.10kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: the command does not recognize "Local"
20:34.26[TK]D-Fenderkevinnn, I have no idea what you're actually issuing
20:34.32donutholeSo I just set outbound_auth = blueface_auth in the [bluefacer_endpoint] section?
20:34.48[TK]D-Fenderor auth
20:35.16kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: I did this: Local/200
20:35.32[TK]D-Fenderkevinnn, And what is that supposed to reference?
20:35.35kevinnnand it says no such extension/context
20:35.46[TK]D-Fenderkevinnn> and it says no such extension/context <- it means it
20:35.46kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: nothing?
20:36.05[TK]D-FenderLocal channel = DIALPLAN <-------------
20:36.06kevinnnI can't add any extensions or anything
20:36.15kevinnnmy use case doesn't allow me to
20:36.27[TK]D-FenderGo find something else to call then
20:36.38[TK]D-FenderSOMETHING has to answer
20:36.58kevinnnhmm, can it be another extension?
20:37.10kevinnnand can another extension answer for multiple calls?
20:37.13[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> SOMETHING has to answer
20:38.00kevinnnso for example I have 1105/from-internal, I am fairly confident that no one ever uses it
20:38.21kevinnncould I just use this everytime I call channel?
20:38.25[TK]D-FenderAnd how is that going to react to being called?
20:38.35[TK]D-Fenderhow about when you issue a dozen things like this towards it?
20:39.08kevinnnI don't know how it'll react...
20:39.10donuthole[TK]D-Fender, aha, yes, that changes things.   Now I get a 403 instead.   REGISTER worked with the same auth section, though.
20:39.14kevinnnit is an extension
20:39.20kevinnnlike the others
20:40.05[TK]D-FenderIt's going to get called.
20:40.15[TK]D-FenderHow can you not know what it will do?
20:41.27kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: so you are telling me that this command: channel originate 1102/from-internal extension 1103@from-internal will call both 1102 and 1103?
20:41.36kevinnnwhy? that makes no sense to me
20:42.19[TK]D-FenderWhy did you think that was a valid thing to pick in the first place?
20:42.56kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: what should I pick? for console dial I only had to input the extension I wanted to dial
20:43.03kevinnnthis one for some reason requires two
20:43.43kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: okay I understand they are different...
20:43.45[TK]D-FenderYou can't issue multiple Console Dial's.  Forget about that little bit of experience completely.
20:43.50[TK]D-FenderIt does NOT apply to your goal
20:44.03kevinnnokay it is forgotten
20:44.18donuthole[TK]D-Fender, now the call fails with 403; details in
20:44.47[TK]D-FenderOriginate CALLS the LEFT side.  The thing has to ANSWER.  Got that?  Paying attention?  Whatever that thing is has to get treated as though it ANSWERED.  THEN it will do the thing on the RIGHT side.
20:45.34kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: okay I follow, does asterisk have any dummy device that automatically answers?
20:45.41[TK]D-Fenderyour "page" side already inserts the audio, so the LEFT side has to be something that isn't required to do anything other than answer.
20:46.51[TK]D-Fenderdonuthole, Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
20:47.10[TK]D-Fenderdonuthole, You are calling out to the internet and presenting a LOCL IP for your contact.  Your NAT setup is wrong
20:47.27kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: so I should just set up an extension that simply answers. I think I can do that. is there anything else I should be looking out for?
20:47.33[TK]D-Fenderdonuthole, Which is an immediate reason for them to reject you
20:48.00donutholeack, obviously presenting an RFC1918 address at their external interface isn't going to be a popular move.
20:48.26[TK]D-Fenderkevinnn, You should ahve read the instructions since I pointed you to the page repeatedly.  I've told you how this works.
20:48.40[TK]D-Fenderkevinnn, SOMETHIGN has to act as a channel on the LEFT side.
20:50.29*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
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21:08.22*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
21:09.04[TK]D-Fenderpacks up to head home
21:09.41donuthole[TK]D-Fender, thanks for your help.    To enable RTP properly I'm going to need to set up rtp.conf correctly, but with a port range consistent with the configuration of my firewall.   For that to work well I should move the configuration of my firewall to Ansible.  That's going to take a while.
21:10.05donutholeThat's going to take a while, so I won't be back today.   However, thank you for your help!
21:10.22donutholeOh, they left.
21:25.39*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
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22:07.44josefighi, i know this is not the channel but maybe you can help me, it is based on asterisk and maybe someone from you have used before. It's about issabel pbx using call center module.
22:12.20pcherowhat's the issue?
22:12.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:13.43*** part/#asterisk donuthole (~babbage_@
22:15.28kevinnnSo I ran this command in the asterisk cli: channel originate Local/4000@from-internal extension 1103@from-internal
22:15.39kevinnnhere's my declaration for 4000 and 1103
22:16.04kevinnnexten => 1103,1,Page(SIP/1003&SIP/1004,A(/var/www/music/Song))
22:16.20kevinnnexten => 4000,1,Answer
22:16.36kevinnnfor some reason it doesn't page SIP/1003&SIP/1004
22:16.40kevinnnI don'
22:16.47kevinnnI don't quite understand why
22:16.57kevinnnany help would be so greatly appreciated
22:17.27[TK]D-FenderWhen either side of the call ends, BOTH end
22:18.51kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: hey! you're back
22:19.07kevinnnokay so I just have to get 4000 to wait indefinitely?
22:20.24[TK]D-Fenderor long enough.
22:21.15kevinnnhmm, is there even a way to make it wait indefinitely?
22:21.21kevinnnI don't see a way
22:21.33[TK]D-FenderKeep waiting
22:22.01kevinnnwait requires a parameter
22:22.35kevinnnor at least the guide says so
22:27.24[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Keep waiting <-
22:27.48kevinnn[TK]D-Fender: how do I keep waiting?
22:28.06[TK]D-Fenderwait MORE.
22:28.08[TK]D-Fenderwait AGAIN
22:28.31[TK]D-Fenderwait ENOUGH
22:28.44kevinnnSo I can't wait indefinitely?
22:29.01[TK]D-FenderWAit.  wait again, keep waiting again.
22:29.33kevinnnI am totally lost, show me what waiting indefinitely would look like in code
22:30.09[TK]D-FenderYou are totally lost because you shouldn't even be stuck on "indefinitely"
22:31.03kevinnnokay I'll just wait 1000 seconds
22:31.16kevinnnlets hope that that is enough
22:31.18[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> or long enough.
22:31.24[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> wait ENOUGH
22:31.56kevinnncan multiple things dial 4000?
22:32.15kevinnnlike can I use it in multiple channel originate calls?
22:32.41[TK]D-FenderIf you're referring to starting a local channel you can start as many as you want
22:33.46kevinnnwill that be okay?
22:33.55kevinnnwill it dial both 1103 and 1102
22:34.01kevinnnif I call them like 1 second apart
22:34.13[TK]D-Fendertime between doesn't matter
22:34.14kevinnngiven that 4000 waits for 1000
22:34.38kevinnnso I can call them?
22:34.43kevinnnjust like that?
22:34.55[TK]D-FenderYou can call whatever you want as many times as you want
22:35.03[TK]D-Fender* will start a local chennel when you tell it to
22:35.12kevinnnokay I understand
22:35.30[TK]D-FenderIf you put a SIP device there instead it would call it, and the device would handle it however it handles that number of calls.
22:36.53kevinnnokay I did this: exten => 4000,1,Answer exten => 4000,2,Wait(1000)
22:36.59kevinnnand it still did not dial 1103
22:37.07[TK]D-FenderAnd you'
22:37.11[TK]D-Fenderve shown nothing
22:37.24[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN <-
22:37.28infobotfrom memory, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:38.29[TK]D-Fenderthe CALL <--------------
22:38.39*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
22:39.25kevinnnchannel originate Local/4000@from-internal extension 1103@from-internal
22:40.12kevinnnhere's my full extensions.conf
22:40.44kevinnnplease help me... what are you looking for
22:40.47kevinnnoh the output?
22:40.52kevinnnlike from the console
22:41.00kevinnnwhen I run the command?
22:41.17[TK]D-FenderCLI.  Show it FAIL <------------
22:43.24*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (
23:04.16[TK]D-Fendergoes to look for a good recipe for crickets...
23:12.34*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (
23:33.56life_of_eGo for any recipes with dark chocolate.  The polyphenols will be good for you.
23:46.28*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (
23:52.43*** join/#asterisk pchero (

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