IRC log for #asterisk on 20190407

00:34.18*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
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04:46.17*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
04:48.46sawgoodQ:  What is a good troubleshooting step for when a client sends its SIP REGISTRATION, and it is received by the Asterisk box, but not "processed" ...
04:49.14*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
04:50.43sawgoodusing sngrep on the Asterisk box: I see the REGISTER arrive, but also using SIP set debug on (nothing) comes into the Asterisk CLI ...
04:51.11SamotIs it a Chan_SIP extension?
04:51.21sawgoodOther PBX boxes are also registering just fine to this Asterisk box
04:51.39sawgoodNo: the client sending registration is a Yeastar PBX ...
04:51.42sawgoodPJSIP ...
04:51.53SamotThen sip set debug is wrong.
04:51.55sawgoodthe Asterisk box is chan_sip
04:51.59SamotSince that's for Chan_SIP.
04:52.06SamotOn your side, what is it?
04:52.27sawgoodPJSIP = client sending registration :  chan_sip = Asterisk 11.25.3 box
04:52.54SamotOK so the box that you're running "sip set debug on" is the 11.25 box?
04:53.04sawgoodthis was working but I had to rebuild the chan_sip box the other day (rebuild of) CentOS 7.4 and Asterisk 11
04:53.09sawgoodyes for sure
04:53.21sawgoodchan_sip has both sngrep and sip set debug on
04:53.24SamotShow the packet/ladder screen shot from sngrep
04:53.43sawgoodsngrep shows the incoming registration: but nothing comes into Asterisk ...
04:53.47SamotShow the packet/ladder screen shot from sngrep
04:54.17sawgooddo you mean: the sngrep registration packets
04:54.46SamotIn sngrep, in the list of packets..
04:55.06Samothighlight the REGISTER packet so you have the screen showing the SIP ladder on the left.
04:55.11sawgoodwhat makes this so simple is both the Yeastar and Asterisk box on are on the SAME LAN network (both) have 192.168.x.x. IP addresses
04:55.19sawgoodI'm on it
04:55.34SamotThen highlight the incoming REGISTER to have the packet details on the right
04:55.35sawgoodI got it highlighted
04:55.45SamotNow screen shot it so I can see it.
04:55.46sawgoodI have many registration attempts in RED from the client
04:56.17SamotIncoming is already red.
04:58.53*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
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04:59.07sawgoodIf I run sip set debug ip (ip of client) .... for the box that works (registers) I see packets come into *
04:59.22sawgoodIf I run sip set debug ip (ip of client) .... for the box that does NOT (registers) I see NO packets come into *
04:59.25SamotPlease show the screen shot I asked for.
04:59.29sawgoodsure thing
05:02.41sawgoodsince this is a .JPG (screen capture) I'm trying to find a pastebin like site that takes in .JPG
05:05.17sawgoodThe Yeastar S20 PBX is sending its registration to Asterisk: but Asterisk is not processing it
05:05.31SamotSo this is a local box?
05:05.34*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
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05:05.44sawgoodboth are on the same LAN
05:05.58SamotAnd Chan_SIP is 5060?
05:06.05sawgoodyes for sure
05:06.15sawgoodone other PJSIP box is registered to the Asterisk box ...
05:06.24sawgoodthat other PJSIP box is FreePBX (SangomaOS)
05:07.00sawgoodand the Yeastar has a 2nd trunk (on it) going to another ASterisk box (PJSIP) Asterisk 16 (working well)
05:07.08SamotOK do you have fail2ban running on this at all?
05:07.20sawgoodno fail2ban and both boxes can ping each other
05:07.42SamotOK so you rebuilt this Asterisk box
05:07.53SamotAnd since then this other PBX can't register?
05:08.02sawgoodyes, it had 11.25.1 (but) with rebuild I put on 11.25.3 instead
05:08.26SamotHow long ago was this?
05:08.27sawgoodyes: since the rebuild: and prior under 11.25.1: it was A-OK for about 1 year or so
05:09.00SamotHow long ago did you rebuild this box?
05:09.21sawgood2 weeks ago: and since then: I've been trying to get it to register ... off/on as I had time
05:09.42SamotWhen was the last time you restarted Asterisk or the PBX on the Yeastar?
05:10.10SamotOr reloaded sip by apply changes...
05:10.37sawgoodI rebooted Asterisk and the FPBX box earlier and by doing that: the FPBX (PJSIP) then registered
05:10.48sawgoodI've rebooted the Yeastar S20 a few times tonight ...
05:10.53sawgoodand upgraded its FW ...
05:11.22SamotThen I would be a little concerned about the CSeq.
05:11.49sawgoodif I run:  sip set debug ip (Yeastar S20 IP): nothing comes to asterisk: but it shows up in sngrep ...
05:12.17SamotIf the Yeastar is using PJSIP then sip set debug is meaningless.
05:12.19sawgoodI forgot what CSeq is
05:12.21SamotIt's for Chan_SIP.
05:12.29SamotIt's the sequence.
05:12.40SamotThis screenshot shows it at 21K+
05:12.48SamotWhen you reload Asterisk, it starts at 1
05:12.59SamotIt's sending REGISTERs every 6 seconds.
05:13.00sawgoodif I run:  sip set debug (IP of FreePBX): on Asterisk:  I see the stuff come in from the FPBX (PJSIP) box ...
05:13.31SamotWhich box are you not seeing the Asterisk console output?
05:13.39SamotThe Yeastart or the v11 box?
05:13.45SamotThe Yeastar or the v11 box?
05:13.48sawgoodI have an iptables rule in the Yeastar to allow all traffic in/out for the LAN IP addresses: and I know that is up and ok
05:14.10SamotStop. Which box is not seeing anything in the Asterisk console?
05:14.19SamotThe v11 PBX or the Yeastar?
05:14.29sawgoodon the Asterisk 11 box: using sip set debug: you will see the FPBX stuff (PJSIP) but you will not see the Yeastar S20 (PJSIP) stuff
05:14.53SamotHow can you see PJSIP stuff on the v11 box?
05:15.02SamotThere is no PJSIP on v11.
05:15.14sawgoodI see packets for SIP come in using:  sip set debug IP
05:15.22SamotOn the v11 box?
05:15.32sawgoodon the Asterisk 11 box: use sip set debug ip (IP of either FPBX or yeastar)
05:15.42SamotSo you see the REGISTER?!~
05:15.49sawgoodonly for FPBX: not for yeastar
05:16.00SamotOK you are all over the place.
05:16.04sawgoodthat is why I'm saying: Asterisk 11 is not processing the incoming REGISTER packets for the Yeatar
05:16.21SamotBecause you made this sound like the Yeastar sent a REGISTER to the v11 box and you didn't see it in the Asterisk console..
05:16.30SamotIs that what is happening? Or is it something else?
05:16.32sawgoodthat is exactly what I am saying
05:17.02sawgoodI have (2) SSH sessions open for the Asterisk 11 box:  one is at the Asterisk CLI and one is running sngrep
05:17.19SamotOK so the Yeastar has sent 21K+ REGISTER requests then..
05:17.24sawgoodyes, sir
05:17.26SamotAnd you're not seeing any in Asterisk
05:17.39Samotsip show settings
05:17.43Samoton the v11 box
05:17.44sawgoodsngrep shows them, but Asterisk is not processing tehem
05:18.09Samotpastebin the output
05:19.26sawgooddo you know a way: to run: sip show settings (but) have the output send to a .txt file instead?
05:20.04SamotFrom the SSH cli you can try: asterisk -rx "sip show settings" > out.txt
05:20.34SamotCan't you just copy and paste it?
05:20.38sawgoodgot it
05:25.12SamotCome on.
05:26.12Samotdrmessano: Has #MarchMadness just not realized it's not March anymore and it should stop?!
05:26.58*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
05:27.20sawgoodI'm using an older laptop that freezes from time to time
05:28.38SamotOK, pastebin?
05:31.33Samotsawgood: What is going on?
05:32.40sawgoodI rebooted the Asterisk 11 box: and the Yeastar S20 (PJSIP) box is still not registering to Asterisk 11
05:32.54SamotIs this box behind NAT?
05:33.35sawgoodyes: both the Asterisk 11 and S20 and FPBX are on the same local 192.x.x.x LAN behind a NAT router with a static public IP
05:33.57SamotOK then this Asterisk box is not configured correctly.
05:34.04sawgood2 PBX boxes register to the Asteriks 11 (B2BUA) who goes out to the ITSP on their behalf
05:34.12sawgoodfor sure it is ...
05:34.29sawgoodthe Asterisk 11 box: has a working SIP registration trunk to the ITSP and can make/receive calls
05:34.42SamotThe box is not configured correctly.
05:34.43sawgoodits the PBX's "behind" it that only one of them will register
05:35.55SamotYou need to configure this correctly and that will probably solve this issue.
05:36.03sawgoodok thanks anyways
05:36.12sawgoodyou're help is so appreciated ...
05:36.17SamotYou don't have it configured correctly for NAT
05:36.30SamotYou don't have any local networks configured
05:36.48SamotIt's treating everything as external
05:36.54sawgoodgood point: but in the past: I don't think the 11.25.1 had any configured?
05:37.14SamotYou need to set the general settings for this box for Chan_SIP
05:37.21sawgoodand: so you know: the FPBX (PJSIP) box is registered:
05:37.37sawgoodI will look at general settings: and I have the external IP set ...
05:37.45SamotIt doesn't change the fact this box is not setup correctly.
05:37.51sawgoodI've never set a local network setting in general before
05:37.53SamotYou don't have the local network set
05:37.56sawgoodthat would be new to me, but interesting
05:37.59SamotYou don't have the NAT configured
05:39.07sawgoodI'm on it ... that would be a 1st ...
05:39.23sawgoodin Asterisk 11: in general context to set NAT ... and the local networks
05:39.28sawgoodlooking that up now
05:39.38SamotYou know how in FreePBX you hit the "Detect Network Settings" and it fills out the Local Networks fields?
05:39.45sawgoodyes sir I do
05:39.53SamotThat is the localnet= for Chan_SIP
05:40.06SamotThat is used in the [general] section for all the peers.
05:40.29SamotJust like when you go into Chan_SIP Settings and tell it NAT Yes
05:40.33SamotPublic IP
05:40.46sawgoodin my sip.conf (general
05:40.53SamotThose set the nat= and exteraddr= settings in the [general] settings.
05:41.04SamotThat's where it sets all those in the general section.
05:41.09SamotSo it applies to all the peers.
05:41.15sawgoodI have the exteraddr only
05:41.24sawgoodI will put in a:  localnet=
05:41.25SamotSo it doesn't know that it's behind NAT
05:41.29SamotAnd what is local vs external
05:41.40sawgoodlooking up the syntax for localnet and NAT now
05:43.44sawgoodlooks like it should be:  localnet=
05:43.56sawgoodput that in sip.conf [general]
05:44.07sawgoodwhat do you think I should do for NAT?
05:44.14SamotSet it.
05:45.37sawgoodcan you remind me about what these two settings do?
05:45.53SamotLiterally tells you.
05:48.12sawgoodthanks I read it
05:49.20SamotI'd work on a plan to get your stuff current.
05:49.45SamotIn about 6 months Chan_SIP moves to no-load going forward.
05:49.58sawgoodI put in localnet and NAT in sip.conf: I restarted Asterisk: and super-fast the FPBX (PJSIP) box registered ... but the Yeastar box is still not having its registration processed by *
05:50.08SamotIt's pretty much being Old Yeller soon.
05:50.14sawgoodyeah: I'll miss chan_sip
05:50.53sawgoodI have a 2nd Asterisk 16 (PJSIP only box) on this same LAN and both the FPBX and yeastar register to it ...
05:50.58Samotsip show peer <yeastar peer>
05:54.24sawgoodrebooting the Yeastar S20 for good measure
05:54.38SamotOK you can still get the peer details.
05:54.46SamotThat doesn't require the Yeastar to be up at all
05:55.00SamotI want to double check the peer settings as well
05:55.21sawgoodthe reason I don't retire the Asterisk 11 box and only use the PJSIP Asterisk 16 box is because I need to rebuild the extensions.conf (file) to use all the PJSIP dial stuff and I don't know it good enough yet
05:55.48sawgoodI ran the command:  sip show peer (S20) and saw it compared to:  sip show peer (FPBX)
05:56.06SamotPlease pastebin it for me..
05:57.21sawgoodok will do ... 5 min out
06:03.00sawgoodThis is the FPBX box that registers
06:04.15sawgoodThis is the S20 box .... that sends registration and sngrep sees it but nothing is processed by Asterisk 11
06:05.44SamotAnd you don't notice the difference that could impact this?
06:07.16sawgoodno I missed it
06:07.25sawgoodthat is why I'm here asking you to help
06:07.46SamotACL          : Yes / ACL          : No
06:07.58SamotThe working one has an ACL setting defined.
06:08.03SamotThe non working one doesn't.
06:08.31sawgoodwell: I took the deny/permit lines out of the S20 context to see if that was what it was that stopped this from working
06:08.49SamotOK but you should look at your ACL's.
06:09.06SamotThe one that works has one defined.
06:09.14SamotThe one that doesn't work doesn't have one defined.
06:09.34sawgoodexactly because in sip.conf for the S20 (I took out) those two lines
06:09.37sawgoodputting them back in now
06:09.56SamotYou took them out?
06:10.19SamotYou didn't set them to
06:10.43sawgoodI'll show you both sip.conf entries ok?
06:15.09Samotnat=force_rport,comedia <-- They are not behind NAT
06:15.35Samottype=peer <-- Peers don't register
06:16.41sawgoodThe FPBX would not register until I put that in ... I had nat=no
06:16.51sawgoodah! right I did have it at friend
06:17.05sawgoodchanging that now and taking out the NAT for the S20
06:17.34SamotThen I'm going to guess the FPBX box might need to be looked at as well.
06:17.58SamotAnd you don't take it out
06:18.01SamotYou set it to nat=no
06:18.04SamotExpressly set it.
06:18.21SamotTaking things out doesn't disable them.
06:18.30sawgoodnat=no (new)
06:18.37sawgoodtype=friend (new)
06:18.42SamotThe [general] and the defaults will take over.
06:18.43sawgoodboth put in and reload
06:19.18SamotWhat is the point of the registration?
06:20.00sawgoodagreed: I was just forcing this: but I could make them both IP peers (agreed)
06:20.13sawgoodI just know in the past: both boxes "registered" and call flow worked for over 1 year
06:20.35sawgoodthat was with 11.25.1 and this is 11.25.3
06:20.40SamotThere is no need to register boxes that have static IP set on them.
06:20.50sawgoodagreed, sir ... I was forcing this
06:20.57SamotEven less so when they have that and are on the same LAN
06:21.09sawgoodyes I know ... sorry for tying you up on this
06:21.13SamotCould you make calls?
06:21.22SamotCould the S20 make calls?
06:21.30SamotSince you're not authing those...
06:21.31sawgoodyes: I have phone numbers specific for both the S20 and FPBX
06:21.46SamotYou're not authing incoming calls from the S20
06:21.52sawgoodI'll change the S20 trunk on the PBX to be an IP peer
06:21.54SamotIt was set to type=peer
06:22.06SamotIt might have accepted calls it might not have
06:22.10SamotI was just curious...
06:22.11sawgoodit was set to type=peer: but I changed it to type=friend and set nat=no
06:22.17SamotDid it register?
06:22.37sawgoodno ... but I'll reboot the S20 and see one last time before changing it to an IP peer
06:23.01sawgoodcan I show you my S20 sip.conf entry for IP Peer?
06:23.09sawgoodcompare that to see if you think it is ok?
06:25.18sawgoodas soon as I changed (on the Asterisk box) to be an IP peer: the S20 went "reachable" ... now I'll rebuild the trunk on the S20 GUI from register to peer
06:29.38sawgood[Apr  6 23:29:19] NOTICE[3919]: chan_sip.c:23797 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'YS20-LAB-pbSIP' is now Reachable. (4ms / 2000ms)
06:30.26sawgoodso, the S20 works fast and easy as an IP peer, but it just won't register (which is ok) ... IP peeer (on the same LAN is woonderful enough)
06:32.36sawgoodSamot: thanks again ...
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19:08.47kb3ienanyone using webRTC ?
19:10.39kb3ienOne guides anyone recomends?
19:17.24*** join/#asterisk kb3ien (
19:17.48kb3ienGoogle chrome doesn't like my self signed cert, afaict : Subject Alternative Name missing
19:18.04kb3ienused the contribed key generation. Am I missing some steps /
19:19.42kb3ienbut it's using SSL, but the password isn't evaluating correctly.
19:19.53kb3iengetting bogus 'wrong password' errors.
19:26.31danjenkinsCan't say there are many good guides any more. The wiki has one but encourages use of an old webrtc library that isn't updated much any more and relies on jquery
19:26.47danjenkinsIf you come back tomorrow I can help on here
19:42.17kb3ienI'll try.
19:42.27kb3ienIt seems there are some SSL issues too.
19:43.22kb3ienSSL_shutdown() failed: error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1), Internal SSL error   Not sure if it's the auth error that's causing SSL to hangup unexpectedly; or the SSL error that causing the auth token not to get exchanged.
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