IRC log for #asterisk on 20190328

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15:43.35life_of_eHas anyone ever used one of the SIP video doorbells before like from Axis or Grandstream?
15:47.49[TK]D-FenderI'm sure some has used them before ... becaus ecompanies figured this was a product they should make, and I'm betting that the manage to sell them
15:48.03[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@@@! (c) BKW
15:48.14life_of_eheh :)
15:49.48life_of_eI just wondered if anyone had a technical issue with them during setup.  Amazon reviews aren't exactly perfect sources of information (shock and amazement).
15:50.18[TK]D-Fenderthat sounds like 2 different things
15:51.04life_of_eWhich two things are those?
15:51.09[TK]D-FenderWhich can accounted for between a lack of understanding, poor execution, other non-compliant pieces, etc
15:52.08[TK]D-FenderStep 1: go download the MANUAL and see how it's supposed to work.  See if any aspect falls outside the functionality you're aware of.  Ask on those aspects specifically
15:52.34[TK]D-FenderMuch like you found your hook-switch challenge required a patch....
15:52.38life_of_eAlready read the manual on both an Axis and a Grandstream
15:52.54life_of_eThey were both run through Google Translate
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15:53.14life_of_eGrandstream's manual was worse in that respect, actually
15:55.30life_of_eNothing appeared to be a showstopper but they have interdependent settings and the manual does not always help clarify what people might determine through experience (e.g. "I found that if you have A set and B unset, things work even though the function labels are backwards")
15:56.16[TK]D-Fenderhave you googled them specifically with regards to *?
15:57.05life_of_eYes but I don't think my Google Fu was correct since I didn't get much of anything
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16:10.12[TK]D-FenderGood odds taht they are low-suage deviecs as well and that there aren't posts witht he right keywords of have been him by search engines where they talk about successes or failures
16:10.29[TK]D-FenderAnd maybe those people either succeeded quietly or gave up quietly.
16:10.50[TK]D-Fenderor worked on it via IRC, etc which may or may not be logged and searchable
16:13.14life_of_eYeah, I see lots of places where the Grandstream unit is used with their own software and directly with Grandstream phones for example (without an intervening PBX, using Direct IP dial) but not many people seem to have written about using it with a PBX.
16:13.48life_of_eI suspect one reason is that it can't call any AOR, it can only use digits
16:14.35drizgrandstreams support is trash, but my parents love their grandstream phones :D
16:14.45life_of_eThe Axis unit is obscenely expensive but I already use Axis cameras so I have some knowledge ofhalf the function
16:15.46life_of_edriz: hah, I know, I sent them emailss and left phone messages with them and never got an answer back.  Nevermind the last few times I called them their phone system literally sounded awful.
16:16.02drizsame experience for me
16:16.32[TK]D-Fender<life_of_e> I suspect one reason is that it can't call any AOR, it can only use digits <- I don't understand what this means
16:16.39life_of_eThe ATA I got frmo them works great once I figured out the quirks
16:16.42[TK]D-Fender"just use digits" doesn't mean anything
16:17.29life_of_eTK: Sorry, one of the features is the "doorbell" which is supposed to be able to call another endpoint.
16:17.46[TK]D-FenderIf it's a SIP device then it speaks SIP.  It will be told where to call to and any other special settings to set up the call.
16:18.15life_of_eRight, but you can't enter into the field something like allphones@doorbell-context
16:18.26life_of_eYou can only dial numeric extensions
16:19.14life_of_eThey make a point of specifying digits only in the manual
16:21.43[TK]D-FenderIf so then deal with that fact
16:22.31life_of_eI know I can do that, it's just strange because other hardware from them supports non-numeric extensions
16:23.41[TK]D-FenderLink me to the model
16:25.30[TK]D-FenderIt's got a keypad.. where the user could very logically be expected to punch in a room #
16:25.44[TK]D-Fenderwhy would you think that should translate to letters?
16:25.49life_of_eI don't
16:26.04[TK]D-Fenderthen I have no expectation that it should allow "allphones"
16:26.06life_of_eIt's in the configuration GUI for setting up a destination
16:27.06life_of_eThe example I gave was for the dorbell button at the bottom. If you press the button, it can call an extension.  But it (or at least the GUI) only accepts numeric extensions for that setting.  nothing to do with the keypad or using the keypad for dialing
16:28.13[TK]D-FenderThese devices are meant to work with some lower common denominator systems
16:28.25life_of_eAnd I find that odd because their other hardware (like the ATA) allow forusing non-numeric extensions
16:28.55[TK]D-Fenderif they want to work with a super shitty PBX that used to be a key-system that they hacked SIP functionality into later then that key system doesn't know "letters" or should be expected to
16:28.58life_of_eYeah, I suspect they're targeting their own controller system as well which may not be as smart/flexible as a full PBX
16:29.05[TK]D-FenderINTER-OP <-----------
16:29.25[TK]D-Fenderjust because it could be legal doesn't mean they need to think about it
16:29.31[TK]D-Fenderand if the didn't. ... then just move on.
16:30.27life_of_eI'm not saying it's awful, it's just weird
16:30.56life_of_eBut the manual pushes their own server hardware so it's probably a limitation in that.
16:32.16[TK]D-FenderOr they don't care to offer more
16:32.24[TK]D-Fenderand many others can't do more
16:32.27[TK]D-Fenderso why bother?
16:32.37[TK]D-Fenderjust because something is possible doesn't mean it's worthwhile
16:36.31life_of_eEh, maybe, but seems half-baked like that
16:44.22life_of_eI suppose it's "get what you pay for".  The GS is half the price of the Axis but you get half of the RFC with it. :)
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16:54.29[TK]D-FenderYou may need to validate your use of fractions there...
16:59.15life_of_eClose enough for government work
16:59.46life_of_e0.5 +/- 0.5 :)
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17:15.01kwriley87Hello -- can anyone suggest a more ideal way to block robocallers? What we are doing now is running a constant packet capture which will capture the IP of the robocall and we are blocking it that way. Is there a better way? We are running Asterisk 11
17:15.43jpsharpDo you mean sip scanners always probing at your SIP door?
17:15.59[TK]D-FenderYou're identifying them somehow
17:16.36[TK]D-FenderSince they are likely changing their "from" their IP seems to be the most consistent identifier
17:16.55[TK]D-FenderThere are automated tools for this: fail2ban
17:17.02kwriley87jpsharp - yes
17:17.08jpsharpYeah, fail2ban
17:17.15kwriley87Interesting.. I thought fail2ban was just used for failed registration attempts.. how can you use it to block robo calls?
17:18.09[TK]D-FenderWhat makes a call any different?
17:18.10jpsharpIf you have sip.conf set to dump unauthenticated calls into a context, you can have a wildcard extension in that context that runs a call to System to add that IP to iptables.
17:18.16[TK]D-Fenderare you REJECTING those calls as you should?
17:18.22[TK]D-Fenderwell that rejection ALSO gets logged
17:19.43kwriley87that makes sense Fender..but what if someone rejects a valid phone number? we don't want that blocked..
17:19.56[TK]D-FenderWhat does that mean?
17:20.11drizit's pretty difficult to block robo callers, they spoof valid non-spammer numbers
17:20.32[TK]D-Fenderwhat "number"?
17:20.50[TK]D-FenderIf IP X sends me a call trying to reach ABC... why do I care about the USER?
17:21.13[TK]D-FenderIf I don't know the device that's sending me a call then I block them
17:21.35[TK]D-FenderPlease keep this concept in mind and clarify your request if needed
17:22.02drizkwriley87, you're talking normal robocallers just calling your DID numbers, right?
17:22.13kwriley87ok maybe I'm just not relaying what I'm asking correctly, I'm sorry.
17:22.18kwriley87driz -- yes
17:22.29drizit's nearly impossible to effectively block them
17:22.34kwriley87right now we are going through packet captures to grab the IP and ban it and are just looking for an easier way
17:22.43[TK]D-FenderIf they are calling a # you pay a provider to deliver to you then there is no IP for THEM
17:22.50[TK]D-Fenderthey aren't reaching you directly
17:23.01[TK]D-Fenderthe call is coming in THROUGH the provider
17:23.03driz^ the ip is that of your upstream provider
17:23.07drizand you can't block that
17:23.16[TK]D-FenderSo... how do you IDENTIFY them?
17:23.16drizwell, without getting fired
17:23.27[TK]D-FenderWhat do YOU see as "identifying"?
17:24.06kwriley87ah you have a point there, maybe I need to get more information before I come back lol thanks guys..
17:25.07drizuntil we see stir/shaken offered by carriers, you're kinda just..
17:25.10drizgonna have to deal with it
17:25.38[TK]D-Fenderbasically the only thing you'll see is CALLERID <-
17:26.30[TK]D-Fenderso is it consistent?  Blank?  If it comes in blank should you just reject it?  Should you ask for some sort of test or for them to enter a number to claim they are from and then maybe test that against a list of formats you feel might be acceptabl?
17:29.17drizheh i can just picture how csat would look if you did that :D
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