IRC log for #asterisk on 20190325

00:01.48*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
00:11.25wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: still here?
00:11.46wonderworldok, i managed to log the thing
00:11.57wonderworldsorry for my bad english, maybe looking at the logs would be more easy
00:16.00wonderworldhardware is Digium B410P
00:16.23[TK]D-FenderYou were supposed to show the channels already in progress as well...
00:16.32[TK]D-FenderYou need to be complete in showing your situation
00:17.13[TK]D-FenderAnd you should also be at verbose 10.  Make sure we see that
00:19.16wonderworldok. what do you need? would "pri set debug on span 4" with verbose 10 for all calls be enough?
00:19.30wonderworldor do you need anything else?
00:19.41[TK]D-FenderAnd prrof of the status of those existing calls before the 3rd comes in that you figure shouldn't
00:20.12wonderworldi checked with "dahdi show channels" they were in use
00:20.23[TK]D-FenderThis is very easy.  PROVE that things are actually happening the way you felt it was before.
00:20.33[TK]D-Fender"i checked" != I SHOWED
00:20.46[TK]D-FenderAnd we should see * channels, not jsut DAHDI
00:20.46wonderworldok, i will show you :)
00:21.25wonderworldhow would i access information on the * channels?
00:21.43[TK]D-Fender"core show channels"
00:21.53wonderworldwill be back in 10
00:58.39wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: still there?
00:58.55[TK]D-FenderFor a few minutes only
01:02.50wonderworldhmm, maybe it's because it's sending CAUSE 34 (congestion) intead of CAUSE 17 (busy)? but i am not familiar with ISDN on the protocol level. no idea what my telco would expect....
01:13.15*** join/#asterisk blast_hardcheese (~blast_har@unaffiliated/blast-hardcheese/x-0199635)
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02:14.52*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
02:51.48*** join/#asterisk Shorty_ (
02:53.09Shorty_howdy guys, I've found some segfaults with T.38 faxing.. I've done some gdb debugging but I'm not familiar enough with the code to really nut it out.. what's the best process for getting some assistance on it?
03:04.53*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
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08:11.25*** join/#asterisk thanhtruong (~thanhtruo@
08:29.45wdoekesShorty_: please file a bug report the asterisk issue tracker, and attach the backtrace ('bt' and 'bt full') and possibly also backtraces of the other threads (unsure if needed)
08:30.38wdoekesand.. can you reproduce it? you can enable faxdebug ('fax set debug') and collect the entire fax conversation in fax.log (see logger.conf)
08:31.09wdoekes(you'll need to re-enable fax debug after starting asterisk, there is no setting for it)
08:32.34wdoekesif you have a fax.log, you can create a pcap from it to replay the fax (see in contrib/scripts/)
08:40.14*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
08:43.44*** join/#asterisk manticorpus (
08:46.48manticorpusHi there, I have some bad behavior in one of my custom asterisk module. When there is a lots of calls on this module, I receive sometimes -1 as return code. Does the following code is thread safe : (
08:50.11*** join/#asterisk pyro25 (c44123d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:55.26Shorty_wdoekes: yeah, I've got everything bar the fax PCAP
08:55.31Shorty_I'll do that in a moment
08:55.59Shorty_I tried to disable T.38 completely but I'm now stuck in a re-invite->488->reinivite->488->BYE situation
08:58.52manticorpusSecond question: There is a place for best-practice during writing custom module ?
09:01.41*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (~Andrew@
09:13.53wdoekesmanticorpus: for starters, you shouldn't use malloc/free but the ast_* prefixed versions. as for the return code being -1: you should figure out where the -1 comes from: either the fork() failed (in which case you have a WARNING in your logs) or waitpid returned -1 or waitpid returned success, but the script terminated abnormally (segfault? sigabort?)
09:15.23manticorpuswdoeskes: First point, as the command is called (I log the return code in my script) -> So I suppose the fork has not failed
09:16.09manticorpuswdoeskes: For the second part, where from the -1, is exactly what I am seeking for. But I see nothing special otherwise the snipped I have provided
09:18.27manticorpuswdoeskes: The only point I can figure out, is this snippet of code has work billions on times in a "less concurrency" environment and now there are maybe 10 call of this module in the same second instead of 1. So I think, the problem is a thread-safety one
09:18.36wdoekesyou can strace your asterisk daemon, with '-e waitpid,waitid'
09:19.11wdoekes(and -f)
09:20.09manticorpuswdoeskes : yes, I suppose I can attach to the process, but as it's very difficult to reproduce the problem, I will first work on static analysis
09:21.47wdoekeswell. if it's hard to reproduce, I suggest you add some logging. for starters near the waitpid in safe_exec_wait()
09:23.25manticorpuswdoekes: Yes, I suppose I have to... But just some theoretical question  : Does Asterisk module is thread safe ? I can't find any input about thread-safety
09:23.38wdoekes(having said that: I think doing loads of fork()s from a multithreaded application is a bad design. if possible, you should consider refactoring that to having a (script) daemon you can talk to instead)
09:24.44wdoekesasterisk is very multithreaded. some things are safe, some things are not. but mostly the function calls document whether you need to lock something. (when in doubt, look at other callers and how they do it)
09:26.29*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~michael@gateway/tor-sasl/k0hax)
09:27.46manticorpuswdoekes: Ok, I have always read that the only things you can do safely in fork is execve. So even if there are better design, I can seek for any bug here
09:46.25*** join/#asterisk maus (~quassel@
09:51.59wdoekesthere are limited things you should do when forking from multithreaded applications, but you're definitely allowed to do more than only execve (close() and setsid() spring to mind)
09:55.42manticorpuswdoeskes: Ok thanks for your time very appreciated. I will try to reproduce this issue in lab, and strace to check where the problem come from.
09:58.33*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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12:11.35ZhadnostI'm getting a strange problem, often when making outgoing calls (IAX) asterisk doesn't seem to notice when the call has been answered. (and doesn't pass this on to the handset). This leaves the call being marked as UNANSWERED in the call logs and the handset ring timeout triggering and cutting the call.
12:12.03ZhadnostLooking at an IAX debug on such a call, it looks like an ANSWER message is coming from the remote end.
12:12.28*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
12:12.57Zhadnost(No audio issues).
12:14.43wonderworldis there a way to map the ISDN cause codes dahdi/libpri sends out to different codes? our asterisk sends out CAUSE 34 (congestion) when both B-channels are in use but our telco expects CAUSE 17 (busy) to play the right tones to the calling user.
12:15.40wonderworldi thought i might fix it by changing it in libpris source code and recompile but i am unsure if that might cause other problems
13:03.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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18:38.44*** join/#asterisk Terrell (~terr@
18:40.21TerrellSamot, Hey many thanks.  I think I have all sorted out.  I don't need Asterisk right now but there is a church group and they may benefit.  In hte mean time I think I have my issues resolved and it is thanks to your (plural) help
18:45.33*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
19:15.32*** join/#asterisk Chex (
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21:34.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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23:01.18*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-gwpmwjfrbmnhzied)
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