IRC log for #asterisk on 20190322

00:00.10dimestopwhy is that?
00:01.34SamotWell it's part of the reason you're at a 50% load most the time
00:03.11dimestopeverything else seems to run fine
00:03.24dimestopjust this 1 delay between originate request and dial
00:04.56dimestopI've been told it's not always, over 100 calls its still intermittent
00:04.58*** join/#asterisk Terrell (~terr@
00:05.02dimestopso is there any way to get more information from asterisk
00:05.05SamotIf manage debug shows it accepting the Origination Event but then not executing it for 30 seconds means Asterisk thinks it is too busy to handle it.
00:05.05dimestopas to why its locking up?
00:05.23dimestopI see
00:05.38KNERDand more flakey now. The SIP trunk is now reporting the resgistration server is not reachable despite me being able to ping it with reponse. Yeah, I think this is a KVM  issue
00:05.40Samotdimestop: When there are zero calls on the system, does an Originate get delayed?
00:05.54SamotKNERD: Why do you keep going to this being a KVM issue?
00:05.59dimestopno delay
00:06.07Samotdimestop: When does the delay start?
00:06.15KNERDbecause too much is going wrong and flakey.
00:06.22SamotThat means nothing.
00:06.26dimestopSamot: over 100ish calls it starts happening
00:06.28KNERDi never have this problem with hardare
00:06.38SamotKNERD: Again, that means nothing.
00:06.41KNERDand vritual Box runs fine
00:06.50SamotI give up.\
00:06.54KNERDit is when I have had 5 boxes running on KVM all actign strange
00:06.58SamotPut it on virtual box.
00:07.13KNERDI have doen it before and runs great
00:07.21SamotKNERD: well now you've just changed the goal posts.
00:07.36SamotBefore it was one KVM instance, now it's 5 on a host.
00:07.39KNERDno, as I am going to put it on an actual machine later tonioght
00:07.59KNERDI mean I have tried 5 different Sangoma OS on KVM and they all actied not right
00:08.15SamotKNERD: Then you're not doing something right.
00:08.23KNERDthere was some mention on the forum about it
00:08.30SamotThere are problem more KVM installs of FreePBX than hardware these days.
00:08.37SamotI highly doubt this is a KVM issue.
00:08.58dimestopSamot: it's not always though, I was just told they had 150+ calls without a delay.. so it's intermittant
00:08.58SamotKNERD: Those are "hosting companies" that are running dozens of PBXes on one VM host.
00:09.06SamotAnd don't understand how to run a VM host.
00:09.12KNERDWell here is one
00:09.41KNERDso I am not the only one complaining
00:09.44SamotThe VM has 2 GB RAM, 32 GB of disk space and uses VirtIO < THAT'S NOT KVM
00:10.50SamotThat type of VM has always had a problem.
00:11.18KNERDWell, is there some guide to what is the suggested setup?
00:11.26KNERDI can't find one
00:11.36dimestopSamot: I recently changed the originate to have an async flag, would this help at all?
00:11.43SamotVMWare, standard KVM hosts
00:12.06Samotdimestop: You added it or removed it?
00:12.15dimestopadded it
00:12.17SamotIf this issue started after you made the change, roll back.
00:12.35SamotOK, I'm heading out.
00:12.45dimestopno we made the change a short while ago to try and fix it
00:12.57dimestopthanks for the help so far
00:15.16TerrellI am thinking of setting up an asterisk server.  I have lots of hardware but probably would do it on a debian box.  Issue is I think I would need a card.  Is there another way?  Like a box that will interface the RJ side to usb or ethernet?
00:16.58KNERDheh..I just relaized I was in asterisk channel and not FreePBX
00:17.12KNERDI guess it's all the same now :-p
00:17.35KNERDTerrell: what do you mean you "think you need a card"?
00:18.33TerrellI ether need a card with a jack for the pots phones or I need a box that will interface the pots phones to usb or ethernet
00:19.10KNERDATA gateway tends to be cheaper
00:19.20KNERDaka "box"
00:19.30*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
00:19.47TerrellKnerd.  I didnt realize for sure you were talking to me.
00:20.22Terrellhome many numbers on an ATA gateway?  I can get along with 1.
00:21.01KNERDnumbers? Phne numbers, or lines?
00:21.29Terrelllines.  I need to get a number on hte line but that is a differnet issue
00:21.54KNERDwell the gatwayes either card or box is 1 to 1
00:22.18KNERDmeaning how many lines it supports is the number of lines which can be plugged into it
00:22.19TerrellI am sick and tired of the crappy service from my providers
00:22.52KNERDwhat providers?
00:22.57Terrellok.  Term is a gateway.  I have one here.  Let me find out the model.
00:23.27Terrellsays ATA with router
00:23.29KNERDyou wanto to switch from Analog or Digital SIP? You gotta explain more of what you want
00:24.00Terrellanalog for now.  But I may want to provide business services
00:24.29TerrellI loooked at asterisk over a decade before
00:24.48KNERDThat ATA router is probably lockled and usualt only handle 1 to 2 lines
00:25.17Terrellya it is.  But I paid for it so its mine and I'll unlock the thing
00:26.51Terrellempty box.   no manual in it.  Where did I put it?
00:26.56KNERDPorbably better off going with something lliek this:
00:27.12KNERDThey are about $100 and $50 on eBay
00:30.19Terrellits a cisco MPA122
00:30.31*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
00:30.57Terrellwill support 2 lines.  I presume this can be 2 numbers as well
00:31.33Terrellwill asterisk support it or are they generic?
00:31.52KNERDif you can get into it it will
00:32.34TerrellI'll get into it even if I have to file a Court of Queens Bench Action
00:32.47KNERDyou would be beter off maybe just getting a VoIP telephone
00:33.14TerrellI don't want to rewire the house
00:33.25KNERDdont have to
00:33.30KNERDplenty of wi-fi ones now days
00:34.06TerrellHmm.  I just wanted it to work so I didn't need to do it.  THat was years ago.  I have been paying for years with zero service
00:34.11KNERDsome even come with Androids on it
00:34.29KNERDAndroid OS?
00:34.38KNERDnever heard it of. Made by Google?
00:34.41Terrellya.  I prefer debian
00:34.58KNERDWell, they dont made Debian telephones
00:35.40KNERDat least I never heard of it
00:35.56TerrellSince I only need to support 1 number then all I should need to do is get a VoIP phone and plug it into the existing wiring
00:36.16KNERDdont work like that
00:36.17Terrellrun it over WiFi and I"m done
00:36.59TerrellI have at least 7 drops in the house and garage (shop) Just want to get them running
00:37.19KNERDhowver many providrs support eh telephone connecting straight to their service so you really don;t need a PBX/Asterisk for hat
00:37.45TerrellI have not looed into a VoIP phone to WiFi interface.  How do they run?
00:38.07KNERDwhat so you mean how they run?
00:38.23TerrellYa.  They say they do and want $$$ and I pay them for 4 years and its not hooked up yet
00:38.43KNERDnot sure what you ean
00:38.53Terrellsounds like a handset with a battery in it and I give it an IP address
00:39.22KNERDThey have both desk and wireless ones
00:40.09TerrellI bought the Cisco 4 yearsa ago and said just put the old numbers in and I'll pay you and it should handle the existing wiring (pots wiring form 1960s)  They said yes.  Its not been done yet
00:40.27KNERDWirless ones here
00:40.54Terrellokay.  Its what I thought.  And it might be a way to go since there may be a wiring problem here.
00:41.05KNERDHere are some Wi-Fi ones
00:41.28Terrellhow much are they?
00:41.50KNERDTYou can look on Amazon or eBay ..
00:42.04Terrellballpark range.
00:42.17KNERD$100 USD
00:42.27Terrell$50 bux?  More?  Less?
00:42.45Terrellfor that much I prefer to get the Cisco running
00:43.24TerrellBut the provider I called and have paid for 4 years wants $30 per month.
00:44.24TerrellI got the BabyTel system 4 years ago.  They charged me for the Cisco.
00:46.24TerrellI have been thinking... get asterisk running.  It can provide as many numbers as I need and then use TCP/IP to talk to say the Cisco which can handle the old wires
00:48.00TerrellIf I install Asterisk in one of my servers and I have at least 6 right now... then All I need is the interface to the old wiring...
00:48.44TerrellAsterisk can't be all that hard to install
00:55.59TerrellKnerd.  Here is the thing.  I have paid out so far over $1200 and they never got anything running.  For 1 number.  If I want 2 for say the old fax system then its $2400.  All I really need to support the old lines is a couple phone numbers which should not be all that hard to get and I interface via TCP/IP on eithernet to the CISCO and I should have the pots lines running
00:56.41TerrellAm I right?
01:00.13KNERDyou would probably bebetter off using the Asterisk add on, FreePBX which makes it all easier to set up Asterisk
01:00.24KNERDAsterisk doe s have a steep learnign curve
01:01.41TerrellThe Cisco interfaces to my router.  I currently run it to a WiFi box.  It talks ethernet to my DSL modem.  I'll be installing an OpenBSD firewall as soon as I can get it from one of my sysadmins and He is part of the OpenBSD development team which is headquarted here in Calgary and I know THeo
01:02.10Terrellis it worse than Apache?  I've been running web servers since 1998
01:03.32TerrellAll that Cisco is doing is sending packets to the BabyTel servers.  I'll set up my own.
01:09.54TerrellKnerd.  Here is another thought.  And I have been running servers for 20 years.  One of my sysadmins works for the City of Calgary.  really.  I don't need to even admin Asterisk.  All I need to do is hire someone who can.
01:12.05KNERDThat si what I told you alredy
01:12.16KNERDmany providers allow direct connection with yoru own equipment
01:20.43korzq after install from source and run thru systemd
01:21.13SamotThat's a pretty straight forward error.
01:21.26SamotHave you confirmed that .conf file exists and has proper permissions?
01:22.55korzqthe dir does not exist
01:23.15SamotThere you go.
01:23.50korzqdo i just make one? or do i have to install something
01:24.26SamotDo you need the radius client?
01:24.40SamotAsterisk is one of those things that you have to tell it what to do.
01:24.58korzqi dont do radius
01:25.00SamotIt's looking for the radiusclient.conf because it was told to load it.
01:26.54korzqwell, how do i tell it to not load it? the only thing that should change the conf is make samples ...
01:33.54korzqthanks! i successfully got rid of the issue by removing cdr related files
01:43.27*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
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01:52.31dimestophi Samot, a different question to the problem I had before.. is there any way to get deeper informatino about why asterisk is delayed, or how it determines 'its too busy' to handle the call?
01:53.35SamotWhat version of Asterisk are you running?
01:56.03*** join/#asterisk terr_ (~terr@
01:56.11SamotOK so you're a few updates behind.
01:56.20SamotAnd you're using Chan_SIP?
01:56.34SamotWhat else is this box doing?
01:56.42terr_KNERD, Still here?  I just checked the GXW410x gateway.  Looks good
01:57.39dimestopit runs voip monitor
01:57.42dimestopbut that's it
01:58.53SamotBut it records calls..
02:02.46terr_GXW410x FXO  DOes anyone have any idea how much one of these will cost?
02:03.19SamotSince prices will vary depending on source and location.
02:03.45terr_Just a ball park is all that is required
02:04.53terr_There we go.  At Amazon its about $200
02:05.12terr_I think I will become an ISP
02:05.50SamotPlease don't say that.
02:06.59terr_Lets see.  To do so... Install Asterix.  Forget the Cisco fateway I already have.  And I have been paying for about 4 years and they never hooked it up.  I called Telus here in Calgary.  Can you hook up my phone.  Answer.  They started billing me 6 months ago and did not hook it up.
02:07.39terr_So.  I take them to court.  Judge.  Please cancel these bills and BTW that number they have.  I want it assigned to me.
02:07.50terr_Samot.  Why not say that?
02:08.19SamotBecause people say that too often and then we have to support them.
02:08.33terr_SAmot.  I will offer to pay.
02:08.44SamotPay for what?
02:08.53terr_I have been running web servers for 20 years
02:09.03terr_for sysadmin services.
02:09.54SamotAnd that qualifies you for running an ISP?
02:09.59SamotWhat services would you provide?
02:10.00terr_I already have static IPs.  I have enough bandwidth right now for 15 DS0s
02:10.14Samot15 DS0's?
02:10.19terr_Been incorporated for 30 years.
02:10.44terr_a Ds0 is only 65536 bits per second
02:11.27SamotI am fully aware that a DS0 is 64Kbps.
02:11.41dimestopyes it records calls too
02:11.45SamotAnd that you have roughly over half a DS1.
02:11.54terr_I have 3 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up.  I can boost that to 15/15 with no problem and I can instal fiber also with no problem
02:12.04SamotAnd how does that make you an ISP?
02:12.43terr_Because I have everything I need to do it and have had it installed for 20 years.
02:12.55SamotNo, no you don't.
02:13.07terr_what dont't I have?
02:13.24SamotThe backbone pipe
02:13.29dimestopmy home connection is 100MB
02:13.54SamotHave a 1Gbps fiber isn't making you an ISP when that is an average offering by ISPs.
02:14.04SamotYou're looking at a rather large backbone.
02:14.05terr_Biggest backbone I need is 1 Mbps up for up to 15 DS0's
02:14.21SamotOK so you have a 1Mbps pipe to the Internet.
02:14.21dimestopfor DS0s
02:14.38terr_THat is all I need for now.
02:14.45SamotIn a world of broadband, DS0's mean nothing.
02:14.49SamotTo be an ISP?
02:14.50SamotCome on.
02:15.07terr_I'm not offering that.  I'll just offer asterisk for now.
02:15.14dimestopit cost us $1500/y just for an ASN
02:15.23SamotOh even worse.
02:15.26SamotYou want to be an ITSP.
02:15.42SamotTelephony is not web hosting.
02:15.49terr_I already paid a provider $1200 and they never hooked up even a single phone.
02:16.02terr_I have been doing web hosting for 20 years
02:16.10SamotOK and?
02:16.16SamotWeb hosting != Telephony
02:16.20SamotAt all.
02:16.29terr_and I'll just look at the phone service.
02:16.34terr_ya I know that
02:16.38SamotWhat phone services?
02:16.43SamotSo you want to be a resell
02:16.51SamotA facade.
02:16.53dimestopif you're ready just do it and see what happens
02:17.06SamotYou don't want to actually be the ITSP, you just want to sell their services...
02:17.24terr_just a POTS service.  Why pay them any more money.  I can run my own server and support my own 2 pots lines
02:17.37SamotI have no idea what that means.
02:17.49terr_NOPE.  If I had wanted to do it I would have in 1998
02:18.09SamotI have no idea how you think you're going to provide phone services to people.
02:18.20SamotWith two pots lines, 15 DS0s and six servers...
02:18.42terr_I'll do it for me.  Instead of paying $60 per month I'll just run my own server
02:18.54SamotOK so you still need a SIP trunk
02:18.58SamotOr a PSTN connection.
02:19.12terr_I'll check into that.
02:19.12SamotHaving a PBX doesn't absolve you of that.
02:19.20SamotThere's not to check into.
02:19.24SamotYou need a PSTN connection
02:19.37SamotPOTS, PRI, T1, SIP
02:19.40dimestopthe great voip misunderstanding
02:19.45SamotDoesn't matter. You still need one.
02:19.54terr_Gotacha.  So its pots into Asterisk and then PSIN out.
02:20.11SamotPSTN = Public Switched Telephone Network
02:20.16SamotIt's how calls are made.
02:20.19SamotBetween all the carriers.
02:20.29SamotHow you can call your cell phone from your office phone..
02:20.30dimestopthe only way to bypass the carrier
02:20.36dimestopwould be to link up with every other carrier
02:20.42dimestopwhich you can't do
02:20.45dimestopso you have to pay one of them
02:20.47SamotOh you can..
02:20.51SamotIf you have LOTS of money
02:21.00SamotAnd the right paper work
02:21.17terr_I know how this is done.  I thought with an Asterisk server here I can interface to someone with the interface to the Public network
02:21.29SamotYes an ITSP.
02:21.35SamotA Carrier.
02:22.23SamotYour POTS lines would do
02:22.30SamotThey can support what, 1-2 calls each.
02:22.41terr_Last time I looked into this was 1998
02:22.50SamotIt's been 20 years.
02:22.50terr_all I need.
02:22.55SamotA lot has changed.
02:22.58SamotFor home service? Yes.
02:23.05terr_not much with POTS.
02:23.05SamotTo be an ITSP/ISP, no.
02:24.11terr_As I recall I saw numbers advertised ayears ago out of the states.  Quite inexpensive
02:24.42SamotWell you can't get out of country DIDs with POTS
02:24.51SamotYou'll need an ITSP and a SIP trunk.
02:24.56terr_I think I know exactly who to call to get that information.
02:25.28terr_I am pretty sure Probne Mines did it
02:25.54SamotQuite a few do it.
02:26.41terr_I'm going to have to run for now.  I wanted to know the downstream side of things - how to get my phone lines running because its been 4 years and an ISP plus a Telco who have not done it.  My frriend is here.  Thanks.
02:36.57KNERDterr_: about $50 USD on eBay  for the GXW410x gateway.
03:05.19*** join/#asterisk LoKoMurdoK (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
03:24.45life_of_eSamot: Thanks, PJSIP/${EXTEN}@endpoint worked.  I just have to rework some of my dialplan
03:27.17life_of_eSome more testing of PJSIP is in order but at least I can dial out through the ATA and both chan_sip and chan_pjsip will support the hook flash now.
03:43.32life_of_eCan any section of pjsip.conf use templates or is it only specific sections?
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