IRC log for #asterisk on 20190319

00:35.49*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (danjenkins@gateway/shell/
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03:16.36life_of_eWhich DTMF mode triggers the choice to use the content type dtmf versus dtmf-relay?
03:49.53[TK]D-Fenderlife_of_e, Is this still regarding your HT Flash goal?
04:34.28life_of_eYeah, I decided to poke around in the code
04:34.57life_of_eI think I figured out how to modify chan_sip but the details of how chan_pjsip generates the INFO packet eludes me right now
04:37.30life_of_eThere's a branch point in chan_sip that changes the format of the packet depending on the type (dtmf vs dtmf-relay)
04:38.31[TK]D-FenderHow many lines do you need to do this for and how much do you care?
04:38.53life_of_eLooks like it's one or two lines in chan_sip
04:39.11life_of_echan_pjsip is harder to follow the code
04:43.48life_of_eI'm going to try it with chan_sip first just to see if it works.  As far as I can tell from documentation I literally have to send '16' as the signal payload
04:46.25life_of_eIn one branch that involved adding an extra else if to the if tree and in the other branch adding a new if else to choose between sending the requested digit 0-9A-F*# or sending a literal '16'
04:51.03life_of_eFirst step is figuring out how to run asterisk in the build directory without running make install so I can quickly test it.
05:32.57*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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11:28.53telekom_guyHi, is it possible to configure asterisk to dump output media data to a file?
11:33.02filethat's not detailed enough to actually be able to answer, for example Record will record and store in a file, MixMonitor will record a call in progress
11:34.36telekom_guySorry, I'm new to asterisk. I need the Record functionality. Is it possible to do that by changing asterisk configuration?
11:35.09fileyes, you configure the dialplan to do so
11:35.34telekom_guythank you
11:36.30telekom_guyany links I can check out about that?
11:37.28fileI don't have any really handy...
11:37.44filethe thing about dialplan is that it's essentially a scripting language, so you need to know the basics and have context to understand how to use/modify it
11:41.35telekom_guyno problem, I'm a developer which is trying to use asterisk for incoming call (media type G711) and re-encode it to AMR-NB on outbound... I have AMR patched asterisk, all I'd like to do now is to record the AMR output...
11:44.42*** join/#asterisk m4rcu5 (
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12:20.20flokany ideas why this doesn't work?
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12:21.41filewell.. all the dialplan is commented out for one thing, otherwise you'd have to state what "doesn't work" means
12:23.36flokfile: yes, that's because I copied it in pastebin
12:23.57flokwhat doesn't work is that cannot connect to
12:24.19flokI see udp traffic, yet after 2.5 seconds disconencts the calling partee
12:24.37fileI'd suggest providing the console output on both sides including "iax2 set debug on"
12:26.40*** join/#asterisk m4rcu5 (
12:30.40flokso and
12:32.16*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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12:33.45Samot== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
12:34.20flokyet they aren't. the line is free. both sides can ping each other
12:34.30fileit wants to authenticate you as 6100.
12:34.40flokthat's strange, that's nowhere configured as such
12:34.45*** join/#asterisk clearde (~clearde@
12:34.54cleardeim in need of urgent help
12:35.17cleardeim running asterisk 13.7.2 on ubuntu 16.04 LTS
12:35.24cleardeit was running perfectly for 2 years now
12:35.35cleardeas of this morning unable to launch asterisk getting the following:
12:35.53clearde[ Initializing Custom Configuration Options ]
12:35.53cleardeIllegal instruction (core dumped)
12:36.08SamotAnd did you look at that file?
12:36.16fileare you running in the cloud?
12:36.22clearderunning on Azure
12:36.23*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
12:36.39fileyou were migrated to a different host, and your Asterisk was compiled to run on the previous one
12:36.47fileit is attempting to use instructions which aren't available
12:36.57cleardeso how do i recompile to the new host?
12:37.07flokfile: I doublechecked it and has a user 6100 but that's a totally unrelated number.
12:37.07filedisabling NATIVE_BUILD and rebuilding should make it work in the future even if migrated
12:37.38cleardehow would i disable NATIVE_BUILD?
12:38.02fileflok: it's probably because you're using "friend" and its finding that as an entry to challenge for
12:38.12fileclearde: make menuselect and disable it in Compiler Options
12:38.59clearde@file thanks, rebuilding now
12:39.07floklemme check
12:39.15cleardehoping it would work
12:47.26flokfile: should it be user? on both sides?
12:48.16cleardeif i do make && make install && make config does it override all my previous configurations?
12:48.26filegenerally separate entries are nice... you might also try adding "username=<username>" to the peer/friend
12:48.28clearde(mainly my extensions.conf)
12:48.52fileclearde: only "make samples" and "make basic-pbx" touches /etc/asterisk
12:49.08cleardethank you
12:57.25clearde@file it worked, thank you so much
13:00.31*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
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14:50.24life_of_eOk, so there's two sets of PJSIP files that appear to deal with SIP INFO, one is pjsua_app_cli.c and pjsua_call.c.  Which one gets used during a SendDTMF() application call?
14:50.40filethose are pjsua
14:51.04fileINFO sending is in channels/chan_pjsip.c
14:51.18filespecifically transmit_info_dtmf function
14:52.03filepjsua is a higher level API used for writing softphones pretty much, Asterisk doesn't use it
14:52.19life_of_eAh ok
14:52.38life_of_eStrange, grep skipped that file when I did a search for "Signal="
14:52.52life_of_eI see it now, thanks
14:53.38life_of_eSo PJSIP always uses dtmf-relay?
14:55.05life_of_eI was trying to figure out how chan_sip chose dtmf vs. dtmf-relay but I don't see dtmf in chan_pjsip, only dtmf-relay
14:56.25life_of_eIs there a way to run Asterisk from the build directory for testing without installing?
15:09.05seanbrighti don't know it's current maintenance status, so your mileage may vary
15:10.41life_of_eThanks, I'll take a look at that
15:11.27fileit only uses dtmf-relay
15:17.42life_of_eThanks file.  So that gets sent if dtmfmode=info for that endpoint otherwise it'll generate tones through the tone generator code, correct?
15:18.18fileif rfc4733 then RTP out of band, if info then INFO, otherwise inband
15:22.08life_of_eFantastic.  I've already edited chan_sip so I'll experiment with that first this weekend and see what happens.  If that works out I'll try modifying chan_pjsip and then if that works it'll be happy dance time.
15:28.31*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-vrixpwjagilddvxv)
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17:04.01igcewielingCDRs have a batch mode, does Asterisk have a batch mode for CELs?  I can't find anything up to Asterisk 13, but maybe newer releases have the option?
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17:07.45igcewielingseanbright: thanks
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18:07.10anexitCan someone explain to me why I would be seeing 401 Unauthorized on INVITE requests?
18:13.05[TK]D-FenderDepends when
18:13.23[TK]D-FenderIt's a common 1st response as a challenge for auth
18:14.12anexitYeah, from what I'm seeing we're getting double 401's but on the third attempt the call works well
18:14.21anexit(for the user it's second attempt.
18:17.52*** join/#asterisk pchero (
18:21.56seanbrightpastebin some logs
18:23.18anexitThis is a digium system btw.
18:23.52seanbrightthen you should contact digium support, no?
18:25.49seanbrightfwiw, that pastebin doesn't really have anything useful in it. you're saying you're seeing 401s but there is no sip logging there
18:28.29anexityeah, the logging is terrible in digium (no offense)
18:28.45anexitThe consultant believes it is the network
18:28.50anexitcausing 401s
18:29.07seanbrightwell... there is no such thing as a "digium system"
18:29.15seanbrightis it switchvox?
18:29.32seanbrightok, so switchvox is mainly asterisk
18:29.36seanbrightso 'sip set debug on'
18:29.37seanbrightfrom the CLI
18:29.45seanbrightthat will turn on SIP logging
18:29.55anexitWe don't have access to that box unfortantly
18:30.04anexitonly switchvox is allowed
18:30.05seanbrightwell this has been fun
18:30.26seanbrightso what were you hoping to get out of this discussion exactly?
18:30.43seanbrightwe're all out of that
18:30.54anexitAppears I am too.
18:31.17seanbrighttypically you would see INVITE -> 401 -> INVITE with creds -> 200 OK
18:31.42seanbrightwithout seeing the SIP log, we'd just be guessing
18:32.00anexityeah this is REGISTER -> Invite -> 401 -> Register -> invite -> 401
18:32.10seanbrightthat is not a thing
18:32.13anexitindeed, I'll make some calls
18:32.43seanbrightif you are sending a REGISTER and getting back an INVITE, then we are truly in the end of days
18:33.02anexitmaybe it's the other way around
18:33.09anexitah yes
18:33.20seanbrightboth of those are requests
18:33.21anexitThere is no register
18:33.33anexitInvite -> 401 Invite -> 401
18:33.46anexitthen Invite trying, 200
18:33.57anexitaccording to tcpdump
18:34.29seanbrightif you can format the tcpdump such that it can be pastebin'd that'd be useful
18:34.59anexithow would you want it?
18:35.42seanbrightso that the contents of the packets could be seen
18:35.47seanbrighttcpdump -r capture.pcap -A
18:36.05seanbright(maybe... i'm have my own util to dump out pretty SIP captures)
18:37.46*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
18:43.51anexitseanbright: what line is the password in sip?
18:46.36seanbrightit's hashed with a nonce, so it shouldn't be in plaintext
18:46.42seanbrightbut it would be the Authorization header
19:01.23*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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19:38.47seanbrightgood talk
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21:51.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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23:46.40anexitseanbright: no problem?
23:47.09anexitSorry, got busy but I might have found the issue.  Some reason asterisk does not like to fragment
23:47.32anexitDF is enabled which from what I read doesn't play nice with cisco firewalls
23:50.51*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
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