IRC log for #asterisk on 20190317

00:13.07*** join/#asterisk MarkSX (~MarkSX@unaffiliated/marksx)
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02:03.42*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
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08:45.01wyoungteam team team
08:45.56*** join/#asterisk krzee (~k@openvpn/community/support/krzee)
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14:09.15*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
14:11.55*** join/#asterisk lovetruth (050cf6a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:11.59lovetruthhello :)
14:12.16lovetruthI am so new to asterisk... (and voip in general)
14:12.32lovetruthalthough I am an IT guy (System Engineer)... :)
14:13.16lovetruthso... small question: how can I get asterisk a.s.a.p. to a conference (~20 people) setup?...
14:13.42SamotDo you have it installed now?
14:13.53lovetruthI mean, sip.conf,  all .conf files... eventually which modules... conference bridge module?...
14:14.04lovetruthyes, on a small linux server (arm device)
14:14.08lovetruthasterisk 15
14:14.17SamotThat's EOL.
14:14.21*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
14:14.25SamotSo first step is to be on a version that is supported.
14:14.32lovetruthlike which version?...
14:14.45SamotLTS: 13.25.0 (2019/2/15) 16.2.1 (2019/2/28)
14:14.52SamotThose are the two LTS versions.
14:14.58lovetruthso 13 would be ok?...
14:14.58SamotI'd go with 16.
14:15.53lovetruthit's actually an openwrt device (a wifi router, actually). it has 13 in it's repository
14:15.59lovetruthfor 16 I might have to compile...
14:16.13SamotOK. Stop.
14:16.21SamotPut it on a real system.
14:17.24lovetruthSamot: the thing is that my wife has to go to some foreign country and they need some software to help them get the translator's guide into their own language... :)
14:17.41lovetruthbecause their hardware broke (which they used to communicate)...
14:17.54lovetruthSo I thought a conference call on some voip server might save the day... :)
14:18.12lovetruthand I thought that asterisk might be able to do it
14:18.31SamotYes, Asterisk can do it.
14:18.42SamotBut putting 20 actives calls on your OpenWRT router is a bad idea.
14:18.46SamotJust completely bad.
14:19.23lovetruthbut they can't get some laptop or some PC with them all the time... they need something really portable.
14:19.50lovetruththe router supports 20 people connecting to it, but actually a part of them know the language. So it would be less than 15 probably who would connect
14:20.09SamotAnd how much CPU does this thing have?
14:20.19lovetruthdual core 600 Mhz
14:20.51SamotThat is really meant for like some home/hobby stuff for one or two calls.
14:21.08SamotYou can try it but 15 calls on the router plus everything else the router is doing...could cause issues.
14:22.19lovetruthI would love to try it... but my conf (on asterisk 15, gonna switch to 13, if you would recommend it?...) not sure if it will work well
14:23.15SamotYou're going to need to setup the confbridge module and other modules that the OpenWRT docs don't cover.
14:23.32SamotBecause again, that covers having a system that just does calls. Nothing special.
14:23.38lovetruthI had in my mind to learn asterisk for some time now, already... but sadly I didn't make enough time for it... :) Definitely gonna do it, tough :)
14:24.12lovetruthI thought of this configuration:
14:24.56SamotOK, did you install ALL the modules when you installed Asterisk?
14:25.18lovetruthyes, the full asterisk 15 and the conf bridge
14:25.49SamotOK so what is the issue?
14:27.01lovetruthwell, for some reason asterisk (15) didn't open the port when I started the service... :) - and so mizudroid (or is something else you'd thing would be better) wasn't able to connect to it...
14:27.19SamotWhat port?
14:28.20lovetruthIf my understanding is correct, 5060?...
14:28.32SamotChan_SIP? Chan_PJSIP?
14:31.40lovetruthis it a problem if I used PJSIP?...
14:34.09SamotBut since there are two drivers, it is helpful to know which one you're using.
14:34.17SamotSo the proper help can be given.
14:35.20SamotNow, show your transport section of the pjsip.conf that you set the address and port PJSIP is bound to.
14:36.42lovetruthyou have here some preferred  pastebin site?... :)
14:38.41lovetruthand also - should I reinstall asterisk -> meaning, to install 13 (after uninstalling the 15)?... or we'l test this one?...
14:38.56SamotNot right now.
14:39.01SamotMisconfigured is misconfigured
14:54.57lovetruthI got I had a misconfiguration... but I was reading up how&what&why... :) -> here is the file (although I think it is definitely misconfigured, as you suggested me... :) )   ->
14:55.19lovetruthI got I had a misconfiguration... but I was reading up how&what&why... :) -> here is the file (although I think it is definitely misconfigured, as you suggested me... :) )   ->
14:55.46lovetruthI'd use UDP
14:56.21SamotUhm, these are Chan_SIP peers.
14:56.37SamotNot even close to the transport section of the pjsip.conf
14:57.22Samotlovetruth: You just can't copy and paste things from two different how-to blogs and them not be related to this.
14:57.40*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
14:58.06SamotYou setup using PJSIP per the OpenWRT does but then blindly followed a confbridge doc that wasn't created for anything higher than Asterisk 11 which is Chan_SIP only.
14:59.35lovetruthSamot exactly... :) that is so right... :) I'm still reading up these... but I'm a little nervous that my wife won't have something and I keep trying these... (tomorrow she leaves country...)
15:01.14SamotHow is she going to use this anyways?
15:03.32SamotWhy doesn't she need a portable PBX?
15:08.08*** join/#asterisk defsdoor_ (
15:09.26*** join/#asterisk lovetruth (050cf6a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:09.43Samotlovetruth: ???
15:10.02Samot11:01:15 AM <Samot> How is she going to use this anyways?
15:10.02Samot11:03:34 AM <Samot> Why does she need a portable PBX?
15:10.14lovetruthsorry, I connected to the router and changed IP -> it resulted in ping timeout... :)
15:11.08lovetruthShe'll keep this in the bag, with some 11000mah battery (can give 10 hours of functioning...)
15:11.36SamotAgain, what is the use case for it?
15:11.44SamotWhy does she need a portable PBX?
15:12.23SamotHow will she or the other users call/connect to the PBX to use the conference bridge?
15:12.43lovetruththere is a translator, and the translator tells the people the translation in a conference (2 hours)
15:13.09lovetruthI saw this configuration, people have mizudroid or some SIP client, configured for some PBX server
15:13.27SamotSo everyone is going to have to install a softphone app to use the PBX?
15:13.27lovetruththen they call 800 (or some specified number) and they are in the conference call
15:13.51lovetruththey have it already
15:14.00lovetruthI mean, part of the group have it already
15:14.02SamotAnd who is going to support these people?
15:14.14SamotWhy does the PBX need to be portable?
15:14.19SamotIf they all have softphones..
15:14.23lovetruthyou mean technical support? or the translation?...
15:14.33SamotWhy does the PBX need to be portable and move from place to place?
15:14.33lovetruthyou mean technical support? or the translation?...
15:14.40SamotThe PBX support..
15:14.43lovetruthbecause they have no internet
15:14.43SamotCome on.
15:14.51lovetruthit's in Africa... :)
15:15.15SamotSo the PBX is also the AP for everyone to connect to?
15:15.29lovetruthwell... the thing is that they broke their system and tomorrow they are leaving (they have the plane tickets already bought...)
15:15.31lovetruthSamot: yes
15:15.50lovetruthSamot: yes
15:16.05SamotSo now you need to setup 15 accounts on a PBX plus a conference bridge and hope that it all works right?
15:16.10lovetruththey had some hard wired headsets (wireless)... but they don't work any more.
15:16.16SamotHave you even tested basic extension to extension calling?
15:16.33lovetruthSo I thought of a portable PBX :)) -> I want to test it tonight
15:16.35SamotWhere are the callers going to be located?
15:16.43lovetruthSo I thought of a portable PBX :)) -> I want to test it tonight
15:16.53SamotIf they don't have Internet and they are using the AP/PBX why do they need a conference bridge?
15:16.56lovetruthif the test passes, then that would be great... if not... dunno
15:17.05lovetruthwell... around up to 15 meters from the router
15:17.07lovetruthif the test passes, then that would be great... if not... dunno
15:17.14lovetruththey'll stick together, as a group
15:17.36lovetruththe router has 2 x 5dbi antennas
15:17.42SamotYou want a conference bridge for people that are going to be in a 50 Foot area?
15:18.20SamotGet a persona PA.
15:18.25SamotGet a personal PA.
15:18.44SamotYou want people in a 50 foot area to connect to an AP, load a softphone...
15:19.15SamotTo get into a conference bridge to have translation..
15:19.23SamotA small PA system and two microphones.
15:19.29SamotThat's your answer.
15:19.49lovetruthkinda something like that... if it works :) ...
15:20.06SamotNo, the PBX for this is not the right solution.
15:20.17SamotThis is just not the right option.
15:20.24lovetruthhad this router lying around, I was thinking to test it...
15:20.35lovetruthok... but how much can the pbx support?...
15:20.51lovetruthor... I can add a raspi or something in the setup, if I should?...
15:20.59*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
15:21.01SamotI'm saying using Asterisk for this as the solution is the wrong way.
15:21.02lovetruthdunno if I have time to get a system tomorrow before they leave country
15:21.21lovetruthhere is Sunday, so I can't easily find the system
15:21.23SamotYou have people in an area 15 METER area.
15:21.32SamotThey can literally all talk to each other IN PERSON
15:21.52lovetruthyes, but it's a conference
15:22.00lovetruththey would be quite loud :)
15:22.07Samot11:19:25 AM <Samot> A small PA system and two microphones.
15:22.18*** join/#asterisk c0mrade (5d7ec5cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:22.20SamotYes, a PERSON will be speaking for others to listen.
15:22.21c0mradeI've just created a Facebook Messenger Bot and it got approved by facebook so anyone should be able to see and use it :). I named it "Bot Inc." or @BotInc, when you try to message it you'll see a bunch of commands. I hope you guys can try it :D
15:22.23SamotWith a translator.
15:22.44Samotc0mrade: What does this have to do with Asterisk?
15:23.20c0mradeSamot: You'd be able to control an Asterisk server through a simple Facebook Messenger
15:23.29Samotlovetruth: Using Asterisk to create a confbridge for people in the same room to call into on their softphones to listen to the speak and their translator is just the wrong option.
15:23.47Samotc0mrade: And how would one do that? Does you bot have commands for that?
15:24.08Samotc0mrade: How's your whole Mikrotik API/ Telnet thing going?
15:24.32c0mradeSamot: What? How did you know?
15:24.41c0mradeSamot: Yes it does of course.
15:24.50SamotHow did I know what?
15:24.56lovetruthah... the phones would pickup the sound, you mean?... Hm...
15:25.14Samotlovetruth: No. You're using a PBX when a PA system can be used.
15:25.17lovetruthah... the phones would pickup the sound, you mean?... Hm...
15:25.18lovetruthWe could mute the mics... :)
15:25.28SamotYou just need to AMPLIFY the speaker and translator.
15:25.31c0mradeSamot: That am working with MikroTik API.
15:25.51Samotc0mrade: Because I was one of two people that said to use it.
15:26.50c0mradeBut I was at #MikroTik not #asterisk
15:27.18SamotI am in both channels. At once.
15:27.23SamotCrazy how IRC works.
15:31.56*** join/#asterisk lovetruth (050cf6a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:32.17lovetruthanyway, Samot - I wanted to thank you for pointing me in the right direction(s)... :)
15:32.37lovetruthI think I'll test asterisk anyway tonight (as I wanted to get into asterisk anyway... :) )
15:33.23lovetruthand might try to get some system (not an amplifier - we can't make that noise there) to get the translator to every member of the group who needs it
15:34.00lovetruthpjsip - there was the problem indeed :)
15:34.55*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
15:54.32Samotc0mrade: So no status on that yet?
15:57.14c0mradeSamot: Well there's a status, they don't need it because they have bought a fully automated system connected to cloud, it has analytics, dashboard with tons of features, and clients connect through their social network accounts
16:11.40*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
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16:15.20*** join/#asterisk devdvd (17f248c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:15.50devdvdMorning all.  With the directory application, is there any way to make it read the full name instead of letter by letter?
16:16.05devdvdand if not, can someone suggest another application that can?
16:17.52fileAsterisk doesn't have a database of sounds of all the names in existence, so you'd need a text to speech system, and there's none built in for that or in the directory app
16:17.59fileif the name has been recorded it will use that
16:33.20*** join/#asterisk sysgrammer (
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16:35.32devdvd@file There's a small number of names so that wouldn't be a problem.  How do I tell the directory to use the sound file for that name?
16:36.49fileit uses the one recorded in Voicemail if I recall
16:38.24devdvdah, cool ill check that out, thanks!
16:47.51*** join/#asterisk devdvd (17f248c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:48.14devdvdfile, you were correct (not sure if you saw that a moment ago, i wasn't seeing anything appear in my chat)
16:49.00SamotDirectory() works with voicemail
16:49.29SamotYou can set hidefromdir as an option for a voicemail user and it will not populate them when Directory is called.
16:49.41devdvdoh, good to know thanks
16:50.39SamotIt's why the first option to set is the voicemail context.
16:50.44SamotBecause that's where it pulls the users from.
17:06.44*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
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17:22.39*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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17:40.52*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@2a02:85f:1f01:b400:8dc5:1ed6:d057:b2bc)
17:51.46*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
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18:08.27*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
18:08.36DovidDoes Asterisk have something like str_pad in php?
18:08.49*** join/#asterisk life_of_e (
18:09.04*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
18:11.51SamotDovid: Not that I am aware of.
18:11.58DovidSamot: Thanks
18:12.06SamotWhat are you looking to pad?
18:13.11sibiriaone way is to call printf via System
18:13.17sibiriait's a bit "inelegant" but it gets the job done
18:20.30*** join/#asterisk life_of_e (
19:36.02*** join/#asterisk Downlots_ (~Downlots@2a02:85f:1f01:b400:5967:b1ab:7205:4cc5)
20:05.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
20:49.53life_of_ehow does one get the Read() application to say the numbers?  When I use it I hear "Press" but no numbers
20:51.22life_of_eNevermind, it was part of a recording
21:24.23*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@2a02:85f:1f01:b400:a5a2:cdd1:62a9:afe2)
21:32.57life_of_eI wish Read() could playback digits the way SayDigits can by passing in digits instead of having to build up a list of file names
21:39.06life_of_eI still can't find an example of using SIPSendCustomInfo()
21:42.03fileit's a test application
21:42.55life_of_eHmm, ok, I was hoping to use it to get around Asterisk's inability to send a flash to a SIP device
21:44.10SamotWhat are you trying to do exactly?
21:44.26life_of_eFlash my ATA adapter's FXO line
21:44.49life_of_eSo the literal use of the flash event
21:45.25SamotOK, so you have an FXO ATA that is connected to Asterisk via SIP?
21:45.39SamotNot going to work the way you think anyways.
21:45.45life_of_eWhy not?
21:45.47SamotThe ATA is going to convert SIP to Anagalo.
21:45.50SamotThe ATA is going to convert SIP to Analog.
21:45.54life_of_eI know
21:45.56SamotSo it can go out a PSTN line.
21:46.00SamotOK so can your ATA do that?
21:46.04life_of_eI want to flash the FXO when a call waiting indicator comes in
21:46.15life_of_eYes, it supports flashing the FXO on receipt of an INFO event 16
21:46.30SamotWhat is the FXO connected to?
21:46.33SamotA POTS line?
21:46.43SamotSo you want to flash your POTS line?
21:47.01life_of_eWhen the POTS line beeps in with a call waiting tone
21:47.20life_of_eManually of course, just using a feature code to send the flash
21:48.17SamotSo an incoming call comes in over the POTS line...
21:48.29life_of_eAn incoming call comes in *while I'm already on a call*
21:48.32SamotThen it hits the ATA and goes to the PBX...
21:48.46SamotAnd what happens?
21:48.49SamotDoes it reach the ATA?
21:48.52SamotDoes it reach the PBX?
21:48.59life_of_eSure, analog incoming calls work fine
21:49.08SamotSo the call waiting call hits the PBX?
21:49.47life_of_eThe in-band tone for call waiting is heard in the background
21:50.00SamotIn the background of what?
21:50.03SamotYour phone that you are on?
21:50.10life_of_eIn the background of an existing phone call, yes the phone I'm on
21:50.23SamotWhich is connected to the PBX via SIP"
21:50.28life_of_eIt's not generated by Asterisk or the ATA, it's a tone from the central office
21:50.39SamotI get that.
21:50.46*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
21:50.58SamotSo it's PSTN -> FXO -> Asterisk -> SIP Phone?
21:51.24SamotOK you want to pick up the second call from your SIP Phone?
21:51.32*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
21:51.34SamotThat has nothing to do with your FXO
21:51.40SamotThe call is already IN Asterisk.
21:51.44life_of_eIt does because there's only one FXO port
21:51.54SamotYou're not understanding..
21:51.59SamotThe call as already hit Asterisk..
21:52.04life_of_eRight, I understand that
21:52.12SamotYou are deciding that the call should Dial() your phone..
21:52.19SamotThat Channel has nothing to do with the FXO channel.
21:52.28life_of_eLet's start over
21:52.56life_of_eA call has come in over the PSTN, has been connected to the SIP phone and is ongoing
21:53.17life_of_eDuring that call the CO sends a tone saying another call is coming in over the PSTN (call waiting)
21:53.19SamotVia Asterisk.
21:53.21SamotI know.
21:53.24SamotI get what you are saying.
21:53.31SamotYou're not listening or understanding me.
21:53.39SamotSo let me start over.
21:53.41life_of_eI want to tell the FXO port on the ATA to quickly hook flash so I can listen to the second PSTN call
21:53.52SamotCall A comes in over the PSTN line, it hits the PBX..
21:54.02SamotAt that point, how the PBX is configured tells that call what to do.
21:54.05SamotIt could go to a Queue
21:54.10SamotOr Vociemail...
21:54.16life_of_eIt's already dialed the phone
21:54.17SamotNever leave the PBX.
21:54.21SamotPlease wait.
21:54.22life_of_eI know that
21:54.33SamotSo when Call B comes in, same thing right?
21:54.47SamotYOU by programming the PBX have opted to DIAL those calls to your SIP device.
21:54.50life_of_eNot quite, the channel is already in use
21:54.58SamotThere would be a NEW channel.
21:54.59life_of_eCall B comes in on the same wire
21:55.03SamotNo it doesn't.
21:55.08[TK]D-Fender<life_of_e> I want to tell the FXO port on the ATA to quickly hook flash so I can listen to the second PSTN call <- ive never seen a SIP gateway device that offers this
21:55.08SamotNot to YOUR SIP PHONE
21:55.10life_of_eYes it does, it's call waiting on PSTN
21:55.18SamotI know exactly what it is.\
21:55.20SamotYou have a PBX
21:55.25SamotThat is a BACK TO BACK USER AGENT
21:55.28life_of_eNo, I don't want to drop the channel
21:55.36SamotThe PSTN to PBX side of the calls are not related to your SIP deivce.
21:55.57SamotThe call to your SIP phone exists between Asterisk and your SIP phone.
21:55.58SamotThat's it.
21:56.01life_of_eI'm not talking about the SIP phone other than to say I want to tell Asterisk "Please send a hook flash to the ATA"
21:56.17SamotThe PBX already HAS the call.
21:56.33SamotSo you don't need to send anything to the teleco
21:56.41SamotYou want to press a button on your SIP and answer the call...
21:56.44[TK]D-Fenderlife_of_e, go read your devices manual to see if it offers a way to signal it.  Also don't bet that such a thing is offered at all
21:56.58SamotThen I have no clue what you want.
21:57.04life_of_eThe manual says SIP INFO event 16 will send a hook flash to the FXO port
21:57.10life_of_eIt supports this
21:57.14SamotBut does the call hit the PBX?
21:57.21SamotDo you see the call waiting call enter the PBX?
21:57.32life_of_eBecause there's only one analog line
21:57.36life_of_eI hear the tone inband
21:57.47*** join/#asterisk cryptic (~cryptic@
21:57.52SamotWhat FXO device are you using?
21:57.58life_of_eGrandstream HT813
21:58.29life_of_eThe PSTN is telling me it has another call wanting to come in.  I want to signal the PSTN to change over to the new call
21:58.52life_of_eI do not want to drop the ongoing channel between the ATA and the SIP phone, I just want the PSTN to flip calls
21:59.07[TK]D-FenderI'm not aware of an option in * that will send out that kind of packet
21:59.24life_of_eIt was sort of there as DTMF(f) but it doesn't do anything now
21:59.37life_of_eDTFM (f)
21:59.47[TK]D-Fenderlife_of_e, maybe you can use some other stack to send it.  Then it'sa question of if the device will accept that comm from a different app...
21:59.47life_of_eargh, DTFM f
22:01.13life_of_ePerhaps, can I generally send a SIP INFO to a device from a program/device different than the one holding the channel?
22:01.38SamotWhat FXO device are you using?
22:01.40[TK]D-Fenderlife_of_e, if you're using dtmfmode=info then you could probably use a features.conf feature  that will trigger a SendDTMF against that channel
22:02.08[TK]D-Fenderlife_of_e, if it's exp[ected in the same format as regular SIP INFO DTMF
22:02.11life_of_eTK: I tried that, to send the F code which used to be documented as flash but it's deadended
22:02.27life_of_eSamot: it's a Grandstream HT813
22:03.06life_of_eTK: I dug through some of the SIP code and sending code F just gets ignored within the DTMF application
22:03.40life_of_eHence the thought I could use the SIPSendCustomINFO application to get around that by building up my own
22:04.16[TK]D-FenderAh, I don't recall there being an "F".  Am a little tired.  I do recall A-D being standard... not sure what "F" would even be
22:04.59life_of_eYeah, F was to send event code 16 according to some very old documentation
22:05.31life_of_eSome others had changed it, for example I found that FreePBX had altered it to require an 'R' instead of an 'F'
22:06.00life_of_eEither way Asterisk doesn't bother sending anything now except 0-9A-D
22:08.44[TK]D-FenderActually, I don't recall anything beyond that ever
22:08.58[TK]D-FenderSO not just "now"
22:09.21[TK]D-Fender<life_of_e> Some others had changed it, for example I found that FreePBX had altered it to require an 'R' instead of an 'F' <- How did FreePBX alter this?
22:09.32[TK]D-FenderNo sure I understand what you're implying...\
22:09.50life_of_eChanging the source code to look for 'R' instead of 'F'
22:10.38[TK]D-FenderNews to me...
22:10.44life_of_eI'm trying to find it again
22:11.40life_of_eHere was one thread
22:14.23[TK]D-FenderIt refers to a patch... was it never merged?
22:14.52[TK]D-FenderHave you found the code and attempted to adapt it to your version?
22:15.01life_of_eI haven't found the code yet
22:19.07SamotHave you tried any of this with PJSIP?
22:19.27life_of_eI haven't finished moving over to PJSIP yet
22:19.34life_of_eSo not yet
22:19.43SamotWell you should test it.
22:19.56fileflash isn't something anyone has touched in PJSIP, so I doubt it would change things
22:21.20SamotI was more referring to the SendDTMF
22:22.07*** join/#asterisk gugaua (~gugaua@unaffiliated/gugaua)
22:24.12life_of_eIn the app_senddtmf.c it says "and f or F for a flash-hook if the channel supports flash-hook"
22:24.18life_of_eSo that's where I got the 'F' from
22:25.22life_of_eBut chan_pjsip.c doesn't show anything about supporting it at all while chan_sip.c looks like it considered it (ot advertises that it accepts it)
22:27.36SamotIs the Grandstream setup to just Forward PSTN to VoIP?
22:36.10life_of_eFollowed the source code around.  An ast_indicate is requested when an 'f' or 'F' is supplied in the SendDTMF and ast_indicate returns 0 for AST_CONTROL_FLASH
22:39.41SamotFlash is not really a SIP thing.
22:40.31life_of_eI know it's not generally, a SIP phone certainly doesn't need to make use of flash to answer other incoming calls.  It just happens to be useful for SIP ATAs.
22:41.06SamotDoing FXO to SIP is not something that generally has CW as a feature.
22:41.12SamotAs each FXO line is a single channel.
22:41.26SamotAnd CW might not even be enabled on the line to begin with.
22:42.05life_of_eYeah, I get it, most gateways would be 4, 8, 16 FXO ports attached to all the PSTN lines where incoming calls roll over to the next free wire pair.
22:42.16*** join/#asterisk gugaua (~gugaua@unaffiliated/gugaua)
22:42.30life_of_eBut in the case of a residential or small business with a single line, CW is likely going to be present
22:42.49SamotI understand that but the market for that has shrunk.
22:43.09life_of_eif they keep the PSTN line.  Obviously if they get a VoIP provider then it doesn't matter, you get an arbitrary number of "lines"
22:44.01life_of_eIt would have been nice to use the built-in flash feature of the ATA in my case.  There would be a lot of code to fix to get that working.
22:44.15SamotYou're working off the assumption that in a home they will have a PBX
22:45.22life_of_eYeah, but I did know two people years ago that had a PBX in their home.  ISDN line coming in and I think the system was Nortel
22:45.33life_of_eSo it's not a never :)
22:46.07life_of_eOh, nope, just had to do an image search.  They had an AT&T Merlin system
22:46.42SamotI'm not saying it doesn't happen but it isn't enough to base a market on it.
22:48.00life_of_eNo, I get it, I just don't have the resources to fix the code either because I'd first have to dig in and understand what the existing code is doing to know exactly where to add the additional support
22:48.58life_of_eI can sort of get around the problem with some external hardware, I just tried to find soft solutions first (again if SIPSendCustomINFO could have helped for example)
22:50.46life_of_eI can hang a device inline on the PSTN line that listens for DTMF A-D and flashes or I could put GPIO hardware in the server to flash the line.  It was just cleaner if the ATA did it itself.
22:51.24life_of_eI'll have to experiment with TK's suggestion of possibly sending SIP INFO in parallel to Asterisk, just not sure the ATA will accept that while it's already communicating with Asterisk.
22:53.24life_of_eI still lose out in the configuration anyway because CW CID isn't captured
22:53.38life_of_eSo I will know a call is coming in but I won't know from whom
22:55.00life_of_eThe workaround I've seen for that is to get a cheap VoIP service and set up the PSTN to call forward when busy to that number.
22:57.57life_of_eMy ISP is not reliable enough to just move my PSTN service over to VoIP.
22:59.33*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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