IRC log for #asterisk on 20190308

01:38.39*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
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02:00.14*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
02:02.44*** join/#asterisk setham (~textual@unaffiliated/setham)
03:21.48pbp_whello, can someone tell me how the DID is detected for sip ?
03:21.59pbp_wor send by the carrier
03:22.14*** join/#asterisk defsdoor_ (~Andrew@
03:25.01*** join/#asterisk ^Gecko^ (asdjhasd@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/gecko/x-95565820)
03:25.26^Gecko^I'm having trouble setting up a Cisco 7941G with asterisk.  I got the phone sort of working, but it keeps restarting itself during registration.  the only errors in the log that show up are error updating locale, and no trust list installed.; load file is SIP41.9-4-2sr3-1s
03:25.38^Gecko^phone config:
03:50.56*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
04:19.45^Gecko^any ideas?
04:44.39*** join/#asterisk troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:8981:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
04:50.17*** join/#asterisk setham (~textual@unaffiliated/setham)
04:54.54*** join/#asterisk troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:8981:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
05:15.29*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:52.02*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
06:01.17*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
06:14.46*** join/#asterisk AlfaGulf (5ebbee04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:22.42Samot^Gecko^: That's a question for the Cisco forums more than here.
06:59.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
07:11.01*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
07:15.45*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
07:34.09pchero_workAlfaGulf: What happen?
07:34.37pchero_workNeed full logs and version info.
07:38.18pchero_workAlfaGulf: May sngrep from the Asterisk server would be helpful. Check the sngrep about the RTP sending. Does Asterisk receive/send the RTP packets or correct SIP messages?
07:54.53*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@
08:03.05*** join/#asterisk WHiZZi (~bart@2a00:5140:3741:bb01:6c28:51ff:33c0:ea3b)
08:08.24WHiZZiGoodday all. Quick question, can I do a 'dialplan add' for a switch to Realtime ?
08:12.37pchero_workNot clear, what is the switch?
08:13.59*** join/#asterisk mattchis6 (
08:14.37WHiZZisomething like 'switch => Realtime/context@realtime_ext
08:14.51AlfaGulfThe Sip Client is Nexus 6P with google stock Sip Client. The server is behind NAT.
08:15.48*** join/#asterisk hehol (
08:16.27AlfaGulfPacket capture shows the Server starts immidiatly sending RTP packets to client, but client start sending RTP packets after exactly 8 seconds from establishing the call.
08:17.19*** join/#asterisk elguero (
08:18.46AlfaGulfDuring the first 8 seconds, neither side hears the other.
08:25.00pchero_workAlfaGulf: Doesn't look like Asterisk's problem, as long as Asterisk sending a RTP packets. How about check the RTP transmission from the Nexus6 first?
08:25.15AlfaGulfhere is the flow sequence:
08:25.31pchero_workThen you could know this is some kind of firewall problem between Asterisk and Nexus6 or not.
08:27.52*** join/#asterisk devdvd_ (17f248c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:28.10AlfaGulfI am using Mikrotik router, the above capture was done on the router, I can see that the WAN port of my router is passing the RTP packet it gets from the server to the client, but I can't see any reply from the client for the first 8 seconds.
08:28.58pchero_workAlfaGulf: Strange. The problem is Nexus6 doesn't send the RTP.
08:29.05AlfaGulfI tried several packet capture on my nexus 6P but they all failed to capture, can you suggest a reasonable app?
08:29.20devdvd_Hello, does asterisk have a built in way to monitor the status of multiple channels in a sip trunk.  For example, I have a single connection to a trunk provider with 5 channels.  Is there a way to monitor the status of each of those channels to see if they are in use?
08:29.42pchero_workAlfaGulf: Zoiper?
08:31.50AlfaGulfZoiper looks like a SIP Client, does is do packet capture as well?
08:32.53AlfaGulfSorry guys, have to go now, I'll check later, thanks
08:44.53pchero_workdevdvd_: Are you talking about capacity of the trunk? If it is, there's no way to checking the capacity in a easy was as far as I know.
08:45.32pchero_workYou have keep focus on the how many available channels are left all the time.
08:46.17pchero_workCheck the available channels before creating channel, and change the available counters after creating/terminating channels.
08:54.00*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
09:09.40*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
09:17.01*** join/#asterisk Posterdati (~Posterdat@
09:37.26*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (~sa02irc@
09:53.05AlfaGulfI'm back
09:56.28AlfaGulfPlease note that if the SIP Clieint (Nexus 6P) is connected to the same LAN via wifi (ie not NAT), then audio is heard immediately.
10:05.03*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
10:15.57*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
10:18.28pchero_workAlfaGulf: I'm doubting about the SIP client. How about test normal machine like laptop first with sngrep or wireshark tools?
10:20.33PosterdatiSamot: hi!
10:23.08Posterdatiplease help, which are the ports to forward to the PBX (pc running OpenBSD + asterisk)? I forwarded 10000-20000 (udp and tcp) and 5060-5070 (udp and tcp)
10:24.59pchero_workDepends on your sip.conf or pjsip.conf configuration. 5060 is default for listen and would be any ports between 10000 ~ 20000 for temp port.
10:26.52PosterdatiI forwarded 10000-20000 (tcp and udp) too
10:28.14Posterdatiprovider <--> 887va (forward 5060-5070 and 10000 20000 to pbx lan ip) <--> pbx
10:28.53PosterdatiI checked open ports on pbx runninx nc -l 10000 and using on the same port
10:29.59AlfaGulfGood idea, I'll setup a laptop as a sip client tethered to my mobile and capture to see if client is sending RTP packets on time.
10:48.58PosterdatiAlfaGulf: and was you able to see packets?
10:57.26*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
11:39.22*** join/#asterisk ketas (
11:42.34*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (
11:44.11*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
11:45.36*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
12:07.06*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
12:16.58*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
12:35.02*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (
12:35.35*** join/#asterisk ashka (~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka)
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12:38.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
12:47.33*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
12:49.26*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
13:09.06*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
13:42.43*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (uid299068@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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13:51.10*** join/#asterisk AlfaGulf (5ebbee04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:53.15AlfaGulfpchero_work: I have captured the packets from the client side and found that the client is sending rtp packets immediately but not receiving any rtp from server before 8 seconds.
13:54.14AlfaGulfit looks like my ISP is blocking rtp traffic for the initial 8 seconds
13:55.49pchero_workCongrats. :) Then ask to ISP how to make this possible.
13:55.49pchero_workOr use proxy/vpn whatever. :)
13:56.39*** join/#asterisk ashka (~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka)
13:56.39AlfaGulfhave you seen such case with ISPs?
13:57.30AlfaGulfI wonder if they are intentionally doing this or they simply un-aware of this
13:57.50SamotShow this traffic...
13:58.10SamotWhat makes you think that your ISP is blocking random UDP traffic for 8 seconds?
13:58.48AlfaGulfbecause when i used another isp, I had no problem
13:59.26AlfaGulf×او ٍشةخفو ةشغ ﻻث غخع شقث ىخف شصشقث خب حقثرهخعس ؤخىرثقسشفهخى
13:59.29SamotAnd the same equipment?
13:59.41SamotOh wait, the other ISP would have a different CPE as well.
13:59.46AlfaGulfsorry, keyboard went into another language.
13:59.49SamotSo, again so this traffic.
13:59.58AlfaGulfyes same equipment
14:03.53AlfaGulfthis is an example of traffic seen on the server side (router wan port) :
14:04.33AlfaGulfThis an example of traffic seen on the client side:
14:05.32AlfaGulffrom both sides, rtp traffic is leaving source but not reaching destination only after 8 seconds
14:06.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
14:08.22pchero_workI had a same problem before, most of Korea ISP blocked the some of the known-ports basically, but that was pretty long time ago(8 years ago?!).
14:11.01Posterdati[TK]D-Fender: I forwarded 5060-5070, 10000-20000 both tcp and udp to the pbx, I can check that with nc -l 10000 on the pbx and
14:11.36[TK]D-Fender10000-20000 is ONLY UDP
14:12.07[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> <[TK]D-Fender> permit tcp any any range 10000 20000 <- RPT is over UDP, so this is bad
14:12.24[TK]D-FenderWhy does everything have to be repeated 5+ times?
14:13.54*** join/#asterisk waldo323_ (
14:13.56Posterdatiwho knows
14:17.02*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:18.34[TK]D-FenderShows nothing good
14:18.43[TK]D-Fenderlooks like you've screwed up your firewall
14:18.49Posterdati[TK]D-Fender: as I start asterisk from console
14:19.11[TK]D-Fendertaht says nothing about having taken any action
14:19.14[TK]D-FenderDO SOMETHING
14:19.18[TK]D-Fenderand check the result
14:19.29Posterdati[TK]D-Fender: ports 5060-5070 and 10000-20000 are forwarded
14:19.43Posterdatito which is the pbx
14:20.04[TK]D-FenderWhere's the call?
14:21.26*** join/#asterisk adhawkins (~adhawkins@musicbrainz/user/adhawkins)
14:21.56Samottelecomitalia/+3906244052                                No         No             5060     UNREACHABLE
14:22.18SamotRetransmitting #3 (no NAT) to
14:22.20PosterdatiSamot: :) yes is what I tried to say...
14:22.30AlfaGulfI just talked to my ISP tech support, they initially denied any blocking, but when I explained to them the capture results, they promised to investigate and let me know.
14:23.09PosterdatiSamot: if I remove externaddr=x.x.x.x I can register the telecomitalia peer
14:23.24SamotPosterdati: Do you have a static WAN IP?
14:23.30[TK]D-FenderPosterdati, You've clearly screwed up your firewall.  packets aren't getting back from your provider and they were fine before
14:23.41[TK]D-FenderPosterdati, Go learn how to actually maintain that thing
14:23.53PosterdatiSamot: no, dynamic ip
14:24.09SamotThen you can't set a static external IP
14:24.13SamotCan you?
14:24.16[TK]D-Fenderyou can
14:24.25[TK]D-Fenderand when it changes you'll be lying to the other side
14:24.29[TK]D-Fenderwhich will be bad
14:24.33[TK]D-Fenderbut until then will work
14:24.36SamotNo kidding.
14:24.44SamotThat was the point of my question.
14:24.44[TK]D-Fenderenough to fix the rest of the junk
14:24.48SamotBut for him to answer.
14:25.15[TK]D-FenderPosterdati, Show your full current config
14:25.26PosterdatiI mean if I place externaddr=connection_ip
14:25.31SamotPosterdati: So all of this to connect a single phone to a provider?
14:25.34Posterdatiit does not register
14:25.43PosterdatiSamot: yes
14:25.45wyoung[TK]D-Fender: You're a champ mate!  Keep up the good work!
14:25.54SamotBut a new provider or a new phone isn't an answer?
14:26.03[TK]D-Fenderwyoung, This one seems pointless...
14:26.07PosterdatiSamot: I told you... No...
14:26.09SamotHow is that even possible?
14:26.20SamotDid you not check things before buying either?
14:26.28wyoung[TK]D-Fender: perhaps but you are very patient :)
14:26.30PosterdatiI cannot change the provider
14:26.36SamotSo then change the phone.
14:26.38Posterdatiand the phones are brand new
14:26.45SamotThey are not good.
14:26.47wyoungPosterdati: Fun
14:26.50SamotIt doesn't matter that they are new.
14:26.53SamotThey are poor phones.
14:26.57[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Posterdati, Show your full current config
14:27.01Posterdatithe phones are ok, is the provider which is not!
14:27.13[TK]D-FenderAnd prove your WAN IP is the same
14:27.13SamotSo you have a poor provider but you can't switch them.
14:27.19Posterdatiit uses a 64 characters password
14:27.29PosterdatiSamot: yes
14:27.53SamotWell then I suggest you start learning some networking and how Asterisk works properly
14:28.08SamotBecause that is going to be an issue. Your router is clearly not setup properly for this.
14:28.52[TK]D-FenderSamot, he was getting comms from them regardless of his "externaddr" before.  He's screwed his router config up or something else new
14:28.56*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
14:29.19SamotYou've been in here for a week and you've consumed a lot of time here from people. With a lot of that consumption being the same things repeated over and over to you because you will not follow directions.
14:29.24SamotSo start.
14:29.43[TK]D-FenderMissing an "r"
14:29.45AlfaGulfThanks every one, I'll update you if/when I get any response from my ISP.
14:29.47[TK]D-Fenderand don't put the port there
14:29.50[TK]D-Fender2 NEW fuckups
14:29.58[TK]D-FenderStop inventing garbage
14:30.34Posterdatisame problem
14:30.44Posterdatiexternaddr does not work
14:31.15[TK]D-FenderShow me a fixed config and "sip show settings"
14:31.30*** join/#asterisk tmoore (
14:31.39[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> And prove your WAN IP is the same
14:32.02*** join/#asterisk adhawkins (~adhawkins@musicbrainz/user/adhawkins)
14:32.23Posterdatisip show settings -->
14:32.58Posterdati95.238.224.91 taken from
14:33.35[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't need an external service to see what IP your router uses
14:34.55Posterdatishow interface Dialer0 --> Internet address is
14:35.09[TK]D-Fender"iptables --list"
14:36.05PosterdatiI'm not running the pbx on linux
14:36.43SamotOh this is OpenBSD..wooo.
14:36.43[TK]D-Fendershow the equivalent
14:36.50[TK]D-Fenderand then show your actual firewall config
14:37.19[TK]D-FenderWhat did I tell you about 1 line responses when asked for full dumps & configs?
14:37.54PosterdatiSamot: are you a windows 10 fan?
14:38.11SamotI'm a user. Fan is a strong word.
14:38.21Posterdatiah ok
14:38.26Posterdatigood luck
14:38.34SamotI don't know what that means.
14:39.36SamotPosterdati: Let me ask you this. Did you ask the provider if you can have your password changed to something the phone supports?
14:39.44[TK]D-FenderLuck is what people who don't know what they're doing rely on.
14:39.54*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
14:40.14PosterdatiSamot: they won't change it
14:40.39SamotSo you've basically put yourself in a corner.
14:40.45SamotAnd will do nothing of logic to get out.
14:40.48SamotGot it.
14:41.23PosterdatiSamot: this is not the case, anyway
14:41.30SamotIt's not?
14:41.38SamotYou have a provider that you claim is doing non-standard things
14:41.46SamotYou have a phone that is be a POS since you got it.
14:41.57SamotBut this, this is the way to go.
14:42.51[TK]D-Fenderphone isn't even the issue here.
14:42.58[TK]D-FenderHe can't deal with basic networking
14:43.33[TK]D-FenderDoesn't matter to me if the phone and provider don't work well together if he can't even manage his own entwork
14:43.44*** join/#asterisk m4rcu5 (
14:43.52Posterdati[TK]D-Fender: or you didn't listen to me when I told you my network topology
14:44.32[TK]D-FenderMaybe I was gone when you continued with others.
14:44.39[TK]D-Fenderbut feel free to re-describe it
14:44.50Posterdatiprovider <--> cisco 887va <--> pbx + phone
14:44.55[TK]D-FenderAnd we'll see if I think it should matter...
14:45.30[TK]D-FenderSo far... nothing special
14:46.33Posterdatiand the issue should be the cisco firewall rules since the pbx seems fixed as per your kindly configuration
14:46.34[TK]D-FenderYour provider was talking to your PBX regardless of any of these settings we've been trying to fix in your SIP config
14:46.42[TK]D-Fenderwhich means you've screwed up core netwroking
14:46.50[TK]D-Fenderand we're not looking at that right now.
14:46.59[TK]D-FenderWhich says there is a serious focus problem
14:48.03PosterdatiI do not think that network is screwed as you said, since actually is working, ports forwarded to pbx...
14:48.38SamotSo the trunk is no longer UNREACHABLE?
14:48.46SamotYou can make and receive calls?
14:48.47Posterdatistill unreachable
14:48.52PosterdatiSamot: no
14:48.52SamotThen it's not working.
14:48.59SamotBecause the packets are not making it back to the PBX
14:49.02Posterdatibut networking IS
14:49.04SamotSo that is a networking issue.
14:49.14SamotNo it is not. Not fully and not properly for SIP traffic.
14:49.16Posterdatibut ports are forwarded
14:49.38SamotHave you done any troubleshooting at the network level?
14:49.47SamotAre the packets being forwarded properly?
14:50.00[TK]D-FenderWhy should we trust that it's correct?
14:50.00SamotJust because you have a forward rule doesn't mean it's working as you think.
14:50.03[TK]D-Fenderwhere's the PROOF?
14:50.16SamotEverything that is an issue right now is a NAT/network issue.
14:50.17[TK]D-FenderHow do know all the IP's are right?
14:50.19Posterdatiok, how can I reliably test for them?
14:50.19[TK]D-Fenderor ports
14:50.20[TK]D-Fenderor anything?
14:50.35PosterdatiI asked to you!
14:50.36SamotWe can't teach you how to troubleshoot your Cisco 887
14:50.42[TK]D-FenderIf you can't tell what IP your router has then go learn how to manage it
14:51.04PosterdatiI forwarded 5060-5070 and 10000-20000, plus I put in rtp.conf rtpstart and rtpend to match 10000-20000 range
14:51.19SamotBut the router isn't doing something right.
14:51.19[TK]D-Fenderyou got it wrong last time
14:51.24SamotSo you need to check it.
14:51.25PosterdatiSamot: could be!
14:51.36[TK]D-Fenderand were running off blogs that tell me you don't actually know what you're doing with it
14:51.45[TK]D-Fender"could be"?
14:51.50Posterdatiok, now this is a cisco router, for which I have zero experience in config it
14:52.01[TK]D-FenderYou were getting packets before and the you screwed something up
14:52.07[TK]D-FenderGO LEARN
14:52.46Posterdatino I've got packets because I didn't use externaddr in [general]. Stop/
14:53.13Posterdatiif I remove that line, peer register and I can call and recieve
14:53.24[TK]D-FenderLets see....
14:53.46[TK]D-Fendergo show us
14:57.14Posterdatiicoming call -->
14:57.46[TK]D-FenderSIP DEBUG <_
14:57.49[TK]D-Fenderfull damn call
14:59.30Posterdatithis was an incoming call
14:59.49Posterdatinow the peer is reachable
15:00.03Posterdatibut I cannot place a call from the phone!
15:00.07[TK]D-Fenderfull damn call
15:00.28PosterdatiI hung up from the sip phone
15:00.38[TK]D-Fenderfull damn call <-----------
15:03.11Posterdatithis is another incoming call
15:05.29[TK]D-FenderNo matching peer for '+393293516963' from ''
15:05.36[TK]D-FenderThe peer you set up for them doesn't match
15:05.52[TK]D-FenderSo those settings in it aren't even getting used
15:05.57[TK]D-Fenderjust for starters
15:08.06*** join/#asterisk Posterdati (~Posterdat@
15:09.20*** join/#asterisk Posterdati (~Posterdat@
15:09.46Posterdati[TK]D-Fender: so incoming calls now works
15:30.54Posterdatithanks for help
15:30.56WHiZZidisable sip alg on the Cisco .
15:31.10PosterdatiI did it too!
15:31.53Posterdatino ip nat service sip udp port 5060
15:32.16Posterdatino ip nat service sip tcp port 5060
15:32.29Posterdatithe latter is wrong on my router!
15:32.34Posterdatilet me check
15:35.08PosterdatiWHiZZi: I have only no ip nat service sip udp port 5060
15:36.08WHiZZithat's fine, most SIP-traffic goes by UDP anyway
15:36.30PosterdatiWHiZZi: ok
15:36.44PosterdatiWHiZZi: shall I put back externaddr=    ?
15:37.12[TK]D-FenderIt's not like we didn't tell you to do this a dozen times
15:38.03Posterdatithe peer is back to be unreachable
15:38.25*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
15:39.29SamotStop putting the externaddr in there if you have a dynamic IP.
15:39.32SamotJust stop doing that.
15:40.32[TK]D-Fenderwe can fix to externhost after
15:40.43[TK]D-Fenderbecause that's what you should be using along with a DynDNS service
15:41.42WHiZZiMy guess, without knowing the backstory here, try putting nat=force_rport in the sip.conf
15:43.34PosterdatiWHiZZi: now I can receive calls, but cannot place a call from the sip phone, the question is this: shall I use the pbx as the provider for the sip phone?
15:45.43Posterdatiok, what is the domain config for the phone? I mean in the phone panel!
15:45.58WHiZZiyour pbx
15:46.09[TK]D-FenderWhy are we not looking at the CALL?
15:46.59Posterdati[TK]D-Fender: because the log remain empty as I place the call from the phone!
15:47.15[TK]D-Fenderthen you've screwed up something else
15:47.22WHiZZibecause you registered your external sip-account on the phone?
15:47.24Samot[Mar  8 15:55:03] WARNING[-1][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:24054 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"sip-phone" <>;tag=as2cfca9c8'
15:47.30SamotThat was from a while ago.
15:47.47SamotSo the phone has been a bit messy.
15:47.58PosterdatiSamot: exactly
15:48.18[TK]D-FenderSo how did you screw it up where before it was at least sending CALLS to your server?
15:49.05Posterdatiwell I tried to update the firmware to see if they fixed the 32 characters password problem...
15:49.23Posterdatithen I clear the config and redo it
15:49.49PosterdatiSamot: the phone is a bit messy alas it register to the pbx
15:50.06WHiZZiwhere are you registering your phone on? On your local pbx or on the sip-provider?
15:50.19SamotThose phones actually come pre-interop'd with like 6 Italian providers.
15:50.28SamotYou have to pick the one they didn't interop with.
15:50.34PosterdatiSamot: not with tim :(
15:51.00SamotWHiZZi: He ordered phone service, got a Gigaset phone, the phone doesn't support the password length the provider uses.
15:51.03PosterdatiSamot: an operator from the provider, told me that gigaset AS540IP was ok!
15:51.17SamotWHiZZi: So this has been the last week. Getting Asterisk to act as the PBX...
15:51.20PosterdatiSamot: it wasn't!
15:51.42SamotWHiZZi: For a single voip account.
15:52.00SamotThat uses a single phone DECT device.
15:52.17Posterdatino 4 dects phones registerd on the base
15:52.26Posterdatitwo AS540H
15:52.35Posterdatiand two AS120
15:52.43SamotYou basically signed up for simple resi/soho level voip service.
15:52.58SamotThat should allow any dumb DECT/ATA device be used..
15:52.59Posterdatia single phone at the time
15:55.08PosterdatiSamot: the absurd is that I cannot use another provider,
15:55.21SamotYes, it is.
15:55.42PosterdatiSamot: because the line is owned by telecom and they didn't lend the line to other provider...
15:55.53SamotIf this is a business and they decided paying you to be on IRC for a week to figure this out was cheaper then getting a better phone set or another provider..they are wrong.
15:56.05SamotAnd you can't port or move your number?
15:56.11SamotItaly doesn't let you change providers?
15:56.24PosterdatiSamot: I can sign a contract with others but I have to always pay the line to telecomitalia
15:56.42SamotOK so you're stuck in a contract.
15:56.46PosterdatiSamot: the do not mantain the number
15:56.56SamotBut you won't buy a phone set that will work properly?
15:57.03PosterdatiSamot: no, I'm stuck in this part of the city
15:57.47PosterdatiSamot: I thought that sip phones would be standard and the provider too, plus the telecomitalia told me that it was ok
15:58.02SamotThey were wrong.
15:58.17WHiZZiPosterdati: what's the goal in the end? What are you trying to accomplish here?
15:58.17SamotSo now you're stuck with this provider.
15:58.24SamotBasic voip service.
15:58.26SamotLike Vonage.
15:58.29Posterdatiwho could know that in advance???
15:58.30SamotThat's what he got.
15:58.50PosterdatiSamot: yes
15:58.53SamotPosterdati: What came firs the provider or the phone?
15:59.04PosterdatiSamot: provider
15:59.04SamotWhich one was purchased first?
15:59.15SamotOK so did you get all their details?\
15:59.22SamotDid you know they have a 64 character password?
15:59.25Posterdatibecause I had an old adsl with them
15:59.34Posterdatiwith analog phones and filters
15:59.39SamotThey provided you with your SIP account details.
15:59.50SamotYou then went and got a phone that didn't support 64 character passwords.
16:00.11PosterdatiSamot: NO, they do not know that so I complained with gigaset and them, telecom told me that I have to choose their damned modem
16:00.18SamotYou bought a phone that doesn't have your provider listed in it's Italy's supported providers list.
16:00.55PosterdatiSamot: I told you, the telecom customer care  told me that it is
16:01.05Posterdatiit is not
16:01.07SamotA person who answers the phone...
16:01.12SamotAt a low level...
16:01.26SamotProbably doesn't know the details of each model or maker out there.
16:01.43SamotThat doesn't mean you shouldn't have done your own ressearch.
16:01.45Posterdatiok, but he could tell me where to look for a valid list of them
16:01.57PosterdatiSamot: yes, I did an error
16:01.58SamotDude, the answer is either learn networking and Asterisk....
16:02.05SamotOr go buy a phone that works with them.
16:02.33SamotLike I said, if this is for a business you've already wasted a lot of money and time on this during this week.
16:02.44SamotAnd you're still not anywhere near being solved.
16:02.50PosterdatiSamot: I think the phone could be used, the problem is the provider
16:03.03SamotBut you can't leave this problem.
16:03.06SamotSo adjust.
16:03.08PosterdatiSamot: no, it is not
16:03.18PosterdatiSamot: no, it is not a business you're just going to spend how much of your time on this?
16:03.32WHiZZiI think Posterdati needs to figure out what he wants, why is he dealing with Asterisk?
16:03.39SamotWe know why
16:03.43PosterdatiSamot: no, I won't put my hands in a job I do not know
16:03.53SamotHis phone can't support 64 character SIP passwords.
16:04.03SamotHis provider uses 64 character SIP passwords.
16:04.12SamotThat's the entire issue, WHiZZi.
16:04.21PosterdatiSamot: yes!
16:04.21SamotAsterisk is being used to get around that.
16:04.27SamotWhich is completely dumb.
16:04.44WHiZZiok, so his phones should register at asterisk
16:04.48PosterdatiSamot: the problem is that I never used it before
16:04.49WHiZZiand asterisk to his provider
16:04.59PosterdatiWHiZZi: more or less, yes!
16:05.08SamotWHiZZi: He has zero Asterisk skills. Along with zero networking knowledge.
16:05.20PosterdatiSamot: not zero network
16:05.28SamotWHiZZi: If it hasn't been an Asterisk config issue, it's a router config issue.
16:06.11SamotWHiZZi: This is a 15 minute problem that he has turned into a week long problem. Mainly due to failure of following instructions.
16:06.42WHiZZiI figured
16:07.24PosterdatiSamot: or your temper, which prevent you to be polite and effective in your explanations like externaddr  one time I had to use it an another time not
16:07.50SamotYou were told early not to use it
16:07.54SamotThen you kept putting it back
16:07.58SamotWhy? I don't know.
16:08.06PosterdatiBY WHO?
16:08.13Posterdatione told yes and another not
16:08.39WHiZZiPosterdati: Take one step at a time. 1) Register your phone(s) at the PBX and make sure they can call eachother.
16:08.56WHiZZi2) Register your SIP-provider on the Asterisk
16:09.06WHiZZi3) Make a dialplan
16:09.19Samot9:23:54 AM <Posterdati> Samot: no, dynamic ip
16:09.19Samot9:24:02 AM <Samot> Uhm....
16:09.19Samot9:24:10 AM <Samot> Then you can't set a static external IP
16:09.24Samot9:24:17 AM <[TK]D-Fender> you can
16:09.24Samot9:24:26 AM <[TK]D-Fender> and when it changes you'll be lying to the other side
16:09.24Samot9:24:31 AM <[TK]D-Fender> which will be bad
16:09.24Samot9:24:34 AM <[TK]D-Fender> but until then will work
16:09.30PosterdatiWHiZZi: now... The system worked, but I had an issue: the incoming calls lasted 1 minutes...
16:09.43WHiZZithat's a NAT issue
16:09.56*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
16:10.01PosterdatiWHiZZi: which I solved
16:10.22SamotNo, not if the calls are  lasting 1 minute.
16:10.26SamotThere's an issue.
16:10.45PosterdatiWHiZZi: because now I have incoming calls to last until I hang up
16:11.05WHiZZithat's how it should work :P
16:11.37PosterdatiWHiZZi: yes, but now I cannot place an outbound call :) and I'm trying to debug it
16:12.05Posterdatias Samot could see, the sip phone is messy now
16:12.51SamotActually, I've been saying it from the beginning.
16:12.51Posterdatialas it registers there's something wrong
16:13.02SamotBecause those Gigaset's are not great.
16:13.03PosterdatiSamot: true
16:13.08SamotPeople always seem to have issues with them.
16:13.13PosterdatiSamot: they are cheap
16:13.26SamotThey aren't great.
16:13.29WHiZZiThere's a reason for that
16:13.34SamotThey are subpar.
16:13.42SamotYou got a non-standard provider and a subpar device.
16:13.49WHiZZiespecially the A-series
16:14.04WHiZZiS-series and N-series are pretty decent
16:14.39WHiZZiand business phones are reasonable too
16:15.18WHiZZiN300A or N510 as endpoint, S-series for DECT. Work fine with Asterisk
16:15.31PosterdatiSamot: I would never use such things for business
16:21.04PosterdatiSamot: consider that the provider wants 5 euros per month for the modem for all the contract time
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17:13.55drmessanoThis fucking keyboard'
17:14.01filehello Yubikey
17:14.34fileyour OTP is valid, congrats
17:14.37drmessanoDamn laptop is too small
17:15.52drmessanoI need a right-angle USB extender that puts this thing like 3 inches out to the left and further back lol
17:24.26*** join/#asterisk bobjase (47ae5b95@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:24.30bobjasein my sip.conf, I have allowguest=no, but when I do "sip show channels" I see a bunch of random connections with a last message of "Rx: INVITE"
17:24.47bobjaseAny recommendations?
17:26.31drmessanoNot all heroes wear caps
17:26.33drmessanoNot all heroes wear capes
17:26.35drmessanoor caps
17:28.13[TK]D-Fenderbobjase, ignore those.  So they sent you an invite.  Nowhere does that say you accepted it
17:28.44[TK]D-Fenderif you don't see an actual active * channel "core show channels" then it's not actually in process.
17:34.26bobjasethere are lots of them and it's annoying - there's no way to block them?
17:35.05[TK]D-FenderGo firewall everything except spcific IP's you care to hear anything from
17:36.05[TK]D-Fendereither preemptively (default "disallow" firewall) or retroactively (fail2ban)
17:41.52bobjasewe have fail2ban
17:41.56bobjasebut it doesnt block these ppl
17:45.07[TK]D-Fenderperhaps not configured properly
17:45.21[TK]D-FenderOr this is just the latest batch who will eventually get banned
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20:44.22PosterdatiSamot: hi! I was able to fix incoming and outbound calls
20:47.05SamotAnd what was the fix?
20:48.07Posterdatidirectmedia=no in general, trunk and phone
20:48.29PosterdatiI used 5060 udp and 10000 20000 range for the sip phone
20:49.04Posterdatinow I have to wait to see if asterisk is able to get an incoming call after some minutes it has received one
20:50.12Posterdatisometimes happen that options and invite are sent to the wrong ips
20:51.06Posterdatiah I put in general keepalive=yes
20:53.48PosterdatiSamot: what is an Ericsson MTAS - CXP9020729/8 R14L01 ??
20:54.29SamotThat sounds like something you should ask Google.
20:55.06PosterdatiYour search - Ericsson MTAS - CXP9020729/8 R14L01 - did not match any documents.
20:56.07Posterdatiwasn't ericsson bankrupt?
20:57.10*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
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23:58.54robinkAnyone know of any outstanding issues when linking pjproject (2.8) against OpenSSL 1.1.0?
23:59.21robinkI seem to be having difficulty, and I can't find any current (i.e. open) issues on the Asterisk/PJSIP bugtracker.
23:59.41*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (

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