IRC log for #asterisk on 20190303

00:30.21life_of_eHow do dynamic features get enabled after being added to features.conf?  I have DYNAMIC_FEATURES set in the globals section of extensions.conf but they're not working.  Do I have to set DYNAMIC_FEATURES in every context/extension?
00:30.39*** part/#asterisk life_of_e (
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00:37.25Samotlife_of_e: How do you call on them?
00:37.49SamotAnd what do you have as the global variable?
00:38.38life_of_eRight now I put in a test DF in the [applicationmap] section of features.conf:  testdf => #*,peer,Playback,tt-monkeys
00:38.52life_of_ein [globals] I have DYNAMIC_FEATURES=testdf
00:41.02life_of_eit just doesn't seem to be playing
01:13.18life_of_ehmm, well I restarted everything and got it working.  I had already done a reload on features and the dialplan but who knows
01:15.09life_of_eI found an interesting device that can listen for DTMF A,B,C, or D and will flash the PSTN line it's attached to.  This solves my problem of trying to flash over from a SIP phone to the PSTN on an FXO ATA because Asterisk apparently won't send a flash itself.
01:15.30life_of_eAt least not to a SIP FXO
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08:21.28Posterdatiplease help, I have problem with incoming calls: the call drops after 1 minute! Thanks
09:13.33*** join/#asterisk sysgrammer (
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10:02.30PosterdatiI disabled the sip alg from the router, but incoming calls always hang up after 1 minute
10:08.04*** join/#asterisk tinhei (
10:09.34*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
10:18.45*** join/#asterisk stevedavies (~stevedavi@
10:38.39PosterdatiI've got this during an incoming call --> SIP/2.0 486 Busy Here
10:59.07*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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12:41.34*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
13:23.46Posterdatiseems that the asterisk server tries to authenticate the sip phone during the call the auth is denied
13:28.13*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
14:06.05SamotLooks like a phone issue.
14:20.07*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
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14:47.44Posterdatiwhy the provider wants to authenticate the sip phone which is behind asterisk???
14:48.17*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
14:51.29SamotWhat are you talking about?
14:51.33SamotYou're not showing everything.
14:51.38SamotOne packet isn't enough.
14:54.54Posterdatithis is a complete phone call originated from outside
15:02.20Posterdatiany hints?
15:04.25SamotSo you're making the call from the phone through asterisk to the provider?
15:04.57PosterdatiI'm receiving a phone call
15:05.02SamotOK this isn't a full call.
15:05.15SamotYou're missing the first INVITE from the provider if this is an incoming call.
15:05.17Posterdatiprovider --> asterisk --> ip phone
15:05.57SamotAll you are showing is Asterisk calling the phone.
15:06.16SamotProvider -> Asterisk and Asterisk -> Phone
15:06.22SamotThere are TWO legs of this call.
15:06.24SamotNot one.
15:06.39SamotYour provider has no idea Asterisk is sending this call to a phone.
15:08.21Posterdatitwo legs?
15:10.14SamotNo matching peer for '+393293516963' from '' <-- That's a problem.
15:10.41Samot<--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---> <-- Providers are generally not behind NAT
15:11.21Posterdati+393293516963 this is the number calling asterisk
15:11.28Posterdati+393293516963 this is the external number calling asterisk
15:12.08SamotReliably Transmitting (NAT) to <-- You're phones should be behind NAT they are on the same lan as the PBX
15:12.45SamotI get that. You have this setup completely wrong.
15:13.39SamotThat's not what this is showing.
15:13.54PosterdatiI have
15:14.12Posterdatiin [general]
15:14.23Posterdatiin [sip-phone]
15:14.28Posterdatiand [telecomitalia]
15:18.15Posterdatishall I place nat=no ?
15:40.26*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
15:51.53SamotDid you try it with nat=no?
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17:22.49Posterdatiseems that the provide ask the sip phone the auth
17:23.04Posterdatiseems that the provider asks the sip phone the auth
17:23.52Posterdati[Mar  3 18:21:45] NOTICE[-1][C-0000000d]: chan_sip.c:24041 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '<;user=phone>;tag=as2908da7f'
17:26.13fileset the "directmedia" option to "no"
17:26.42filethey aren't trying to authenticate the phone - Asterisk is trying to allow the media to flow directly which won't work
17:27.13Posterdatiexactly, it told me that rtp is established directly among provider and phone
17:27.29Posterdatiin general?
17:27.48fileor in the individual sections.
17:28.06Posterdatilet's try
17:28.26*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
17:30.53Posterdatiok, now there's no a direct flow, but asterisk continues to tell that the phone is not authenticated
17:30.56Posterdatihow come?
17:31.06Posterdatiit is among the peers list!!!
17:31.23fileyou haven't provided a current trace, so no idea
17:35.09fileI see nothing wrong?
17:35.15fileat least in regards to auth
17:36.16fileyour NAT settings seem incorrect
17:36.25fileyou're giving the VoIP provider a private IP address
17:37.27Posterdatibindport and bindaddress ??
17:39.59sibiriaPosterdati: for chan_sip, read up externaddr/externhost
17:40.24sibiriayeah exactly what file pointed to
17:40.29Samot10:10:20 AM <Samot> No matching peer for '+393293516963' from '' <-- That's a problem.
17:40.41Samottelecomitalia/+3906244052                                Yes        Yes            5060     Unmonitored
17:40.56PosterdatiI removed bindaddr and bindport
17:41.33SamotThis call we keep seeing in the debugs is coming from an IP you have no matching Chan_SIP trunk for.
17:41.46SamotSo that pretty much tells me you have this box wide open for anything to send calls to you.
17:42.20SamotReliably Transmitting (NAT) to
17:42.20SamotREGISTER SIP/2.0
17:42.43SamotYou seem to be sending and receiving things from an IP that doesn't match your Chan_SIP trunk/peer.
17:47.55Samot486 Busy Here really shouldn't be the reply to an OPTIONS request.
17:48.56fileit's not... wrong
17:49.01fileit's technically correct...
17:49.30*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@2a02:85f:1f01:b400:542:5065:36a4:9eaa)
17:50.54Posterdatiseems to be solved
17:51.50PosterdatiI removed bindaddr and bindport lines in [general] now incoming connection is going over 1 minute :)
17:52.06Posterdatistill get busy warning in the log :)
17:52.16Posterdatibut it works
17:52.18*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@2a02:85f:1f01:b400:542:5065:36a4:9eaa)
17:53.34Posterdatithanks people
18:21.50Samot12:49:07 PM <@file> it's technically correct... <- It really shouldn't be the reply. It should be a 404, 408 or 200 but yeah, it did reply...just funky.
18:22.04*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
18:22.07fileit's supposed to behave as if it were an INVITE
18:22.33fileif the device in question would respond with a 486 Busy Here, as it's in a call, to an INVITE then the response to the OPTIONS is technically correct
18:26.23SamotBut I can say that this is the first time I've ever seen that.
18:26.41SamotAnd if it's not, it's been so rare and long ago I don't recall it.
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