IRC log for #asterisk on 20190221

00:10.23*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-tbsqtspdnbjotuol)
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01:35.39life_of_eWhen a video enabled endpoint calls another, my understanding is that Asterisk is supposed to just pass through the video related SIP data so that the direct video media link is established, correct?  Is there a way within the dial plan (or external to the dial plan but triggered by it) to snag that video related  data?
01:36.58life_of_eThe idea being a video doorbell that autodials.  I wanted to trigger an external viewer application if the doorbell rang.
01:40.20SamotAs far as I know, video is pass-thru. It doesn't touch it.
01:40.38SamotNothing to originate a video call.
01:40.52SamotBecause it would need to come from a local channel.
01:42.11Samotlife_of_e: Might be possible to originate the call to one endpoint and when it answers, dial the other and have them set to  start video after answer...
01:42.19SamotOr that may be how it works now..
01:42.43SamotSo you might be able to do it with a regular call and let the endpoints switch to video after established.
01:43.46life_of_eOk, the hope was to detect that the endpoint was a video unit so that I could fire up a viewer like VLC elsewhere (not necessarily on a video enabled receiving endpoint)
01:45.08life_of_eI guess the other way to do it is to detect which endpoint is calling and just maintain the ID of the video enabled devices within the dialplan (global variables) then trigger on a match.
01:45.59life_of_eI was aiming for the semi-automatic approach if it existed ("hey, there's video in this call")
01:46.51life_of_eNone of my phones do video, only the doorbell
01:53.24*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
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13:37.47TECFALLWhy do all my outbound calls log my external 10 digit number instead of the users' extensions? Example:
13:38.27TECFALLThis is the only location that does this? Running asterisk 13.17.2.
13:39.03*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpifan@
13:41.54SamotThe callerid= setting only uses that CallerID if there is no CallerID present.
13:42.51TECFALLSamot: Right, but I'm not sure why it logs the correct information on all my other 5+ locations.
13:43.06TECFALLI would expect it to log the internal extension when making outbound calls.
13:43.08SamotHave you looked at a call?
13:43.54TECFALLSamot: not in depth with debug. Just in the console.
13:44.04SamotYou're not showing anything.
13:44.13SamotYou're saying it is doing things but you're not showing.
13:45.42TECFALLSamot: what is the command to set debug on a specific ext?
13:45.48TECFALLI can never remember
13:46.02SamotJust run the verbose commmand\
13:46.12SamotThis is about the dialplan not working so show what the dialplan is doing.
13:46.31TECFALLk, just one second
13:59.06TECFALLSamot: okay, weird. I must have been nuts the other day. All locations are doing the same thing except on an old asterisk 1.8 box.
13:59.25SamotI still don't see a debug.
13:59.40SamotIt's been 10 minutes.
13:59.43TECFALLI don't know if there is one...
13:59.49SamotYou can't call?
13:59.55SamotYou can't make a test call to make one?
14:02.27TECFALLMy guess is that this is what is causing it to log with the external number: CALLERID(num)=40241XXXXX")
14:03.25SamotSo this is an outbound call, why shouldn't it have proper outbound CallerID?
14:03.55TECFALLIt should, this is just for logging in the cdr to be able to identify what extension made the outbound call.
14:04.06SamotBut you're not doing that.
14:04.20TECFALLRight, but I can't NOT set the correct outbound DID.
14:04.32SamotWhy not?\
14:04.41SamotYou're running a script to set it..
14:04.42TECFALLSamot: how would i go about that?
14:04.49SamotSo why isn't the script pulling the proper details?
14:05.30TECFALLI don't believe setting caller id to an internal extension when I am dialing an outside number will work.
14:05.39Samot"CALLERID(num)=40241XXXXX" <-- That is the CallerID set.
14:05.46*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
14:05.57SamotWhy would you set the external CallerID to a local extension?
14:06.06*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
14:06.37fileyou probably want to use an accountcode instead of relying on callerid...
14:06.52SamotHe's not writing any extra stuff to CDRs.
14:07.01SamotHe's not setting CDR(cnam=)
14:07.14SamotOr CDR(cnum)=
14:07.15TECFALLI think we are just having a misunderstanding. I want the callerID to show up on the end users' phones as it is... however for cdr logging purposes, it would be nice if it logged the src as the internal extension instead of the external CID.
14:07.35SamotThen you NEED to do that.
14:07.39SamotWhich you are NOT.
14:07.48SamotI don't see any dialplan commands here to write CDR data.
14:07.53SamotOr set those fields.
14:08.30TECFALLSamot: I wasn't aware you could force set CDR fields in the dialplan. I will look into that
14:09.03fileyou can set arbitrary ones, and you can set a few select built in ones, otherwise they are automatically set based on the channel and events that occur
14:09.49TECFALLfile: do you know if you can set the src field?
14:09.56fileyou can't
14:10.00Samotexten => 1,n,Set(CDR(cnam)=My Name)
14:10.23Samotexten => n,Set(CDR(cnum)=785)
14:10.41TECFALLSamot: what fields do those set?
14:10.54TECFALLOr are those fields?
14:10.55SamotThose set the cnam and cnum fields.
14:10.56filethose are custom CDR variables
14:11.08TECFALLI don't see them in my table
14:11.12SamotYou may have to modify your CDR table to store the values you want.
14:11.14SamotWelcome to Aterisk.
14:11.17SamotWelcome to Asterisk.
14:11.31TECFALLOkay, so those are fields that I need to add. Got it.
14:11.33fileor just use accountcode >_>
14:11.39SamotOr that.
14:12.05filethe purpose of accountcode is to have a value that the call is "billed" to in a way
14:12.53filesetvar=CHANNEL(accountcode)=blah in sip.conf you can probably do
14:12.55TECFALLfile: thanks. What is the userfield intended use?
14:13.00filewhatever you want.
14:13.08fileit's an arbitrary opaque field for whatever you fancy
14:13.16SamotNow this is just getting to be "what is this"
14:15.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
14:16.29TECFALLSamot: sorry for being a inconvenience.
14:19.20SamotThis isn't about my inconvenience.
14:19.26SamotThis is about yours and your end users.
14:19.44SamotYou just said you're running a half dozen boxes and these are very basic questions to be asking at this point.
14:20.26TECFALLfile: I appreciate your help!
14:21.45*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:23.39jkroondoes anybody know if there is a way in asterisk to deal with a call specially if a re-INVITE contains multiple codecs, specifically, G729, PCMA and udptl t38?  It's a fax call (which obviously starts out as voice).
14:24.34filethat's two streams
14:24.43fileif it's within the same reinvite.
14:24.44jkroonnormally if I detect fax tones (Set(FAXOPT(faxdetect)=yes)) it'll go to the fax extension from where I can pick up the fax, but if we get that on a reINVITE ...
14:25.08jkroonI really am starting to dislike broadsoft more and more.
14:26.10SamotWell you can't really do T38 over G729.
14:26.13SamotSo that's just bad.
14:26.21jkrooni agree.
14:26.30SamotPCMA is fine.
14:26.44jkroonso we do detect fax tones in g729 and then switch to t38.  broadsoft isn't playing ball on this.
14:26.49SamotSo you don't want the call to negotiate g729 at all if you want to do fax.
14:27.00jkroonand in this case the far invite is initiating the re-invite before we can.
14:27.03SamotThat's not how T38 works
14:27.06SamotAt all.
14:27.18SamotIt encapsulates the media packets.
14:27.21SamotIt's not a codec.
14:27.25jkrooni know.
14:27.35SamotOK so then using G279 is the uderlying codec.
14:27.45SamotWhich _does not work_
14:27.53jkroonthe call starts as a voice call.  Once it's detected to be a fax, it drops the voice stream, and switches to udptl (t38).
14:28.02SamotIt needs to switch CODECS
14:28.24Samotg729 is not correct.
14:28.27SamotIt won't work
14:28.35SamotThis is why Broadsoft isn't playing ball.
14:28.39SamotBecause they are doing things properly.
14:29.17jkroonok, so what you're saying is that if there is ANY chance of a call being fax to begin with you have to use G711 (pcma/pcmu)?
14:29.25SamotSince the start.
14:29.54SamotStandard FAX lines are 64Kbps.
14:29.58jkroonis that because asterisk can't decode g729 to listen in for fax tones in order to initiate the switch to t38?
14:30.13SamotBecause g729 is TOO compressed for T38
14:30.19SamotBecause faxes don't go that low.
14:30.26SamotStandard POTS lines are 64Kbps.
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14:32.27Samotg729 will compress your bandwidth.
14:32.33SamotIn 2019 that's really not a need anymore
14:32.58SamotBut g729 compresses the data beyond that of a standard analog line and thus reduces the abilities
14:33.58SamotThis is a codec that had its hayday when 1.5Mbps/384Kbps DSL was still consider a "ultra fast" connection.
14:34.31SamotAnd T38 never worked over it.
14:38.02filejkroon: it can't decode it reliably to detect such a thing - yes... so the originator instead sometimes does the T.38 switch... but it's messy, depends on the equipment in use, and I don't know what stuff is like these days
14:41.32Chainsawjkroon: You lose the "CNG" tone in any compressed signal.
14:41.44Chainsawjkroon: That's the signal it needs to start T.38 bypass.
14:42.00SamotAlso T.38 is decided by the other side.
14:42.05sibiriaif you're starved on bandwidth, really, use Opus instead
14:42.09sibiriag.729 is a nightmare
14:42.13SamotThe outbound call is never T.38 to start with.
14:42.13sibiriaa robotic nightmare
14:42.21SamotIt's about the compression.
14:42.37SamotIf  Opus does compression beyond a certain point it you're in the same boat.
14:42.55SamotYou are compressing the data beyond what standard Analog Lines use.
14:43.03Chainsawjkroon: I had T.38 working with Patton gateways, but I remember it being a right pig.
14:43.08sibiriamy point is about the awful sound quality of g.729
14:43.11jkroonSamot, the 64Kbps vs 8Kbps is exactly WHY it needs to switch.  G.729 is OK for at least detecting it.
14:43.34jkroon@Chainsaw, I remember.  I used one too at a point, but I can't pass 200+ concurrent calls through a patton device just to detect if there is faxes in there.
14:43.38Samotjkroon: Are these inbound faxes?
14:43.48SamotOr outbound faxes?\
14:44.04jkroonSamot, normally it's voice calls.  there are only a few where we detect the fax tones and then initiate a  switch to t38.
14:44.14SamotSo these are inbound faxes.
14:44.21jkrooninbound all of them, outbound is not an issue, we simply initiate the call with t38 to begin with.
14:44.26sibiriabecause g.729 is not suitable for transmitting that reliably
14:44.28SamotYou don't but ok.
14:44.28sibiriajust like it's not for DTMF
14:44.36ChainsawYeah, inbound faxes are exciting. Outbound is simple.
14:44.38SamotSo show a full debug of a fax that doesn't get detected right.
14:45.07Samot9:44:30 AM <sibiria> just like it's not for DTMF <-- because it can't do inband.
14:45.30sibiriathis bears repeating: g.729 is not suited for transmitting fax tones or in-audio DTMF
14:45.30jkroonSamot, before we can detect the remote side is trying to switch, but offers g729 along with g711 (pcma specifically) and t38 in the same request, asterisk then sends back 603.  I'll have to set up another test to get more details than that.
14:45.40jkroonsibiria, I AGREE.
14:45.53jkrooni've stated that, which is exactly why reINVITE is required.
14:45.54SamotBecause they are probably expecting a T.38 with G711 fallback.\
14:46.01SamotLike any normal system would for fax.
14:47.08TECFALLSo I created a cnum and cname field in my cdr table and I am using exten => s,n,Set(CDR(cnam)=${CALLERID(name)}) to set the field, but it is not working. The console shows: Set("SIP/230-00018684", "CDR(cnam)=John Doe"), however the fields are not populated.
14:47.31SamotDid you reload things?
14:47.38SamotSo that Asterisk can pickup the changes?
14:47.39TECFALLSamot: yes.
14:48.05TECFALLI can see it in the console as well, so I know the changes have taken affect.
14:49.07*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
14:50.10Samot9:45:55 AM <jkroon> i've stated that, which is exactly why reINVITE is required. <-- T.38 is also triggered by the receiving side. So the receiving side should also trigger a re-invite. What happens when you don't use g729?
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15:49.30jkroonSamot, nothing, initial call only comes with g729 offer.
15:49.45SamotI'm not seeing anything.
15:50.11SamotI'm not seeing this transaction of the INVITEs, what is being sent back and negotiated...
15:50.48jkroonwhen we detect the fax first the reINVITE works.  if the initiating side sends reINVITE before we detect fax, it drops due to the 603.  I'll have to rig a test to get you the additional data, the only variant i've got currently is a screen capture which one of the techs took which needs to be anonymized which I can't do in an image sensibly.
15:50.59jkroonso i'll revert once I've got appropriate information.
15:51.30SamotWhy would the other side send a re-INVITE?
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19:34.16SamotHey @file, Asterisk still sets its own To/From headers despite the SIPAddHeader(From: something) or the PJSIP_HEADER command, correct?
19:34.32fileit has to, as there are tags and such
19:34.39SamotThat's what I thought.
19:34.49SamotSo it basically ignores anything set by SIPAddHeader
19:35.53SamotBut will accept the overrides for the peer such as from_header or the SIP dial string settings....
19:36.15SamotSo yeah, this guy is claiming he can set the From Header to what ever he wants using SIPAddHeader() and it works on 80 boxes.
19:36.25SamotSo it's not working how he thinks it's working.
19:36.45fileI don't remember chan_sip, it may be silly enough that it puts it in there - and then remote sides ignore it because of the placement
19:39.43SamotSince that's how SIP headers work.
19:40.17SamotThat would be From[1] basically and I can see that being dropped because they are looking only at From[0] or the top most entry.
19:41.19*** join/#asterisk Posterdati (~Posterdat@
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20:34.48Posterdatiplease is there anyone know how to configure asterisk for italian TIM fibra VoIP, thanks!
20:41.53*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
20:51.52[TK]D-FenderPosterdati, don't bet on anyone here knowing them specifically.
20:52.18[TK]D-FenderPosterdati, Have you tried doing the basics that other providers have given instructions on filling out?
20:53.35Posterdatino, I looked for specific instructions for TIM, but they are not working
20:54.02[TK]D-Fenderwhat isn't working?
20:54.19[TK]D-FenderYour provider should tell you what their requirements are
20:54.37Posterdatithe problem is that I have  a gigaset a540-ip which do not allow > 32 chars registration password, so I decided to put asterisk in the lan
20:55.03PosterdatiI (badly) configured asterisk and it cannot register to the VoIP service
20:55.41PosterdatiI disabled SIP ALG and natted ports 5004 to 5020 inside the lan where the phone is
20:56.55[TK]D-FenderThis hasn't described what you specifically configured or the errors in the comms.
20:57.07[TK]D-FenderIf you are hoping for support you have show what's actually happening
20:57.20[TK]D-FenderAnd share the instructions that your provider should have given you
20:57.21PosterdatiI configured the sip.conf file
20:57.25Posterdatiwith a general
20:57.36Posterdatiand a [telecomitalia] entry
21:00.07[TK]D-FenderShow us the actual debug
21:04.57PosterdatiFeb 21 21:58:51] NOTICE[-1]: chan_sip.c:15906 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #39)
21:06.17[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
21:06.28[TK]D-FenderYou aren't looking at the full packets as you should be
21:06.30infoboti heard pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:11.55PosterdatiRetransmitting #4 (no NAT) to
21:13.15[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN <-----------------
21:13.23[TK]D-Fenderthat single line is not "sip debug"
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