IRC log for #asterisk on 20190219

00:08.39*** join/#asterisk degenerate (
00:18.31*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-ckvhxtkxtfrloldw)
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04:00.49*** join/#asterisk Laptop01 (
04:03.10Laptop01Hi again. I'm trying to get ExecIf to work. I'd like to pass multiple arguments. How can this be done? I was thinking the & signs between them would work but it isn't. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks. same => n,ExecIf($["${i}" >= "1"]?Playback(${files}thatsok)&Set(i=0)&Goto(listen))
04:05.21[TK]D-FenderYou can't
04:05.42[TK]D-FenderThe instructions don't say that you can do that
04:10.51Laptop01Damn :(
04:11.44[TK]D-FenderSo use a normal GotoIF
04:12.22Laptop01Good idea, I'll try that
04:18.32*** join/#asterisk koss (
05:55.10*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (
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09:51.04*** join/#asterisk Downlots_ (~Downlots@
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13:45.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
13:52.08*** join/#asterisk VLanX (25a2375b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:06.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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14:49.14*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
14:56.49*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
15:12.10*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
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15:32.28MLCAnyone see anything wrong with the Queue command in this?
15:32.28MLCI just added the "b(queue_dialing,s,1)" parms and now I'm getting a seg fault.
15:47.02SamotMLC, wrong syntax.
15:47.34MLCoh duh, need ^ instead of comma
15:52.19MLCIs this correct? I'm still getting seg fault
15:52.20MLCsame =>n,Queue(sales,tckb( queue_dialing^s^1 ),,,,,,sub-QueueConnected)
15:53.37[TK]D-Fenderget rid of your extra spacing
15:54.23MLCtried that too, still seg fault
15:54.36MLCadded the spaces just in case they are significant
15:54.38*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
15:54.42[TK]D-Fender* shouldn't segfault just because of a bad option mind you...
15:55.21[TK]D-FenderStart taking things out one by one
15:55.37[TK]D-Fenderstarting with the end
15:56.18MLCI will
15:56.30MLCIt started seg faulting when I added b(....)
16:00.59MLCDefinitely b(...) trigger it. Works when I remove that.
16:09.29[TK]D-FenderWhat version are you running?
16:11.08[TK]D-FenderGo upgrade
16:11.10[TK]D-Fenderand retest
16:12.46MLCI will, thanks
16:15.35*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
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16:32.54*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
16:39.06*** join/#asterisk [J]oules (uid223833@gateway/web/
16:58.40*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
17:02.10*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat62@2600:100e:b029:4c4d:4923:1bf8:68e6:5876)
17:06.37*** join/#asterisk mahafyi (~quassel@
17:38.28*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
17:39.05*** join/#asterisk herrwil (c89b0628@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:42.02herrwilHello! Need a little help... Did someone already passed a user-user variable to Avaya using H323?
17:50.48Samotherrwil: Not sure how many H.323 users are floating around here.
17:53.55igcewielingMy guess is that no H323 users are here.   They tend to go crazy when they realize all those years they wasted on H323 when they could have been using SIP.
17:57.36herrwilahahah sure! but for my bad luck our client that uses avaya has only the h323 module, the sip must have another type o license... so, i'm going crazy with this!
18:02.49[TK]D-FenderI'm not familiar with * having any mechanism for this.  H.323 has been neglected for more than a decade in *
18:04.49SamotAnd most other places.
18:11.06*** join/#asterisk yteltom (~textual@2601:2c4:c600:2635:b816:3a3d:5d97:8649)
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22:09.19*** join/#asterisk bbt (~dbag@unaffiliated/bbt)
22:41.28*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
22:44.45*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (4a6621e7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:45.41FuriousGeorgehey all
22:45.56FuriousGeorgeis anyone using fail2ban successfully with asterisk?  all the filter.d examples i find don't work
22:46.05FuriousGeorgeand my regex skills are not up to finding the issue
22:46.18FuriousGeorgeim using asterisk 13
22:55.33FuriousGeorgegot one
22:59.29*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat62@2600:100e:b029:4c4d:fc51:9828:1853:a31a)
23:07.31*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
23:39.34*** join/#asterisk mducharme (uid303982@gateway/web/
23:54.52*** join/#asterisk AndChat|620489 (~AndChat62@2601:283:8300:b330:483f:100b:512a:f035)

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