IRC log for #asterisk on 20181205

00:22.09*** join/#asterisk kunwon1 (~kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1)
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00:34.50*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:7895:4b08:d069:768d)
01:09.22*** join/#asterisk MrTAP1 (~MrT@unaffiliated/mrtap)
01:16.30*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
01:27.39*** join/#asterisk infobot (ibot@
01:27.39*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.23.1 (2018/09/20) 16.0.1 (2018/11/14), Security Only: 15.6.2 (2018/11/14); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:47.10*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (~pruonckk@
01:56.32life_of_eEarly Christmas present coming: an HT318.  I'll be playing with the hook flash during my short vacation time. :)
01:58.09life_of_eGrandstream ignored my emails asking about it and they also ignored my phone calls (having left multiple messages over the past three weeks with no return calls)
02:24.32SamotWould it be because they don't have an HT318?
02:48.55*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (~pruonckk@
02:58.08*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (~pruonckk@
03:16.51life_of_e813, dyslexic I am today
04:42.13*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
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08:12.53*** join/#asterisk DanB (~DanB@
08:19.47*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:27.50*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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08:38.58*** join/#asterisk MrTAP1 (~MrT@unaffiliated/mrtap)
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09:53.08*** join/#asterisk DanB (~DanB@
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11:00.00*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:00.48*** join/#asterisk phrearch (
11:02.00phrearchi'm trying to install asterisk 16 with webrtc support. when i try to connect a client, i get this warning though: no protocols out of 'sip' supported
11:02.32phrearchtried with the cyber mega phone(jssip) demo and sipjs
11:09.58phrearchload_modules: res_statsd declined to load. a lot seems to depend on this one.
11:27.52phrearchok, got it. rebuild with 16.0.0-rc-3, used basic-pbx modules.conf minus load = there). statsd loads, but still got the same error, until i added statsd.conf. websocket connections are accepted now.
11:51.02*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
11:51.17FuriousGeorgehi everyone
11:51.51FuriousGeorgeif i have to dump 200 callfiles to playback a sound file, would it be prudent to stagger them, rather than dump them all at the same time?
11:52.24FuriousGeorgei have a modern xeon processor with 4 cores allocated for the asterisk container, along with about 2 gigs of ram
11:58.43*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
12:02.20*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
12:23.05FuriousGeorgein one case i would have to open 234 channels in a reasonable short amount of time for a public address
12:36.50*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
12:39.30*** part/#asterisk ThKitten (~TheHonora@gateway/tor-sasl/thehonorablekitt)
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13:52.55Samotphrearch: why are you using an RC release when there is a Stable version?
14:19.26*** join/#asterisk Redfoxmoon2 (~fox@unaffiliated/kitt3n)
14:20.30*** part/#asterisk Redfoxmoon2 (~fox@unaffiliated/kitt3n)
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15:20.24*** join/#asterisk craigify (~craigify@2600:8807:4080:4a5::7d6)
15:21.29craigifyDoes anyone in here have experience with working on caller ID scam lists? Is is similar to the providers that maintain databases of email spammer's ip addresses? Those at least, you can identify and request removal.  I've got a client who'se caller ID is one one or more of these lists.
15:22.57aoeuiFind the service blacklisting and contact them
15:23.39aoeuiI've requested removal from truecnam/nomorobo and they've removed numbers, don't know about other services, and there's many
15:23.55drmessanoYou have to send a postcard to Ward Mundy at his beach house in Tampa.
15:24.03craigifythank you aoeui. I must point out that you are wearing your obvious pants right now :)
15:24.22craigifysee I figured you had to send a postcard
15:24.30craigifyand it had to have the right secret stamp on it
15:25.14*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (~pruonckk@
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16:03.29aoeuisome people here need Mr. Bovious
16:04.29aoeuiit's really the same as with email blacklisting, you need the DNSRBL and request removal
16:07.49*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (~pruonckk@
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16:12.20*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
16:15.13*** join/#asterisk degenerate (
16:17.00igcewielingTwillo has an API to "score" the spammyness of a call. does something similar.  Don't know if that helps. wants you to fill out a form before you can even download a whitepaper on the service.  screw that.
16:33.54*** join/#asterisk jay-- (~jay--@
16:35.15*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
16:47.29jkroonhi all, with res_odbc, if I utilize multiple invocations of a specific res_odbc_func dialplan function, is it possible to group the write queries as a single commit?
16:50.07aoeuiI use nomorobo with Twilio
16:50.42aoeuiyou can request a whitelist there - and there are about a dozen services on Twilio that provide telemarketer spam scores or metrics
17:01.13*** join/#asterisk tmoore (~tmoore@2600:1702:4110:3d10:a22d:2005:e500:b20e)
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17:18.06igcewielingha!  "machine learning —a thing companies often do to distance themselves from any responsibility for the actions taken by their algorithms"
17:34.55*** join/#asterisk AndChat|620489 (~AndChat62@2600:100e:b045:5dfe:b9a7:cbfb:1e21:6a99)
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19:37.35*** join/#asterisk jrun (~jrun@unaffiliated/glphvgacs)
19:38.28jrunreading up on this:
19:39.56jruni'm using libwebsocket instead of wscat. i'm getting connected to the server but i don't see any indication in asterik's logs. do i need to enable debug or somethiing?
19:42.00jrunAsterisk 16.0.1 built
19:44.31*** join/#asterisk SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
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19:51.15jrunnevermind, logging facility was wrong.
19:56.39jrunwell, i only see HTTP connection logged but not websocket.
20:08.56*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
20:16.21*** join/#asterisk MrTAP (~MrT@unaffiliated/mrtap)
20:30.12*** join/#asterisk AndChat|620489 (~AndChat62@2600:100e:b045:5dfe:8903:21ba:8be6:6716)
20:51.54*** join/#asterisk Jan89 (
20:54.51*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
20:55.01FuriousGeorgehey everyone
20:56.11zigggggyhi FuriousGeorge!
20:56.32FuriousGeorgei need to generate up to 240 call files to invoke playback().  should i just dump them all in there in one shot, fearlessly?  i have a debian container running asterisk.  i have 2 cores of a modern xeon and 2 gb of RAM dedicated to it
20:57.37FuriousGeorgeor would it be better to divide it into 10 dumps, and pausing a few seconds between each of them
20:58.12FuriousGeorgecorrection:  i have four cores
20:58.32SamotI don't see a problem outside of it being a container...
20:58.41SamotI've never put a PBX system on a container.
20:58.48FuriousGeorgeSamot: i can do a kvm instance as well
20:59.07SamotBut 250 calls isn't a real big deal.
20:59.29FuriousGeorgeSamot: ive done small pbx in containers.  nothing that has ever tried to open a couple of hundred plus channels simultaneously
20:59.38MrTAPFuriousGeorge: are all of these endpoints on a single network at the same location?
20:59.54FuriousGeorgeMrTAP: there is one network connection to an fxs channel bank
21:00.07FuriousGeorgeactually, correction:  up to 7 banks
21:00.11MrTAProger.  if they were SIP devices on one network, multicast paging would be the efficient way to do that
21:00.22MrTAPno good with that setup though
21:00.28FuriousGeorgeMrTAP: alas, there appears to be no way to do it.
21:00.49SamotYou want to send 240 calls out..
21:00.54SamotThere's numerous ways to do it.
21:01.11FuriousGeorgei was going to generate 240 call files to app playback
21:01.26SamotI do this with 1800 calls at a time.
21:01.28FuriousGeorgeso, nothing, based on what you said above
21:01.28SamotOver the PSTN
21:01.48SamotNot on a 4 core / 2GB system..
21:01.49FuriousGeorges/"i was going to"/"i am going to"
21:01.56SamotBut that is going to be fine for 240 calls
21:02.04SamotIf it's not, it's a VM...give it more resources.
21:02.11FuriousGeorgeit's actually 4 core.  and i can always buy more ram, though id rather not
21:02.17SamotBut what you want to do is completely achievable.
21:02.33SamotIt's a common thing done.
21:03.04SamotIf this is to mimic an "announcement" we went over this before...
21:03.26SamotEven if the gateways auto answer on the SIP side it still needs to do the FXS side and that adds lag.
21:03.36SamotSo for what you need to do, this is the best option.
21:03.50FuriousGeorgeit is.  i just wanted to clarify that 240 simultaneous playback() would be ok.  i was only clarifying the implementation
21:04.06SamotThat's nothing more that 240 calls
21:04.29FuriousGeorgeseems like a big number to me, coming from my experience of never having more than 2 or 3 calls going
21:04.39FuriousGeorgebut i can see that it is not a lot to ask of modern hardware
21:04.58filereally you just have to try this stuff within the environment and see...
21:05.11FuriousGeorgewe are not transcoding video on every channel...  does asterisk 15 do that yet, btw?
21:05.26fileno version of Asterisk transcodes video.
21:05.42FuriousGeorgefile: it's just that this was requested after the fact, the system is already in place, and i want to minimize testing or potential downtime
21:06.02FuriousGeorgean abundance of caution, if you will
21:06.07SamotThen set up another VM
21:06.16filethis is not something you minimize testing on
21:06.29SamotYou have to make sure the system can take the load
21:06.58SamotWithout it pooping itself on top of everything else it is already doing.
21:07.19SamotThe system that does 1800+ calls like this at a is all that system does.
21:07.40FuriousGeorgethis would effectively be all that system is doing, while it is doing it
21:07.57SamotHow many times do you expect to make this dump?
21:08.03SamotIs it a one at a time thing?
21:08.07FuriousGeorgea handful of times per day, or less
21:08.31SamotIs it a user generated thing?
21:08.39SamotOr is it a automated thing?
21:08.53FuriousGeorge"please remove any vehicles from the parking lot for snow removal"
21:09.00SamotIe Alice calls in, makes recording, call dump is done with that recording?
21:09.18SamotWhat if Alice and Bob call in at the same time to do this?
21:09.24SamotAre you sending 240 and then 240
21:09.29SamotOr will you end up with 480?
21:09.45FuriousGeorgealice works in security, and has the only phone
21:10.04FuriousGeorgei suppose i could implement a lock using astdb, if i added another phone
21:10.33FuriousGeorge"please wait, while alice completes her announcement"
21:11.03FuriousGeorgedon't see why not
21:11.05FuriousGeorgethanks guys
21:11.29*** part/#asterisk jrun (~jrun@unaffiliated/glphvgacs)
21:13.56FuriousGeorgejust occurred to me:  if i were ever going to use this to play files recorded by other means, then i would want to make sure it was an 8khz @ 8bit wav file, in order to avoid transcoding, correct?
21:14.14FuriousGeorge(or, whatever format/codec the gateways are using)
21:14.40*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
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23:59.05\dev\cacheAnyone try the Yeastar GSM Gateway

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.