IRC log for #asterisk on 20181203

00:59.45*** join/#asterisk kunwon1 (~kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1)
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01:40.27*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.23.1 (2018/09/20) 16.0.1 (2018/11/14), Security Only: 15.6.2 (2018/11/14); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:53.15*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
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19:09.35ChotaireHi there, I seem to have a simple question today. Let's say I initiate an attended transfer with *2 and I dial the wrong number, how do I return to the caller? pressing *2 again would transfer the call.
19:11.23SamotWell it's an attended transfer.
19:11.27SamotThat caller is on hold.
19:12.19ChotaireReturn to caller on hold because I dialed the wrong number.
19:12.24Chotaireanyway, that's **
19:12.30Chotairejust found out. have a good night!
19:12.51SamotWell that hangs up the current channel
19:13.00Chotaireyes because it is the wrong number
19:13.12SamotBut ** isn't an attended transfer thing
19:13.12Chotairewhy would i not want to hang up the wrong number?
19:13.19SamotIt's a "hang up the call" thing
19:13.26Chotaireso you recommend i just disconnect both callers?
19:13.36SamotI just posted a link.
19:13.47SamotIt has all the In-Call transfer settings you can use
19:13.52SamotAborting, etc.
19:14.15SamotI'm just saying that ** isn't "transfer" specific feature.
19:14.24SamotIt's the "Disconnect Active Call" feature.
19:18.07Chotaireok then. I should have mentioned this is a freepbx installation. feature codes like *3 do not exist. anyway, on freepbx ** would disconnect the active call and return to the caller on hold. on asterisk, not sure if *3 is configured by default.
19:18.32Chotairebut on stock asterisk it is *3 (atxferabort). thanks.
19:20.32Chotairefunny, on the latest sangoma freepbx *3 would make that a three-way call, but it's not even listed under feature code admin.
19:23.27SamotAll of this can be set in the _custom config files in FreePBX to expand this.
19:24.06SamotLiterally the [general] section in the features config file calls on the _custom file so you can add more feature maps like this
19:24.14SamotI've added them to systems. Works fine.
19:27.19Chotaireok i just experimented with the phone... when doing an attended transfer, *1 is hangup and return to caller, *2 is transfer call and *3 is bridge as three-way, *4 is swap calls. that is different to the asterisk standards.
19:27.52SamotYou can make the whatever you want
19:28.21Chotairejust weird they do not show up in feature code admin. if that was the case I hadn't even asked.
19:28.40Chotaire*2 is the only transfer related option that is included
19:30.09SamotBecause the majority of the users have IP phones/softphones that have actual "Transfer" buttons and functionality in them.
19:30.39SamotThus removing the need for feature codes like that.
19:31.37SamotThe only time I've used the transfer feature codes was the to test them.
19:31.53SamotOutside of that, my phone has all that handled.
19:32.15Chotairewell. transfer codes are working, but they are neither configured in /etc/asterisk/features* nor do they show up in feature admin. that is the issue i am talking about.
19:32.22Chotairedifferent story if they wouldn't be there at all
19:32.57SamotI'm trying to explain this to you. In world of FreePBX those feature codes aren't really needed.
19:32.58Chotaireplus, they are different from the asterisk defaults in the docs you just mentioned... sometimes freepbx is a little weird.
19:33.10SamotAgain, _you can make them what you want_
19:33.28SamotWhat is in the Asterisk wiki is what _Asterisk defaults them to in configs_
19:33.47ChotaireI'm trying to explain this to you. There are hardcoded feature codes that are different from the asterisk defaults, they are not included in any templates, they are not included in feature admin, if I hadn't experiemted I wouldn't even know they exist.
19:33.47SamotFreePBX just controls Asterisk.
19:34.01SamotI know what you are saying
19:34.19SamotI'm saying they don't exists because they're are demands for them in the world of FreePBX users.
19:34.31Samot2:30:08 PM <Samot> Because the majority of the users have IP phones/softphones that have actual "Transfer" buttons and functionality in them.
19:35.48Chotaireand yes, I need feature codes because I use a goddamn sophos xg firewall behind a goddamn branded fritzbox of which the combination of both completely destroys proper sip connectivity unless I am using a VPN (which obviously, my soft phone doesn't do). my hardware phone will do compoletely weird stuff when I am trying to use the built-in transfer features (and that has only just started a few weeks ago, with config untouched). so for now I am
19:35.48Chotaireleft with feature codes :)
19:36.12Chotairenot "soft phone", "hardware phone" of course.
19:36.18SamotOK, well the beauty of FreePBX....customizable.
19:36.36SamotSo if there are things you want Asterisk to do that FreePBX didn't setup. You can do that
19:36.53Chotairefeature codes save my ass until I replace the sophos xg with a different firewall that does not have completely wrecked SIP ALG (known issue)
19:37.07SamotThis is why FreePBX has so many _custom.conf files that are just there and blank.
19:37.25SamotAnd why the dialplan calls on -custom variations of contexts.
19:39.46Chotairefreepbx should not have hardcoded transfer feature codes and then not document them. that's a bad thing to do, especially if they are different from the defaults. I just grepped all of /etc/asterisk and it's nowhere. are there any other secret feature codes I should be aware of that are not listed in feature admin?
19:41.30SamotNothing is "hard coded"
19:42.14SamotYou are free to modify an of the Feature Codes in Feature Code Admin that are listed.
19:42.58Chotairethey are NOT listed. they are NOT in /etc/asterisk, they are NOT in advanced config. so how do I modify or even find something that is not listed in either of 3 places?
19:43.15SamotI don't know what you are talking about at this point.
19:43.20*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
19:43.33SamotThe additional xfer features are not including in FreePBX because of the lack of need for them.
19:44.27SamotThere are no "Asterisk Standards"
19:44.43Chotaireany idea where to find these non-standards?
19:44.51Samot2:27:52 PM <Samot> You can make them whatever you want
19:45.01Chotairei would like to know what they are and where they are.
19:45.04SamotWhat are you talking about?
19:45.10SamotWhat standards?
19:45.23SamotI gave you a link.
19:45.30SamotIt showed examples.
19:45.35Chotaireok thanks. I give up :)
19:45.35*** join/#asterisk zigggggy (~bbcde3e@unaffiliated/zigggggy)
19:45.37SamotFor _Asterisk_
19:45.40SamotNot for FreePBX
19:45.48ChotaireI'll grep the entire system and databases then
19:45.51SamotYou're making a deal because a GUI doesn't have something.
19:45.59SamotThere is no GUI in Asterisk.
19:46.05SamotGo to #freepbx and complain there.
19:46.09Chotairethere is also no gui in /etc/asterisk
19:46.28SamotGUI = Graphical User Interface.
19:46.35SamotIE. your web browser.
19:47.02SamotAsterisk is configured and setup by config files you edit by hand.
19:47.08Chotaireand where are these config files?
19:47.16SamotThe ones in /etc/asterisk
19:47.20SamotThose are ASTERISK CONFIGS
19:47.31Chotairenow freepbx is modifying these.
19:47.51Chotairedo you think there are any other additional feature codes located outside of /etc/asterisk?
19:48.24trmgmakes a batch of pocorn
19:49.02Chotairebecause if not, then it was jesus holy freaking christ who personally came down to the planet surface and injected feature codes into my asterisk.
19:49.02trmgFWIW that's how FreePBX works.  It re-writes the Asterisk configs and structures them based on how you configure things via their web UI.
19:51.44SamotThere is nothing out of /etc/asterisk for Asterisk configs.
19:51.47SamotAll the files are there.
19:52.14Samot2:37:06 PM <Samot> This is why FreePBX has so many _custom.conf files that are just there and blank.
20:06.54*** part/#asterisk ThKitten (~TheHonora@gateway/tor-sasl/thehonorablekitt)
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20:39.53*** join/#asterisk phrearch (
20:41.17phrearchi'm trying to setup presence subscription with asterisk and sipjs, but somehow i don't get beyond a 481 response (SIP/2.0 481 Subscription does not exist)
20:44.14[TK]D-FenderShow us
20:45.16phrearchi probably did something wrong with the hint and the extension dial definition?
20:58.22phrearchah, i think i got it
20:58.56phrearchcode i used before was subscribing on dialog, while i needed to subscribe to presence
20:59.24phrearchone step at a time :-)
20:59.55trmgI need to learn about the whole subscription thing so I can get BLF line appearances working.
21:00.12phrearchsame here :)
21:00.29trmgIs that what you are doing?
21:01.13phrearchi now got it working for asterisk 13 and chan_sip. need to figure it out for pjsip as well
21:02.49phrearchi'll document the steps on the way. working on an opensource webrtc sip softphone for asterisk. new to asterisk, but did some work on webrtc conferencing tooling before.
21:03.13phrearchin case anyone is interested: (very early work)
21:04.14phrearchi tried the asterisk sfu demo two weeks before, and was really impressed by that. it's on top of the feature list
21:07.08*** join/#asterisk ThKitten (~TheHonora@gateway/tor-sasl/thehonorablekitt)
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