IRC log for #asterisk on 20181107

00:02.06*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (~paulgrmn@
00:17.33*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-ofqatoxfnklzhcnw)
00:20.40*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
01:19.06*** join/#asterisk infobot (ibot@
01:19.06*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.23.1 (2018/09/20) 16.0.0 (2018/10/09), Security Only: 15.6.1 (2018/09/20); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:27.40*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
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14:02.19jsmithMorning all...
14:04.01sibiriatop o' the mawnin' to ya, guv'nah
14:10.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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15:49.28darkunderlordAll, I keep getting early hangups from fax machines on incoming faxes. I've had this same setup on Asterisk 11 with Digium Fax for Asterisk for years and the last week or two it's been having issues. I can recreate with several fax machines we have. I tried an online test and it came through fine.  It appears to be and early hangup by the remote party (even my own faxes for testing) with a code 16 (Span 2: Channel 0/3
15:49.28darkunderlordgot hangup request, cause 16) . Also I get the error "generic_fax_exec: channel 'DAHDI/i2/7657425815-a' FAX session '74' failure, reason: 'fax session timed-out' (TIMEOUT)"
15:49.46darkunderlordAny ideas? I tried increasing fax buffers, etc but seems to do the same thing.
15:50.23darkunderlordThis is being done over an ATT Flex Line, handed to me as a PRI. GYI
15:58.28*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
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17:11.08*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (259d3426@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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18:13.11trmgUsing the Asterisk basekd 3-way calling via feature code(s) set in features.conf, does anyone know if it's possible to separate a call once it's bridged.
18:23.35darkunderlordnot me :)
18:31.57*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
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19:09.52darkunderlordanything? I'm at my wits end trying to figure out why the calls are dropping just before it's done. file do you have any ideas or ways you can point me?
19:14.11SamotSo Asterisk is what the fax machines are connect to? Or ATAs to Asterisk?
19:15.54darkunderlordThe fax machines aren't even on Asterisk. For my own testing, I'm sending from our old analog lines that have no PBX and then receive the call on our IPFlex line. Other examples would be whatever our customers, use, etc. but in this case it's straight POTS.
19:15.55*** join/#asterisk mjflick (484d31da@gnu/savannah/team/mjflick)
19:16.40darkunderlordI'm just trying to receive a fax like I always have. Literally been working for probably 5 years or more. So odd.
19:20.04mjflickare there any decent guides for configuring sip in aws?  i keep hitting retransmission timeouts, but I'm figuring someone else surely has hit this scenario before...
19:24.36salviadudmjflick, I haven't done that, I wonder if you are just having regular firewall trouble
19:30.06salviadudmjflick, have you set your rtp.conf correctly?
19:31.39mjflickprobably not, i'm still rather new at this...
19:32.16salviadudok, lets go through the basics, I'm guessing you have an asterisk server in aws
19:32.28salviadudare you using sip or pjsip?
19:32.56salviadudWell, you are going to need a few ports
19:33.01salviadud5060 for registration
19:33.21salviadudYou could use another one, but that's usually what sip uses.
19:33.35salviadudFor your voice packets, which are done in rtp
19:33.54salviadudYou will need to open up a range of ports.
19:34.07salviadudI usually do 10,000 - 20,000
19:34.13salviadudThat is configured in rtp.conf
19:34.21mjflickok, so 5060/udp seems to be working fine for registration (and everything's registered)
19:34.44salviadudWell, you need to look into rtp.conf
19:35.00salviadudThat's where the voice happens.
19:35.13salviadudSet your outbound rules accordingly
19:35.22mjflickright now, i just have rtpstart=10000 / rtpend=20000 (guessing that's UDP)
19:35.36salviadudthat's the default
19:35.44salviadudHave you setup your firewall rules for that?
19:36.43mjflickyeah, those are clear on inbound
19:37.03salviadudWell, what does sip debug on show?
19:37.32Samotdarkunderlord: So you have FAX machines connected to POTS lines and having fax issues?
19:37.55salviadudsorry it is 'sip set debug on'
19:38.15salviadudmjflick, you might want to try it on a single peer
19:42.33mjflickyeah, stepping through that now
19:44.23darkunderlordSamot: yeah, but the issues is receiving faxes on my asterisk server. I WAS able to get a free fax test from the internet fine, but alot of our customers are not able to send us faxes properly, and I can recreate it with more than one of our faxes on POTS lines.
19:45.22darkunderlordit's like the other side sending teh fax hangs up just a hair too early. It starts creating the TIF file, etc but then it hangs up before my side can complete the fax receipt.
19:47.43mjflicksalviadud: ok, i tried it for a single peer.... (if that helps)
19:48.19mjflickone thing i've noticed is that the From: packet entries seem to be from an internal IP, rather than the public facing one
19:48.27mjflicki'm not sure whether that would play into this
19:51.25salviadudpost your sip.conf without compromising passwords please.
19:53.26darkunderlordIs there any way to have fax detect on an IAX trunk? I've not found any way other than SIP or DAHDI
19:54.59*** join/#asterisk moldypenguins (
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20:03.16mjflicki have no firewall rules in place to the server, so i'm guessing it's probably not firewall related
20:07.29*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
20:08.14salviadudmjflick, do you have an rtp.conf file?
20:13.49mjflicksalviadud: yeah, [general]\nrtpstart=10000\nrtpend=20000\nrtpchecksums=no\nstrictrtp=no
20:30.40*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
20:47.50*** join/#asterisk csavinovich (sid296765@gateway/web/
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21:14.53*** join/#asterisk TheGallopingFox (TheGallopi@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/thegallopingfox)
21:15.21TheGallopingFoxi cannot get a sip client to register over openvpn?
21:15.37TheGallopingFoxeverything else works through openvpn, strange
21:16.11darkunderlordyeah that is weird. and you're sure you can ping the server, etc? Any errors?
21:17.02TheGallopingFoxim using pfsense opevpn
21:28.00TheGallopingFoxyes can ping the server fine
21:28.06TheGallopingFoxalso access other services on the server
21:28.13TheGallopingFoxbut sip does not register
21:33.38*** join/#asterisk gruetzkopf (
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21:41.18SamotTheGallopingFox: Does the request hit the server?
21:45.47TheGallopingFoxif im on LAN > OPENVPN > ASTERISK it works, if im on WAN > OPENVPN > ASTERISK it doesnt work
21:45.53TheGallopingFoxso maybe this is a pfsense NAT problem
21:47.01TheGallopingFoxmaybe 5060 does strange things with packets
21:48.53TheGallopingFoxor maybe Linphone just sucks
21:56.02*** join/#asterisk yuljk (
22:03.21SamotSo then the answer is no, they do not hit the server.
22:03.40SamotWell pfsense is god awful. Linphone is right there with it.
22:07.15sibiriait's not really a pfsense problem. it's nat/binat problem - yes, you obviously need to redirect and translate traffic from WAN into your VPN
22:14.53*** join/#asterisk rwb (
22:34.19*** join/#asterisk trmg (~trmg@
23:04.27*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
23:07.17*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
23:10.59*** join/#asterisk AndChat|620489 (~AndChat62@2600:100e:b009:f2de:f451:e0ad:1f8a:6baf)
23:33.08ih8wndzshorewall is nice
23:36.03*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-bubqplggmjjdhqoq)
23:39.10*** join/#asterisk MIsAn (
23:52.36*** join/#asterisk yuljk (
23:58.51*** join/#asterisk daemonwrangler (~daemonwra@

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