IRC log for #asterisk on 20181026

00:00.41sibiriawe run centos 7 and 13.18, and also debian 9 with 13.22
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00:30.24*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.23.1 (2018/09/20) 16.0.0 (2018/10/09), Security Only: 15.6.1 (2018/09/20); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:07.33zuwuko2anyone know why my asterisk 16 doesnt have application "ExecIf"  and how to install it
01:09.52SamotUhm, it does.
01:10.00SamotOtherwise a lot of my systems would be broken.
01:10.22zuwuko2core show application ExecIf
01:10.23SamotAnd I'm pretty sure a whole bunch of other peoples.
01:10.40zuwuko2is that the correct command to get details on it?
01:11.47SamotCase doesn't matter. Works either way for me.
01:11.52zuwuko2mine says "Command 'core show application execif' failed."
01:12.18zuwuko2must I include it from menu select when compiling somewhere I missedi t?
01:14.18SamotNot that I'm aware.
01:15.49zuwuko2Bizzare. I tried asterisk 16 current and 15 current, same results:(
01:23.06SamotWhat does: module show  give you?
01:23.17SamotAs far as the modules load in Asterisk
01:23.42rmudgettExecIf is in
01:27.07SamotWell if that isn't loaded, you're going to have more issues than ExecIf.
01:27.22*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
01:39.07shanthUsing asterisk would it possible to block or drop incoming calls that are Google voice numbers? Or would there be no way to tell this?
01:40.19shanthSecond question if that's not possible - can you do some sort of looking and tell if an incoming DID is a landline, cell or VoIP?
01:51.23SamotThere are lookup services for that.
01:53.08shanthTo check if they are google voice or just landline/voip Samot?
01:53.28SamotGoogle Voice is not a LEC.
01:53.44SamotGoogle gets their numbers from other carriers.
01:53.51shanthAh I see
01:53.55SamotLooking up a GV number would result in the carrier's information
01:54.01SamotAnd possibly a "voip" tag.
01:54.04shanthWould all Google voice calls show as being a VOIP call?
01:54.27shanthIf i just blocked all voip calls, would I be blocking cell phones somehow? Depending on their carrier maybe?
01:54.59SamotThere's no guarantee the number will be listed as "voip"
01:55.10shanthInteresting though
01:55.17shanthwhat is one of those lookup services that can do that?
01:55.26SamotTwilio has one.
01:55.27shanthi'm not sure the right term to google to find that kind of service
01:55.42Samotnumber validation / lookup
01:55.46shanthexcellent thanks
01:56.02SamotBut you'll pay per lookup
01:56.16shanthThat's fine
01:56.20SamotAnd for the information you want, it's a deeper (aka higher cost) lookup.
01:56.32SamotBut why would you want to block all voip calls?
01:56.35shanthwould this also count as a caller id lookup or would i have to pay for this and that as two dif things
01:56.43SamotIt would have CID
01:56.49shanthI'm just running a pbx for fun and learning stuff samot :)
01:56.58shanthAlso getting a lot of google voice spam calls to one of my numbers
01:57.30SamotAre you trying to block spammers?
01:57.47SamotUnwanted calls from "bad caller ids"
01:57.48shanthlooks like line type lookups are 5 cents
01:57.53shanthyeah basically
01:58.00SamotThen you want Number Reputation.
01:58.13shanthwho offers that?
01:58.26SamotThe same people that would offer other lookup services.
01:58.47shanthi see twilio has a "Fraud" offering in their comparison chart
01:58.48shanththat might be it
01:59.07SamotNumber Reputation would be a fraud prevention service.
01:59.36shanthlearning new stuff daily. i love voip :)
01:59.58shanthalso learned about this LEC thing you threw out -"local exchange"
02:00.18SamotWell number lookup services have nothing to do with VoIP.
02:00.27shanthah thought it was only a sip provider thing
02:00.41SamotYou just need a PBX/voice system that can do web based lookups and use that information.
02:00.54SamotThe actual way the voice service is delivered is irrelevant.
02:01.00shanthwell i do know for our system we do api calls to pull caller id, but that it from our provider though
02:01.01SamotI could have a PRI and still do this.
02:01.03shanthgood good
02:01.46shanthso could i theoretically throw those bad callers in the blacklist based on a dialplan. for instance: if reputation = bad, drop call and add to blacklist
02:02.37shanthlast question, let's say a call slips thru on to my desktop sip client. if there a way from my softphone to add it to the blacklist/blocked list that would go to the list on asterisk?
02:02.49shanthor maybe some sort of webbook or call I could setup and make the softphone do?
02:03.50SamotNot really.
02:03.55SamotNot without scripting it.
02:04.12shanthwhich softphone is scriptable? i have xlite and zoiper installed
02:04.31SamotWell Xlite is dead.
02:04.39SamotAnd closed source  anyways.
02:04.44shanthit was really sucky and had crappy audio while zoiper worked perfectly
02:05.00SamotIt's been dead for a long time.
02:05.11shanthgood to know
02:05.22SamotThe "free" softphone era has gone the way of the do-do
02:05.44shanthi was gonna try bria but they want like 50 bucks
02:06.02SamotIt's $9.99 a year for Android/iOS
02:06.48SamotYou could have said "desktop"
02:06.52shanthsorry mate
02:07.06SamotYes, that is more because it does more
02:07.46SamotAnd unlike the mobile versions, this is a one time deal.
02:08.02shanthdang it's a yearly subscription haha
02:08.09shanthyou are right about the free clients being dead
02:49.21*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
03:01.13shanthfar fetched idea but, is there any way to Facetime from your phone but have it show your VOIP number instead? Trying to play around with fully making me phone appear as my VOIP number while retaining all the features
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03:17.17SamotFacetime is an iOS only thing.
03:33.29shanthI was googling saw that you can change the facetime caller ID but only for linked apple accounts
03:33.51shanthbut maybe you can associate your apple account with a voip number
03:37.47drmessanoYou can change the "from" to linked email addresses, or your number.. you can't register another number with the Apple servers
03:39.14drmessano22:08:02 <shanth> dang it's a yearly subscription haha  <-- $10 a year.. Big whoop
03:39.47shanththere goes that idea it sounds like drmessano haha
03:39.49drmessanoFormer model was $24 to get the app and all features.  So you paid your share of 2 1/2 years of development upfront
03:40.05drmessanoBria is worth $10 a year
04:01.45*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
04:19.51shanthI'll check those two out thanks drmessano
04:20.12drmessanoWhat two?
04:20.22shanthprobably bria first
04:20.32drmessanoOk and what is this option 2?
04:21.00shanthzoiper that samot mentioned
04:21.16shanthunless you can recommend which one is better
04:21.20SamotI did not mention Zoiper.
04:21.39drmessanoLOL, so why are you saying "drmessano i'll check out those two"  I recommended 1
04:21.41shanthoh wait im really confused then haha
04:21.52shanthslept 3 hours last night. sry guys
04:22.11drmessanoZoiper is a piece of shit, btw
04:22.17drmessanoDoesnt background on iOS
04:22.20shanthi've heard good things about bria
04:23.34shanthif i used a site like twilio would i be able to receive/text messages from that number using the bria app?
04:23.56shanthsays it supports sms but not sure how this integrates with sms since i've never implemented it
04:25.55drmessanoNo, you won't
04:27.29shanthis that possible with any softphone app?
04:28.27SamotIt all depends on the app.
04:28.38*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:28.43SamotBria supports SIP/SIMPLE
04:29.03SamotSo whatever is sending or receiving the message must support that.
04:29.59SamotBack in the day most providers just recommended softphones to use.
04:30.55SamotMainly free ones but soon the softphones weren't keeping up with what certain platforms where offering or wanted to offer...
04:31.32SamotSo they either a) developed their own or b) went to someone like Counterpath and threw a lot of money at them for branded/custom softphones.
04:31.57Samoter s/where/were/
04:32.12shanthcool cool
04:32.24shanthi may also just call twilio tomrrow to see if they recommend anything that would work with sms
04:32.54SamotTwilio delivers SMS over HTTP/HTTPS APIs.
04:34.20SamotIt's up to you to make it work how you want. Twilio is not a "consumer" provider. They specialize in SIP/IP toolkit platform that lets you build out your own applications/services.
04:35.13drmessanoYou'd really need an asterisk instance and code an SIP/SIMPLE <> HTTPS Gateway
04:42.41*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
05:01.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
05:08.30shanththanks drmessano
05:16.23drmessanoDon't mention it
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10:17.49drownthewitchHi, I'm currently stumbling on a quite strange issue where an audio file played by Playback will randomly become very low-pitch and the speed of playback is lowered too. The issue occurs randomly, and not on every Playback. Searching around for a solution I have not really managed to find anything yet. I have tried experimenting with changing between file formats too, but this has not helped
10:17.55drownthewitcheither. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue and/or maybe know of a solution?
10:19.02drownthewitchIt sometimes occurs in the middle of the Playback too, not directly from the start.
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16:51.21zuwuko2rmudgett , thank you, I was able to verify that the module was NOT loaded by default installation, and load it. working properly now thank you
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19:11.38zuwuko2How do I make an extension go to a context tha starts with "talk" ?
19:13.08zuwuko2nevermind, how do i delete my last post?
19:17.27[TK]D-FenderWhich post, from where?
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20:01.57*** join/#asterisk cfx_ (~textual@unaffiliated/cfx-/x-0311648)
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20:03.27cfx_What's the best way to prompt customer information on screen based on caller input ? does anyone know of a third party solutions?
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20:30.29vo1pbxcfx_: asterisk-crm?
20:34.47cfx_vo1pbx: sorta, what I've been asked to do is collect card numbers from callers, query our database, then have it pop up the card holder information we already have in our database. I know I can use curl with our current API in place, but I guess what I'm asking is there any third party solution that I can associate certain extensions with the calls coming in and prompt the url with the query on their screen
20:43.27SamotWait, now you want to do this with pairing agents to certain callers?
20:44.04cfx_whoever answers the call from the queue will be prompted with the tagged information
20:44.42SamotIf all you're doing is using DTMF, then you need to collect the DTMF digits to send to your database query
20:44.57cfx_yes which I can already do
20:45.48cfx_I'm just looking for a way to automatically pop up the URL that's returned on the agents computer screen
20:46.54SamotYou use membermacro or membergosub to to a context that collects all the information you want and trigger your curl command.
20:47.10SamotYou need to have your CRM react to that update
20:47.47SamotSo it needs a listener that waits for that information, does stuff with it and triggers your popup
20:47.59SamotThat part has nothing to do with Asterisk or the call.
20:48.10SamotThat is a CRM side thing.
20:50.11Samotcfx_: So a question, do you currently have a CRM or anything in place the agents are using?
20:51.58cfx_@Samot: We have two types of callers, our clients (which all their store information is stored within Sugar CRM) and their card holders, that information is stored within a custom in house CRM -- I know that you can interface asterisk with SugarCRM based on callerID but that's not what I'm being asked to do.
20:52.21SamotI get that
20:52.35SamotPart of what you can do is going to be based on what your CRM can do.
20:52.56SamotAny third party solution that is going to do this is going to be a full solution.
20:53.10SamotWhich would replace your custom CRM so that would probably be bad.
20:53.24SamotSo what I just described to you, is what you need to do with your Custom CRM
20:53.28cfx_That's what I was afraid of, that would be a massive overhaul.
20:54.23SamotSo from the Asterisk side, you gather the information. Use membergosub to trigger your System() or Curl() function to send the information to your Custom CRM over HTTP API
20:54.53SamotThen you have your Custom CRM side, which is collecting that information and acting on it. Like generating a popup.
20:55.23cfx_Yeah I was just looking for an easy solution, like a custom switch board that we can send the tagged information to
20:55.36seanbrightwhat kind of phones are your agents using?
20:55.38SamotYou can look at FOP2
20:55.45cfx_we use Fop2 right now
20:55.55cfx_that's a great idea, I'll contact them to see if this is possible.
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