IRC log for #asterisk on 20180912

00:10.31*** join/#asterisk jalalsfs (~jalalsfs@unaffiliated/jalalsfs)
02:30.56*** join/#asterisk infobot (ibot@
02:30.56*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.23.0 (2018/09/05) 16.0.0-rc1 (2018/08/08), Standard: 15.6.0 (2018/09/05); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
02:33.51*** join/#asterisk tehgooch (tehgooch@unaffiliated/tehgooch)
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11:48.03*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
11:48.17eject_ckhow can I troubleshoot this kind of error ? [2018-09-12 11:45:12] ERROR[3280]: chan_sip.c:4273 __sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error for pkt data
12:15.34*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
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12:24.20Samoteject_ck: You have a bad CHAN_SIP configuration.
12:29.44*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
12:29.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
12:38.31*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
12:38.36eject_ckwhat this mean exactly ?
12:39.06*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:40.31eject_ckI do have websocket clinets
12:41.09SamotNo one can tell with one line from the log.
12:41.16SamotOr more information.
12:41.20SamotWhen does this happen?
12:44.35*** join/#asterisk saint__ (saint_@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/saint/x-59675695)
12:48.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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13:29.15*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
13:47.27eject_ckit happens when I have webrtc client connected
13:51.02*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
13:54.04SamotThen look at your config for the webrtc peer
13:59.37eject_ckIt works
13:59.43eject_ckbut flooding console and logs
14:02.34igcewielingI was going to look at the messages, but your pastebin didn't contain them.
14:09.15*** join/#asterisk jalalsfs (~jalalsfs@unaffiliated/jalalsfs)
14:11.51Samoteject_ck: What we are trying to say is, show us a failed call.
14:18.21*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-txpwenpoqrjmumax)
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14:18.22*** join/#asterisk somepoortech (~somepoort@
14:29.24eject_ckit's not happening during call
14:39.50*** join/#asterisk jameswf (uid27319@gateway/web/
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15:11.47*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
15:14.48*** join/#asterisk BrencoInc (
15:27.03BrencoIncHey all, is there a good resource for setting up Asterisk from scratch? Like the O'reilly book but not woefully out of date?
15:27.23BrencoIncmost of the stuff I've found is either copies of that or Freepbx or similar
15:31.43[TK]D-Fenderthe book is still laregly relevant
15:31.58[TK]D-Fenderonly real thing missing is PJSIP and there's a WIKI page for that
15:32.17[TK]D-FenderWhat are you looking to actually build?
15:36.38BrencoIncwell i built one from the book years ago and it's fine, but outdated now (running 11.24 on a machine running ubuntu 16). I wanted to set up a new one but, among other issues, the Mysql ODBC connector (driver? i forget which) was depricated in ubuntu and the book has you load some libraries that don't exist, or just aren't supported anymore
15:37.37BrencoIncit's really just a home server for messing around with. I wanted to set one up on a cloud space (digital ocean) so I don't have to deal with my local network nonsense
15:48.04[TK]D-FenderSinc you already supposedly know the basics the WIKI and sample configs are the best place for technical specifics.
15:52.46*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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16:06.14sibiriaBrencoInc: it shouldn't be that far from just migrating your config and adjusting the few incompatibilities generating warnings/errors
16:07.12filethere's also UPGRADE.txt and associated copies for other versions that give information about potentially breaking things
16:07.13sibiriathough the o'reilly book is 6-7 years old by now, 11->13 isn't a very huge leap
16:11.19BrencoIncMy issue is that the book has a bunch of outdated information in the setup. The Mysql section doesn't work, there are some libraries that you call in other parts that aren't supported anymore. My problem isn't with the configs once it's running, it's getting it running. To even get this one running I fought with it for months and I didn't document every step so I couldn't even recreate this setup when I tried
16:12.37BrencoIncthis is all problems with asterisk on Ubuntu, maybe i'll start over with REHL
16:19.13sibiriaavoid RHEL is my advice :P
16:26.09igcewielingIIRC Asterisk is developed on RHEL/CentOS
16:26.41fileIt's a mix of Ubuntu and CentOS/Fedora
16:26.55*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
16:26.57igcewielingThe FreePBX distro is based on CentOS as well.
16:27.21fileWe don't mandate what distro to use, so people can use as they desire team wise
16:27.52filermudgett runs an old Ubuntu that I'm surprised has IPv4 support
16:27.57sibiriamy gripe with rhel/centos is that almost everything in the native repos are older than the street, and lots of it contain rhel/centos specific fixes
16:29.16DanQuinneysibiria: you having issues with ODBC install?
16:29.30sibiriaDanQuinney: no, we don't use ODBC for asterisk
16:30.34DanQuinneyah ok, I'lll go back into my box then :)
16:30.35sibiriaBrencoInc appears to have problems with it, though, but likely because of the asterisk setup rather than the availability
16:30.59DanQuinneyah, yes, apparently I'm unable to read names today
16:33.21BrencoIncyea, my problem with that is Ubuntu stopped supporting whatever the book called for (libmyodbc? i forget) a couple fo revisions ago. I tried UnixODBC and couldn't get that working. The Mysql connector also is different than what the book (and anything i could find online.
16:33.43DanQuinneyUse that
16:33.50BrencoIncsorry I didn't really have notes to ask for help, i was hoping for a book/wiki/resource I could pull up and just go through like the old book
16:34.26DanQuinneyFeel free to use the mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.7-linux-ubuntu16.04-x86-64bit.tar.gz from the official site
16:34.45BrencoInci'll certainly give this a shot, thank you.
16:35.10DanQuinneyI have many Ubuntu 16.04 servers running based on that so you should be fine
16:41.01*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
16:46.51*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
17:11.40*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
17:19.13*** join/#asterisk bigbadpig (
17:20.39bigbadpigI have a trunk to flowroute and a DID.  I want that DID to redirect to an external number when someone calls it.  Is there a way to do this without incurring both the incoming fee and the outgoing fee that you would get if you just used Dial?
17:22.12bigbadpigThanks a lot!
17:56.55*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
17:57.39igcewielingasterisk -rx "database del CF 1368"; asterisk -rx "database del CFU 1368"; asterisk -rx "database del CFB 1368" <-- cure for users not knowing how forwarding keeps being enabled.
18:00.45_abc_Has anyone got a SEPxxx.cnf.xml to go with asterisk and 7931/7961 cisco phones with fw release 9.4.x ? 9.3.x works, 9.4.x has changes in the cnf.xml and does not work with my setup.
18:19.41*** join/#asterisk salviadud (~ralfalfa@
18:20.10*** topic/#asterisk by bford -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.23.0 (2018/09/05) 16.0.0-rc2 (2018/09/12), Standard: 15.6.0 (2018/09/05); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
18:27.16*** join/#asterisk Fesuy (~Fesuy@
18:27.47FesuyI have Asterisk 11 installed. CDR from internal is working but that not record CDR call from trunk. Anyone can help?
18:37.43salviadudFesuy, that's kind of outdated
18:38.14salviadudWould it be possible for you to upgrade to at least 13.23.0 ?
18:39.28Fesuysalviadud, I don't think so, that only not record incoming from trunk.
18:42.20*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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18:59.08Fesuysalviadud, sorry this working now. but i still not know why that issue
19:38.35*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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20:31.34*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
20:45.26*** join/#asterisk jay-- (~jay--@
20:47.06jay--Hi, getting error messages when trying database commands in asterisk — and getting error message  db.c:350 int ast_db_put(const char *, const char *, const char *): Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error
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23:01.27*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-txpwenpoqrjmumax)
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