IRC log for #asterisk on 20180905

00:23.24*** join/#asterisk infobot (ibot@
00:23.24*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.22.0 (2018/07/12) 16.0.0-rc1 (2018/08/08), Standard: 15.5.0 (2018/07/12); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
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02:23.51frinklabsF WORD.
02:24.16frinklabsFor the record, the SELINUX in any flavor of RH isn't called that
02:24.21frinklabsit is called firewalld
02:24.32frinklabsand if you disable it, your pjsip will work...
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04:12.43Samot11:30:07 PM <drmessano> wrong <-- YOU'RE WRONG
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05:38.10Maliuta_Samot: he can't be!
05:38.27Maliuta_stands up for the SAGE-AU homies
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08:12.40jkroonhas anyone else observed that asterisk (13.22.0) seems to be crashing on shutdown?
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08:13.56jkroonseemingly passing through cdr_mysql based on my stack trace I got from core dump, but actually some call inside libmysqlclient, I'm not observing the crash from elsewhere so thinking that perhaps it's invalid parameters passed to mysql_close() that's causing the problem.
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10:32.48rad1gamehi again. i'm trying to install softphones for my office on asterisk+freepbx and getting strange error.
10:32.51rad1game[2018-09-05 02:30:03] NOTICE[1796][C-0000000f]: chan_sip.c:25639 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device "102"<sip:102@>;tag=9485d035
10:33.23rad1gamebut user 102 have same pass 102 and I'm entered everything correct. is any way that im entering smth worng in configs?
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11:07.46n3tIs there any (recommended?) GUI for exploring CEL?
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11:09.29jkroonchan_pjsip (res_pjsip?) advertises it's IP address in SDP as the bound-to IP address of the transport (or I assume using some other method of determining the source address when sending from that socket rather).  However, for RTP it opens a new port using ANY, which then ends up sending from another address effectively.  Can I get pjsip to bind the rtp socket to the same address as what the transport socket was bound to?
11:10.26filethere is only the ability to configure a media address and bind to that
11:10.31jkroonie, if the transport socket is bound to ANY, then so should the RTP socket, if however I choose to bind the transport socket to a specific IP, then so should the RTP socket.  For WebSockets it gets even more nasty, but one problem at a time.
11:10.50jkroonfile, that should do the trick, "media address" is what I was missing.
11:11.18fileit's ANY because of two reasons: first is that DNS can result in IPv6 or IPv4 being used - and later versions will fallback to try to send messages, secondly is for ICE so that all interfaces are tried
11:11.59fileit's also complicated because in PJSIP you may not know what transport is being used until later
11:13.20jkroonmy use case:  I've got multiple IPs bound to the host, primary IP is my management address, and then an address for asterisk to use (1 x IPv4 + 1 x IPv6).  In the SDP the correct IP is advertised, but then it gets bound to ANY resulting in RTP being sent from the management IP instead of the instance specific IP.
11:13.54filealter your routing table metric so that the instance specific IP gets used over management?
11:14.09file(unless you can't)
11:14.40jkrooni can't :)
11:15.01jkroonwell, in theory I could, have done that in the past, but in this case I could have the same remote IP connect to multiple local IPs.
11:16.11jkroonso i've got a tool called rtdaemon that'll do exactly that given a filter to sniff for port 5060 traffic, and if egress selected IP is different from inbound it'll auto-adjust the routing table to select the correct source-ip, but in this use case that's not going to fly.
11:16.38jkroonfile, if I understand, even if the incoming SIP is thus SIP/UDP/IPv4 it is possible that PJSIP will select IPv6 for RTP?
11:17.07filein that case it is unlikely
11:17.16filebut everyone always focuses on the easy incoming SDP case for everything
11:17.22fileif you know what the remote side wants, everything is easy
11:17.33fileif you don't, it's hard
11:19.10file(I am open to someone making an option for it, but it's just not an easy thing)
11:22.55jkrooni'm tring to think of a use-case where binding to ANY instead of the address we advertise in the SDP will NOT work.  o=- 20120 20120 IN IP4 <-- you mentioned DNS, is there any way that address will not be an IP?
11:23.34fileyou're thinking SDP, but this also means SIP
11:23.42fileif I send a SIP request to "" can resolve to different things, so if you're dual stack, then you may need to transition from IPv6 to IPv4 in the SDP, or vice versa
11:24.01jkroonok, so pjsip is already bound to a specific IP address on the host, so the SIP traffic works fine.
11:24.10fileright, your scenario is specific
11:24.18fileso in your case things could be done a specific way and work
11:24.21filebut that doesn't cover everyone
11:24.37jkroonagreed.  i'm fine with the fact that I'm going to have to write code here.
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11:26.15jkroonjust need to understand enough before going down a road that will (like the chan_sip change recently) cause major problems for others.
11:27.49fileif things are behind an option then I'm less concerned
11:33.43jkroonok, so currently, RTP sockets is always bound against ANY.  I'd like that to bind to the address advertised in the SDP (which is determined by the transport socket?).  Why not simply bind the rtp socket to the same address as specified in the transport section?
11:33.59jkroontrying to think of a use-case where that would break.  happy to make it an option.
11:34.19fileso, specifying a transport is not required and actually makes things less RFC compliant
11:34.44filethe address advertised in the SDP is determined based on the transport chosen at the time the SIP request is sent
11:35.09fileif you are not calling an IP address and you are dual stack, then the request can start out IPv6, if that fails then it can drop down to IPv4
11:35.20fileand in the case of ICE like I said, we can add candidates for both IPv6 and IPv4
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11:35.53fileso in the case where you are certain that a request will always go out a specific transport, then it can bind to that address
11:36.27jkroonok, so I'm (as I've learned the hard way over the last couple of years) one of those "I thought I understood SIP but I plainly don't" people.  And I'v not even touched on ICE yet.
11:36.47fileSIP address resolution can result in a hostname providing different addresses
11:36.51filebasically a list
11:37.01jkroonand the SIP conversation can happen over multiple of those channels?
11:37.23fileit can
11:37.42fileand technically you can provide a hostname as a Contact, so during a session it could change
11:38.59fileand ICE essentially gives a list of IP addresses/ports that could be used for RTP, probes them to see which ones work, and based on the priority of them uses one
11:39.38jkroondamn.  i'm going to need to re-investigate how I deal with SRV records.  because as I understand you, if I have SRV records that state communicate with either host A or host B, and each of those has both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, then in theory the client could switch between sending to host A or host B?
11:40.10*** join/#asterisk jamesaxl (~James_Axl@
11:40.17filewithin a session it is unlikely you use a hostname
11:40.41filemore large scale operations can do that for more easier load balancing of sessions and for failover within a session itself
11:40.57filethe common stuff puts in an IP address, so it's fine
11:40.58jkroonis extremely confused at the moment.
11:41.10fileand this is why it's not easy :D
11:41.19fileif you stick within your specific scenario, it's simple
11:41.48jkroonyea, even for ICE I'd want to tell the engine, you can use these IP addresses that's local, but nothing else.
11:42.06jkroonhowever, that would likely result in two ports having to be bound in this case/
11:42.14filertp.conf provides a mechanism to blacklist
11:47.30jkroonseems only for stun related?
11:47.46fileICE is a combination of things, including STUN
11:48.12fileah, maybe we don't have one for ICE...
11:48.24fileah no there it is
11:48.29jkroonthere is alias related stuff, in other words, local address == actual public
11:50.22jkroonok, so I'll hopefully be able to expand that to have a whitelist too such that I can blacklist [::]/0 and whitelist the i.p.v.4/32 and i:p::v:6/128
11:50.34jkroonthat's a later project though.
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12:47.55jkroonfile, as per above, in my case I (PJSIP really, chan_sip does what I expected with the RTP port in asterisk 11 at least) advertise an IP in the SDP for the purposes of RTP.  My SIP ports is already bound to X:5060/UDP+TCP, X:5061/TLS, where X is a specific IPv4 address, and a matching IPv6 address (so total 2 UDP ports, and 4 TCP ports). So in such a case it would make sense to bind the RTP socket to that specific IP (be it IPv4 or IPv6 as per selection
12:47.55jkroonfor SDP), but in cases where there are multiple options (ICE?) it would not?
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12:50.50fileif using a hostname with multiple different address family transports configured OR ICE, then it wouldn't
12:52.09jkroonok, chan_sip still does in 13 what it did in 11 and rtp socket is bound to the IP.
12:52.22jkroonwondering how to best approach this.
12:52.25filechan_sip rarely changes, so unsurprising
12:52.57jkroonfile, agreed, but I suspect you would agree that it would make sense to confirm :).
12:53.59jkroonwhen setting up, would it be possible to bind to multiple sockets for RTP (ie, one for the IPv4 address, and one for the IPv6 address) and then discard one of them as soon as RTP starts flowing?  (or switching between them as the sender switches)
12:54.03filenot really, chan_sip can be as it wants to be
12:54.13fileit's code so anything is possible but it's not easy
12:54.35filethe interface doesn't expect more than 2 sockets (1 RTP and 1 RTCP), the PJSIP RTP side doesn't expect more than 1 RTP instance per stream
12:54.42jkroonok, so wrong phrasing then - how easy would it be to :).  thanks for giving the answer to the intended question.
12:55.14jkroonok, and binding one socket to both ipv4 and ipv6 is not possible (kernel side).
12:55.25fileany does that
12:55.35fileit's bound to wildcard IPv4/IPv6 so both
12:55.36jkroonstarting to think updating the routing table might not be such a bad idea.
12:55.49jkroonok, a *specific* ipv4 and a *specific* ipv6.
12:55.55filenot possible afaik
12:56.22jkroonupon receiving rtp on the socket, would it be possible to update the sending address?
12:56.35filenot afaik
12:56.57jkroonwould require rebinding the port?
12:57.00filenot without rebinding, which would change the file descriptor, and then that has to be communicated up somehow
12:57.31filehaven't touched that though so dunnnnnnnno for sure
12:57.34jkroonEINVAL The socket is already bound to an address.
12:57.40jkroonfrom bind(2)
13:04.03jkroonof course we're assuming that bind() is in the first place ...
13:27.58jkroonfile, once could create a new socket and use dup2() to replace the socket (but keeping the fd).
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13:29.07jkroonthe *downside* would be that if the remote side later decides to start sending to another option as provided in the SDP it would break.
13:30.04fileI think looking at code initially for this is the wrong direction, the cases have to be defined with their expected behavior and then going from there
13:30.23jkroonplease elaborate
13:30.56jkroonoh, sorry.  my head is spinning.  you're saying use-cases have to be drawn up first, and then we can start coding.
13:31.07jkroononce the decision has been made as to "what the right thing" is.
13:31.14jkroonemail discussion on asterisk-dev?
13:31.44filesure, although we have test cases for how things currently work as a result of failover (where the SDP has to change to the new address family)
13:31.57fileso existing behavior expectations are there with kinda use cases
13:32.11jkroonwon't issuing a new SDP potentially create a new RTP instance anyway?
13:32.51jkroondo we have some indicator that we need to return to "wide" accept (ie, return to ANY address)?
13:33.32fileI don't know because as I stated your usage and what you are trying to do is different than exists now, so stuff hasn't been written or thought about for it
13:36.24jkroonok, i'll draft an email to asterisk-dev to see if we can get some feedback.  in case of emergency I'll have to revert to using rtdaemon but that's not ideal.
13:36.46filethe current implementation works for the vast majority of people, so I don't know if there would be any feedback
13:37.42jkrooni'll explain, hopefully someone has some ideas.  otherwise I'll just implement the "narrowing with bind/dup2" and hide that behind an option (ie, only use it if it's active), in which case I suspect it would be acceptable for most.
13:38.20filethe only other time I've seen mention vaguely of it in recent times was a person who wanted at runtime to use IPv6 for RTP and IPv4 for signaling
13:40.14jkroonthanks for your time file.  appreciated
13:41.53stefan27I'm trying to debug an old asterisk (13.15). Didn't the CLI always support some kind of "print ast_sched contents" CLI command?
13:43.38filethere's a DEBUG_SCHEDULER compile time option that can be enabled which dumps stuff to debug?
13:45.37stefan27ah cool, i'll check for that flag
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18:07.29*** topic/#asterisk by kharwell -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.23.0 (2018/09/05) 16.0.0-rc1 (2018/08/08), Standard: 15.6.0 (2018/09/05); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
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19:54.32fooDoes anyone happen to know how this works? - specifically, it seems they allow you to "turn a landline number into a text messaging number" - I haven't heard of this before, didn't think it was possible. Thank you
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21:06.42wyoungfoo: Texting from landlines is disabled in my country so YMMV
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