IRC log for #asterisk on 20180814

00:21.00*** join/#asterisk infobot (ibot@
00:21.00*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.22.0 (2018/07/12) 16.0.0-rc1 (2018/08/08), Standard: 15.5.0 (2018/07/12); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:00.06*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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06:47.25*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
07:19.55jkroonfor ExecIf(${cond1}&&${cond2}?TrueStatement():FalseStatement()) style statements, in that case I'm getting that if cond1 is 1 and cond2 is 0 that it still goes for TrueStatement ... is this expected behaviour?
09:31.36*** join/#asterisk sibiria (~sibiria@unaffiliated/sibiria)
09:41.44*** join/#asterisk vs-temp12 (
09:43.54vs-temp12Hi there, I've been migrating an ancient asterisk setup to 15. Having some issues with get_data through AGI, seems the timeout is ignored and logs show "The FD we were waiting for has something waiting. Waitfordigit returning numeric 1". Ring any beels here
09:45.17*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
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16:13.25*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (Suzeanne@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/suzeanne)
16:19.02*** join/#asterisk polysics (~polysics@
16:23.00polysicshey everybody! question for y'all: is there a way to play audio in a channel that is being monitored via EAGI, and keep executing the calling script?
16:25.52sibiriathe only way is via MoH
16:25.57sibiriabut i suspect it comes with some caveats
16:26.19sibiriaread up on StartMusicOnHold in the asterisk wiki
16:29.05polysicswill MoH keep sending the far-end audio through EAGI?
16:45.14sibiriaEAGI doesn't send audio through
16:45.21sibiriait taps the inbound audio for analysis purposes
16:45.56sibiriabut to answer your question, yes, MoH is a non-blocking operation
16:46.03sibiriayou start it up and your dialplan continues
16:47.18polysicsok, so the inbound audio should still be there even when MoH is playing
16:48.05sibiriaso f.e. you can run StartMusicOnHold() in your dialplan and then head over to an AGI script or just continue doing stuff in the dialplan itself
16:48.51sibiriaas opposed to Playback() and Background() which will block until audio ends (or DTMF comes in)
16:50.58polysicsthat sounds like a good solution
16:51.02*** join/#asterisk s-mutin (~s-mutin@
16:59.12polysicsanother more complex question: anyone knows if hte current SFU only support BUNDLE mode or also separate streams?
17:00.11filethey are still separate streams, they just use the same underlying transport - and the SFU itself doesn't care, that's at the PJSIP/RTP level
17:00.48fileit can be disabled if the webrtc option isn't used
17:03.12*** join/#asterisk tonybaqain (2e207cfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:04.01tonybaqainanyone available for help ?
17:04.14fileif you ask a question someone may answer, but there is no guarantee
17:09.29polysicsfile: the SDP sent back from Asterisk indicates a bundle
17:10.06polysicsit replies with bundle and all traffic is on one port, so they are bundled - at least on the surface
17:11.06filepolysics: in order to work with Chrome bundle is on if the webrtc option is used
17:31.57*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
17:39.12*** join/#asterisk josefig (~josefig@unaffiliated/josefig)
17:39.46josefighell guys, i'm getting this error on asterisk since today, i was trying to use asterisk calls from LAN to incoming trunk and then fwd to trunk out,
17:55.02*** join/#asterisk viebig (c88fa9b5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:55.12viebighi all!
17:55.30viebighave you ever used AMD module ?
18:04.33[TK]D-FenderYes, people have used it before
18:08.36viebigI'm having a strage behavior. totalAnalysisTime is not respected
18:09.25viebigthe app_amd timer seens to be right... but the dialplan take more than totlaAnalysis time to process
18:19.04*** join/#asterisk mhache (~mhache_@
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19:18.10igcewielingHas anyone had issues changing the chan_sip timerb= setting?  It seems hardcoded to 32000, even if set to something different in sip.conf.  I'm using Asterisk 13.  the non-timerb settings are just so I could verify something is getting set.
19:18.26igcewielingit seems to work if set on the peer but not globally
19:20.24*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
19:36.48SamotNever really messed with it. And at this point, if that's how it works that is how it works.
19:37.37SamotBut why would you want it to be 6400?
19:37.48SamotThat's awfully low.
19:46.32SamotAh,  you dropped the T1. OK, that's about 6 restransmissions after the initial invite...
19:52.10*** join/#asterisk s-mutin (~s-mutin@2a0a:6f40:2:6001:64f9:559d:d0bd:cf74)
19:54.01josefigI'm getting this error, it was working before this script, this is to execute call files: I read on some logs of this channel that caller ID was wrong written on the call extension but I'm not sure what can be the problem
19:57.40josefigfound the issue, thanks
20:02.19*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
21:00.54igcewielingSamot: As I understand it Timer B is how to long to wait for a response to an INVITE.   Is a 100 Trying or 183 Progress considered a response?
21:01.34igcewielingIf only an ACK is considered a response, then how can we have calls ring for more than 32 seconds?
21:02.00SamotIt's how long it waits for a provisional response. So a 100 Trying..
21:02.51igcewielingIf I don't get a response to an INVITE in 2 seconds then something is seriously wrong.
21:05.56igcewielingIn the pcaps I see a trying sent .007 seconds after the invite is sent, here is one .004 seconds after the invite, and another one .0016 second after the invite.
21:07.39igcewielingWith time elapsed between sending the invite and get a Trying is usually under 40ms, I don't understand why it should wait 32,000ms before retransmitting.
21:11.11SamotIt doesnt
21:11.40SamotT1 is how long to wait before retransmitting
21:11.51SamotSo if you have 200
21:12.12SamotIts 0, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400
21:12.38SamotSince you want B to be 6400
21:12.47SamotAt 6400 it timesout
21:13.11SamotThats 6 retransmissions after the inital invite
21:18.42*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
21:24.11igcewielingI'd rather it gave up if it doesn't get a response in 500ms, so the call can failover to the next destination.
21:25.55SamotThen Timer B should be 500ms
21:34.51*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
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23:03.04*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-jwsmdtzcrzomrowi)
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.