IRC log for #asterisk on 20180716

00:05.13*** join/#asterisk smkelly (
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00:20.02*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.22.0 (2018/07/12), Standard: 15.5.0 (2018/07/12); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
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13:52.03igcewielingis only for pjsip?   : loader.c:583 load_dlopen: Error loading module '': /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pjproject_caching_pool_destroy
13:54.26fileres_rtp_asterisk does RTP for chan_sip, chan_pjsip, and other things - it uses pjproject for ICE/STUN/TURN
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13:57.11igcewielingAny idea why it won't load?  I'm not using pjsip. isn't loaded?
13:57.47fileif it was still built then res_rtp_asterisk would have built with usage of it
13:57.50igcewielingit needs to be loaded even if pjsip isn't used?
13:58.26fileif it was built, yes, because PJSIP is a component of PJPROJECT - and res_rtp_asterisk uses other parts of it
14:00.00igcewielingfile: thanks for the info.  It helps a lot.
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15:54.24lwlvlWhen I ring inbound, the number (german number) has a local format (i.e. 015783844423). See SIP-From-Header here: . The problem is, that this number is directed to my voip-phone, which gets the number without the leading 0 for getting out of the PBX. I think this is caused by the SIP-From-Header. Does anyone have suggestions how to solve this?
15:55.42[TK]D-FenderGo add it to the callerID
15:56.18[TK]D-FenderCaller ID comes in wrong -> GO CHANGE IT.  It's your dialplan.
15:56.59lwlvl[TK]D-Fender,  Set("SIP/", "CALLERID(num)=+4915700000143") in new stack
15:57.30lwlvl[TK]D-Fender, that's what I did. did I also Set the name? I also have to set the CALLERID(name)?
15:58.20[TK]D-Fendername != number
15:59.18[TK]D-FenderYou also said you needed another 0 ... then you show a sample where you ar adding all sorts of other stuff.
15:59.29lwlvl[TK]D-Fender, thnx, that solved my issue. I also had to modify CALLERID(name)
15:59.34[TK]D-FenderYour proposed fix there doesn't sound like your original request at all
16:00.18lwlvl[TK]D-Fender, yes...because I thought is was the sip-from-header causing the problem
16:00.58lwlvl[TK]D-Fender, another 0 or the +49...I decided to use the +49
16:01.45lwlvl[TK]D-Fender, because my asterisk reformats the numbers when calling out to fit the "49XXXXXXXX" format of my provider....
16:01.54[TK]D-FenderFrom Header is just a common source of callerid which is what can get applied to a call out from your PBX
16:01.58lwlvland +49 is okay for it ;)
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19:48.24Kharos16can i have some pointers? i'm trying to setup a small voip network but the server is not physically here while the router with the E1 plugged is, how do i route the E1 to the server so i can get calls from my main office to a branch where my server is?
19:49.54[TK]D-Fenderput a gateway there.
19:50.13[TK]D-FenderE1 has to turn into SOMETHING to be sent out of that location.
19:50.23[TK]D-FenderWhich would typically be a gateway to SIP, etc
20:43.32Kharos16i was trying to figure out a way that wouldn't need a voice gateway as my boss said he wouldn't be buying one
20:43.41Kharos16but it seems we have hit a wall
20:44.06Kharos16if anyone knows what can i reference or look for apart from a voice gateway i'll be eternally grateful to you
20:45.46SamotA gateway is your only choice is the PBX is not there.
20:46.05SamotOtherwise you need to have a PBX on-premises and use a E1/PRI card in the machine.
20:47.02SamotThe router with the E1 is a full CPE, like an Adtran, that does the Internet and the voice.
20:47.09Kharos16Ok, can the router i have the E1 card on function as a voice gateway?
20:47.25SamotWhy is the E1 card in the router?
20:47.30SamotDid the ISP provide it?
20:48.23SamotIs there a PBX on-premises now?
20:48.23Kharos16i'm picking up this setup from a guy before me that quit apparently boss told him no when he talked about buying a voice gateway and told him to use one of the E1 cards on the warehouse and put it on a cisco router to function as a voice gateway
20:49.00Kharos16No all i have is a remote virtualized server
20:49.18Kharos16thats ok for voip but is a must that we can make calls on the pstn
20:49.20SamotIs this a new E1?
20:49.51SamotVoIP can make calls to the PSTN.
20:50.02SamotAs long as you have a route/path to the PSTN.
20:50.13SamotIn this setup the E1 is that path.
20:50.19Kharos16I'm not sure about what you mean when you say new, the line is newly leased if thats what you mean
20:50.34SamotI mean was this E1 recently installed?
20:50.43SamotFor the purpose of voice services...
20:50.49SamotThis was done wrong.
20:51.05SamotIf you have a PBX in the cloud, you should be using SIP.
20:51.17SamotAnd going with an ITSP that does SIP trunks.
20:51.26Kharos16as far as i can see in the configuration files on the router yes
20:51.59Kharos16Yes sir
20:52.10SamotWhat type of Cisco router is this?
20:52.23SamotBecause in order to make it a "voice gateway" it must be able to do that.
20:53.26Kharos16give me a moment to get a show version on that router
20:55.45Kharos16cisco 2951 router
20:56.12Kharos16C2951 Software (C2951-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)M2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
20:56.39jpsharpwoo, top of the line stuff there.
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20:58.25SamotWell the 2900's are maintained until about 2020
20:58.33SamotBut they are EOL and no support.
20:59.10Kharos16I have a correction to make, it is this router Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-IPVOICEK9-M), Version 15.1(4)M8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
20:59.11SamotOh no that goes a little longer.
21:00.14SamotWell you just took a step backwards.
21:00.27SamotThat's completely EOL and no longer maintained.
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21:01.40Kharos16I'm sorry i must work with what i'm given :(
21:01.56SamotThat problem is what you were given is a big turd.
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21:03.37Kharos16so there's really nothing else i can do but try to talk my way out of this one?
21:05.08SamotThe 2800's are Cisco Integrated systems.
21:05.15SamotThey run the Cisco Call Manager...
21:05.32SamotIt can do voice but the router is the PBX/system.
21:05.46SamotIt will not do a SIP trunk to Asterisk as far as I can see.
21:05.52SamotAnd if it can, good look.
21:06.29SamotWhoever thought the E1 + a cloud based PBX was a good idea was completely wrong.
21:07.06SamotIf there were SIP/ITSP providers that could provide service for this, they were the better choice.
21:13.28Kharos16Well still thank you for your time :)
21:13.35Kharos16guess i can only talk it up with the boss
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21:22.03SamotYou have three options
21:22.21Samot1) Get a gateway that will take the E1 and convert it to SIP so you can trunk to the PBX
21:22.47Samot2) Put a PBX on-premises, use a gateway or get an E1 card to put in the PBX
21:23.00Samot3) Dump the E1 and just get a SIP trunk for the PBX.
21:23.17SamotEither way, none of those options are going to be cheap.
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21:30.59jpsharpvoip is scary for people.
21:35.20drmessanoThe biggest drawback to VoIP is that is requires IP transport, which goes over a network
21:35.25drmessanoIf it wasn't for that, boom
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