IRC log for #asterisk on 20180709

16:51.15*** join/#asterisk infobot (ibot@
16:51.15*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.22.0-rc1 (2018/07/03), Standard: 15.5.0-rc1 (2018/07/03); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
16:53.36*** join/#asterisk mutin-sa (~s-mutin@
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17:56.21TandyUK2anyone know how to do "sip set debug ip ip1,ip2,ip3" or equivalent?
17:57.02filechan_sip has no CLI command to do multiple IPs - it's all or 1 specific one
17:57.37TandyUK25 ssh sessions it is then lol
17:57.45TandyUK2that would be a _really_ useful feature
17:58.00filethe command isn't per console, it's to the entire process
17:58.18TandyUK2ok wierd then
17:58.47SamotAre you just wanting to see what is in the actual SIP message?
17:59.03TandyUK2i need to track why we are rejecting some calls from simwood with 401's
17:59.13TandyUK2but their request can reasonably come from any of 5 ips
17:59.31SamotAre they an inbound provider?
17:59.42TandyUK2usual story atm is, i enable debug on one of the ips, and ofc the actual call comes from anothr
17:59.59SamotAre you authing their INVITEs?
18:00.05TandyUK2they have the first anycasted sip network ive heard of
18:00.13Samot401 is a Auth rejecting meaning "Send me Auth Digest"
18:00.22TandyUK2thats the problem,  NO, but apparantly we are rejecting _some_ requests for lack of auth
18:00.38SamotAre you using Chan_SIP or Chan_PJSIP?
18:00.43TandyUK2all inbound trunks have insecure invites set, and we have 1 per remote ip
18:00.50TandyUK2*11, so chan_sip
18:01.02SamotIs it insecure=invite,port?
18:01.16SamotSo a rejected call
18:01.39TandyUK2this is the problem lmao
18:01.48TandyUK2actualy _finding_ logs from a failed call
18:02.04TandyUK2I have ~1000 handsets registeredo n this system, so the noise is insane with global debug on
18:02.52filedo a packet capture externally and filter afterwards
18:05.50SamotShould be able to do a host or host or host
18:06.21fileyou probably don't want to do that though... because you're operating under the assumption that you really do know all the IP addresses
18:08.11SamotOK, ngrep it
18:08.33TandyUK2i think this is because the call im getting from (what we have trunk setup with), is sendign a call FROM: "mymobile" <sip:mymobile@>
18:08.44TandyUK2we dont know who the fk is, rejected
18:09.00Samotngrep -W byline -d eth0 'NXXXXXXX' port 5060 -O capture_file
18:09.06filechan_sip doesn't care about that.
18:09.37Samotngrep -W byline -d eth0 'NXXXXXXX' port 5060 <-- Live output instead of file.
18:09.49SamotNXXXXX being the DID being called
18:10.06SamotIt will get _any_ SIP packet with that DID in it.
18:10.36SamotChange the eth interface and sip port to match your setup if needed.
18:12.23TandyUK2and you all have my mobile number lol
18:12.35TandyUK2other one was public to begin with :)
18:13.21igcewielingnobody cares about your mobile number.
18:13.23SamotOK, now show the peer config...
18:15.15SamotWhy are you using "friend"?
18:15.18SamotThis is a peer.
18:18.46TandyUK2i think im just getting confused by shit documentation
18:18.55TandyUK2"peer: an entitry to which we send calls"
18:19.16SamotA peer doesn't have a user.
18:19.25Samot"friend" makes both a peer and a user
18:19.31Samotso it wants to auth by the user.
18:19.36SamotWhich you don't have.
18:19.45SamotYour provider trunks are peers.
18:19.56SamotUnless you are using SIP Registration.
18:19.59TandyUK2yeah i mean this is an onbound only trunk, so scopserv's shit labelling was throwing me off
18:20.01SamotThen it's a "friend"
18:20.45Samotpeer's will auth on the IP and the port
18:20.53SamotFriend will auth on the user and IP
18:23.52SamotThough, this still shouldn't send a 401 challenge.
18:23.53TandyUK2ok, so now theyre all peers.
18:24.00TandyUK2any idea why this still happened?
18:24.24SamotI'm not sure. Even with friend the insecure setting shouldn't send a 401 challenge.
18:28.36[TK]D-FenderI'd want to see actual * CLI debug for this call...
18:28.44[TK]D-Fenderto prove what it's hitting
18:30.23SamotWe covered this.
18:30.32SamotThe provider can send the call from multiple IPs.
18:31.10Samotsip debug can do 1 IP.
18:31.34TandyUK2this is wierd, identical settings bar the ip on the 2 trunks,  call from works, from does not (401 response)
18:31.44TandyUK2and ive just repeated that about 4 times per ip
18:31.56SamotNeed to see the debugs
18:32.36SamotYou might have to enable "sip set debug ip" and make a test call until it hits.
18:36.09TandyUK2ok so lets rewind having juts figured out why the 401's are happening
18:36.25TandyUK2prior to the weekend, we just used a plain IP trunk with simwood
18:37.16TandyUK2due to taking on a new customer, who has their own account with simwood, we have replaced the single (set of) trunk with seperate Client-Outgoing trunks, that each have their own auth on simwoods end
18:37.16SamotSo you had one trunk/peer?
18:37.38TandyUK2no there was one per simwood ip, but just one set of them
18:37.50*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:37.58TandyUK2all outgoing calls just went over a signle trunk, regardless of who it was from
18:38.00SamotYou have TWO peers with the same IP?
18:38.00*** join/#asterisk wtf911 (42184ca9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:38.10TandyUK2yeah this seems to be the issue
18:38.17Samotso which one is first?
18:38.24TandyUK2i need to send calls to simwood, and recieve them from simwood, on different trunks
18:38.25SamotYour "global" or the new customers?
18:39.10TandyUK2atm, the customer specific ones are all listed first
18:39.21SamotWhich should receive inbound calls?
18:39.36TandyUK2the global incoming trunks should recieved all calls
18:39.51TandyUK2the customr one should only be used for that specific customers outbound
18:40.06SamotSo which peer where you showing?
18:40.13SamotYours or the customers?
18:40.15[TK]D-FenderIf you have 2 you're asking to get screwed
18:40.19TandyUK2that was one of the global incoming ones
18:40.23[TK]D-FenderWhich is why I was asking about that...
18:40.30SamotSo here's what is happening
18:40.35Samotyour client's peer is first
18:40.39SamotSo it matches first
18:40.53SamotPut your peer above it.
18:41.23*** join/#asterisk jamesaxl (~James_Axl@
18:41.28TandyUK2this is where gui fucks me over, as it has no 'order', its just the order in which they are defined
18:41.43SamotIt doesn't do it by name?
18:41.49SamotOr number order?
18:42.01SamotIt just sorts by the database "id"?
18:42.07TandyUK2yeah, 'order in which it was added to db'
18:42.18SamotSo you're screwed.
18:42.21TandyUK2which isnt necesarily the id
18:42.31SamotIf you can't adjust the order
18:42.38SamotYou can't adjust what matches first.
18:42.40TandyUK2cd ..
18:43.01TandyUK2whe nthe gui builds the configs, its using includes
18:43.37TandyUK2customer/sip,   customer/sip-extras,  customer2/sip,  customer2/sip-extras, ......  all/sip,  all/sip-extras
18:43.42TandyUK2the global stuff is in all
18:43.57SamotIf "all" is last...
18:44.01SamotThen it matches last.
18:44.03TandyUK2yeah theres the bug
18:44.32SamotShould "all" be first?
18:44.41TandyUK2certainly sounds like it
18:45.00SamotWell it depends on how their "multi-tenant" logic is handled.
18:45.35TandyUK2well i just manaully adjusted the configs and reloaded
18:45.38igcewielingI didn't know FreePBX has a multi-tennant option.
18:45.41TandyUK2its still handled by the same wrong trunk
18:45.43SamotIt doesn't.
18:45.47SamotThis is ScopServ.
18:45.48TandyUK2its not freepbx
18:46.41TandyUK2ah, this is why i was setting them to 'friend'
18:46.53SamotYes, that does make more sense.
18:47.07SamotDidn't know you had multiple peers to the same IP.
18:47.18SamotUntil after, so yeah friend does make more sense.
18:47.25TandyUK2when i do that, gui gives me an incoming calls tab, which gives me an option 'use global incoming context'
18:47.53TandyUK2that seemed to work, but again may have just been luck that calls were hitting a different peer
18:50.34TandyUK2kinda wishing i'd gone with my other option for sorting this on saturday.... giving th fking box another ip
18:52.51TandyUK2if i did that going forward, would having the same set of peers using 2 ips
18:52.56TandyUK21 ip purely for inbound
18:53.00TandyUK2and 1 purely for outbound
18:53.06TandyUK2would that play nicely?
18:53.15TandyUK2regardless of the peer order in sip.conf
18:54.21TandyUK2that said i can see any way to set which ip is used
18:54.25SamotA peer is a peer
18:54.28TandyUK2^^ kinda figured :(
18:54.38SamotThe host defines the IP the PBX will accept/send calls to/from.
18:54.44SamotDoesn't matter what IP.
18:55.31SamotThat being said....
18:55.36SamotYou could use the domain setting.
18:56.03SamotTechnically each of your IPs would be a domain.
18:56.03TandyUK2all my calls are delivered to if that helps
18:56.14SamotYou would need a second domain.
18:56.26TandyUK2if i can tie that domain only to the 5 incoming trunks wold that work?
18:56.32SamotBecause you can tell a peer to accept calls to X domain and what context to use
18:56.58SamotIf you add a second IP to the PBX you can make
18:57.25SamotAnd tell the peer that,global-incoming-context,customer-incoming-context
18:58.01SamotOr however...
18:59.16SamotHell, you don't even need a second IP if Simwood allows FQDNs for their SIP URIs.
18:59.41SamotYou can point all the domains to the PBXes IP and use the domain= setting to route calls based on the domain.
19:03.27TandyUK2i think i have a better temporary solution...  use simwoods beta anycast ips for all outgoing calls
19:03.40TandyUK2so the 5 ips for existing trunks wouldnt be in use
19:10.10TandyUK2yeah that seems to be working
19:10.25TandyUK2now all my client specific peers are on a single different ip to what i will ever recieve calls from
19:10.42TandyUK2even though that single ip is anycasted to all of simwoods sites
19:11.34*** join/#asterisk billxx (49958984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:18.19*** join/#asterisk wtf911 (42184ca9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:19.10wtf911WARNING[9536]: pjproject:0 <?>: SSL STATUS_FROM_SSL_ERR (connecting): Level: 0 err: <336151598> <SSL routines-SSL3_READ_BYTES-tlsv1 alert protocol version> len: 0
20:19.44wtf911SSL SSL_ERROR_SSL (Handshake): Level: 0 err: <336130315> <SSL routines-SSL3_GET_RECORD-wrong version number> len: 0
20:20.27wtf911getting those errors when trying to register google voice with the new naf google voice pjsip. i'm using a virtual machine of debian 8.9 and openssl 1.0.1 2016
20:54.57rfr__Still stuck with this no dial tone on new dahdi / * machine if anyone can help.
20:56.57*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
20:57.12drmessanoI downloaded the gvsip package
20:57.19drmessanoHoly patches and patches
20:57.39drmessanoI've never seen anything like it
21:05.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:13.18*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
21:38.05SamotThat bad?
21:41.53*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
21:45.15filewhile Google is using SIP it's not the implementation that everyone else is using, they are using RFCs and standards that are... newer
21:45.34rfr__In extesnions.conf is the global 'Dahdi/14' properly expressed or must it be DAHDI/14?
21:49.38*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
21:54.59jpsharpgvsip looks like a clusterfuck of epic proportions.
21:59.40drmessanoThe patches are just a freaking nightmare, from what I saw
22:00.00drmessanoSure, it works TODAY.. but someone is going to have to maintain it
22:00.09drmessanoIt's unmanageable, IMO
22:00.38drmessanoThey're basically going to have to maintain their own Asterisk branch
22:04.17filethe person plans on putting it up for review
22:04.37fileit's going to take a lot to clean it up and get stuff sorted, will involve PJSIP upstream changes most likely
22:07.55jpsharpJust suck it up and pay for a good provider.  Not one that's milking your traffic for ad targeting info.
22:09.21*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
22:09.39drmessanoI guess some people think it's worth it
22:10.01filejpsharp: I brought up similar sentiment on DSLReports but was shot down a bit
22:10.32drmessanoWell, how dare you suggest people spend money..
22:10.39drmessanoAsterisk is free, the calls should be too
22:11.30fileso should my mortgage!
22:12.16jpsharpOnly if you use asterisk to handle your mortgage.
22:14.08drmessanoIf you install Asterisk with Increbigasnitron PBX on a VM4Cheap instance, at $10 a year, your PBX is dirt cheap too*
22:14.43drmessano* Note that this provider may go under at any time, for example Aug 17th
22:16.42*** join/#asterisk boson (~boson@
22:18.53drmessanoI love how there is always some new VPS provider that they "Partnered" with to offer one-button installs of Incredigasmic PBX, for like $10 a decade, like it's some big deal.. when in reality it's some basement startup..
22:19.00drmessanoThey ask the admins to partner with them, and the guy replies back "Yeah, I think we can do that, but I gotta ask my Mom"
22:20.22drmessanoImagine if people put this kind of effort into useful contributions to Asterisk, and not just trying to fuck Google out of a few bucks
22:22.33Kobaz[2018-07-09 18:21:51] WARNING[24747] db.c: Couldn't bind key to stmt: out of memory
22:22.37Kobazhmmmmm first time i've seen that
22:23.33Kobazdefinitely not OOM
22:23.45Kobazplenty of sheeps and rams to go around
22:32.00jpsharpulimits are fine?
22:35.05Samotdrmessano: LOL
22:48.36Kobazno ulimit defined
22:51.58*** join/#asterisk sibyakin (~sibyakin@
23:09.17Kobaz[2018-07-09 19:08:41] ERROR[22779]: manager.c:6376 process_message: Unable to process manager action 'DBPut'. Asterisk is shutting down.
23:09.34Kobazwow this is really fscked somehow
23:09.45Kobazcertified asterisk 13.21
23:12.08*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-qpgomsrmqgydsmxo)
23:17.46Kobazoh okay that's nothing to do with DBPut
23:17.55Kobazi thought it was quiting because of DBPut
23:21.23*** join/#asterisk zigggggy (ffssd@unaffiliated/zigggggy)
23:22.32*** join/#asterisk saint__ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
23:24.03SamotSounds like a memory leak
23:24.51SamotHow much memory is in the system?
23:24.59SamotKobaz: ^^^
23:25.13Kobaz4 gigs :(
23:25.21SamotHow much CPU?
23:25.29SamotAnd how many calls/users does this thing handle?
23:26.06Kobazvoicemail for 600 users, and like a 5 person call center
23:26.10Kobazso... not much
23:26.26SamotExcept for 600 MWI subscriptions.
23:26.40SamotAnd how many calls?
23:26.52Samot5 people does not equal 5 calls.
23:27.00SamotYou could have 20 sitting in a queue.
23:27.20Kobazit's a single PRI, so... max 20
23:27.26Kobazbut generally there's like 2-3 people calling in
23:27.27SamotWhat's the average?
23:27.37SamotNo one sits in the queue?
23:27.39Kobazit's capped at 20 on the avaya side
23:27.41Kobaznot really
23:28.21SamotWhat else is this box doing? Recording calls, etc or any other things like AMI/ARI commands from outside the box
23:28.23Samotremote sql?
23:28.33Kobazlocal sql
23:28.39Kobazno call recording
23:28.58Kobazgonna install valgrind on this thing
23:29.08SamotAnd how long after restarting asterisk does this happen?
23:29.18Kobazso i do a 'core reload'
23:29.33Kobazand within about 10-15 seconds asterisk quits
23:29.55KobazSamot: really not much
23:30.19SamotAnd if you restart the server?
23:30.41Kobazthat's not generally part of my troubleshooting tool kit
23:30.44Kobazlast resort...
23:30.51Kobazbut in this case the box has been restarted a number of times
23:30.52SamotSo this is a constant issue
23:30.56SamotIt might be time.
23:31.07SamotOK so it sounds like this box is hosed.
23:31.11Kobazwell no
23:31.24Kobazwe just switched out asterisk, so it's something with this astersk version
23:31.39SamotSo you downgraded?
23:32.01Kobazwas 13.17.2
23:32.32SamotSo do you have a cert support contract?
23:32.51Kobazjust keeping in line with what was already here
23:35.17Kobazinherited box
23:35.19Kobazxorcom system
23:35.22Kobazfixing bugs in it
23:35.50Samot2018-01-31 15:40 +0000 [665444b772]  Richard Mudgett <>
23:35.50Samot* manager.c: Fix potential memory leak and corruption.
23:36.02Kobazwhat rev?
23:36.51SamotFor you? The one that was just released.
23:36.57SamotThat's the downside of cert...
23:37.04SamotWe had this issue fixed awhile ago.
23:37.20Kobazwhat's the git commit revision id?
23:37.51SamotMore details in the changelog for Cert 13
23:38.18SamotI think
23:38.36Kobazgot it
23:38.58Kobazcommit 665444b77281bc7e744534721747429c4671df0b
23:39.05SamotIt looks like it was fixed in 13.20
23:39.17Kobazthis is 13.21
23:39.33SamotCert has a limited release cycle.
23:39.38Kobazit has that change
23:39.45Kobazdo a git log in 13.21, and you'll see commit 665444b77281bc7e744534721747429c4671df0b
23:39.50Samot2018-06-11 21:09 +0000  Asterisk Development Team <>
23:39.50Samot* asterisk certified/13.21-cert2 Released.
23:39.59SamotCert gets all the fixes in one release.
23:40.24SamotSo when a new Cert version comes out, it contains fixes on releases we already had.
23:40.31SamotThere was no cert-20
23:40.49SamotThat's why I said, that's the downside.
23:40.53SamotWe got the fix in Feb.
23:40.57SamotYou got it in June.
23:41.28Kobazwell yeah, in general
23:41.29*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
23:41.38Kobazi'm more concerned with this partiaular problem
23:44.45SamotWell you upgraded, right?
23:44.46SamotWent away?
23:44.57Kobazwhat? no
23:45.03Kobazthe problem appeared
23:45.19SamotWhat version of 21 did you install?
23:45.25Samot21-1 or 21-2?
23:45.48Kobazwhatever's in git certified/13.21
23:46.02Kobazi'm going to try out mainline 13.21, there's a bit of a difference
23:47.44TrickkyTyperHey guys waht is the best gateway and sip phone i will use for Linux
23:48.31TrickkyTyperto make calls
23:48.33Kobazgateway for doing what
23:48.37TrickkyTypermaking phone calls
23:48.42Kobazfrom what, to what
23:48.52TrickkyTyperfrom PC to landline
23:48.53TrickkyTyperphone calls
23:48.56TrickkyTyperusing Headset to make calls
23:48.59TrickkyTyperim using Debian
23:49.12Kobazyou're doing this all wrong
23:49.22Kobazit's 2018, use a ITSP
23:49.27infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
23:49.40TrickkyTyperperfect thats what i wanted to know
23:49.41Kobazif you REALLY want to use your home copper line
23:49.54Kobazget like a linksys SPA-FXO ATA
23:49.56TrickkyTyperwell i wanna set something up like a telemarketing center
23:50.04TrickkyTyperso i want to be able to set up phone numbers on computers, and allow people to call
23:50.15Kobaztake a number :)
23:50.40Kobazeveryone else and their goldfish is doing contact centers these days
23:50.42Kobazbut anyway
23:50.54Kobazif you want to start and roll your own, get the book
23:50.55infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
23:51.15TrickkyTyperokay but ideally if i want to keep it simple id find a ITSP like you said
23:51.20TrickkyTyperand just set up Sip software on compouter?
23:51.25Kobazbe prepared to invest 6 months to a year, depending on your experience level, to get something worthwhile in place
23:51.30TrickkyTyperor what would that provider call that would allow me to physically make the calls
23:51.33TrickkyTyperfrom SIP
23:51.40TrickkyTyperi used to use Magic Jack from Windows
23:51.47TrickkyTyperbut i went to Linux so i want to replace that company with another gateway
23:51.55Kobazlinux... check out twinkle
23:51.57Kobazor linphone
23:52.05Kobazi like twinkle a bit better
23:52.09Kobazand you can start making calls
23:52.21Kobazbut if you want a whole call center, reports, tracking, metrics...
23:52.27Kobazyou're better off buying something, from what it sounds like
23:53.22TrickkyTyperthank you
23:53.29TrickkyTyperwell im just starting a small start up right now
23:53.35TrickkyTyperso i wont be doing something big scale yet.
23:53.43TrickkyTyperbut i am a linux geek so i wanted to do it as manual as possible
23:53.58Kobazallllrightey then
23:54.00Kobazyeah, start with the book
23:54.02Kobazgo from there
23:54.15Kobazit's free online, or you can buy the book
23:54.57Kobazdinner time
23:55.31TrickkyTyperok ty

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