IRC log for #asterisk on 20180621

00:08.35*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
00:13.59*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
00:21.08*** join/#asterisk infobot (ibot@
00:21.08*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.21.1 (2018/06/11), Standard: 15.4.1 (2018/06/11); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:30.04*** join/#asterisk youtmon (
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02:34.12*** join/#asterisk ghoti (~paul@
02:38.01drmessanoAnyone else here participate in the "Beyond the Little Blue Box" kickstarter?
02:39.58drmessanoIt took a little work, but my replica bosun whistle worked on a Project MF system
02:40.31drmessanoI checked the tone with a frequency counter and it was approx. 2550hz on one and 2560hz on the other whistle
02:40.34drmessanoNot too shabby
03:05.57*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
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08:20.05grygHello, can someone tell me if AGI variables are shared between calls ?
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11:02.22*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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18:00.54*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
18:03.18*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
18:04.58Micc_I'm having the worst time trying to find a way to pattern match in dialplan the +
18:05.14Micc_everything I've found on google that people say should work, doesn't.
18:05.22Micc_I must be doing something wrong.
18:06.33Micc_Even putting it in not as a pattern match but a literal doesn't work: exten = +12062072100,1,Gosub(slc-inbound-frontfacing,${EXTEN:2},1)
18:06.42Micc_it still tells me it's not found
18:10.37DovidMicc_: DO you have any logs?
18:11.01DovidIf you are trying to match +12062072100, I would do:
18:11.15DovidExten => +12062072100,1,Gosub(slc-inbound-frontfacing,${EXTEN:2},1)
18:12.43Micc_Dovid, the difference being => instead of = ? what difference does that make, my understanding is it is the same thing.
18:13.24DovidMicc_:I always did the > after the = . Can you post a log to pb? You need to make sure you are in the correct context as well.
18:14.05Micc_I do have logs, but the only interesting thing in them is the SIP RTP TOS and COS lines and the rejection from chan_sip in handle_request invite saying it can't find the extension in that context. But dialplan show context shows that it is there.
18:14.31Micc_let me double check the context, maybe I typod.
18:15.02*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
18:16.09Micc_Nope, it all looks correct to me.
18:16.27Micc_maybe I'll turn on debugging and see what it says
18:19.42tuxd00dMicc_ :  core set verbose 9
18:20.07tuxd00dAnd you are sure you're referencing the correct context?
18:23.59Micc_Yes, I've added a catch all _. and it matches with that.
18:24.12Micc_just not with anything specifically with + in it
18:25.23Micc_oh I see the problem.
18:25.58Micc_I think. When I'm doing the catch all I can see the actual extension is +12062072100;npdi
18:26.07tuxd00dWe use E.164 number formats in our dialplans without issue.
18:26.18Micc_I'm guessing my carrier is sending this ;npdi at the end.
18:26.34tuxd00dMake sure to put catch-alls at the end.
18:26.46tuxd00doh, that is strange.
18:27.08DovidMicc__: That can be it. Try doing Exten = _+12062072100.,1,GoSub....
18:27.11Dovidand see if that works
18:28.05Micc_Well, now I'll need to remove that ;npdi as well before passing to that gosub. But I bet that would work.
18:28.24tuxd00dDovid is right to test it that way, but it's not an ideal long-term solution.  I'd check with the carrier about which DID they are sending down the line.  It should only be '+' and digits (as a rule).
18:28.37DovidMicc_: You can use the CUT function for that
18:28.57Dovidtux00d: Correct at this point s/he needs to see what his issue is
18:29.27DovidYou can also use Exten => _.,Noop(I GOT >>${EXTEN}<<<)
18:29.42Dovidwhich is not reccoemended but can help. what ever you see between >>><<< is what Asterisk see's
18:33.14tuxd00dsame => n,Verbose([ID: ${UNIQUEID}][CHANNEL: ${CHANNEL}][CONTEXT: ${CONTEXT}][EXT: ${EXTEN}][CID: ${CALLERID(all)}] Incoming call)
18:33.32tuxd00d.... if you'd like a good overview.
18:33.39Micc_So using ${EXTEN:0:-5} to remove the last 5 characters doesn't work? length can't be negative? I thought I read somewhere they added that.
18:34.34tuxd00dYou can remove the last parts.. but I'd talk to your carrier first, have them send 'clean' DIDs.
18:35.18Micc_Working with them is like pulling teeth. If I can do it myself it will speed up the process.
18:35.53Micc_It's taken me a year of begging them to get me on their new platform to get to this point of testing some new trunks.
18:36.47tuxd00dTime for a new carrier?
18:38.45Micc_They're still the best reliability in my opinion.
18:39.08tuxd00dThe issue of not receiving clean DIDs is that it may change, and then your dialplan fails.  If they were to send the correct info now, the likelihood of breakage is negligible.
18:40.31Micc_I write my dialplan to clean things before I use them, so it just makes my dialplan more robust. If they change to clean then it will just skip this new code.
18:44.12tuxd00dgives a thumbs up
18:49.59Micc_Ok, I've got it working now.
19:03.09*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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20:50.08*** join/#asterisk setham (~textual@unaffiliated/setham)
20:58.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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23:14.01*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-wddpkpojgdkpbafb)
23:27.57*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
23:58.11*** join/#asterisk k-man (~jason@unaffiliated/k-man)

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