IRC log for #asterisk on 20180516

00:06.28*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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00:23.25*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.21.0 (2018/05/01), Standard: 15.4.0 (2018/05/01); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:24.42*** join/#asterisk justdave_ (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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13:57.49[sID]hi, how to cut this value "616665654" "<-- this
13:58.02[sID]in dialplan
13:59.23[TK]D-FenderDepends what you actually want to do.
14:03.26[sID]have the same number without "
14:06.07[sID]Ok, I've done it. thanks
14:07.57igcewielingCUT might work too.
14:08.41[TK]D-FenderDepends what the consistency looks like
14:08.50igcewielingas would the standard variable stuff something like ${MYVAR:1:01}
14:13.32*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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14:35.07igcewielingWhat might cause linkedid to be truncated to 32 chars in the CDRs, even after I altered the table to make linkedid varchar(64) and restarted asterisk?
14:35.11*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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14:39.06SamotBeing able to accept 64 characters doesn't mean 64 characters was submitted.
14:41.50*** join/#asterisk Guest9201 (b92009fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:42.01SamotI don't think the linkedid is ever over 32 characters.
14:42.01Guest9201Hi, do I really need the hangup in the foobar exten?
14:42.31SamottIt would be strange to have a database spec with less characters than what the data submitted would always be.
14:49.44igcewielingSamot: I guess now I have to ask does anyone know how to make Asterisk log more than 32 chars for a linkedid in the CDRs.   LinkedID in CLI:  LinkedID in
14:51.30SamotIs that how it appears in the log?
14:51.38SamotOr how it appears in the actual database?
14:55.59*** join/#asterisk masoudd (~masoudd@
14:56.02igcewielingthe CLI is from the log file and the CDR one is from the databasr.
14:56.59SamotAnd this was after you adjusted the length?
14:57.41igcewielingyes, that was 3 mins ago when I pasted the info.
14:59.21SamotAnd if you create a new column with a new name and submit the value there, does it truncate?
14:59.25SamotI'd try that
15:01.37fileolder versions didn't have a common definition for the length
15:02.23fileas of 13 everything uses the same length limit, and it's calculated based on other things (such as system name length, timestamp, yada)
15:03.35*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
15:04.25SamotSo CDR(linkedid) is going to assume it's 32 characters?
15:05.54filein 11 it would
15:06.02file13 is... math... 150+
15:06.03*** join/#asterisk tuxian_ (
15:06.13igcewielingI'm writing a script to link each CDR record we get from the carrier to the Asterisk CDR by linkedid and occasionally get duplicated linkedids on unrelated calls..
15:08.19igcewielingfile, thanks for the info
15:11.51*** join/#asterisk mahafyi (~chatzilla@
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15:20.03Guest9201Something that really grind my gears is that HANGUPCASE is set to 0 upon receiving a SIP CANCEL. And the hangup app cannot handle 0
15:21.37SamotWhen is the CANCEL being sent?
15:22.38SamotIs it being sent during setup or after an active call hangsup?
15:22.46SamotBy active, I mean answered.
15:24.28Guest9201On setup
15:24.42SamotAnd what are they sending a CANCEL back for?
15:25.01SamotIs this an incoming call from a provider or an outgoing call?
15:25.22Guest9201It is an outgoing call, and the CANCEL is sent to CANCEL the call setup? I persume.
15:26.20SamotIf Asterisk is making this call, Asterisk should send the CANCEL
15:26.28SamotThey should send back proper replies to the INVITE
15:27.11SamotCANCEL is a request not a reply.
15:27.17SamotIt should never be sent as a reply.
15:27.50*** join/#asterisk dadrc (~quassel@unaffiliated/dadrc)
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15:28.49Guest9201We're sending back request terminated upon received cancellation
15:29.23*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
15:29.32SamotYou are sending an INVITE
15:29.41SamotThat is a request. It should only get valid replies.
15:29.47SamotA CANCEL is not a valid reply.
15:30.02Guest9201We're sending both the invite and the cancel
15:30.16SamotSo you cancelled the call
15:30.33SamotIs it because the Dial() timer was exceeded?
15:30.58Guest9201No, the caller did not want to wait any longer and had better stuff to do
15:32.11SamotOK, so the HANGUPCAUSE is a code that is mapped to a SIP Reply Code.
15:32.19SamotCANCEL does not have a SIP Reply Code.
15:32.28SamotOutside of 200 OK or ACK
15:32.40SamotSo there is nothing to map so you're going to get a zero
15:33.30Guest9201So how do Asterisk handle this scenario? Now it looks like it returns Request Terminated on the CANCEL, back to the originator.
15:33.30SamotYou can use hangup handlers on the caller's channel to deal with that so you can send whatever you need or set whatever you need for your app.
15:34.13SamotThat is the ACK/OK reply to the CANCEL
15:36.05*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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15:37.15Guest9201I will add the hangup handler for the CANCEL event
15:38.17SamotThe hangup handler will fire no matter what when the channel is dropped
15:38.24SamotHits h extension.
15:38.39Guest9201same => n,gotoif($[${HANGUPCAUSE} = 0]?result_CANCEL,1)
15:38.44Guest9201we just want some control over them
15:38.48SamotThat's fine.
15:38.51SamotYou can do that
15:39.02SamotJust remember though, 0 = No Mapped Response.
15:39.56SamotSo 0 isn't always going to be the result for this scenario.
15:40.41SamotIt could be the result for others where Asterisk doesn't have a causecode mapped to a SIP code.
15:41.58Guest9201I think that is fine
15:42.41SamotJust letting you know
15:42.59SamotBut that dialplan line is fine.
15:43.27SamotIt can run to handle the Dial() now, hangup handlers can be assigned to the channels...
15:43.53SamotSo you could execute different things on each channel when they hit the h extension.
15:48.26Guest9201My mappings are broken, it seems like.
15:48.39Guest9201On 504 Gateway Timeout we replied 603, and on 603 we replied 403
15:49.52SamotI think you are looking at this wrong.
15:50.10SamotAsterisk is a B2BUA. There are always two channels involved in a single call like this.
15:50.28SamotOne from the endpoint to Asterisk and one from Asterisk to the Provider.
15:50.35SamotThe provider is telling Asterisk 504.
15:50.46SamotAsterisk is telling the device 603, it was declined.
15:50.59SamotIt's not passing the reply from the provider to the endpoint.
15:51.09SamotIt's generating it's own reply for the endpoints request.
15:51.44*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
15:51.55SamotAnd when the provider sends s 603, Asterisk sends a 403 to say "forbidden/not allowed"
15:52.01Guest9201Yeah sure, but why would Asterisk translate 504 to 603? What is that decision based on?
15:52.14SamotThe point of view.
15:52.22SamotTo the endpoint it didn't get a 504.
15:52.32SamotAsterisk told it, "I declined the call"
15:52.58Samot603 Decline means "I attempted this call, it failed and there are not other options to send it to"
15:53.43SamotBetween the provider and Asterisk, Asterisk is the "user" in this case.
15:53.56SamotBetween the endpoint and Asterisk, the endpoint is the "user"
15:54.28SamotThe only time the endpoint would get a 504 is when the server (Asterisk) timesout.
15:54.31SamotIt's not
15:57.19Guest9201What is we were to provide only SIP trunks? Meaning no users never connect to this asterisk only other gateways.
15:57.31Guest9201Wouldnt it make sense then to relay the correct responses?
15:59.56[TK]D-Fender* is not a "relay"
16:00.10[TK]D-Fenderor proxy
16:01.10Samot11:50:10 AM <Samot> Asterisk is a B2BUA.
16:01.33Guest9201Sure, but what I meant what sending the response codes over the bridge
16:01.43Guest9201not translating them into what Asterisk think is correct
16:02.03SamotThey are two channels.
16:02.09SamotOne channel has to leave the bridge.
16:02.17SamotThen the other channel may or may not hangup
16:02.34SamotEither way, it's two channels handling calls in two different directions.
16:03.03SamotOne side is terminating a call to asterisk and asterisk is originating a call to a destination.
16:03.44SamotBecause what if you try Provider A and they give you a 504 and then you tell Asterisk to call Provider B
16:04.00SamotThe endpoint is still sitting there waiting for this call to complete.
16:04.14Samotblindly passing back the response would make the endpoint drop the call.
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16:06.11SamotRemember, the endpoint sends the call to Asterisk. Asterisk processes that call, you're telling it in the dialplan to pick up a new channel and Dial().
16:11.50Guest9201Ok, you convinced me.
16:36.07*** join/#asterisk Givemelove (0c152506@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:37.31Givemelove@Craigify Thanks for all your help yesterday. The GCC flags worked out and I was able to rebuild to 1.8 (1.6 still gave me issues).
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17:29.12craigifyGivemelove, glad to hear it.
17:41.20*** join/#asterisk kunwon1 (~kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1)
17:49.33*** join/#asterisk pchero (
17:50.23pcheroI've just made some small project related to the Asterisk.
17:50.23pcheroI designed this for call center solution.
17:50.23pcheroIt would be really nice if you look around the project and give some stars to the project. :)
17:50.23pcheroIt's not really done yet, but some features are working. ;)
17:50.23pcheroSo, if you need some open source project related with Asterisk, this might be helpful.
17:50.23pcheroAny question or opinion would be welcome. :)
18:00.52*** join/#asterisk tuxian (
18:01.49craigifypretty cool pchero
18:02.19pcherocraigify: Thanks! Do you like it? :)
18:03.22pcheroWith 2 jade-me logged in client, you can test a call to each other. :)
18:05.15craigifyyou wrote your admin backend in C?
18:05.46*** join/#asterisk masoudd (~masoudd@
18:05.49pcheroYes. :)
18:06.09pcherojade is backend. It written in c
18:06.31pcheroBut the other frontends are written in Angular.
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19:28.51*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
19:29.01correticohello guys
19:29.11correticoI need some assistance
19:29.27correticoI'm trying to use Cisco Phones 3905 with asterisk
19:30.11correticoI read some info about this phones and asterisk, but I'm confused
19:30.55correticosomeone talks about 3 files... dialplan.xml, SEP.cnf.xml and firmware
19:32.07correticoI have a SEPMAC.cnf.xml.... but this file is generic for every cisco phone?
19:33.25correticogeneric for all Cisco Phone... sorry ;-)
19:35.16[TK]D-Fenderno it's obviously specific to each phone
19:36.37correticothere is some template applicable for all?
19:37.36[TK] <--------------
19:39.12igcewielingWow!  People love the password "1234".
19:39.39igcewielingLike 2/3 of the voicemail password changes are attempts to change it to 1234
19:39.55malcolmd"1-2-3-4-5? That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard of in my life! That's the kinda thing an idiot would have on his luggage!"
19:40.39craigifyhahaha nice spaceballs reference
19:41.14malcolmdmay the schwartz be with you
19:41.47craigifySPACEBALLS! the flame thrower...
19:41.56malcolmdkids love these things
19:44.04igcewielingwhat might cause the linkedid and uniqueid to be different in a single CDR record?
19:48.14malcolmdone example is the "core attended transfer to channel" from
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22:55.31*** join/#asterisk rpifan (~rpifan@2600:1:c132:ba85:c4db:d38d:9c84:b269)
22:57.13rpifandoes asterisk have python support
22:57.24[TK]D-FenderAs in?
22:57.32[TK]D-Fenderthat question has no context
22:58.20rpifanoh hey [TK]D-Fender how r u
22:58.24rpifani see your still alive and ar ound
22:58.45rpifanhows your existance going
22:59.30Samotrpifan: Asterisk has Python support in the sense you can write scripts/AGI/AMI commands with it.
22:59.48SamotAnd then call on them, like most other programs.
23:00.06rpifanso not like directly connected to asterisk via some api
23:00.20SamotPython is a scripting language.
23:00.27SamotLike PHP
23:00.42[TK]D-FenderAnd "directly connected" is SUPER vague
23:01.02[TK]D-FenderYou've been around a long time .. far long enough to know you should be specific about your goals.
23:01.13[TK]D-FenderAnd you should have an awareness of *'s configuration and interfaces
23:01.25rpifani do
23:01.33rpifanim just asking cause iv ebeen doing python work at work
23:01.37rpifanand just thinking about the future
23:33.43*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-vatfngdzwctyelvh)
23:44.22*** join/#asterisk pchero (

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