IRC log for #asterisk on 20180420

00:13.50[J]oulesfile: are you a developer for digium / asterisk?
00:14.01[J]ouleswow, cool
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00:19.51*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.20.0 (2018/03/15), Standard: 15.3.0 (2018/03/15); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:29.34*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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01:09.21Samotfile: is the shiznit
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03:19.34ledoktregreets.  im having problems with call parking.  I have the feature enabled, but try as I might it sees like I cannot get the call to park into the specified parking lot.  Always goes to default lot.  I set the ${CHANNEL(parkinglot)} variable before the call, but it still does not go.  Help?
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06:39.26jkroondoes anybody know if the security framework also supports successful registrations (authentications)?
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12:43.59*** join/#asterisk jchillerup (
12:46.19jchillerupHi. I'm trying to set up a system in which I have telephones inside of a VPN IP range ( that need to able to call out through our SIP trunk. Asterisk runs on the same server as the VPN, so it can see both the internet and the innards of our VPN.
12:46.50jchillerupNow, I can place a call by having my transport bind to but then voice data is lacking for calls going out via the SIP trunk, presumably because the source IP in the SIP packets is wrong.
12:49.32SamotDo you have your local networks and external IP details setup correctly in Asterisk?
12:50.31jchillerupGood question, let me make a pastebin
12:51.33jchillerupMaybe what I should do is to make a separate transport for each interface?
12:51.43jchillerupThing is, I also want my SIP clients to be able to connect outside of the VPN
12:51.46SamotEach interface?
12:52.04jchillerupVPN interface and the "internet interface"
12:52.22jchillerupVPN =, internet =
12:52.48SamotWell first you should show a call.
12:52.52Samotasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv
12:52.56Samotpjsip set logger on
12:53.09SamotMake a call and show the results.
12:53.19SamotLet's see how an external call actually looks.
12:54.07jchilleruphmm, that was too many lines for my terminal app
12:54.10jchilleruphang on...
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12:57.14jchillerupSamot:, action starts at line 37
12:58.21Samotc=IN IP4
12:58.44SamotFrom: "FOM" <sip:301@>;tag=65e88018-b919-4797-a43f-6fd4f70b7a37
12:58.55SamotWhere is the 192.168.52.x network coming from?
12:59.13jchillerupremnants of an old DNAT setting
12:59.52SamotWell that is the IP Asterisk is using for this.
13:01.09jchillerupIt should be
13:01.29jchillerupSo, that would be solved by setting the appropriate external_signalling_address, right?
13:02.29[TK]D-Fender<--- Transmitting SIP request (933 bytes) to UDP: --->
13:02.46[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:asterisk@>
13:02.54[TK]D-FenderSeems to by using the right IP in the contact
13:03.16[TK]D-Fenderc=IN IP4 <- #179  hrm
13:04.09jchillerupmaybe a quickfix could be to set local_net= . I'm not using that range for any endpoints anyway
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13:04.46fileyou should also not be using certified 13.13, because I do recall fixes in the NAT area
13:07.27jchillerupFunny thing is that it used to work. I just don't recall what's changed (and I can't call the other sysadm ;))
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13:10.31SamotWell you shouldn't be  using Certified unless you have a support deal with Digium.
13:10.36SamotOtherwise, it's really pointless.
13:11.26SamotYou get absolutely no benefit from the Cert version AND you put yourself in a position where you are behind on current updates.
13:12.43jchillerupThat's good to know
13:12.53jchillerupGuess I should revise that.
13:13.04SamotI think the latest Cert version is 13.18
13:13.17SamotAnd the current version release is 13.20
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13:13.29jchillerupI picked it becuase it had a 'this one is the stable one' feel to it
13:13.37jchillerupAlso because I don't need anything fancy
13:13.41SamotThey are both stable.
13:13.47SamotCert gets less updates
13:13.54SamotLess update roll outs.
13:14.00jchillerupya, makes sense.
13:14.07jchillerupAnyway, call-IN works, also with sound
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13:14.45jchillerupSo that source IP is probably the culprit. Dropped a mail to the other sysadmin who's on-site to have a look.
13:14.56SamotSo when the next Cert version is released it will have all the updates between 13.18 and that version.
13:15.03SamotYou just have to wait longer for fixes.
13:15.23jchillerupMakes sense. However, I don't think my problems here relate to a software bug.
13:21.18jchillerupThanks for the help, Samot
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13:26.32sibiriamarking the LAN with local_net does nothing?
13:31.38jchillerupNo, not by the looks of it
13:31.49jchillerupSymptom is the same anyway, haven't checked the logs
13:34.47sibiriai think we solved a similar case by local_net and externhost
13:35.01sibiriaor was that a binat setup that was giving problems... can't recall
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15:05.32igcewielingVerizon SIP has an outage, giving 606 replies when it shouldn't: "Incident Isolated --- The issue has been correlated to a major outage impacting multiple customers. We will provide updates as soon as possible.
15:05.48jkroonres_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:649 log_failed_request: Request 'INVITE' from '"'or''='" <sip:'or''='@>' failed for '' (callid: 98f6c5ac89c8f0a5dd7a5c9c35dc5400) - No matching endpoint found <-- SQL injection?  seriously?
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15:20.44SamotHow is that an SQL injection?
15:20.52SamotLooks like an INVITE.
15:25.08jchillerupThat looks kindda fishy to me ;)
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15:37.51SamotYes it does. But it's a SIP INVITE.
15:39.40SamotThe only way that becomes a SQL injection is if the SIP server is actually writing rejected/failed requests to SQL *AND* the data is not being sanitized before insertion.
15:40.25SamotIf you're letting public/unknown sources make insertions into the database, you're dumb for not doing any sanitizing to that data.
15:47.32jchillerupyeah yeah
15:47.55jchillerupI dunno, some folks might log these things in a db?
15:53.32jchillerupAnyway, I'm off. Thanks for the help earier, Samot! It's definitely related to the source IP being wrong, so I'm going to investigate!
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16:30.38Worldexedo we have some place in dialplan to be called exactly once, at asterisk startup (on fake channel, maybe)?
16:31.04Worldexei need a couple cleanup queries to be executed
16:31.15Worldexewell, i can always hack init script...
16:31.58igcewielingyou'll have to hack the init script
16:32.37Worldexeor i can hack asterisk...
16:32.48igcewielingyou could always back up some sort of asterisk -rx "originate blah blah blah" to force a call.
16:33.25igcewielingWorldexe: you mean you can hack Asterisk and then spend time integrating your patches into any new Asterisk versions you install?
16:34.09[TK]D-FenderWhat are you actually trying to accomplish?
16:34.44Worldexewell, yeah, patch-management is not a thing i want to spend time on...
16:35.36[TK]D-FenderDoes it have to be as of the moemnt * actually starts and ever time it does (like if * rashes and the init script restarts it, etc)
16:35.44Worldexei have current calls state being written to db (via func_odbc); in case Asterisk crashed or something went wrong, those tables should be cleaned up
16:36.41[TK]D-FenderSounds liek init script mod is the way to go.
16:37.13filethere's a thing...
16:38.06filewhich could do as igcewieling stated, an originate... to execute dialplan using a Local channel...
16:38.17Worldexeyeah-yeah, i got it
16:44.26Worldexefile, i have a couple patches i wrote (adding features like being able to stop Monitor on another channel and similar things); can i just post them to bugtracker? is it the way to suggest such things?
16:44.56filethe contribution process is on the wiki,
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17:42.22[J]oulesfile hi, you have any idea how to find the cause of: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:538 distributor: Taskprocessor overload alert: Ignoring 'Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1 (rdata0x7f58bc8b21d0)'.
17:42.38[J]oulesour pbx drops all extensions
17:42.50fileI already answered that in #freepbx when you originally brought it up over potential reasons
17:42.53fileand you've filed an issue already
17:43.07[J]oulesoh yeah. i did you're right
17:44.17[J]oulesshows 187 taskprocesses but that doesn't mean much i presume
17:44.36filermudgett already responded on your issue asking for info
17:45.19[J]ouleshe did?
17:45.24[J]oulesok i go check email
17:58.19[J]oulesfile: nothing in email from asterisk or digium
17:59.17fileit also did generate email, a copy went to
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18:42.18[J]oulesfile: the mail comes from
18:42.45filethat would be the From address
18:43.00[J]oulesnothing hit our mail server from
18:44.35[J] []:51586 X=TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:128 CV=no F=<> temporarily rejected RCPT  Could not complete sender verify callout
18:45.02[J]oulesi will add digium address so it can get through
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19:03.27igcewielingI just saw one of our sales reps ordering a "non-digital" Polycom sidecar.  *sigh*
19:05.00SamotThat should be interesting.
19:05.27SamotDid you tell him he has two options, B/W or Color?
19:05.46igcewielingNo.  It won't.  It will be annoying, harsh words will be exchanged and the customer will be unhappy.
19:06.08SamotWell it is hard to order something that doesn't exist.
19:06.08igcewielingFor the most part our sales rep ignore my e-mails so I don't bother anymore.
19:06.24SamotDistributors just can't fill the orders.
19:06.54igcewielingEventually someone will guess and order a bw sidecar or everyone will ignore the invalid order until the customer complains.
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19:42.53qakhanhi all, is there any way we can save Manage events in log file on the Astersik server
19:47.44[TK]D-FenderNothing in * unless you have core debug all the way up and that will get you a lot more junk
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20:05.21[J]oulesrmudgett: got your mail about symbols.
20:07.36[J]oulesalso your comments about moh, well, we have other pbx's which get a lot of calls but they don't use pjsip and never loose registration. The moh is radio station broadcast and the other pbx's are unaffected by it. Only our pbx is doing this.
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20:22.30rmudgettWhich is why I want a full backtrace to see what those threads are blocked waiting for.
20:54.51errentazariaIs it possible to send NOTIFYs to only 1 contact in PJSIP?
20:56.14[J]oulesrmudgett: hi, did a search for installing symbols freepbx but didn;t find any guide or how-to
20:57.02[J]oulesrmudgett: this issue is only affecting pjsip ext's.
21:01.25filehe linked you to a wiki page on the FreePBX wiki with details
21:03.02[J]oulestalking about sudo /var/lib/asterisk/scripts/ast_coredumper --running ?
21:06.37SamotHere's an idea..
21:06.45SamotTurn off the moh method that you are using
21:06.49SamotDoes the issue go away?
21:07.21rmudgettThat will get the backtrace but if the symbols aren't install then there won't be any.  I know there is a freepbx page documenting how to install symbols but I don't know where it is.
21:08.25[J]oulesrmudgett: like I mentioned, search for 'install symbols freepbx asterisk' shows everything but what you want
21:09.27rmudgettYeah, I tried that when I was creating the response request.  You could ask on #freepbx where it is.
21:10.19[J]oulesSamot: this pjsip problem occurs at any time. At ~ 11pm, our radio server shuts down to preserve bandwidth. And at that point see non stop warning messages because moh cant get anything. But this  happens to all pbx's/. Only our pbx extensions drop off and cant reg
21:10.19fileit's at the bottom of the wiki page.
21:10.27SamotIf you're running FreePBX Distro 7, you can simply install the 'sangoma-devel' package and then use the new 'debuginfo-install' command to download all the required debug packages. Note that you should replace the asterisk version in the command with the actual asterisk version that you are running ('asterisk11' or 'asterisk14', for example)
21:11.15Samot[J]oules: Do you change the music on hold method? How can you have MoH stream from a server that is shut down?
21:11.31[J]oulesSamot: i dont think that link is to install symbols
21:11.49[J]oulesSamot: no we dont change anything
21:12.01SamotIn order to install "symbols" you have to install devel packages.
21:12.05SamotThat's what that is.
21:12.13[J]ouleslet me look at it again
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21:12.51Samot[J]oules: OK, so you stream MoH but then you shut down the server that your stream connects to but you don't change MoH that is being used for calls...
21:13.01SamotSo what happens if there is a call that requires MoH?
21:13.04SamotDead stream?!
21:13.19SamotSo you have MoH trying to play
21:13.20[J]oulessince no one is using phones between 11pm and 8 am
21:13.22SamotBut then timing out
21:13.31[J]oulesno... i will show you.. once sec
21:14.09[J]oulesWARNING[1487] res_musiconhold.c: poll() failed: Interrupted system call
21:14.24[J]oulesmillions of those every night
21:14.37SamotBecause MoH stream is trying to stream.
21:14.55[J]oulesyeah but it doesn't affect any other pbx. and our pbx is hte ONLY one using pjsip
21:15.06SamotSo then it's an issue with PJSI
21:15.17SamotSo then it's an issue with PJSIP not wanting to waste resources
21:15.25SamotAs file has explained.
21:15.39[J]oulesi still dont see what to install on that page..
21:15.55Samot# Only for FreePBX Distro 7!
21:15.55Samotyum install -y sangoma-devel
21:15.55Samotdebuginfo-install --enablerepo=centos7-debuginfo asterisk14
21:16.06SamotIt is literally right there..
21:16.17SamotAt the bottom of the page. Again, just as file pointed out.
21:16.47[J]oulessangoma-devel' package
21:17.03[J]oulesgot it
21:17.07[J]oulesthank you
21:17.30SamotThis is completely related to your MoH stream.
21:17.45SamotI'm with rmudgett on this.
21:19.07[J]oulesso i need yum install pjproject-debuginfo asterisk13-debuginfo
21:19.09rmudgettHeh.  I missed that step where they install the devel package when getting the backtraces.  I thought it was a specific page.
21:19.17[J]oulessince we have asterisk 13.19.1
21:20.24SamotAre you on SNG7?
21:20.43SamotThen what I posted is what you need to use
21:20.49SamotChange asterisk14 to asterisk13
21:20.57SamotThe instructions can't get any clearer.
21:21.29[TK]D-FenderThat would require reading....
21:21.51Samot[J]oules: You understand that when you use the application option for MoH it's a *stream* which means it's always streaming.
21:22.08SamotRegardless if there is an active call or not. That's why it's a stream.
21:22.37SamotSo when you shut down the server that should be streaming the audio for MoH your stream application is going to have some issues...
21:24.49[J]oulesso i guess my only alternative is to leave radio station broadcasting all night
21:24.59Samot5:13:21 PM <[J]oules> since no one is using phones between 11pm and 8 am <-- So none of the PBXes using the radio server for MoH have calls during those hours? Not a one? They all have hours that start after 8am?
21:25.03[J]oulesby the way it only installs like this: yum install -y sangoma-devel debuginfo-install asterisk13
21:25.21[J]oulesyes to your question
21:25.26SamotThose are two different lines..
21:25.31SamotTwo different commands.
21:28.43[J]oulesinstalled both
21:28.55[J]oulesbut the rest of the page implies core dump
21:29.20[J]oulesso what would I run to get the log rmudgett wants
21:30.09filehe linked to a wiki page which has instructions.
21:31.18rmudgettYou can use ast_coredumper that is described there or you can manually use gdb to get the backtrace from a running instance.
21:33.38[J]oulesrunning /var/lib/asterisk/scripts/ast_coredumper /tmp/file-name is for a core dump, we dont have any coredumps
21:34.08rmudgettManually the command would look someting like: gdb -ex "thread apply all bt full" --batch /usr/sbin/asterisk `pidof asterisk` > /tmp/backtrace-threads.txt
21:34.20rmudgettast_coredumper --running
21:34.26fileour wiki page includes for both a core dump and a deadlock, you want for deadlock
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21:37.40[J]oulesok i ran it like you wrote rmudgett
21:37.47igcewielingWow, I just realized it is Friday
21:38.06[J]oulesbut i have to wait till the issue reoccurs
21:38.11[J]oulesits is igcewieling
21:38.21[J]oulesigcewieling: too much partying?
21:38.42rmudgettigcewieling: Ask file what day it is.  He seems to think it is the weekend. :)
21:39.17igcewieling[J]oules: no, I usually don't pay attention to what day it is.  I've been busy all day.
21:40.08filermudgett: it is! not my fault you work later hours
21:41.16[TK]D-Fenderweekend !=WORKend
21:41.27[J]oulesare these going to be problematic with backtrace:
21:41.34[J]ouleswarning: Could not load shared library symbols for /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/
21:41.34[J]oulesDo you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
21:41.40file[TK]D-Fender: Potato potato
21:41.45[J]ouleswarning: the debug information found in "/usr/lib/debug//lib/" does not match "/lib/" (CRC mismatch).
21:41.55[J]ouleswarning: the debug information found in "/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/" does not match "/lib/" (CRC mismatch).
21:42.15[TK]D-Fenderfile, First word there has an obvious capital "P".  See, not the same....
21:44.09[J]ouleswith that logic, calling the Police is not the same as calling the police. I'll have to remember that
21:46.07igcewielingIt isn't.  How would the Police who broke up in 2008 help?
21:47.44[J]oulesrmudgett: actually looking in /tmp see some files would they help?
21:49.08rmudgettThose would be for some other crash.  Not necessarily related to the problem you are having.
21:49.25[J]oulesran /var/lib/asterisk/scripts/ast_coredumper /tmp/core.file-name-date..  and it produced a few files
21:51.17rmudgettI'm primarily interested in the full backtrace file.  That pastebin is for the locks file.
21:52.35rmudgettThe locks file won't have anything interesting in it unless Asterisk is compiled with DEBUG_THREADS
21:54.31[J]ouleshow about
21:57.26[J]oulesrmudgett: is that pastebin what you want?
21:58.11rmudgettThat's the right file.  But it only has function names w/o local variables or line numbers.  It also says "No symbol table info available" all over the place.
21:59.48[J]ouleswould that be due to the fact the core file is from yesterday and we only installed the symbols today?
22:01.16[J]oulesrmudgett: here is something else, we have backup freepbx, I just checked it and it has the same MOH url and the problematic pbx. the sip phones did not unregister from the backup server.
22:01.50[J]ouless/and the/as the
22:03.11[J]oulesi take it there should not be a /tmp/core.filename file if everything is running smoothly
22:03.40[J]oulesand if that is true, then the backup pbx has same issue
22:03.49[J]oulesbecause it has a core. file in /tmp
22:04.39rmudgettCore files get generated when a crash happens and you have told it to generate the core file with the -g option.
22:04.53rmudgettThe issue you have reported is not a crash.
22:05.29[J]oulesthere was no crash that I know of.
22:06.19[J]oulesbut you're saying those core. files only get generated with a crash. Are you talking about asterisk crash, or something causing server to reboot?
22:06.44rmudgettI'm fairly certain that freepbx is setup to restart asterisk automatically if it crashes.
22:08.52[J]oulesso for experiment, I have disabled the entries in crontab to start/stop radio server, so it will remain on all night and day tomorrow. Tomorrow night I will shut down radio server and see what happens on sunday. I know which file you want, so when it occurs again, I will upload it to the ticket/issue
22:09.33[J]oulesthanks for your help and Samot's help
22:14.03rmudgett[J]oules: Do look at the generated file to see if there is information in it.  Each thread in the file should give the source file name, function name, and line number. is an example of a thread with the symbol information.
22:15.40[J]oulesrmudgett: just checked a few pbx servers and they dont have any /tmp/core. files. Only our pbx's and i still think its very much related to pjsip. But i am no coder.
22:17.12[J]oulesrmudgett: dont follow what you mean about
22:20.54rmudgettThat file is showing thread 1's stack.  Frame 5 is the clone function in /usr/lib64/  It calls the function in frame 4 which is start_thread in pthread_create.c at line 334 and so on down to frame 0 which is executing pthread_cond_wait in a system library file.
22:21.18rmudgettEach thread in the full backtrace file should have that kind of information detail in it.
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22:41.04[J]oulesthis: start_thread (arg=0x7f09a97a9700) at pthread_create.c:334  ?
22:47.23rmudgettFrame 5: "#5  0x00007f09a61fd5fd in clone () at /usr/lib64/" calls start_thread which is frame 4
22:47.58rmudgettFrame 4: "#4  0x00007f09a6ec161a in start_thread (arg=0x7f09a97a9700) at pthread_create.c:334" is at line 334 and calls dummy_start which is frame 3
22:48.19rmudgettand so on down to frame 0 where the thread is currently executing.
22:50.33rmudgettor in this case blocked waiting for a condition to be signaled.
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23:23.15sibiriathis has probably been asked before, but what files generated by menuselect can be copied from one build to the other in order to get the same configuration when compiling?
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23:26.15sibiriayes the usual advice is that it's just menuselect.makeopts but i've run into differently configured builds despite copying just that file across
23:27.22sibiriathere's menuselect.makedeps, and one or two things changed in menuselect/ too - are those the cause?
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