IRC log for #asterisk on 20180418

00:03.37*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~dar@2600:1700:38d0:1470:4c14:db5d:5d72:18c4)
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00:20.36*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.20.0 (2018/03/15), Standard: 15.3.0 (2018/03/15); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:27.10*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~dar@2600:1700:38d0:1470:4c14:db5d:5d72:18c4)
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00:47.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
00:48.46[TK]D-Fenderyaymuffins, you don't need a proxy or multiple IP's
00:49.16[TK]D-Fender* works just fine from behind NAT.  There are settings to configure like anything else
01:36.34*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
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01:43.19*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~dar@2600:1700:38d0:1470:4c14:db5d:5d72:18c4)
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02:01.04yaymuffins[TK]D-Fender, Well, there some sort of a conflict on my network, if I'm correct
02:01.43yaymuffinsWhen I look at , it tell me to open 10000 to 50000, it's a lot of port, but beside that, there some in the range that's already in use
02:04.06yaymuffinsAnd when I tried to follow that guide, minus the couple I used already
02:04.24yaymuffinsI had registration, but no voices coming through once in a call.
02:06.51zigggggyyaymuffins awesome nick
02:39.51Samotyaymuffins: pfsense is awful. Especially with SIP
03:10.29*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
03:26.44drmessano10000 to 50000 is WRONG too
03:26.55drmessanoNot even the goddamn guides for PFSense get anything correct
03:27.01drmessanoNevermind PFsense itself
03:36.47*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
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07:42.02pawieckiHi. I have incoming calls from SIP Trunk that come via incoming context. Then are sent to another context, where Asterisk dials external cellphone number. This cellphone number have the ability to transfer the call, via atxfer or blindxfer (option t in Dial). Now when cellphone user answers, and tries to transfer the call, Asterisk searches for given number in the incoming context, not the second context where the outgoing Dial was made. Can I change i
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08:44.51maurice2kanyone in here that could help me with TALK_DETECTION and corresponding ARI event ChannelTalkingStarted?
08:51.15maurice2ki enabled TALK_DETECT in my dialplan and then calling statis application
08:51.51maurice2kbut i the ChannelTalkingStarted event is never triggered
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08:52.27maurice2khowever it is triggered as soon as i'm starting to play a sound file
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09:02.51*** join/#asterisk DanB_ (
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11:25.56*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
11:28.27*** join/#asterisk Jabi (~Jabi@
11:30.49JabiHi how do uou call the GSM number from SIP protocol
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11:31.23JabiHow to call Indian GSM number using SIP Protocol
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11:33.48fileSIP doesn't care. You contact an upstream device or carrier and it completes the call.
11:36.45JabiI have Voice blue next 2n device how to contact that device from SIP
11:37.06JabiI have registered that device with my asterisk with a user account
11:42.58*** join/#asterisk [J]oules (uid217910@gateway/web/
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11:59.37maurice2kanyone here that has successfully used "ChannelTalkingStarted"?
12:00.06*** part/#asterisk qxork (~qxork@unaffiliated/qxork)
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12:21.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:24.48[TK]D-FenderJabi, How to call Indian GSM number using SIP Protocol <- this isn't a "thing".
12:25.07[TK]D-FenderYou call a "GSM number" using a service provider taht has access to the PSTN
12:25.17[TK]D-FenderSIP doesn't magically get there by itself
12:26.29[TK]D-FenderIf you're referring to calling OUT using tha GSM gateway then call it like you would any other provider using  peer you define with the auth, codecs, etc all set
12:31.27*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
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14:02.57imcdonaThere's a linked internal Jira ticket on ASTERISK-27799 that I don't have access to. Anyone know if a fix for this is in the works?
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17:31.20*** join/#asterisk a|3x (~a|
17:32.05a|3xim trying to upgrade my setup from asterisk 13 to 15 and im having issues
17:32.57a|3xim using tls and srtp
17:34.29a|3xi copied my previous config files but call initiator is only getting audio (one way), any idea what i am doing wrong?
17:36.20igcewielinga|3x: if you've not already done so read UPGRADE-14.txt and UPGRADE-15.txt, they tell you things.
17:36.47a|3xi skimmed that stuff on the web docs
17:37.02a|3xbut didn't see much that i have to do
17:37.08a|3xmy setup is rather simple
17:37.39a|3xim using twilio with tls and srtp, i did have to apply this patch to make it work in 13:
17:37.54a|3xi ported the patch to 15
17:38.11a|3xwhen i call the test number, i can hear the other end, but they can't hear me
17:38.37a|3xwhen i initiate a test call to my number, i can't hear them
17:39.44a|3xbtw, things were working ok with 13 (except some issues with jitter and some other bugs)
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17:43.08a|3xbtw i don't see UPGRADE-15.txt in the repo
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17:53.47*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
18:02.01a|3xso one of the bugs i have with asterisk 13 is during long calls i suddenly get very loud static and have to hang up and call back
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18:56.40Worldexedoes loud static happen only with srtp? my users have reported similar things, and im also using asterisk 13; but im not using encryption
19:08.32a|3xWorldexe, i didn't try it without
19:09.45a|3xso i am also hearing loud static with version 15, but it starts right away and is only in one direction
19:10.04a|3xman.. sip is such utter shit
19:10.17a|3xnothing ever works right
19:12.36a|3xalso, it depends on the client, some clients it is just silence
19:17.42igcewielingtry not using srtp and tls, it makes things much more simple.
19:19.50a|3xand have the call unencrypted going through the pipes? also leak your passwords all over the place? no thanks
19:20.29igcewieling1) passwords are not leaked, they are not even sent.
19:20.51igcewieling2) it would tell you if the issue is with srtp/tls or with Asterisk.
19:22.06a|3xhow does it authenticate?
19:22.54*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
19:23.25igcewielingIt use the nonce, pretty much the same as http digest authentication.  the password is sent, but not in plaintext
19:23.43a|3xthen it is vulnerable to replay attacks
19:23.53a|3xman in the middle attacks as well
19:34.25igcewielingIt doesn't help much if you can't make it work.
19:35.19a|3xtbh i am having difficulties with making the non tls/srtp version work too
19:35.24igcewielingI'm not saying "stop using encryption"  I'm saying "when something isn't working, try disabling encryption when debugging it."
19:37.35a|3xsure, thats a sound strategy
19:55.49*** join/#asterisk Eloy (~Eloy@
19:58.46jkrooni'm having some trouble load res_pjsip - it complains about "load_dlopen: Error loading module 'res_pjsip': /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pj_ssl_cipher_name" - as I understand this should be part of pjproject but if I grep for that name in all of the pjsip libraries I come up empty handed.  Ideas?
20:07.43jkroonok, so I found it in ./pjlib/src/pj/ssl_sock_symbian.cpp ... now just to figure out why it doesn't actually go into lib.
20:08.39filebecause that's the platform specific code for Symbian
20:08.50filein the current bundled version of PJSIP in 13 I can see it
20:09.24jkroonah ... ./pjlib/src/pj/ssl_sock_ossl.c contains an alternate.
20:09.53filegenerally stuff like that can happen if you have two installs of PJSIP on the system
20:10.03fileheaders were used for build, runtime uses other library
20:10.22jkroonthe only ref to that function I can find at all is in the pjproject installed headers.
20:10.40jkroonwell, that and objectdump -T indicates that it's required linking.
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20:24.26jkroonfile, stupid bug in pjproject, if you explicitly spec --enable-ssl it actually disables it.
20:27.39a|3xcan packet loss cause the decryption of srtp stream start producing white noise?
20:35.19*** join/#asterisk Eloy (~Eloy@
20:36.04jkroona|3x, that sounds sensible, but to be honest, that would be a design flaw.
20:36.08jkroonor a bug.
20:37.40jkroonrtp frames does have sequence numbers so assuming that we're using a rolling IV vector (ie, the actual key for each packet varies, and given the key, hmac and other factors, you can calculate the next key, but not previous ones, if you get our of sync and start applying the wrong per-packet keys ... white noise would make sense.
20:39.39a|3xwhat chan_sip configuration variable should i adjust to attempt to solve this issue?
21:07.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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21:31.29a|3xso this may be related to the issue i am having,
21:33.28a|3xsip_xmit of 0x7f04a403d7a0 (len 977) to returned -2: Broken pipe
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22:17.47a|3xlooks like i see this sip_xmit error every time the white noise / silence happens, also, it appears to happen roughly 15 minutes into the call
22:21.18a|3xalso there are some messages like this: 'Retransmission timeout reached on transmission'
22:27.02[TK]D-Fenderprobably either firewalled out our you have failed to bind the SIP prot due to conflist like with pjsip
22:29.28a|3xim using chan_sip
22:29.39[TK]D-Fendergo verify they aren't fighting over the port
22:29.49[TK]D-Fenderand check your firewalls on your server
22:29.59a|3xthere is no firewall
22:30.17[TK]D-Fendertime to prove it all
22:30.56a|3xcan it be related to mtu?
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23:00.08*** join/#asterisk blu_ (~bluenemo@unaffiliated/bluenemo)
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23:02.46blu_hi guys. I'm looking to build a SIP to GSM gateway. I have a landline number in germany with sipgate. I can access it via SIP / VOIP. When I travel outside the EU, sipgate wants 1 Euro per Minute for incoming calls. I only care about incoming calls. My idea is to have a raspberry PI in the country outside the EU I travel in, which connects to sipgate via SIP / internet. I also want to attach a GSM modem to the raspi. When a call comes in via SIP
23:02.47blu_on the raspi, I want it to "redirect" that call to the GSM modem attached to it. This GSM modem has a sim of the country I"m in, so has my mobile phone. The call is then to be "proxied" to my mobile phone (so in the country I'm in outside the EU, I buy two SIMs, one for the raspi and one for my phone). Is there a project for this already? If so do you have a link?
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23:06.10[TK]D-FenderNo, there is no "project" for this.
23:06.34[TK]D-FenderThis is a simple * config between your Pi and whatever GSM interface you're having it talk to
23:10.15blu_[TK]D-Fender, the GSM interface I thought of would be a common HUAWEI UMTS Modem (E193 or similar)
23:10.48blu_well project as in software ready to install and go I mean. Maybe sometihng with a nice webui that shows what calls came in and what not
23:20.58*** join/#asterisk kamyl (~user@unaffiliated/kamyl)
23:26.46*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-lmweoszkhwpukxer)
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