IRC log for #asterisk on 20180402

01:11.00*** join/#asterisk armin_ (
01:17.49*** join/#asterisk armin (
03:08.25*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
03:20.58*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
04:41.23*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:56.28*** join/#asterisk sibyakin (~sibyakin@
07:22.40*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
07:35.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:06.06*** join/#asterisk sekil (
08:27.30*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
09:01.10*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
09:18.38*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
09:20.35*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
09:37.22*** join/#asterisk ruied_ (~ruied@
09:41.13ruied_Hello. Trying to make a calling user to go to jump to a dialplan context (to go to voicemai when press a key), added "context=QueueTest" in the queue and set a QueueTet context in the dialplan, but I can't make the calling queued party to ju,p to the QueueTest.
09:41.51ruied_the user called and was sent to a queue
10:14.53*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (~paulgrmn@
10:18.54*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
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10:53.03*** join/#asterisk fauxalliance (~vo1pbx@2604:180:2:1210::73:3)
11:30.54*** join/#asterisk hellc2 (
11:32.50*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:46.40*** join/#asterisk Worldexe (
12:02.44*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:28.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:36.54*** join/#asterisk sekil (
12:38.37*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
12:40.06[TK]D-Fenderruied, show us the actual full configs and attempt
12:40.09*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
12:45.02*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
13:10.48ruied_[TK]D-Fender, I have figured out. It is working... Thanks!
13:11.23*** join/#asterisk armin (
13:23.17*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
13:33.53*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
13:34.29qakhanhi all. i am getting Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to Local on * 13.18.0
13:34.40qakhanthere is delay in voice
13:40.51SamotThat means Asterisk can't find the ;2 part of the Local file.
13:45.31qakhanits local/channel
13:45.41qakhanwhat could be cause of it
13:46.05SamotThat means Asterisk can't find the ;2 part of the Local file.
13:46.33SamotYou originate a call on a Local channel..
13:46.37SamotThat's leg ;2
13:47.00SamotIt calls, let's say a SIP channel, when that SIP channel answers it creates leg ;1
13:47.16SamotIt needs to reference ;2 leg
13:47.23SamotIt needs to do crap with it.
13:47.33SamotIf it can't find it, it can't finish and things break
13:47.43SamotOr it delays and you get what  you are getting.
13:47.49SamotI just dealt with this last week
13:50.09qakhanwere you able to fix it?
14:02.36*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
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14:30.34*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-nvxndmqdbokyeolb)
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14:46.37*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~d00gster@unaffiliated/d00gster)
14:48.57*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
14:49.32*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-aggpxwmvvscystxy)
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15:06.36qakhanSamot what did you do to fix the issue
15:09.46SamotWell in my case it was the load on the system.
15:09.59SamotI had complete timeouts/drops
15:10.07SamotYou have delay.
15:10.18SamotWhich means it's find it, just taking time to do it.
15:10.35SamotThat could still be related to resources on the system.
15:12.14qakhansystem resources are good enough. 25% cpu and 11% ram in use
15:12.30*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (
15:12.40qakhannow i am getting Autodestruct on dialog
15:13.15[TK]D-Fendermeans nothing
15:15.14*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:15.39SamotAnd when does this happen?
15:15.40*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
15:16.01SamotHow many active calls are on the system when this is happening?
15:16.33SamotI mean in my case it was when the system hit about 1900ish.
15:17.02*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:17.24qakhanat this time i have 11 calls
15:20.54igcewielingSamot: do you recall the load average you had when those issues appeared?
15:21.39*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:21.52igcewielingheh, you answered
15:38.01*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (
15:41.53*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (
15:57.38qakhanwhat are the step i need to take
15:57.46qakhanto resolve this issue
16:03.49SamotI don't know.
16:03.53SamotIs it happening all the time?
16:04.00SamotOr just with certain calls?
16:12.20*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (
16:18.25qakhanit is happening on some calls since this morning
16:20.42igcewielingqakhan: what is the system load average?
16:22.52igcewielingAsterisk 11 (if you are going to tell me to upgrade, don't bother saying anything).  Has anyone had a situation where outbound sendfax never uses T.38, even though the "z" option to SendFax is enabled?
16:28.31qakhansystem resources are good enough. arounf 25% cpu and 11% ram in use
16:29.36igcewielingrun the "w" command.  I'm looking for the system load from the first  line "12:29:07 up 23 days, 17:51,  5 users,  load average: 0.60, 0.38, 0.38"
16:29.47igcewielingsee where it says "load average"?
16:31.06igcewielingwhere are you getting those percentages from?
16:31.49SamotThis isn't a system level resource issue.
16:32.04SamotThose Local channels are in *Asterisk* memory
16:33.13qakhanigcewieling here load average: 1.02, 0.54, 0.32
16:33.24SamotOriginate -> Open Local Channel Leg 2 -> Dial -> Answer -> Open Local Channel Leg 1 and then find the associated Leg 2 of the Local channel.
16:33.33SamotSo that is 5, 10 and 15 minutes.
16:33.48SamotSo you were at 100% load in the last 5 minutes
16:33.59Samot50% 10 minutes ago and 32% 15 minutes ago
16:34.17SamotSo in 15 minutes you climbed 70% in usage.
16:34.21Samoter load
16:34.35qakhanSamot it issue is only on incoming queue calls
16:34.58SamotSo it makes a local channel for the callers in the queue.
16:35.05qakhanhow are you calculating the load?
16:35.07*** join/#asterisk pruonckk (
16:35.10SamotWhen the agent is connected, what I said before still applies.
16:35.23Samot12:33:13 PM <qakhan> igcewieling here load average: 1.02, 0.54, 0.32 <--
16:35.27Samot1.0 = 1 CPU
16:35.34SamotOr one core.
16:36.40SamotHow many CPUs/Cores and RAM does this system have?
16:37.52igcewielingqakhan: that load average looks good.
16:37.53qakhan8 CPU and 8GB Ram
16:45.37*** join/#asterisk clopez (
16:49.50*** join/#asterisk shootbird (~quassel@
17:04.07*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
17:21.36*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (ac629318@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:35.50igcewielingdoes anyone know if chan_pjsip still allows invalid keywords like chan_sip does.
17:44.45fileinvalid keywords?
17:46.26igcewielingfile:   things like  this in sip.conf.   It doesn't generate and error and I rely on that.       example:    account_name=Acme Explosives
17:46.44igcewielingI saw a note pjsip was more strict in the format of the config file.
17:47.30filecorrect, for the .conf file it won't allow that - the object fails to get created
17:47.34filesame applies to options
17:47.47rmudgettUnknown options were never allowed by chan_pjsip.  If you try the object won't get created.
17:48.35rmudgettAnything dealing with sorcery or the config framework will not allow invalid options.
17:49.02igcewielingThanks.   I'll have to update my scripts.   Does the same apply when using Realtime?
17:49.04file(those being the current way of doing configuration)
17:49.13*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
17:49.15igcewielingA typical peer for me:
17:49.20filerealtime is more lenient, unknown columns are skipped, but per-option validation applies
17:50.12igcewielingI might have found a possible reason to use realtime. 8-|
17:51.55igcewielingDoes the realtime problem of needing a "sip reload" for realtime peers to show up still exists when using pjsip?
17:52.07igcewielingnot using registration, just peers with static IPs
17:52.31fileCLI commands and stuff don't require a reload to have it pull from realtime
17:52.48fileyou do need a reload for some things, because they inherently have state and without being told or constantly querying we don't know
17:53.47igcewieling*nod*  When I realized that I wrote a script to export the realtime database to a chan_sip.conf and stopped using realtime
18:15.14*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
19:12.15*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
19:30.41*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
19:45.27*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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20:02.08*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~d00gster@unaffiliated/d00gster)
20:12.06*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (~paulgrmn@
20:23.17rrittgarnwith app_confbridge, is there anyway to turn off announcements (announce_join_leave) during a conference. Either by dialplan or other means?
20:24.32rrittgarnuse case is that customer wants notifications during call setup if someone joins early, but once the call is going, users that did announce themselves, leave interrupting the meeting
20:25.02rrittgarnI know i can set up a specific user profile based on time, but that doesn't solve the issue of people that got on early, dropping out early
20:46.17*** join/#asterisk syadnom (
20:47.27syadnomhoping for a quick answer on dahdi. I need dahdi because my asterisk kit uses it for conferencing, I want to run asterisk in LXC and this is the only hickup.  Is there an LXC compatible dahdi option that doesn't require me to install something on the host and pass it through?
20:55.46igcewielingsyadnom: Confbridge does not require dahdi
20:55.49rrittgarnapp_confbridge doesn't need DAHDI, but i think app_meetme did? can you use app_confbridge?
20:55.55rrittgarndamn beat out by three seconds
20:56.39syadnomI don't control the 'suite' so I think I'm stuck on meetme
21:03.22rrittgarnI think you can technically install dahdi in a VM without needing physical hardware
21:03.33rrittgarnyou just wouldn't try to configure it it
21:06.38syadnomin LXC I don't have kernel headers, can't compile
21:16.44rrittgarndid you build the container?
21:19.02syadnomtemplate from proxmox.
21:19.13syadnomie, this is on proxmox ve v5.1
21:28.06rrittgarni dunno then, i'm not big enough into containers... i would say if you can't install dahdi, then you have to change meetme to confbridge, if you can't do either you're kind of screwed
21:32.26rrittgarnperhaps switch from a container to a kvm vm?
21:35.49syadnomrrittgarn, I already have a kvm container but it's slow in comparison.  kvm>lxc is the goal here.
21:36.10*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
21:36.30syadnomthe kvm container is inexplicably 3-5x slower.  takes 25+ minutes to compile asterisk while the lxc container takes 6 minutes.
21:36.53syadnomand this is on a server sitting in a datacenter far away, I have no option but kvm or lxc..
21:54.06*** join/#asterisk chiggins (~chiggins@unaffiliated/chiggins)
22:07.59chigginsWould anyone be able to offer a hand helping me get a Twilio SIP trunk working with my Asterisk setup? My two issues so far are 1) When I call in, my internal device rings and I can answer but there's no audio or anything, and 2) I'm unable to call out.
22:08.43chigginsFor the most part I followed this guide
22:10.17fileI swear every day someone has a problem with Twilio SIP trunks
22:10.32filenever have I seen such an upstream provider with so many people having problems
22:11.20chigginsThat's sad to hear
22:22.50*** join/#asterisk Major_Lurker (
22:25.24chigginsIn terms of fireall, all I need open are UDP ports 5060 and 10000-20000?
22:25.47chigginsPart of me is thinking I'm having firewall issues but if the above is true then it shouldn't be my firewall I think
22:28.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
23:08.39*** join/#asterisk sibyakin (~sibyakin@
23:11.13Samotchiggins: When you say there is no audio, do you mean completely or just incoming?
23:18.21chigginsSamot: Totally no audio on either end
23:19.02SamotIs the PBX behind NAT?
23:26.16SamotDo you have the local network setup on the PBX?
23:26.24SamotIn the correct SIP driver config?
23:32.47*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-nvxndmqdbokyeolb)
23:36.56*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
23:37.31chigginsSIP driver should be good, I was able to use the same one to call around within the PBX no problem
23:37.40chigginsAnd local network setup, not sure what you mean by that
23:54.25SamotI mean Asterisk needs to know the difference between what is WAN (external) and what is LAN (internal)
23:54.31SamotOr local
23:54.53SamotIt needs to know what external IP address to use for things like signaling and SDP.
23:55.05SamotContact headers..

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