IRC log for #asterisk on 20180329

00:11.43*** join/#asterisk qxork (~qxork@unaffiliated/qxork)
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01:13.09*** join/#asterisk Major_Lurker (
02:42.04*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~dar@2600:1700:38d0:1470:7cf8:dc86:a1ed:d)
03:00.34*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
03:15.39*** join/#asterisk dmz2 (
03:17.50dmz2hi im trying to replace my samsung officeserv 7100 with asterisk.. tried out freepbx distro.. holy crap they turned gnu software into... whatever that is
03:18.08dmz2cash grab
03:24.06dmz2got a cisco 7960 and tdm410p.. trying out debian 9.4.0 with wazo installed.. are there any asterisk distros worth a crap or am i better off just using plain asterisk and text config files
03:32.45[TK]D-Fendernothing about it was ever GNU
03:32.50[TK]D-Fenderno piece of it
03:33.29[TK]D-FenderAnd the FreePBX distro works fine
03:34.21[TK]D-Fenderif you have no real need for a GUI then go DIY by all means
03:34.51[TK]D-FenderDepends on your comfort zone and if your needs can't be reasonnably met by a GUI managed system
03:44.22iBurger21dmz2: I just started messing with FreePBX. Any reasons why you chose wazo in particular?
03:50.22*** join/#asterisk kitsune (
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03:53.16*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (sid6728@gateway/web/
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04:00.44dmz2supposed to be completely open source
04:01.19[TK]D-Fenderpick whatever you feel like
04:06.15dmz2ive used linux since 1995. freepbx was like being slapped in the face with its wanting money and ads
04:06.37[TK]D-FenderFeel free to go all Stallman
04:06.44[TK]D-Fenderyou don't need to use commercial modules
04:06.50[TK]D-Fenderand the rest is OSS
04:06.53[TK]D-Fenderor not
04:07.15iBurger21zigggggy: did you go ubuntu/debian (or any other distro) and installed asterisk on it? or kvm with freepbx?
04:07.54iBurger21i just finished installing freepbx on virtualbox
04:08.07iBurger21lots of modules
04:09.49zigggggyi just installed the freepbx distro
04:10.12zigggggyvultr does kvm
04:10.40zigggggyim no linux pro so no way i could set it up from scratch
04:12.16*** join/#asterisk sibyakin (~sibyakin@
04:13.10dmz2call recording is the only real advanced feature i want. how hard is that to get going starting with just asterisk
04:13.49iBurger21good question dmz2
04:13.52iBurger21im curious too
04:13.56[TK]D-FenderDepends on why you think that's "advanced"
04:14.06[TK]D-FenderConsidering it could be ... 1 stupid dialplan app call
04:15.25dmz2i guess the most advanced part would be a gui so my secretary could play calls back
04:18.49[TK]D-FenderI might just as soon host the folder via Samba, or Apache for direct access
04:21.26*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:22.11dmz2wazo is ok i just cant figure how to make it see the tdm410p. I got dahdi setup
04:25.02dmz2i have 2 fxo and 2 fxs. got a pots phone on a fxs port. I get a dialtone and when i dial 700 which is what i have the cisco 7960 on i get an error message in french
04:27.18[TK]D-FenderGuess you'll have to take it up on #Wazo
04:32.35*** join/#asterisk sibyakin (~sibyakin@
04:37.20iBurger21from here to wazo hehe
04:42.04*** join/#asterisk sibyakin (~sibyakin@
05:02.00*** join/#asterisk visip (~visix@gateway/tor-sasl/visip)
05:18.01*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
05:20.50*** join/#asterisk Oooohboy (~Oooohboy@2605:6000:1711:c1ff:40ff:2349:eb42:5235)
06:19.56klowAnyone mind taking a look at this pastebin? Getting the same error message repeatedly related to my pjsip trunk to flowroute:
06:38.04*** join/#asterisk sekil (
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07:16.34*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (~startledm@2605:e000:112b:40a5:a1ac:cb48:fa56:98f8)
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08:44.50iBurger21Can anyone recommend me a good SIP client for the iPhone that does not *drain* the battery?
09:01.25*** join/#asterisk Worldexe (
09:12.29*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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09:49.39*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (Suzeanne@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/suzeanne)
09:54.09DanQuinneyiBurger21: we (a VoIP company I run) built  an iOS client from scratch for our clients, it was the simplest way as it needed to integrate with Kamailio so that VoIP push notifications could be sent - this negates the need for the client to be always online (and thus draining the battery)
09:54.53*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (~startledm@2605:e000:112b:40a5:439:4261:2180:c4b)
10:00.19*** join/#asterisk aways (~user@unaffiliated/aways)
10:00.22awaysHi all
10:01.01awaysQuestion about dialplan and syntax : I would like Test if variable exists ; if not set to 0 else add one
10:01.40awaysexten => 5,n,Set(ITER=$[${EXISTS(${ITER})}]?0:1)
10:01.45awaysPossible ?
10:05.21*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (Suzeanne@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/suzeanne)
10:06.25*** join/#asterisk robink (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
10:08.17awaysOk execIf
10:08.20awaysis the solution
10:12.55*** join/#asterisk [NC] (~NC@
10:13.26*** join/#asterisk sekil (
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10:43.14iBurger21DanQuinney: I'm playin around with asterisk (freepbx actually); would your iOS client work in my case too?
10:43.30iBurger21or this limited to your own service?
10:46.13iBurger21This seems to be an alternative solution (for those interested in this as well):
10:47.04filepush notification requires infrastructure and integration, so there's not a "generic" solution
10:48.06iBurger21file: thanks for clearing that up! :)
10:48.39iBurger21your comments on LET also have been very helpful!! :)
10:50.11filecomments? I make no comments! cough >_> <_<
10:52.24iBurger21sweet :)
11:04.51DanQuinneyiBurger21: I'm afraid our apps are very much tied into our own service, as file says it has to be all tied together
11:05.12*** join/#asterisk Sepultura (~Sepultura@unaffiliated/sepultura)
11:14.53*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
11:15.45SamotiBurger21: What are you trying to do?
11:38.57*** join/#asterisk Asgaroth (~Asgaroth@
11:53.28*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
11:55.31iBurger21It'd be nice to pickup business calls on my iPhone will on the go.
11:55.53*** join/#asterisk CheBuzz (~CheBuzz@unaffiliated/chebuzz)
11:55.55iBurger21Samot: so I thought, let's find a sip client for iOS that does not use much battery power.
11:56.08*** join/#asterisk kozakman (~kozakman_@
11:59.13SamotIt backgrounds fine.
11:59.19SamotYou can do a push to it if you want
11:59.40SamotBut you're running it on a virtualbox so...
12:02.57iBurger21Does Bria work out-of-the-box with Asterisk and push?
12:03.25iBurger21(i'm just running Asterisk on VirtualBox now for testing, eventually I'll move it to real server)
12:07.08iBurger21Let me rephrase: what do you have to buy/get, besides asterisk/freepbx to make Bria work?
12:07.12SamotWith push? No.
12:07.24SamotIt's a SIP client.
12:07.24iBurger21As file pointed out, Apple Push notification requires some custom setup.
12:07.37SamotAsterisk is a B2BUA.
12:07.47*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:bd28:e3e9:7e65:d250)
12:07.54SamotApple Push is not the same as Bria's Push.
12:08.05SamotBria has its own push service that you can program.
12:08.28iBurger21ahhh.. shoot. now i get
12:08.50iBurger21it. i guess forwarding calls will be a lot easier than coding my own sip client for ios :)
12:09.33SamotWell before deciding on all the custom stuff you're going to do.
12:09.46SamotYou should get the PBX working with basics and test Bria normally
12:10.14SamotBria, so far, is the only softphone that backgrounds properly on iOS after the 10.3 changes or whatever they were.
12:11.15fileBria's push thing, from what I understand, basically proxies the SIP signaling - so they sit between Asterisk and the mobile client and take care of things
12:11.43SamotYou can do it yourself or pay to use their platform.
12:12.21SamotBut so far I haven't had any client request for push services
12:12.37SamotOr complain that Bria was eating their battery and they are 99% iOS
12:13.05sekilit's eating on least mine..
12:13.20SamotWhat version of Bria?
12:13.32sekilbria mobile..last one
12:13.37SamotBria 5?
12:14.02SamotWhat type of phone?
12:14.17sekiland I hate the idea of proxying in their push..
12:14.39sekillinphone has nice concept..
12:14.50SamotWhat's wrong with a proxy?
12:15.09sekilsecurity wise..
12:15.21SamotPlease explain.
12:15.21sekilyou basically have someone else registering for you..
12:16.00sekiltheir push gateway registers instead of your client..
12:17.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:17.54SamotBut their your accounts.
12:18.07sekilthey are..
12:18.16sekiland somebody else get's passwords..
12:18.31SamotOK, so do it yourself.
12:19.29SamotAnd what is going to happen with those passwords?
12:19.38SamotFor the SIP accounts?
12:20.00SamotCounterPath gets compromised and someone gets them?
12:20.03SamotThen what?
12:20.36sekilcan I have your email password
12:20.42sekilI promise not to misbehave..
12:20.52SamotThat's apples to oranges.
12:21.07SamotI got your SIP password...
12:21.17SamotI can connect to your server and make calls?
12:21.25sekilok...this is pointless..
12:21.26SamotIs your server that open?
12:21.41SamotI'm asking what your concern is.
12:21.45SamotYou can't seem to express it.
12:44.53*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
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15:07.38estebanHi, how to I put a semi colon (;) in the user_agent with pjsip?
15:11.20estebanok i got it, you need to escape the semi colon   \;
15:17.55*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
15:45.25*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (Suzeanne@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/suzeanne)
15:58.46igcewielingSometimes I wonder what kinds of sales people we employ.   One of them actually believed Verizon when they said "there would be no downtime"
16:01.51*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
16:06.05*** join/#asterisk kozak (~kozak@
16:08.54kozakWho has Asterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition ? Share please
16:14.28*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
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16:47.09drmessanoShare what?
17:01.55*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@2604:a880:1:20::9b:4001)
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18:06.12infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:11.44kzkbut not 4TH EDITION for reading
18:28.02*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
18:44.10igcewielingof course the 4th edition is available.    It is the first damn hit when googling: asterisk 4th edition pdf
18:45.13*** join/#asterisk joshelson (
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21:00.47*** join/#asterisk Catatronic (~corrupt@unaffiliated/catatronic)
21:13.17klowis it possible to get pjsip endpoint SIP debug log to separate logfiles per endpoint?
21:44.22*** join/#asterisk thugboat (~hayden@2600:1700:45c0:1e80:18f5:d3c5:e19b:7a69)
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