IRC log for #asterisk on 20180327

00:01.37*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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01:13.47*** join/#asterisk Catatronic (~corrupt@unaffiliated/catatronic)
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04:35.19*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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09:24.40*** join/#asterisk casix (~casix@2a01:1c8:d:6::dead)
09:31.29casixhello, I'm trying to compile just the features I need. Where can I find a description of all options in menuselect to be able to choose wich ones I need? Thanks
09:40.58*** join/#asterisk hehol (
10:19.05*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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10:47.21tzafrircasix, I have a script I use (wrapper around menuselect). let me push it somewhere.
10:47.44tzafrirI still get some issues with it, though.
10:51.18*** join/#asterisk sibyakin (~sibyakin@
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10:57.22tzafrirHmmm... didn't read correctly what you meant.
10:58.14tzafrirAnyway, when in doubt, I guess you need to read the source. There's a description in the header of most modules (in an ugly XML format)
10:58.46tzafrirAsterisk could have used some sort of dependency mechanism between modules, though.
11:10.17tzafrircasix, BTW another approach we had is build everything (it's easier for us, to make a generic package), but disable modules at runtime.
11:11.14casixtzafrir: thx!!!
11:11.14tzafrirFor various reasons it wasn't useful for us to rely on noload / load in modules.conf. So we ended up creating a directory of module symlinks
11:12.02casixI will look in the sources then
11:12.05tzafrirWith a directory of config files specifying which modules to be included (or not)
11:21.26*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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14:56.03*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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15:01.38*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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18:09.26*** join/#asterisk babcka87 (~bacbka@
18:09.35*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
18:11.00kfifeThis line does what it's supposed to, same  =>   n,Set(RATECTR=${STRREPLACE(RATECTR,</response>,~)})  ; replace XML tags with ~ for CUT
18:11.25kfifeBut when I nest STRREPLACE wihtin itself like this, it returns a null string:
18:11.35kfifesame  =>   n,Set(RATECTR=${STRREPLACE(${STRREPLACE(RATECTR,<response>,~)},</response>,~)})  ; replace XML tags with ~ for CUT
18:12.12kfifeDo I need to EVAL this function for it to work?  I wouldn't thing so.  Am I missing somehting?
18:18.15babcka87русские есть?
18:18.18*** join/#asterisk MrMojit0 (
18:18.49babcka87hi all
18:21.48babcka87there is whether who any russian?
18:23.08*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
18:24.17[TK]D-Fenderbabcka87, no, this is primarily an english channel
18:24.33[TK]D-Fenderkfife, Read the instructions for STRREPLACE
18:25.10[TK]D-Fenderbecause you very obviously can't nest it like that
18:25.17[TK]D-Fenderthe first parameter must be a VARIABLE NAME
18:25.19[TK]D-Fendernot a VALUE
18:28.46kfife[TK]D-Fender: Duh.  right. D'oh!
18:28.56kfifetail betwix legs
18:30.20kfifeAh, but how did you know I didn't have a variable named after a large XML string? :-)
18:31.35[TK]D-FenderReasonable assumption you're neither clever nor lucky enough for that to have happened :p
18:32.07kfifecan't think of anyting of an equally witty comeback
18:35.10*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
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20:14.03kfifeIt doesn't look like Manager has a method disconnect a connected session.  Is there a more graceful way to disconnect a manager user that's been removed/reloaded than killing it at the OS level?
20:16.33robmalAction: Logoff is no longer supported?
20:18.19*** join/#asterisk zigggggy (ffssd@unaffiliated/zigggggy)
20:19.10kfifeI'm not the one on the end of the socket
20:19.24kfifeI mean from the Asterisk CLI
20:19.35kfifeI just killed off a user, and want to break their session
20:26.41*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
21:12.56*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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22:31.52Oooohboyhey all, I'm trying to call app.originate from a lua script and I need to pass 3 args to the application that originate is executing. I've tried several versions of syntax to no avail, and I see no examples. Can anyone help me figure out this syntax?
22:40.45*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
22:48.18Oooohboythis is kind of the stuff of nightmares. The only way to dial an extension and conference it with the channel you're on is to use originate, and originate will only pass 1 argument to confbridge, while confbridge wants 4 arguments.
22:48.26OooohboyNot exactly well thought out
22:51.22Oooohboynot only that, but when you use originate it ignore alls the confbridge settings you set using the confbridge function.
22:52.08*** join/#asterisk sibyakin (~sibyakin@
22:52.09Oooohboyso basically one of the simplest use cases for confbridge, calling an extension and then conference the two channels, doesn't work.
22:52.43*** part/#asterisk babcka87 (~bacbka@
23:12.30*** join/#asterisk pramsky (
23:13.00pramskyis there a variable for either asterisk or freepbx that can be set to specify extension length ?
23:15.21tripleslashpramsky, what?
23:15.34Oooohboypramsky: no.
23:16.34pramskyI have a system with 3 digit and 4 digit extensions. When dialing 4 digit extensions, it gets redirected to the trunk. Also when looking at freepbx I see all the 3 digit ones, but not the 4 digit ones. Its an older version of freepbx (12.x) so Im wondering if there is a setting for extension length
23:17.23pramskyI can fix it by manually adding dial plans, but freepbx updates may overwrite it
23:18.37Oooohboypramsky: this is not the channel for FreePBX help. They're effectively two different animals from a support/assistance point of view. You'll have been luck in the #freepbx  channel
23:18.56pramskyI understand that. Was just wondering about the Asterisk part
23:19.22pramskyI can fix it by manually adding the dial plan, just thought there might be a var in asterisk.conf which limited extension length
23:19.23Oooohboypramsky: asterisk doesn't care about the length of the extension.
23:19.26pramskygot it
23:19.39pramskypersonally i'd rather fix it in asterisk rather than freepbx so =)
23:19.48Oooohboypramsky: until it breaks.
23:20.05Oooohboypramsky: I strongly suggest that you try #freepbx
23:20.43fileAsterisk does as it is told in that regard, and FreePBX is what tells it
23:21.36pramskyyea, dealing with asterisk is easy. Debugging some freepbx stuff gives me gas
23:50.39OooohboyI was hoping someone would see my rant and tell me all the ways I was wrong. Shucks.
23:51.36*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
23:56.24SamotTheres no extension length in freepbx
23:57.11OooohboyI was talking about my originate & conference issue
23:57.48SamotAll "local" dialable extensions are put in a context and that is checked before contecxts that handle outbound routes
23:58.47OooohboySamot: sorry for my confusion, but that last comment wasn't intended for me, right?
23:59.41SamotAs for you, Originate is Originate regardless of how its called.

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