IRC log for #asterisk on 20180116

00:20.16*** join/#asterisk Kaian (~kaian@
00:28.52*** join/#asterisk Kaian (~kaian@
00:30.45*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-oeyyxhlghvkguknq)
01:19.41*** join/#asterisk infobot (
01:19.41*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.19.0 (2018/01/11), Standard: 15.2.0 (2018/01/11); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
02:24.06*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
02:40.42*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
03:34.25*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~me@
04:27.23*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
04:32.43*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
04:52.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
05:03.17*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:06.33*** join/#asterisk adonaros (
05:07.41adonarosgood day, stupid Q, someone can pm me the answer if they like. Just hint to me, what is one way that you could add in your "outbound" context your custoemrs DIDs so that if one CX calls another CX you dont have to actually terminate the call to the PSTN and take a shortcut..
05:08.35adonarosi have tried "include => inbound" but futher RTFMing, this doesnt work, cos include only kicks in if there are no matches in the current context, and outbound has _X. so therefor it matches and never tests/checks 'inbound'.
05:08.54[TK]D-FenderChange the order of your includes
05:09.00[TK]D-Fenderbecause order matters
05:09.58adonarosthat was a good hint. before asking more stupid questions, i will try what you said, like a good person. and report back (likely) how smart you are.
05:10.02adonarosgood day! (:
05:14.53[TK]D-Fendergo for it
05:15.38[TK]D-Fenderit's usually a good idea to use "container" contexts for key things that ONLY have includes so you can really gaurantee the outcomes and not have a global override stuck in the base.
05:16.41adonarosyou were right
05:17.00adonarosall this time i had just included inbound in outbound along with its patterns
05:17.23adonarosnow you can say like "no shit i was right" -- anyway, Youre smart. Thank you.
05:18.01[TK]D-FenderI knew one thing you we'ren't aware of.  That's knowledge, not "smarts".
05:18.06[TK]D-FenderHappy to pass it on
05:18.23adonarosi will hang out in this channel more, perhaps i can help someone too.
06:38.04*** join/#asterisk wdoekes (
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07:49.25*** join/#asterisk bittis (~bittis@
07:55.59*** join/#asterisk aness (
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08:11.24*** join/#asterisk DanB (
08:17.00*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
08:21.45*** join/#asterisk hehol (
08:26.35*** join/#asterisk elcontrastador (~textual@
08:29.22*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:34.38bittishey everyone, random question, what happens when we call mixmonitor more than once on a channel?
08:34.55bittisdo any subsequent calls get ignored?
08:36.11elcontrastadorI'm cutting over a client TONIGHT from ccm to Asterisk 15. Just noticed that they have about 30 faxes that were previously running ATAs with sccp. Ive replaced the ATAs with grandstream sip ATAs. Issue I see is that they have the same fax DID mapped to up to 4 faxes. I guess they want each fax going to all 4 faxes. If I list them all in a Dial with "&", it will just send open the channel to the first one that answers right? Is there anyway to
08:58.14*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
09:21.55elcontrastadorI will NOT be ignored! I demand an answer this minute! We had a false nuclear attack responded to in only 38minutes. Why is this taking longer than that?  haha, jk. Too much stress and caffeine. I think I'm funny when i over caffeinated :-)
09:38.45DanQuinneycan confirm, it's just you that thinks that elcontrastador ;)
09:38.47*** join/#asterisk sekil (
10:21.36bittisi can give you an answer
10:21.46bittisbut it will be 99.9% wrong as i don't have one
10:22.02bittisif any response is ok though, then sure, i agree :P
10:42.45bittisalso suspecting nobody in
11:00.38*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
11:18.10*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
11:23.47*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
11:58.05*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
11:59.14*** join/#asterisk elcontrastador (~textual@
12:00.56elcontrastadorbittis: was the 99.9% wrong answer intended for me?
12:02.55elcontrastadorDid any else respond while I was offline? I'm going to repost...
12:03.09elcontrastadorI'm cutting over a client TONIGHT from ccm to Asterisk 15. Just noticed that they have about 30 faxes that were previously running ATAs with sccp. Ive replaced the ATAs with grandstream sip ATAs. Issue I see is that they have the same fax DID mapped to up to 4 faxes. I guess they want each fax going to all 4 faxes. If I list them all in a Dial with "&", it will just send open the channel to the first one that answers right? Is there anyway to
12:03.16elcontrastadormake it send to all 4 at once?
12:06.28fileyou can't, fax is a two way negotiation
12:06.55fileso even if you could connect them all together they wouldn't be able to negotiate and the call would fail were they doing it from sccp? it's configured in the ccm this it possible that the fax just came in on the first that answered?
12:08.15fileyes, it's possible it did just that to replicate, i'll just Dial with '&' chain...just free for all it
12:09.56elcontrastadorsound right to u?
12:15.20elcontrastador@file: Thanks so much! last thing! Do I need to do anything outside the default res_fax config to have fax working thru sip?
12:15.40fileres_fax is not used if you are referring to T.38 passthrough
12:16.42elcontrastadorok...the module is res_fax is loaded....i was hoping shit'd just work  but u know this fax thing and my deadline is looming :-)_
12:16.57elcontrastadorso should i just leave it or unload it
12:17.07fileit won't hurt things...
12:17.11elcontrastadorok perfecct
12:17.31elcontrastador...and my keyboard is going out on my dongle book pro
12:17.58elcontrastadorwhat a alarm went off too...cops and fire dept....drama...i appreciate the help
12:33.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
13:06.59*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
13:19.24*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
13:20.42*** join/#asterisk elcontrastador (~textual@
13:30.33*** join/#asterisk f3nr1l (
13:30.41*** join/#asterisk guivie (c88fa9b5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:31.43guivieHi all! How can I dial in a extension using another sip host with authentication ?  something like exten => 1907,1,NoOp(SIP/${EXTEN}:user:pass@
13:32.34guivieMayble something like Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@user:pass:
13:33.36*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:35.20Samot^^ All the Dial() options for Chan_SIP are shown in the sample config.
13:35.36SamotIncluding what you are looking to do.
13:36.09guivieThank Smot.. I will try that
13:38.47*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
13:48.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
14:04.17*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~Jeff@
14:06.59jeffspeffI'm planning to make a db for storing configuration parameters for polycom phones that will be used by a script to generate the provisioning files. I can't decide if I should structure the tables based on firmware version or phone model. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks.
14:22.58SamotWell both.
14:27.50jeffspeffby structure the tables, i'm not referring to the columns within the tables, i'm referring to the tables themselves. should i have different tables for each model number and then have columns for the compatible configs for that model or should i have different tables for each firmware version with columns for the compatible configs and a column for the phone models supported by that firmware?
14:28.20jeffspeffor am i overcomplicating this?
14:30.02SamotWell, certain models dont have certain features.
14:30.43SamotVVX411 doesnt do video so having all the video settings is a waste in the config
14:31.10SamotAlso certain features may not exist in certain firmware releases.
14:31.24SamotOr settings change/added/removed
14:31.55SamotBut all the Polycom VVX phones have the same config setup
14:32.07SamotSame settings, same layout
14:32.23SamotIt's how most phones work..
14:32.48SamotThere is a core template all the models use for that firmware and then certain settings are in templates with phones that have more options.
14:33.24SamotIf you use a VVX500 template, that does support video, on a VVX411 the 411 will accept the config and ignore all the video pieces.
14:33.54jeffspeffi was leaning towards tables for each firmware version with columns for the supported features (that will be distinct for the phones) of that firmware version.
14:34.11SamotWell it also depends on the phone.
14:34.20SamotPolycoms use multiple files
14:34.23jeffspeffthe values will be plugged into the generic templates.
14:34.27SamotSome phones use a single file.
14:55.38*** join/#asterisk sekil (
15:00.13*** join/#asterisk kharwell (
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15:02.40*** join/#asterisk bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:05.02*** join/#asterisk Dirk23 (
15:06.41*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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15:24.34*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
15:40.33*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
15:47.31*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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15:47.53*** join/#asterisk bford (442392a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:51.26*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
16:03.29*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
16:13.59*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
16:17.11*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
16:24.42*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~imcdona@2607:f0d8:20:1001:30bd:d471:2b1e:a682)
16:26.01*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
16:26.28*** join/#asterisk GregUK (~GregUK@2a02:8011:9012:1::2)
16:50.13imcdonasomething changed after Asterisk 13.17.1 that broke res_corosync. I've installed the latest version 13.19.0 and corosync is still broken. This is especially frustrating seeing as how the corosync module was recently fixed after being broke for 2 years only to be broken again after a couple builds. In order to pinpoint what build broke corosync I need to download builds after 13.17.1 such as
16:50.13imcdona13.17.2 etc. What is the syntax to download a specific build of Asterisk?
16:50.47*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
17:02.40elcontrastadorI'm getting this nasty audio translator error that is only happening occasionally (every few mins)...first morning after cutover from ccm...very stressed...any help appreciated :
17:03.40[TK]D-Fender"one capability supports no formats"one side isn't offering any codecs
17:03.48[TK]D-Fendershow the actual call attempt with SIP debug enabled
17:05.17elcontrastadoryeah...very busy box...log doesn't have context as to which call is doing this...i'm getting your deb
17:06.10jeffspeffelcontrastador, one tool which may help you find the culprit is sngrep.
17:06.31elcontrastadoris that within asterisk?
17:07.03jeffspeffno it's a 3rd party linux program
17:07.59elcontrastadoralso getting this: [Jan 16 09:07:39] WARNING[17025][C-0000066b]: app_voicemail.c:8892 play_message: Playback of message /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/hjuhsd/6013/INBOX/msg0000 failed
17:08.13elcontrastadornever had either of this...
17:08.22elcontrastador"playback's a bitch"
17:14.52*** join/#asterisk tripleslash (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
17:18.09elcontrastador[TK]D-Fender: i'm handling another emerg...i'll get back to this in a few mins (asap)
17:18.44*** join/#asterisk puzzola (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
17:18.49elcontrastadorjeffspeff:  thx. I'm going to clone it and try it in few
17:19.06jeffspeffor just install the binary
17:19.42[TK]D-FenderSounds like Gentoo....
17:26.22*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
17:29.07*** join/#asterisk Zanelos (~zach@
17:30.49ZanelosWhen setting up a PBX with a SIP proxy, with multiple upstream ITSP's... does the PBX choose the destination trunk signalling endpoint IP, or does the proxy? And when working with the ITSP for a new trunk setup, would you provide the external IP's of the PBX's in addition to those of any proxies in use? Or just the proxy IP's?
17:36.16[TK]D-FenderWhen you call out using a proxy then you send it to them with the destination set as the host for the itsp in question
17:43.08kunwon1sorry wrong channel
17:43.39SamotYeah and not that big of a deal.
17:43.51SamotAsk anyone who's worn glasses for most their life.
17:43.58kunwon1really, really wrong channel
17:44.19SamotWell if this was some sort of dig at Hatch, who I'm not a fan of, it really isn't a dig.
17:44.38kunwon1i need to have some kind of a 'do you really want to paste this' dialog
17:46.08*** join/#asterisk puzzola (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
18:41.35*** join/#asterisk robink (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
18:53.45*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
19:24.53*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (~Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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19:32.54*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
19:42.05*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (~Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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20:00.04*** join/#asterisk J0hnSteel (~J0hnSteel@
20:21.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
20:26.31znoteer_in the output of "iax2 show registry", the column "perceived" should be the public IP address of my local machine, correct?
20:29.01znoteer_it's what the peer sees us as, yes?
20:31.59*** join/#asterisk SoBlindWolf (
20:56.03*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (~Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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21:05.23*** join/#asterisk Dirk23 (
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21:52.03*** join/#asterisk wyoung (
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22:10.47*** join/#asterisk znf (
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22:37.04kfifeIs there a channel variable for the automixmon filename?  e.g. features.conf *3
22:40.34kfifeThe Mixmonitor application has ${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME}, but that's null when invoked by a feature
22:42.35kfifeThe filename even gets barfed out to the console when invoked, but I can't seem to get my grubby little dialplan hands on it.
22:44.37*** join/#asterisk znf (
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23:15.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
23:30.29kfifeIs there a channel variable for the automixmon filename?  e.g. features.conf *3, or can it be set?
23:30.52kfifeThe filename even gets barfed out to the console when the feature is invoked, but I can't seem to get my grubby little dialplan hands on it.
23:50.18*** join/#asterisk mekarpeles (~mek@
23:51.06mekarpelesIs there a channel for #festival?
23:51.44kfifecore show application Festival
23:51.51kfifeor is it festivus?
23:53.37mekarpelesfestival text-to-speech
23:54.47vo1pbxcepstral for the win... festival sounds like Frankensteins Monster.
23:54.51kunwon1kfife: you only need to post questions once, it sometimes takes people a while to respond. The variable MIXMONITOR_FILENAME will contain the filename used for recordings, or you can set it manually when you invoke the MixMonitor() application
23:54.51kfifeThat was a seinfeld joke
23:55.02vo1pbxkfife: a poor one
23:55.02kunwon1for details on the latter, core show application mixmonitor should have what you need
23:55.24*** part/#asterisk kharwell (
23:56.14kfifekunwon1:  This is automixmon.  it appears to be different in scope.  The MIXMONITOR_FILENAME doesn't have the filename that is spit to the console.
23:56.29kfifePresumably becaue it's a feature.
23:58.30kunwon1kfife: interesting, i didn't know that - try to run DumpChan() on the channel once you start automixmon, that will show you -all- channel variables
23:58.33kunwon1maybe it's undocumented
23:58.37*** part/#asterisk mekarpeles (~mek@

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