IRC log for #asterisk on 20180113

00:56.31*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
01:20.06*** join/#asterisk infobot (
01:20.06*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.19.0 (2018/01/11), Standard: 15.2.0 (2018/01/11); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
02:58.03*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
03:29.12*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
04:41.01*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
06:37.35*** join/#asterisk velix (
07:31.14*** join/#asterisk SoBlindWolf (
08:36.10*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
09:19.37*** join/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
09:19.50madduckcan I key TIMEIF() off another timezone somehow?
09:20.11madduckI want 9–17 basically, but of another country
09:20.42madduckbecause the asterisk server and the site are in different timezones
09:21.03madduckworse yet, hemispheres, and so there are actually 4 times the timezones change with respect to each other per year.
09:21.22madduckrather than hard-coding all those dates, it'd be easiest to just specify a time range in another timezone
09:21.44madduckbut asterisk time ranges seem to be zone-agnostic: <time range>= <hour>':'<minute>'-'<hour>':'<minute>
10:41.45*** join/#asterisk ashka (~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka)
10:45.24ashkahi, my ISP provides limited SIP capabilities (cannot call mobile phones) but also provides DECT. Is there a way to connect Asterisk as a DECT client and use it for out/inbound calls?
11:36.36*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
12:03.32*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
13:11.48*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:5c4e:1249:f4c3:1f35)
13:18.33*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
13:25.26*** join/#asterisk Worldexe (
14:38.18*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
16:07.05*** join/#asterisk LunaLovegood (~alice@
16:10.13LunaLovegoodI'm only at verbose level 1 and I still get lots of messages like "chan_sip.c:4125 retrans_pkt: Timeout on yqiDMQ8KWjWtwm0cNaSRmF.. on non-critical invite transaction."  Is there a way to not get them? They're about people send INVITEs with spoofed source IPs in order to spam other systems with "401 Unauthorized" messages.
16:21.36*** join/#asterisk bauxit (
16:28.24SamotThe only way not to get them is to block the actual IPs.
16:28.40SamotYou kinda want the system to tell you when bad things are happening..
16:28.59SamotNot to mention, if you "turn it off" how will you know when it's happening for valid users/peers
16:32.08SamotThis is akin to your car making strange noises but instead of having it looked at to figure out why it makes strange noises, you just turn up the radio to not hear it.
16:35.09*** join/#asterisk waldo323 (
16:43.37*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
16:46.16*** join/#asterisk davidbowlby (
16:52.14*** join/#asterisk robink (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
17:01.15LunaLovegoodThere's only two ATAs that are actually out on the public Internet, so I can easily check them with 'pjsip show aors'. But their IPs are dynamic so I can't whitelist them.
17:02.30LunaLovegoodAnd these messages are almost always complaining about stuff received from spoofed IPs, so blocking them could only be harmful.
17:15.35*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
17:15.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o DivideBy0] by ChanServ
17:19.27*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
18:04.52*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
18:21.40*** join/#asterisk sdfghj (d54dbb35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:26.39sdfghjI am using Asterisk 13. I am trying to modify extensions.conf using AMI.
18:28.22sdfghjI'm trying to add a new line after this: _X.,1,Dial(IAX2/otherserver/${EXTEN},30)
18:28.51sdfghjUsing telnet to port 5038 I enter the following:
18:29.05sdfghjaction:updateconfig srcfilename:extensions.conf dstfilename:extensions.conf Action-000000: insert Cat-000000: cat_prueba Line-000000: _X.,1,Dial(IAX2/otherserver/${EXTEN},30) Var-000000: exten Value-000000: _X.,50005,Dial(${dev},20)
18:29.22sdfghjThis results in:  Response: Success
18:29.54sdfghjbut this action don't add the new line
18:32.22sdfghjI'm using wiki syntax, but it's not very clear
18:51.31*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
19:28.18*** part/#asterisk twitchnln (~twitch@
19:41.46*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
20:10.21*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
20:40.19bauxitHi all.
20:40.52bauxitMy asterisk instance broke down because no more space left on the /run partition
20:41.24bauxitMy instance runs on a minimal arubacloud vps
20:42.04bauxitmy question is can I clear /run somehow or I should look for a new vpn plan and migrate my stuff there
20:44.57drmessanobauxit: How much disk space do you have?
20:45.11bauxittmpfs                   497M  496M  1.3M 100% /run
20:46.05bauxitroot has approx 76% left
20:46.14drmessanobauxit: How much disk space do you have?
20:46.45drmessanoYoure asking about "Should I look for a new VPS plan".. Kinda need the whole picture
20:47.47bauxitwell, I am asking it because I do not have any configuration option on the vps so I cannot increase the space on the /run partition
20:47.54drmessanoYour /run issue is bizarre..
20:48.05drmessanoWell, I would migrate then
20:48.16drmessanoBecause that's kind a of a bullshit problem to have
20:48.30drmessanoIntolerable, even
20:48.47drmessanoThe 20G overall isn't terrible.. the /run thing is..
20:48.55bauxitbtw it is a 1 euro/month ultra low budget vps so I am not surprised that it has happened
20:49.14drmessanoSo they imposed some bullshit limitation
20:49.32drmessanoMake sense.  Yeah, time to find a better host
20:50.01bauxitthis is my vps fstab
20:50.23bauxitthis is my vps's fstab
20:51.02bauxitsorry, df output
20:51.31bauxitMy typo can be tricky after one and a half bottle of wine :D
20:52.41bauxitso, the best if I find a better provider and migrate my asterisk there
20:53.05drmessanoI pay linode $5 a month for my personal PBX
20:53.16drmessanoI think it's worth $5 to have a working box
20:53.38drmessanoThats as low as I would go and expect reasonable service and even minimal support
20:53.47bauxityeah, linode is on my table as my next vps provider
20:53.51bauxitbtw contabo as well
20:54.02bauxitmaybe server4you
20:54.09bauxitthey have amazing plans
20:54.13drmessanoI've been with Linode for some time now.  They are beyond amazing
20:55.17bauxitWhat is your OS on your instance?
20:55.33bauxitWhat is *the OS on your instance?
20:55.50drmessanoI have a number of VPSes.. on my Asterisk instance, it's Ubuntu 14.04, I think
20:57.35bauxitthanks, I read a documentation on Linode or Vultr doc that space CentOS has 1GB RAM as general resource so the 1GB plan will not enough
20:58.06bauxitbut if it works without any issue on Ubu that is a good news
20:58.20bauxitI have never tested on Ubu before
20:59.36bauxitthank you very for much your help!
21:03.04drmessanoNot sure I understand.. Why won't the 1GB work?
21:04.51bauxitI read a doc on vultr on linode documantaries library that centos instace require at least 1GB of RAM so if I choose the 5$ plan with 1GB I am not sure it will be enough to the system and to the softwares
21:07.25drmessanobauxit: I think youre misunderstanding
21:07.48drmessanoThe CentOS installer appears to be coded to run not under less than 1GB RAM
21:07.51bauxitit is possible :)
21:08.04drmessanoThe CentOS installer appears to be coded to not run under less than 1GB RAM
21:08.29drmessanoCentOS is fully supported on both providers on their 1GB Plans
21:08.47bauxitalright, the installed system is able to run on a system wich has 1GB ram
21:08.55drmessanoCentOS 7 won't install on Vultr's 512MB plan
21:09.11drmessanoYes, the installed system will run on 1GB RAM
21:09.41bauxitalright, I misunderstood that
21:09.47bauxitthank you for the correction
21:11.32drmessanoThere's a long thread on the Vultr forums discussing this.. apparently Vultr cannot work around it, and have tried, and they even make the argument that they know CentOS 7 doesn't require 1GB to OPERATE
21:11.39drmessanoSo it's some shitty Redhat thing
21:12.00drmessanoSo 1GB plan is fine or do yourself a favor and never use a redhat anything ever again
21:12.40*** join/#asterisk SoBlindWolf (~SoBlindWo@
21:13.39bauxitI just thinking about centos because I see centos refered in many recruitment email as required skill so I just want to force myself to use
21:13.42bauxitthat's all
21:13.59drmessanoSure, that's entirely up to you
21:14.24bauxitthank you very much for the infos
21:14.38drmessanoMy pleasure
21:43.22sibiriathat sounds odd - i run a few centos 7 installations on 512mb machines
21:43.44sibiriais vultr providing you some weird install image, maybe?
21:49.07*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
21:57.51*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
22:09.38*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
22:21.45*** join/#asterisk elcontrastador (~textual@

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