IRC log for #asterisk on 20171208

00:02.01*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
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00:48.08*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-zegyvjhshbuiapbg)
01:00.29*** join/#asterisk moreentropy (markuslind@gateway/shell/
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01:21.06*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.18.3 (2017/12/01), Standard: 15.1.3 (2017/12/01); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.11.1 (2016/03/01), DAHDI-tools 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
01:28.49*** join/#asterisk robinak (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
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02:58.09*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
04:09.11*** join/#asterisk SoBlindWolf (
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09:31.42*** join/#asterisk moreentropy (markuslind@gateway/shell/
09:37.35*** join/#asterisk jkroon_ (~jkroon@
09:45.47*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
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10:25.28bittisrandom question, how do i get the call id variable (C00000000) ?
10:28.09*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:b18:581:10:a1ee:7f9:e3:113)
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11:57.03*** join/#asterisk bllackjack (67d86345@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:57.58bllackjackCan anyone help me out, I need to change the path where the recording (.wav) file is saved.
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12:58.48mahafyibllackjack , you can change it in the dialplan entry, by default it uses the entry in asterisk.conf
13:11.28*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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13:28.52dnitHi when I load musiconhold module I am unable to whisper to agents who are idle ( using Chanpspy).
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14:07.57*** join/#asterisk Echo6 (~Echo6@
14:14.04bittishey guys, if anyone is in, trying to call a script with mixmonitor, and where command goes i want to have a bash script, setting the path there along with ^filename doesn't work
14:14.07bittisany ideas?
14:20.41*** join/#asterisk |stefan| (
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14:47.07sibiriabittis: is the script's permissions set to executable, and does it have a proper shebang?
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14:56.36cervajs2i cant find alembic change for pjsip webrtc=yes ? this is not supported in pjsip realtime? tnx
14:59.31*** join/#asterisk jamesaxl (~James_Axl@
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15:10.39seanbrightcervajs2: it's there:
15:10.47seanbrightit's only available in asterisk 15+
15:10.50cervajs2is it for ast13?
15:11.01seanbrightno, that option isn't available in asterisk 13
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16:21.43avbhey guys, anyone had this situation when an endpoint is sending to hold itself?
16:21.54avbhaving hard time asterisk to do that
16:23.18avbreinvite is on
16:23.37avbwhat a mess
16:23.44avbc=IN IP4
16:40.54*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
16:42.06SamotThat's a hold
16:42.10SamotOr a return from hold.
16:42.26SamotThat is not uncommon for holds.
16:42.42SamotThe a=sendrecv is for putting a call on hold.
16:43.03SamotThat's usually a=sendonly or something close to that
16:49.39avbyeh, their system is fcked up
16:50.48SamotThat's not what I said at all.
16:51.03Samot11:23:45 AM A<avb> c=IN IP4 <-- This is common
16:51.30Samot11:23:50 AM A<avb> a=sendrecv <-- This is generally a=sendonly from the device when putting a call on hold.
16:51.54SamotNow that's not to say what is there is wrong.
16:52.22SamotThat's telling the other side to basically send the media from the remote endpoint to a "blackhole"
16:52.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:52.40SamotSo if they talk over the hold music, it never makes it back to the system.
16:53.37*** join/#asterisk Worldexe (
16:55.41avbSamot: and what whey are expecting with them is to mute a leg who is emmiting this message
16:55.51avbSamot: and what whey are expecting with that is to mute a leg who is emmiting this message
16:56.19SamotI put you on hold...
16:56.19avbit should be  a=inactive for that i belive
16:56.24SamotNot at all
16:56.32SamotThat's not a valid option.
16:56.34avbyou are calling me
16:56.42avbyou are sending me this message
16:56.53avbin result, I am on hold
16:57.05avbwhile its expected to put you on hold
16:57.24SamotLet's try this again.
16:57.34SamotI answered your question about the SDP body
16:57.46SamotAre you having issues with putting/taking a call on hold?
16:58.03avbwrong leg is becoming on hold :)
16:58.13SamotWhat do you mean the "wrong leg"?
16:58.14avbthats what is the problem
16:58.24avbavb> you are calling me
16:58.24avbavb> you are sending me this message
16:58.24avbavb> in result, I am on hold
16:58.24avbavb> while its expected to put you on hold
16:58.43SamotIf I'm putting you on hold, that's what I would send to you
16:58.53SamotTo tell you that you can't send media back to me.
16:59.01SamotBut I'm sending media to you aka the hold music
16:59.06SamotSo you should be on hold, not me.
16:59.11avbbut what they want to achive with this message :)
16:59.23SamotThe caller wants to hold themselves?
17:00.04avbthey have a GUI to control the call flow
17:00.13avbthats what hold button generates
17:00.16SamotThe person who puts the call on hold wants to hear the hold music?
17:00.55avbin reality other leg is outdialed out number
17:01.12avbso they want to put this leg on hold
17:01.27SamotSo you are Originating a call from Asterisk..
17:01.34avbits complicated
17:01.36avbnot from asterisk
17:01.44SamotWell you need to explain.
17:01.51avbfor asterisk it looks like a regular inbound call
17:01.54SamotOr you can't really get help.
17:02.08SamotWhere are you Originating this call FROM?
17:02.13avbon another platofmr
17:02.16avbon another platoform
17:02.17SamotHow does this call GET to Asterisk?
17:02.22avbvia sip trunk
17:02.48SamotSo it's making a normal SIP call to Asterisk.
17:03.09SamotAnd Asterisk has a peer for this platform.
17:03.45SamotSo Asterisk answers the call or does it just Dial() straight to a device?
17:04.02avbi have tried staright dial too
17:04.19SamotWhen do you want this call "held"?
17:05.04avbwhen im receiving thi SDP, an expected behavoir is yes to hold this incoming leg
17:05.12avbwhen im receiving this SDP, an expected behavoir is yes to hold this incoming leg
17:05.16SamotThat's not the answer.
17:05.23SamotWhen this call hits Asterisk..
17:05.33SamotAnd enters the dialplan, when you do you want hold the call?
17:05.42SamotAfter a recording is played back?
17:06.04avbcall gets answered by a an agent
17:06.20avbthey are talking and then agent needs to put caller on hold
17:06.29avbhe press a button in the gui
17:06.46avbim getting this SDP coming from trunk
17:07.00avbagents becomes muted
17:07.18SamotAsterisk doesn't "hold" calls.
17:07.19avbinstead of leg from which message came from
17:07.32SamotHold is method of SDP/media flow.
17:07.37SamotYou need to PARK the call.
17:07.47avbi cant
17:07.59SamotHOLD is a method of SDP/media flow.
17:08.04*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-qykwqobgjzqmqtmh)
17:08.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o rmudgett] by ChanServ
17:08.05SamotThe channels are still bridged.
17:08.06avbim RECEIVING HOLD SDP
17:08.09SamotThey are still connected.
17:08.18SamotAsterisk CANNOT HOLD CALLS
17:08.33SamotHOLD is not a status
17:08.36Samotof a channel
17:08.41SamotThe channel is still bridged.
17:08.45avband what is res_musiconhold
17:08.48SamotIt changes the MEDIA FLOW
17:09.01SamotAnd triggers the media to hold the call
17:09.08SamotAsterisk doesn't trigger that
17:09.14SamotThe endpoint does
17:09.33SamotIf Asterisk answers an inbound call... and you want to, via AMI, "hold" that call...
17:09.37Samotyou have to PARK it.
17:09.40avbso the endpoint is downloading mp3 from my asterisk
17:09.47avband plays it to a caller
17:10.00SamotWith AMI you have to PARK the call
17:10.20avbyou help is very long and as always useless
17:10.21avbthank you
17:10.28avbyou are a life saver
17:10.41avbi love talking to you
17:11.36SamotjcolpAsterisk DeveloperFeb 26
17:11.37SamotYou generally can't force a SIP phone to do something, unless it provides its own interface. You can only hope to replicate similar (may not be exact) behavior in Asterisk.
17:11.51SamotYou can only hope to replicate similar (may not be exact) behavior in Asterisk. <-- Note that
17:12.03avbget out of the bushes
17:12.09avbasterisk can do moh for years
17:12.14Samotast_sockaddr_isnull(isa)) && (!sendonly || sendonly == -1)) {
17:12.16avbwithout parking the call
17:12.17SamotSEE THAT
17:12.21avbyes :)
17:12.25SamotThat's looking for SDP DETAILS
17:12.30SamotThat the DEVICE SENDS
17:12.52avbi know that :)
17:12.58avbin my case its a trunk
17:13.05SamotSo how do you, from the GUI, make the device send that?
17:13.08SamotTo Asterisk?
17:13.19SamotFrom this platform GUI?
17:13.24SamotThat the Agent is using
17:13.35SamotTo somehow interject on his device?
17:13.36avbfrom this other platofrm which i have a trunk to
17:13.48avband yes, on that side they generate it via some kind of an AMI
17:13.59SamotWhich goes to Asterisk
17:14.05SamotAnd has to know which channel to hit
17:14.06avband this event comes from the trunk to asterisk
17:14.13SamotAnd it sounds like they are hitting the wrong channel
17:14.26SamotOr sending the information in a way that makes Asterisk use the wrong channel
17:14.33SamotBecause you are trying to replicate something from the DEVICE
17:14.36SamotThat is not the DEVICE
17:14.49Samot12:11:52 PM S<Samot> You can only hope to replicate similar (may not be exact) behavior in Asterisk. <-- Note that
17:15.03avbyou got it
17:15.04Samot^^ STraight from Joshua, an Asterisk Developers
17:15.10SamotSo to REPLICATE this
17:15.17SamotYou use AMI to PARK the call.
17:15.50avbdamn, you are genious
17:15.55SamotAnd then AMI to UNPARK the call via the GUI when the Agent wants to take them off the call
17:15.56avbi can catch moh even
17:16.13Samot12:10:21 PM A<avb> you help is very long and as always useless <-- Huh
17:16.19avband then start MusicOnHold/Park bridged channel
17:16.31avband on Unhold, do the same in reverse
17:16.38avbugly, but will work :)
17:16.45Samot12:15:51 PM A<avb> damn, you are genious <-- Wow
17:16.47avbthanks for a hint
17:17.00SamotSo I went from being a long winded useless guy to a genius.
17:17.10SamotIn five minutes.
17:17.11avbSamot: you know i still love you :)
17:17.18avbfrom love to hate its only one step
17:17.50avbthank mate
17:24.27*** join/#asterisk zopsi (
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19:00.46jjrhDo folks here have any recommendations for software to do SIPREC? My googleing lead me to which seems surprising to me
19:02.14fileno change, noone has looked at the RFC, seen what needs to be done in Asterisk if anything
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19:42.23*** part/#asterisk cervajs2 (
19:47.22jjrhThanks file
20:01.48*** join/#asterisk zopsi (
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20:41.34*** join/#asterisk dnit (673399be@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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20:55.36dnitHi I am not able to whisper / barge on another agent when musiconhold is loaded.
20:56.05SamotDo you not get anything?
20:56.09SamotOr do you get MoH?
20:57.42dnitNot working logs : , working logs :
20:58.00dnitCurrently my moh is pointing to null. Will test with valid moh
20:58.25SamotSo who are trying trying to spy on?
20:59.00dnitOne agent spying on another.
21:00.07SamotSo if Agent A is on a call and puts it on hold...
21:00.22SamotThen Agent B wants to spy on Agent A...
21:00.35SamotThe channel they are spying on is playing MoH
21:00.57SamotAnd has it's media set to sendonly or has the media IP set to
21:01.03SamotSo it doesn't receive media
21:01.14SamotSo what are they spying on?
21:01.21SamotWho are they whispering to?
21:01.55SamotBecause on the phone Agent A isn't on that line anymore.
21:02.02dnitIf Agent A is waiting. and Agent B spies on agent A. B is able to hear A while A is not able to hear B ( while musiconhold module is loaded)
21:02.17SamotBecause when the phone sends a hold
21:02.24SamotIt either sets the media to sendonly
21:02.37SamotOr sets the SDP media IP to
21:02.41dnitBut when I dont load musiconhold A is able to hear B.
21:02.44SamotSo it doesn't receive media.
21:05.43SamotSpy uses a conference bridge.
21:05.47SamotSo yeah..
21:05.57SamotWith MoH is considers Agent A "talking"
21:06.25SamotSo could be how it's handling that.
21:06.50SamotAnd the fact that recordings have no silence or pauses in them
21:08.55dnitWhen I have mode=quitemp3 then Agent A is not able to hear Agent B.
21:09.17dnitWhile when I have mode=file and valid directory Agent A is able to hear Agent B along with moh
21:23.40dnitSamot: Any specific reason behind this behaviour ?
21:32.57*** join/#asterisk gtrmtx (~gtrmtx@
21:33.46gtrmtxso i know this is the room for asterisk, and believe me i would be using asterisk in this situation im having if i could, but by any chance does anyone in here have experience with Shoretel systems?
21:39.23[TK]D-FenderAlways just start with your actual specific question.
21:39.43gtrmtxim monitoring the trunks and when they try to do it its not even hitting the trunks
21:39.52gtrmtxwith** a caveat
21:39.57gtrmtxif they 'consult' the external user, aka put call on hold, call external number, and once it connects then transfer
21:40.11gtrmtxbut blind transfers do not work at al
21:41.57*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
21:42.29qakhanis there any free Speech to talk engine for *
21:45.45[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, talk IS speech
21:48.05[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, And you're still (badly) aiming at questions that are easily and instantly answered by a Google search.
21:55.44sibiriaqakhan: sphinx
22:00.20*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
22:01.07Samotgtrmtx: That's a Shoretel question. Blind transfers are something they need to handle.
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22:22.17rrittgarnanybody here work with the XML apps on Aastra/Mitel phones before?
22:22.26rrittgarnlooking to see if its possible to control the MWI with an XML app
22:23.54[TK]D-Fender1st result from 5-word Google search
22:25.33rrittgarnapparently i failed at googling
22:25.38rrittgarni appreciate the assistance
22:28.06[TK]D-Fender"mitel SIP XML programming guide" <- if that wasn't your search then you didn't really try aat all
22:29.06rrittgarnit wasn't it was aastra xml mwi
22:29.19rrittgarnand aastra xml administrator guide
22:29.22rrittgarnbut again, thanks
22:35.23*** join/#asterisk robmal (
22:44.29Samot^^ That was found with aastra xml administrator guide
22:44.43SamotA User can configure the MWI using the Mitel Web UI only. An Administrator can configure the
22:44.43SamotMWI on single or all lines using the configuration files or the Mitel Web UI
22:44.51Samot^^ Which states that
22:50.46rrittgarnok that makes sense
22:50.58rrittgarnand i see the stuff about explicit MWI URI, i'm just curious the syntax i guess
22:52.21SamotSIP devices will use the host/OB proxy for things.
22:52.47SamotIf you don't specify certain things they default to the SIP host.
22:53.04SamotDon't set a BLF/Attendant URI, uses the host
22:53.21SamotDon't set a Voicemail/MWI server, uses the host
22:54.04rrittgarnok, so it's doing this in actual sip signalling and If i wanted to make MWI external of * i'd have to set up something like OpenSIPs to handle that?
22:54.10SamotNothing ever states that the voicemail server lives on SIP server.
22:54.23SamotIt's having an external voicemail server.
22:54.33SamotSIP calls go to SIP server
22:54.40SamotVoicemail gets sent to voicemail server.
22:54.47SamotThat's totally possible.
22:54.57SamotIt is totally possible to have SIP services on one server
22:55.02SamotBLF services on another
22:55.06Samotand VM services on another.
22:55.17SamotProviding you with "one Voice service"
22:55.39rrittgarnyeah, which makes sense for a nice distributed environment. I'm still hung up on the mechanics of *how* the phone is doing it so i can figure out how to interface that into an additional system
22:55.51SamotThe phone will have settings.
22:56.04SamotIf the SIP proxy is
22:56.10SamotAnd none of the other settings are set..
22:56.14rrittgarnperfect world I was hoping to use the sip-notify portion to pull an XML to set the MWI on or off... but that's proving more difficult than I had hoped
22:56.16SamotThey all default to
22:56.29SamotThat's now how that works.
22:56.39SamotMWI is a SUBSCRIBE
22:56.59SamotYou are subscribing to the MWI to get a NOTIFY about changes to it
22:57.05rrittgarnok so its sip signalling (UDP 5060 traffic that adheres to RFC 3261)
22:57.16SamotThey all use 5060
22:57.20SamotOr the port that is needed
22:57.45SamotMWI is just another form of BLF
22:58.04rrittgarnexcept on Mitels i can control BLFs with XML messages
22:58.08rrittgarnas well as subscribes
22:58.16SamotI'm giving a comparison
22:58.27SamotWhen the voicemail box receives a NEW message..
22:58.31SamotIt sends a NOTIFY
22:58.40rrittgarnbut MWI is 'special' in this case - at least I haven't found a nice call in the XML for it
22:58.42SamotYou have to be subscribed to receive it
22:58.50SamotThere isn't.
22:58.51rrittgarnyeah, i'm ok with going to a polled interval for this particular project
22:59.01rrittgarni figured as much after reading through things
22:59.37SamotYou want to turn MWI on and off..
22:59.38rrittgarnTrying to offload MWI to something outside the asterisk box that the phones are registered to because they aren't keeping up and apparently that stupid blinking light is important to this customer
22:59.45SamotThat has to be done with the config file.
22:59.51SamotAnd the phone needs to pull the new config
23:00.01SamotWell that's not Asterisk.
23:00.15SamotI just dealt with this at an office.
23:00.28SamotPut in new voice services for them..
23:00.44SamotThey wanted 25 BLF's per phone.
23:00.51SamotThey only had 7 before.
23:01.00SamotOnce we added all those BLFs....
23:01.10SamotTheir NAT went nuts.
23:01.20SamotBecause the PBX is in the cloud.
23:01.30SamotAnd their router wasn't sufficent.
23:01.31rrittgarninteresting, because i would expect those messages to just traverse the same PAT @ the firewall
23:01.37SamotAnd their router wasn't sufficient.
23:01.48SamotBut it is creating MORE messages.
23:01.51SamotThat have to NAT
23:02.00SamotIf the router handles NAT crappy
23:02.15SamotI replaced their router with a real one.
23:02.24SamotAn actual business/enterprise level router
23:02.25rrittgarnyeah, they are running a Checkpoint 5100 - enterprise grade
23:02.27SamotProblems went away
23:02.37SamotWell then, it could be a NAT issue.
23:02.47SamotMoving it to another server doesn't mean the NAT issues will go away
23:02.54SamotDoesn't mean that the MWI doesn't make it to them.
23:02.54rrittgarnwhat I'm seeing is * isn't actually updating the message counts correctly
23:03.02SamotHow so?
23:03.20SamotEmpty mailbox with 0 messages..
23:03.23SamotLeave new message
23:03.31SamotWhat does the NOTIFY show?
23:03.39rrittgarnit increments properly on the new messages
23:03.40SamotDoes it show 1/0?
23:03.46rrittgarnafter deleting they dont go away
23:03.51rrittgarnLastMsgsSent : 1/0
23:03.53rrittgarnwhen there are no messages
23:03.59SamotHow are they deleted?
23:04.08rrittgarnyou're about to throw your hands up
23:04.12rrittgarnIt's real time
23:04.20rrittgarnDB entry is deleted
23:04.22SamotHow do they delete the voicemail.
23:04.24SamotHow do they delete the voicemail?
23:04.35rrittgarnDIal into VoicemailMain and hit 7
23:04.47SamotAnd what is your pooling set to?
23:04.49rrittgarnOR they delete the row in the DB
23:05.23SamotWhat are the pool settings?
23:05.31SamotYou need to have this set to yes
23:05.39SamotYou are modifying things outside of app_voicemail
23:05.58rrittgarnin res_odbc? or in voicemail.conf ?
23:06.26rrittgarni'm not familiar with that setting, and honestly am super appreciative that you didn't just throw your hands up like most others at this point... like seriously thank you for taking the time
23:07.43SamotLook at the poolmailboxes setting and the poolfeq setting
23:07.54SamotIf that is set to no
23:08.02rrittgarnno, i had that one already
23:08.07SamotThen only interactions through app_voicemail will work.
23:08.07rrittgarnits set to yes and the default of 30 seconds
23:08.26SamotThis is why I never store this crap in a DB
23:08.40rrittgarnyeah I'm working on getting it out of there, but it's what i've got for this project
23:09.09rrittgarnwhen you said pooling, i thought you were in reference to odbc pooling, which i have max_connections => 20
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