IRC log for #asterisk on 20171130

00:20.28*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-hkzbjdrvkdlxhmba)
00:32.54*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
00:34.12*** join/#asterisk MrTAP (~MrT@unaffiliated/mrtap)
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01:11.36*** join/#asterisk MrTAP (~MrT@unaffiliated/mrtap)
01:12.15*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
01:13.27*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@2607:fea8:56df:fa6d:c13d:7e2b:341:9de6)
01:15.51Mr_Pleb_Mgoo"chan_sip.c: username mismatch, have <1141>, digest has <s>" - does the "s" mean there is something mangling my auth packets, given that normally the phone it's receiving this auth from works absolutely fine?
01:15.52*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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01:59.17*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
02:09.03*** join/#asterisk SoBlindWolf (
02:13.13*** join/#asterisk kitsune (
02:13.46kitsuneOkay so am I missing something or is pjsip ridiculously complicated compared to chan_sip?
02:24.43*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
02:27.19*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
03:00.15*** join/#asterisk volga629 (~volga629@
03:00.43volga629Hello Everyone is possible set pjsip reply 200 OK on OPTIONS ?
03:01.03volga629keepalive packet
03:12.06*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@2607:fea8:56df:fa6d:5d3c:2230:4cf9:8bb)
03:17.48*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@2607:fea8:56df:fa6d:5d3c:2230:4cf9:8bb)
03:29.28volga629is asterisk understand received part in Path header ?
03:29.37volga629res_pjsip_registrar.c:353 register_aor_core: Invalid modifications made to REGISTER request from '8422-10' by intervening proxy
03:46.23volga629is possible re open
03:46.42volga629I set as information instead bug
03:54.42*** join/#asterisk Pasha (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
04:02.47*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:08.12*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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05:01.56*** join/#asterisk robink (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
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07:45.20*** join/#asterisk MrTAP (~MrT@unaffiliated/mrtap)
07:47.11*** part/#asterisk MrMojit0 (~MrMojit0@
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09:17.40*** part/#asterisk MrMojit0 (~MrMojit0@
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09:28.44*** join/#asterisk Catatronic (~corrupt@unaffiliated/catatronic)
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09:41.14*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
09:46.54*** join/#asterisk lowin (~lowin@unaffiliated/lowin)
09:47.18lowinHello. Is there a way to make pjsip to bind to a specific network interface?
09:59.44*** join/#asterisk hellc2 (
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10:13.24*** join/#asterisk lolose (~lowin@unaffiliated/lowin)
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14:45.03*** join/#asterisk bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:12.43*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-noxygspbkwcspstp)
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15:21.12*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@
15:24.08*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
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16:05.39*** join/#asterisk freebs (~freebs@unaffiliated/freebs)
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16:47.52*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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16:56.43*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@
17:04.24*** part/#asterisk linocisco (~tommy@
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17:11.10*** part/#asterisk neenar (
17:18.08*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@
17:30.37*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-kqjhtdxellvmsmrl)
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17:33.22*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@
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17:48.48*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
17:49.50*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@
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19:10.46lvlinuxI need a bit of help with AMI: I'm trying to delete an endpoint in pjsip.conf using AMI and it isn't deleting the endpoint. I'm using the action "delcat". I'll pastebin...
19:15.04lvlinuxAMI says "Response: Success" but the pjsip.conf isn't changed (other than extra whitespace at the end of the file being removed). Asterisk has write permissions on pjsip.conf
19:17.58lvlinuxI figure I'll probably have to run it more than once to get rid of all three contexts, but that's fine.
19:18.23lvlinuxBut I must have something wrong with what I'm sending AMI or it would be working.
19:26.41*** join/#asterisk Echo6 (~Echo6@
19:32.48lvlinuxany ideas?
19:45.58*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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19:57.18tuxd00dI’m not well versed in AMI, but based on your description it sounds like you’re not matching.
20:00.21tuxd00dI haven’t seen someone use “barf” in their password in a long time …. lol
20:13.02lvlinuxlol hehe it's my goto filler word.
20:14.13lvlinuxThat's what I thought too, as it doesn't seem to be "finding" the context. I tried different variations of 1357: [1357] "1357" "[1357]" with no change.
20:14.27lvlinuxSo I'm not sure what to try next.
20:23.00SamotIt shouldn't be encapsulated in anything
20:23.04SamotIt's just 1357
20:24.00SamotBut you have two that match
20:30.07lvlinuxWell I tried it unencapsulated first.
20:30.45lvlinuxI added another that didn't have multiple matches, and it didn't delete it either.
20:36.40*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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21:01.46*** join/#asterisk iheartlinux (
21:04.55*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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21:06.16*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
21:22.26*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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21:44.45*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
22:04.52*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@2607:fea8:56df:fa6d:c96:1026:1f88:3dc8)
22:07.01*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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22:14.24*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
22:16.31*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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22:20.36*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
22:24.03*** join/#asterisk ghoti (~paul@
22:47.19*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
23:02.25*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
23:20.54*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
23:34.08*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
23:35.09*** join/#asterisk Yiota (~textual@2607:fea8:56df:fa6d:5d2:d4f4:3502:e59d)

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