IRC log for #asterisk on 20171121

00:10.09*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-nshbhbzqyddgfezb)
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00:39.19Kobaz[2017-11-20 12:25:09.991] WARNING[7309] chan_sip.c: Autodestruct on dialog '1926a28b52eefd9d4e3af4c740e23a8a@' with owner SIP/104-00000ce3 in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
00:39.22Kobazwhat would cause that?
00:50.07SamotAre  you running something in the h extension?
00:50.25SamotThat means there's something happening with a call that is no longer happening.
00:52.49*** join/#asterisk Korolev (
00:53.15Kobaztrying to find more.. exactly why
00:53.23SamotWell, are you doing something with the calls at hangup?
00:53.31SamotAre you running a query? Calling a script?
00:53.36Kobazyeah, but, this is happening before the hangup
00:53.41Kobazthis is the *cause* of the hangup
00:54.04SamotThat means it got a BYE.
00:54.15SamotShow a full call this happens on.
00:54.32Kobazokay so it's receiving a BYE, not sending a BYE due to some issue
00:54.41SamotI don't know.
00:54.42SamotShow a full call this happens on.
00:54.45Kobazi don't have the sip capture on this, so i don't have the exact sequencing
00:54.56SamotNeed to see it happen
00:55.19Kobazi need to get homer up one of these days
00:55.28*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
00:56.30Kobazthere's really no reason not to continually capture all non register/options sip dialogs
00:56.51Kobazunless you're handling like 100 calls a second, it would be pretty neglegable load
00:57.20Kobazhonestly it looks like something bad happened internally, and asterisk is sending a BYE
00:57.28Kobazi gotta look though the code to see
00:58.07Kobazi've seen this before on my own box in the office... calls randomly drop apparently for no reason
00:58.19Kobazi have captured those... and asterisk sends a BYE during setup
00:58.37SamotNeed to see a real debug
00:58.44SamotNeed to see the BYE messages
00:58.45Kobazthat's all i got
00:58.54Kobazi told you i don't have the sip dialog
01:01.44Kobazso basically, that log item is from sip_scheddestroy()
01:01.52Kobazand it's called from a variety of places
01:02.33Kobaznotice the softhangup is after the autodestruct
01:02.43Kobazso autodestruct caused the softhangup
01:02.55OeaaIs it pretty normal to have a log completely spammed full of jitterbuffer resyncs?
01:02.55Kobazif it was a normal hangup, you would see softhangup first
01:03.02*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
01:03.19KobazSamot: oej's whodoneit patch would be useful here
01:03.36Kobazi forgot the name, he's got some crazy names... pinefrog and whatnot
01:04.24Oeaa[Nov 20 18:00:56] WARNING[20059][C-00000002] chan_iax2.c: Resyncing the jb. last_delay 5, this delay -47385, threshold 1050, new offset 56479
01:04.34Kobazoh, iax
01:04.51Oeaajust completely packed full, the log file... every several seconds.
01:05.19OeaaI've had several agents with some pretty bad stuttering but I wrote it up as packetloss, netstats revealed as much
01:05.27Oeaabut I was just wondering if i'm missing something here with a log file full of that..
01:06.47KobazOeaa: i'm checking out the logging in the module for this... there's no verbosity setting for that message
01:06.56*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
01:07.10Kobazso that message is printed when there's a large change in delay
01:07.34Oeaadelay as in latency?  because it's just completely spammed... but I also have around 30 agents on and dialing
01:07.53Kobazi don't really know the jitterbuffer code
01:07.58Kobazthat's a good #asterisk-dev question
01:08.09Oeaayeah me either, I may just turn off the adaptive jitterbuffer and see how performance is.
01:08.17OeaaMaybe switch everyone over to speex from u-law
01:08.48Kobazthat's basically it for the docs on that, so far
01:09.08Kobazit sounds like you have a lot of jitter, and the swing is wide
01:09.29KobazOeaa: do an mtr on some of your endpoints that seems to have high latency
01:10.27OeaaHmm not a bad idea.  PBX running in a vmware esxi as well so i'm sure it's not the most ideal situation
01:10.41Oeaai'm sure there's some timing issues
01:10.52Kobazhow loaded down is the host?
01:11.27Oeaathe vm.. not so much, the host.. i honestly couldn't tell you because I don't have any access to it.  Just have access to the PBX itself.
01:11.45OeaaVM sits at about 27% cpu util with 30 or so agents dialing via predictive diaelr
01:12.21Kobazwhat's your iowait
01:12.39Kobazhigh io is a death knell for asterisk
01:13.14OeaaCpu(s): 12.1%us,  3.9%sy,  0.1%ni, 83.6%id,  0.1%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.3%si,  0.0%st
01:13.22Kobazokay, that's good, very good
01:13.25Kobazit sounds networking-related
01:13.31Kobazdo some mtr
01:13.40Kobazhit j, check for big swings in jitter
01:13.42Oeaayeah i'm pretty sure it has to be agent leg, i mean who knows what kinda wifi
01:13.49Oeaacongestion and all that jazz
01:14.25KobazSamot: what i'm seeing. is that really... i'll need to reproduce the problem with asterisk core on debug 3
01:14.37Kobazpretty much all the sip stuff i would need is using 3
01:17.44Kobazor... even better... is strip out all the sip setup into its own debug.. because i don't care about all the other stuff just yet
01:21.27Kobazlooks like that's already done, yay :)
01:21.39Kobazyay for new-er asterisk.... core set debug 3 chan_sip.c
01:29.18*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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13:08.48wasanzycan I assign more than one value to a key in AstDB?
13:10.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
13:10.42[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy, no
13:12.33*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~dar@2602:306:bcbf:e750:d8e1:ae3d:6fbf:3b50)
13:12.41wasanzyok thank you
13:12.54wasanzyI would have to use mysql then
13:19.13[TK]D-Fenderwe don't know.
13:19.21[TK]D-Fenderyou haven't described an actual need
13:23.27wasanzyI want to build a solution that will require a lot of dialplan code and I want to minimize that by using backend. Reason: I have come up with five levels of categories.
13:23.45wasanzyIf there is a way I can send you my diagram, please let me know so you can advice
13:24.08[TK]D-Fenderwhich you should know already....
13:24.23[TK]D-Fenderor any other picture sharing service
13:24.24josecapurrowasanzy: sounds like AGI and a database backend.
13:24.42wasanzyjosecapurro: yes
13:24.47[TK]D-Fendernot yet it doesn't
13:24.58[TK]D-Fenderthat is still a hollow answer
13:25.08josecapurro[TK]D-Fender: OK. Sorry.
13:26.04[TK]D-Fenderhis first sentences said nothing.  "5 levels of categories" doesn't say anything meaningful either about the other dimensions of data, or how many unique values, etc
13:29.03wasanzyplease you will have to zoom to see clearly
13:29.20wasanzyI don't want to write so many dialplan for this
13:32.15[TK]D-FenderI see what looks like IVR levels....but it isn't quite clear exactly how much DATA is in there
13:33.11[TK]D-Fenderunder 1 > 4 (general) > 3 (After Payment) <------------- what happenes here?
13:33.26[TK]D-FenderI don't see where actual data comes in
13:34.46wasanzy[TK]D-Fender:  That is the last level in that case. A clip will be played to the caller with the info he or she is requesting for.
13:35.45[TK]D-FenderWhat "case"?
13:36.04[TK]D-FenderYou aren't saying what is VARIABLE in here.
13:36.39[TK]D-FenderWhere does DATA come in?  So far you are showing what looks like a menu tree.  Nowhere are you clearly saying "I'm looking something up here"
13:39.13wasanzythat is a menu tree as you put it. and all the menu are associated with a clip instructing the user what to do at each stage. when the use gets to  1 > 4 (general) > 3 (After Payment) as you pointed out, the After Payment is a clip behind that menu again and will be played to the user
13:39.45[TK]D-FenderAgain, where is a DATA LOOKUP?
13:39.53[TK]D-Fenderyou're describing a MENU with PROMPTS
13:39.58[TK]D-FenderNOTHING in that is VARIABLE.
13:40.19wasanzyI want to build that menu tree by using db. meaning asterisk will query db to retrieve the next menu base on what the user chose and so on till the end of the call.
13:40.20[TK]D-FenderWhere is ***DATA*** in there?
13:40.54[TK]D-FenderBecause a series of menus with prompts is just an IVR.
13:42.07[TK]D-Fenderpress 1 (get a fixed prompt), press 4 (get a fixed prompt), press 4 "2012 Retirement".  What happens there?
13:42.08wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: Yes is just an IVR but you realized I will have to write a lot of context for this menu tree. But with backend, I may only need two or three context
13:42.36[TK]D-FenderYou want to use a DB to DEFINE those levels?
13:42.45wasanzyRetirement: There is a clip that will be played.
13:43.00wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: Yes I want to use a DB to DEFINE those levels
13:44.10wasanzyso asterisk will be dealing with variables instead of fixed values in the dialplan
13:44.27[TK]D-FenderThAT would be a serious mess
13:44.42[TK]D-FenderYour idea makes no sense to implement in dialplan at all
13:45.02wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: maybe am not explaining well
13:45.02[TK]D-FenderForget Astb, even the DIALPLAN CODE for this would be a complicated mess for nothing
13:45.14[TK]D-FenderI think I got what you want
13:45.23[TK]D-FenderIMPLEMENTING it would be a complete waste
13:45.41[TK]D-Fenderhaving to look up what level you are at, knowing that some just leavd to SUB menus, etc.
13:45.48[TK]D-FenderYeah, this is akinda a stupid mess
13:45.59wasanzywhy would it be a mess?
13:46.24[TK]D-FenderYou don't have a "drill down" set of engine code to power this which is the dialplan you'd have to write to know you're 2 levels deep and it has sub menus
13:46.35[TK]D-Fenderand from what you've described I could have written the entire thing by now.
13:46.54[TK]D-Fendera "normal"
13:46.59wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: I have an engine code
13:47.06[TK]D-FenderWhat out of this is VARIABLE?
13:47.57wasanzyI will implement it and let you know how I solved it.
13:48.09[TK]D-Fender<wasanzy> [TK]D-Fender: I have an engine code <- you can't have this without a DATA SOURCE.  And since you were lokoing for one, this doesn't sound possible
13:48.22[TK]D-FenderYour description is still broken.
13:48.51[TK]D-FenderAnd your goal hasn't been described in a way where having those choices stored adds any VALUE.
13:48.59wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: normally use mysql, but I was thinking of using something else that is why I asked about Astdb
13:49.11[TK]D-Fendernothing in there sounsd VARIABLE.
13:49.19[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> press 1 (get a fixed prompt), press 4 (get a fixed prompt), press 4 "2012 Retirement".  What happens there?
13:49.52[TK]D-FenderIf I go though that chain and ALWAYS get the same stupid recording, then it isn't VARIABLE.  Having to go to a DB for that chain doesn't add VALUE.
13:50.11[TK]D-FenderHow is this structure or the result CHANGING to give a reason for being in a DB?
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13:51.29[TK]D-FenderAnd then WHO is going to change those values in there?  HOW are they going to do it the first time?  Then to update it?
13:51.30wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: The recordings are actually not going to be fixed. the menu will not be fixed. they will change.
13:51.41[TK]D-Fenderby WHOM?
13:52.05[TK]D-Fenderthis  determines the type of tools you should be using
13:52.31wasanzyThis solution is for other people to opt-in. they will be uniquely defined with account numbers.
13:52.34[TK]D-Fenderand how often is this expected to change?
13:52.40*** join/#asterisk dym (~patrick@unaffiliated/dym)
13:52.47[TK]D-FenderWhere do i see account numbers in there?
13:53.03[TK]D-FenderHow do I see this flow doing anything different based on that fact?
13:53.11[TK]D-FenderYour description is useless
13:54.26wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: yea is my fault. I didn't indicated that. This is just a menu structure to show how the menus flow. The actual implementation am yet to do a design for that
13:54.44[TK]D-FenderYou have not described the need for DATA at all
13:54.59[TK]D-FenderThis has been a complete waste of time
13:55.01wasanzyThis is not data model is just a flow
13:55.11dymHey all! Im having an odd problem with my snom370. I moved a working asterisk installation from one machine to another and reconfigured the phones, now all i get is "403" and nothing shows up in the asterisk verbose log. This is the sip log of a call initiation. Does anyone have an idea?
13:55.13[TK]D-FenderYou were asking about a DATABASE
13:55.21[TK]D-FenderWhy do I give a shit about the MENU?
13:55.27[TK]D-FenderWhy are you wasting out time on that?
13:55.51[TK]D-FenderWhere are you MANIPULATING DATA?!
13:56.58wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: The menus are variables. the values will be stored in database. I will build upon the engine I have to manipulate the data
13:57.12asteriskmonkeyhe wants realtime?
13:57.36wasanzythanks for your time, I have learn a lot. I will build upon that and get back.
13:57.45wasanzyasteriskmonkey: realtime
13:58.15[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey, He wants a way to store enough data to describe a menu flow including going to sub-menus, or to play a prompt.  All of that structure to be defined in a DB of some kind
13:58.58[TK]D-FenderFrom what little he's actually said
13:59.39asteriskmonkeyoh he wants to make a commercial product :P
14:00.09[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey, It's not entirely clear.  He has very little ability to actually describe anything.
14:00.39[TK]D-FenderIt not clear what he will use to FILL that tree data in.
14:00.55[TK]D-FenderAnd that determines what STORAGE might be best for it.
14:01.14[TK]D-FenderAnd the actual variable naturee of that data should determine f this entire exercise is jsut stupid
14:01.36asteriskmonkeyi see, well in that case he needs atleast a 4million dollar oracle licesnse with odb connector :)
14:01.37[TK]D-FenderYou don't build an entire pizzaria when you just want 1 stupid pizza.
14:02.54*** join/#asterisk [douglasqsantos] (~douglasqs@
14:02.59[TK]D-Fenderdym, idea: look at the peer it's matching
14:03.30[TK]D-FenderFound peer 'pgsip' for 'pgsip' from
14:04.17*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
14:05.27dym[TK]D-Fender: That's the phones name, registered as friend in sip.conf.
14:06.02dym[TK]D-Fender: theres no peer defined as pgsip.
14:06.29dym[TK]D-Fender: I have one upstream peer defined, which is my online pbx to initiate external calls.
14:06.35[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Found peer 'pgsip' for 'pgsip' from <------ [pgsip] very clearly is
14:06.50[TK]D-Fender"Found peer"
14:06.56[TK]D-Fenderyou have an entry
14:07.08[TK]D-Fendergo look at its definition and run-time status
14:07.33dymdoes defining something in brackets already count as peer, regardless of the type set?
14:07.48[TK]D-Fenderfriend = peer + user
14:09.01dymwhat is the second "pgsip" in this? Found peer 'pgsip' for 'pgsip', the phone name? i wonder where it clashes.
14:09.01[TK]D-Fenderfor a call peer only matches on HOST.  user would allow to match by the FROM
14:09.14[TK]D-Fenderthe second is the name the inbound call came in from
14:09.22dym(this worked until 24 hours ago :D, thats why im puzzled)
14:09.27[TK]D-FenderFrom: "Patrick" <sip:pgsip@>;tag=uwfwhi4esc
14:09.46dymright, thats the sip username.
14:09.53[TK]D-Fender"used to work" tells us nothing.  as I said, LOOK AT IS STATUS NOW
14:10.07dymits not working, thats correct.
14:10.09[TK]D-Fender"sip show peer pgsip"
14:10.13[TK]D-Fenderlook at the DEFINITION
14:13.22dymSorry, from my understanding, i had to define a sip user in sip.conf, which then would be classified by type. So using peer instead of user is what seems to be the problem?
14:13.41dymusername and the definition are both called pgsip
14:14.58[TK]D-FenderI didn't tell you to go make anything
14:15.03[TK]D-FenderI told you to look at what you had
14:15.17dymi didnt change anything :)
14:15.23dymi am looking at what i have.
14:15.32dymi just dont seem to see the problem /:
14:15.50[TK]D-FenderWhere's the other thing I told you to look at?
14:16.39dymthe general definition of a peer?
14:16.51[TK]D-FenderAlso, "username" no longer exists, "canerinvite" should be "directmedia" now, and you shouldn't have an "insecure" on that
14:17.06[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> "sip show peer pgsip" <=-----------------------------------------
14:18.18[TK]D-Fender"sip show peers" <- for the full list to see what else you have coming from various hosts
14:18.36dymYes, im aware of that.
14:18.39dymIt's right here:
14:18.44dymI did look at it, just didnt paste.
14:19.36[TK]D-FenderSo far looks ok, lets see the full peer dump list
14:21.21[TK]D-Fenderorsip/orsip                                    D  Yes        Yes            1030     OK (22 ms)
14:21.29[TK]D-Fenderpgsip/pgsip                                    D  Yes        Yes            1030     OK (22 ms)
14:21.33[TK]D-Fendersame IP....
14:21.40dym[TK]D-Fender: Those are 2 sip accounts on the snome phone.
14:21.47dymits deliberate.
14:21.47[TK]D-Fendernow we've got some potential for screwups
14:21.52[TK]D-Fenderneed to look at then both
14:22.01dymsip show peer wise?
14:22.19[TK]D-Fenderremove the INSECURE first and fix up the parameters as I've described for bot.  retest, and then if still failing, show new debug for both
14:22.44asteriskmonkeyanyone got a patch for playback to autotranscode from url targets?
14:23.39*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
14:24.43dym[TK]D-Fender: on it.
14:29.43dym[TK]D-Fender: - the phone has stopped registering altogether.
14:29.43*** join/#asterisk dar123 (~dar@2602:306:bcbf:e750:d8e1:ae3d:6fbf:3b50)
14:29.58dymalthough the peers show up
14:30.22[TK]D-Fenderlooks like a networking or device issue
14:30.39dymoh sorry
14:30.40dymhere they come
14:30.42[TK]D-Fenderbecause it has an IP on file and is trying to qualify
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14:31.58dym[TK]D-Fender: Debug.
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14:44.09dym[TK]D-Fender: Also another paste of peerdetails when available:
14:48.42SamotHow come all the devices show connected on LAN/Private IPs but show they are behind NAT and looks like their ports are from router WAN NAT?
14:49.21*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
14:49.57SamotAddr->IP     : <--- 103x common WAN NAT port.
14:50.40dymSamot: they are all on the same lan.
14:50.59SamotAs Asterisk?
14:51.13SamotThen why are they showing behind NAT?
14:51.13dymip addresses of the phones are DHCP
14:51.32SamotBecause, they're not.
14:52.23dymthey are showing they are behind nat because they are not?
14:52.27SamotYou have that
14:52.42Samotorsoft/orsoft                                  D  Yes        Yes            54240    OK (1 ms)
14:52.45Samot^^^ That
14:52.56SamotThose Yes Yes should be No No if you are on the same LAN
14:53.20SamotThose two settings are NAT settings for the endpoint
14:53.33SamotYou're telling Asterisk all your phones are behind NAT
14:53.36SamotWhich they are not.
14:53.47dymSamot: the phones and the LAN asterisk server are on the same private network. however the asterisk server itself connects to an upstream asterisk to dialout.
14:54.04SamotStill doesn't change what I just said.
14:54.11SamotYou have a phone on the same network as ASterisk
14:54.17SamotYou've told Asterisk the phone is behind NAT
14:54.20SamotBut it's not.
14:54.22dymsip.conf general:
14:54.47dymnat=yes is incorrect here too?
14:55.00Samotforce_rport='No' <-- that's not right
14:55.21dymnat=force_comedia,rport <-- where did you see this setting?
14:55.28dymor did you derive?
14:55.37dymfrom one of the peers i assume
14:56.08Samotforce_rport is not a standalone setting
14:56.13dymbecause the asterisk server itself is indeed behind a nat.
14:56.21SamotNor should there ever be single quotes around a setting value.
14:56.23dymfacing the internet
14:56.32Samotforce_rport is not a standalone setting
14:56.37Kobazwhat's the cheapest single port or dual-port fxo that you guys know of
14:56.39dymi've removed that.
14:56.40SamotNor should there ever be single quotes around a setting value.
14:57.17Samotnat=yes is the same as nat=force_comedia,rport
14:57.49SamotWhat is your local net settings?
14:58.05dymi have the only.
14:58.18dym10.1.15.1 beeing the firewall.
14:58.27dym10.1.15.5 *
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15:13.20dymSamot: okay - still it doesnt work. any idea on how to proceed?
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15:23.52dymSamot: sorry, in fact it is working now.
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15:38.08Kobazthat looks a little too cheap
15:43.56[TK]D-Fender"Use with SIP Service ONLY - Does NOT Support Google Voice " <- yup, there goes its value.....
15:44.06[TK]D-Fenderthat was to original point of ever buying one
15:44.16Kobazfor google voice?
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15:52.29dnitHi, I am unable to play music on hold
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16:02.20[TK]D-FenderGo test it directly
16:08.22dnitI tested but its considering on default
16:08.31dnitSo when I changed it in default it worked.
16:08.56dnitI meant put the contents of new_moh in default
16:09.34[TK]D-Fenderwell those contentx look nothing alike so you're clearly getting something wrong in there
16:10.12dnitI wanted to follow
16:10.28dnitSo I wrote BridgeWait(,participant,m(new_moh))
16:11.03[TK]D-Fendergo prove your classes are loaded correctly
16:11.30*** join/#asterisk MrTAP (~MrT@unaffiliated/mrtap)
16:12.43dnitYes they are loaded correctly
16:14.24[TK]D-FenderTime to look at parallel testing of them
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19:13.09nnyGood afternoon all. I am assisting someone with troubleshooting a 3rd party app's inability to auth on the SRTP stream. The error is SRTP unprotect failed with 10/110. I have successfully registered and tested a commerical app (Zopier) and it works fine using the same certificate etc. I do not believe this to be an issue with Asterisk but rather th
19:13.09nnye third party app. The app IS registering with TLS at least. I don't expect much support on this as the nature of the issue is outside asterisk BUT if anyone could tell me specificaly why that error is thrown I can pass it to them and hopefully they can figure it out
19:17.50josecapurronny: That error is thrown in the Asterisk log/CLI, or in the 3rd party app?
19:18.01nnyjosecapurro: Asterisk CLI
19:22.44josecapurronny: Which version of Asterisk? 13? 11?
19:24.02josecapurronny: It can be problem with the app. I can't find anything on it but some dude saying it was resolved with Asterisk 13.
19:24.22nnyjosecapurro: Asterisk 13
19:24.22fileit's a libsrtp message, 110 if I recall means that decryption failed based on the key we know
19:25.24josecapurrofile: I've found it in res/res_srtp.c, L:415
19:25.29nnythat's how I understand it too. I believe the app may just be messing up the key process
19:26.48nnyZoiper seems to request the key from the server vs. the app which requires the .pem file be uploaded to it
19:26.48nnybut the app is succeeding on TLS auth (prior it did not) so it at least handles that key process correctly
19:26.58fileTLS and SRTP are unrelated
19:27.19filethe SRTP key is passed in the SDP, can be exchanged over any SIP transport but logically makes sense to do it over TLS so it can't be intercepted
19:27.42jvwjgames_Hey guys again
19:27.56jvwjgames_outbound and inbound calls are failing
19:28.36jvwjgames_but because i have TLS active
19:28.53jvwjgames_all the cpnsole is giving me is Setting global variable 'SIPDOMAIN' to '
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19:32.14nnysorry got disconnected
19:32.24nnyif anyone responded after my last statement let me know
19:34.04jvwjgames_can anyone help me
19:34.28jvwjgames_nny can you help me with TLS
19:34.47nnyjvwjgames_: I am working on an issue with it, what is your question?
19:35.05jvwjgames_i have it setup but when i try to use it it says network busy and the consle spits out Setting global variable 'SIPDOMAIN' to '
19:35.40nnythat's not an error
19:36.00nnyjvwjgames_: is this Freepbx?
19:36.23nnywell, um yeah you should go to #freepbx for support on it
19:40.29nnyjosecapurro: sorry bud did you respond after my last message?
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19:41.23Oeaahey guys... been having completely random segfaults out of nowhere during production and i cant seem to pinpoint the cause.... any ideas?
19:41.27OeaaNov 19 22:07:13 pbx4 kernel: asterisk[4298]: segfault at 8 ip 00a60427 sp b610dd34 error 4 in[9ec000+190000]
19:41.27OeaaNov 21 02:13:20 pbx4 kernel: asterisk[27918]: segfault at 8 ip 00a60427 sp b17c5e48 error 4 in[9ec000+190000]
19:41.27OeaaNov 21 20:24:31 pbx4 kernel: asterisk[29810]: segfault at 8 ip 00a60427 sp b299ac34 error 4 in[9ec000+190000]
19:42.42Oeaaor any clue how I can root this out and prevent it... I mean it just started happening... no idea why, no changes made.. ugh
19:44.06OeaaI have gdb attached at the moment so hopefully another one will happen
19:44.42Oeaaperfect thank you very much.
19:56.19sibiriais there any sort of guide to what debug level various output has?
19:56.30sibiriaf.e. i'd like to get rid of dsp.c's DTMF spam on the debug channel
19:56.52sibiria(but i'd like to keep other debug info)
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20:26.04kharwellsibiria: none that I am aware. You can take a look in the source file and search for what level the debug message is being outputted at
20:27.00kharwellfor instance in if you look for "ast_debug" you'll see the majority of debug is at level 5, a few at 1, and a couple at 10. So <5 should reduce the number of messages
20:28.08kharwellyou can also enable debug level logging for specific modules. See "core set debug" here:
20:28.43kharwellUnfortunately it seems setting the global debug level will override any specific module settings
20:31.30sibiriakharwell: thanks for the advice
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20:49.49wonderworldi dial multiple local channels with dial(). inside of these local channels, after some redirection checks, i dial SIP peers. i need to set some customCDR fields for the local channel that succeeds to dial a peer which picks up the call. i have no idea on where to put the customCDR, because i seem to have no possibility after a successful dial, and i can't set them before, because they depend on the peer that picked up the call.
20:49.50wonderworldi need to know which peer picked up the call, to set the correct customCDR.
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20:53.36MrTAPwonderworld: check the U option to run a gosub on the answering channel and implement your logic there
20:55.10dymSamot: And by the next asterisk restart, things were back to "forbidden". I just dont get it.
20:56.25wonderworldMrTAP: Thanks a lot, will have a look.
20:59.00dymMaybe someone else can make sense of this: I have a sipphone with 2 accounts on it registered to my local asterisk. When i try dialing out, i get "forbidden". Please see full config/log:
21:01.29Samotdym: Why does all this look like your device is behind NAT
21:01.46Samotdym: Or is the SNOM actually listening on 1034?
21:01.48MrTAPdym: having your devices use the same IP & port for two different users is your issue
21:02.32MrTAPread the default sip.conf file under "DEVICE CONFIGURATION" for some info about type=friend, type=user, type=peer
21:04.09dymMrTAP: It's one device! It's a SNOM 370 with 2 Accounts on it.
21:04.25Samotdym: Or is the SNOM actually listening on 1034?
21:04.48dymwould this be udp?
21:05.01SamotThis would be in the SNOM
21:05.01dymi did not configure it to.
21:05.09dymits randomly chosen, i assume.
21:05.19SamotSo please go into the SNOM and tell me what it is set to
21:05.55dymIm looking for some sort of port definition?
21:06.11SamotNetwork identity (port):
21:06.31SamotIt will be in the Setup -> Advanced -> SIP/RTP section
21:06.34SamotWith the sip timers
21:07.45SamotOK. So set that to 5060
21:08.09dymDone, Rebooting Phone.
21:08.30MrTAPdym: if you do a dialplan show 01728222720@pgsip  you get output that makes sense?
21:09.24dymMrTAP: Oddly enough, no. tel*CLI> dialplan show 01728222720@pgsip
21:09.24dymThere is no existence of 'pgsip' context
21:09.24dymCommand 'dialplan show 01728222720@pgsip' failed.
21:09.31MrTAPWell.... there's your problem
21:09.33dymThe dialplan AND the section are there though
21:09.43MrTAPthat's where the 403 is coming from
21:09.45dymMrTAP: This is a migrated asterisk setup
21:09.57dymextensions.conf is fully populated.
21:10.08*** join/#asterisk sekil (
21:10.12dymtel*CLI> dialplan show
21:10.12dym-= 0 extensions (0 priorities) in 0 contexts. =-
21:10.38SamotThat is not the problem
21:10.44[TK]D-FenderDialplan has nothing to do with this
21:10.58SamotYou are trying to find a SIP context in a dialplan context.
21:11.06SamotThat is never going to work.
21:11.07MrTAPSamot: look under the sip config
21:11.17SamotThat's for INCOMING
21:11.24SamotPlease follow along.
21:11.38[TK]D-FenderCaller is getting refused
21:11.39dymone second!
21:11.45SamotAlso nothing to do with auth
21:11.48dymthis could be a simple permissions issue.
21:12.04MrTAPauth is good.  INVITE -> 401 -> ACK -> INVITE -> 403
21:12.12Samot403 = bad
21:12.13[TK]D-Fender403 = total fail
21:12.19SamotNot allowed
21:12.25MrTAPhave ya'll tried placing an outbound call when the sip peer context doesn't exist?
21:12.28[TK]D-Fender403 = Get the fuck out.
21:12.34dymokay, it's not.
21:12.35SamotINVITE -> 401 -> ACK -> INVITE -> 200 OK
21:12.41Samot^^ that's how it should be
21:12.48SamotWell with some 1xx's in there too
21:12.54SamotBut 403 is a total failure.
21:12.54[TK]D-Fender<MrTAP> have ya'll tried placing an outbound call when the sip peer context doesn't exist? <- caller is REJECTED.  Not their requested number.  THEM
21:13.11dymPhone is back, accounts unregistered.
21:13.29[TK]D-FenderFound peer 'pgsip' for 'pgsip' from <- caller is matched against a peer
21:13.32sekilgot rid of yeastar finally...
21:13.43dymhere we go
21:13.45[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 403 Forbidden <- but auth is REJECTED
21:14.01dymI seriously dont know why and how
21:14.03dymbut it works now.
21:14.19SamotThe same thing I asked hours ago
21:14.28SamotWhy did your endpoint look like a random NAT port.
21:14.38dymDo they have to be statically defined?
21:14.41dymDidnt they they did
21:15.04SamotThis is an SNOM issue.
21:15.15SamotSo yeah, it can't be blank.
21:15.29dymmucho annoying
21:15.39dymThanks everyone involved/enraged _D
21:16.16SamotSome phones do not allow unique SIP ports per SIP account.
21:16.20SamotSNOM is one of them.
21:16.25SamotThey deal with it at their level.
21:16.51dymI deliberately have a local asterisk server to circumvent any nat issues
21:17.03SamotPlus you are matching on port
21:17.04dymso i have a 1:1 connection from local * to upstream *
21:17.09SamotPlus you are matching on port
21:17.14SamotSo that's important.
21:17.16dymon both users?
21:17.20dymdid i?
21:17.26SamotThe 403 came from ASterisk.
21:17.37dymwhat do you mean by matching on port?
21:17.41SamotAuthorization: Digest username="pgsip",realm="asterisk",nonce="3471bd6c",uri="sip:01728222720@;user=phone",response="7e7fbb23eb11638ed8428bfb08b99101",algorithm=MD5
21:17.51Samot^^ There's no port in the URI
21:25.18[TK]D-Fenderpacks up to head home...
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21:35.23sekilpanasonic does this too
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22:14.59Korolevhow do I get rid of this message: "Correct auth, but based on stale nonce received from peername"
22:15.12Korolevall I've found on google is pedantic=no, but it doesn't change anything
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22:28.27MrTAPKorolev: turn off sip debug and it should go away.  it's just a harmless warning
22:29.13KorolevMrTAP, sometimes the device loses registration and it won't register again
22:30.14Korolevthey are in the same network segment, I thought that stale nonce was the reason asterisk would refuse registration
22:30.56MrTAPWhen I have sip debug on I see that message constantly while everything is happily working.  So I mean if the device isn't using the new nonce at all, then yeah your device isn't going to work
22:32.13Korolevok, so you vote for buggy device?
22:33.18MrTAPWithout any more info I can't say... sip debugs would help but I don't have the time to help much more
22:33.27MrTAPJust thought I'd let you know that message on it's own doesn't mean there is a problem
22:47.45Samot5:14:59 PM K<Korolev> how do I get rid of this message: "Correct auth, but based on stale nonce received from peername" <-- There's nothing wrong with this message.
22:47.53SamotThat means a Re-REGISTER has happened.
22:49.18SamotKorolev: Devices do not "lose" registration really.
22:49.47SamotIf Asterisk is dumping the registration of a device that could likely be due to the device not responding to Asterisk's keepalives.
22:50.02SamotThe device will not register again until it's expire time is reached.
22:50.08SamotOr you force one.
22:51.23KorolevSamot, thanks, sounds like I need to recheck the network
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22:53.13SamotI'd look to see if that endpoint is going UNREACHABLE
22:53.19SamotThat will show up in sip show peers
22:53.35SamotOr even in the console logs
22:54.03SamotAsterisk will mark the endpoint UNREACHABLE and still try to reach it before completely dropping it.
22:54.12SamotBut in that state, incoming calls will not work
22:54.15SamotOutgoing will.
22:54.22SamotFrom the endpoint.
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