IRC log for #asterisk on 20171013

00:13.36*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/suzeanne)
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07:37.20Dirk23Hey. I have a FreePBX up and running. I am  searching for a TAPI Driver for Windows or something like that, to connect my FreePBX with a CTI Software. Any suggestions?
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09:32.28tafa2could anyone tell me how I could re-write caller ID's?
09:33.01tafa2IF incoming caller ID = starts with 07, re-write to strip the leading 0 and prepend with 44
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09:40.16pawieckitafa2: Use Set and ${CALLERID(num)} variable?
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09:41.43pawieckiexten => 07X.,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=44${CALLERID(num):1}) - correct me if I'm wrong
09:42.07vltHello. In my dialplan I make an HTPP request for every incoming call. In the HTTP server logs I can see exactly when that happened. Now, hardly a single datetime matches with any in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv. Both servers' time is in sync. Any idea what might be a reason for this?
09:44.47*** join/#asterisk shuishui_ (~chirpin-2@
09:45.50vltvlt: UTC
09:46.18vltvlt: Thanks ;-)
09:46.47pawieckivlt: are you thanking yourself? :)
09:48.31vltpawiecki: Yes :-)  I just saved me a lot of time.
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10:04.51tafa2pawiecki thanks bud
10:05.07tafa2is that conditional on the fact that if the number starts with 07?
10:05.23tafa2cos I've been looking at ExecIf
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10:26.10pawieckitafa2: exten => 07X. will match any dialed number, that starts with 07 and is at least 3-digit. Check out the docs (they are really cool):
10:29.09pawieckialso, ExecIf is fine, but I don't think you need it here. Try to keep things simple :)
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10:30.01tafa2Dialled numbers is all good
10:30.10tafa2I need to re-write *incoming* numbers
10:30.30tafa2so if you call me from 07xxx I need to re-write it to 447xxx
10:41.37*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
10:46.07*** join/#asterisk Marquel (~Marquel@fuchsfanclub/allerdings/marquel)
10:47.33Marquelshort question: is it possible to remotely hangup a calling channel? that is: a channel is calling an extension (thus Dial() is currently active) and now any extension executes a command that will send a Hangup() to that calling channel?
11:03.21pawieckitafa2: sorry, i misunderstood that. You can use ExecIf or GotoIf with another context. For example: exten => s,1,GotoIf($[ "${CALLERID(num):0:2}" = "07" ]?set-new-cid:continue)
11:04.15pawieckiMarquel: yes
11:07.59Marquelpawiecki: you don't have a howto handy?
11:08.29Marquelpawiecki: tried PickupChan() with the channel of the incoming call, but that was "not found".
11:08.37pawieckiMarquel: Start with this => and make your way into a working mechanism
11:16.47pawieckiMarquel: also, why do you want to hangup channels?
11:18.39Marquelpawiecki: suppose i have an external call ringing multiple internal extensions. now i do not want to take that call and get all internal extensions to get silent (noone else around to take the call) - so i want to "reject" that external call not only for "my" extensions but also on behalf of all others too.
11:27.33pawieckiMarquel: That doesn't feel right. Phones are supposed to ring, and people are supposed to answer them. Maybe set the ringtones to be more quiet or redo the dialplan so it's more suit to those types of situations (no people available to answer).
11:29.21Marquelpawiecki: trust me, when you are busy and your grandpa calls for the sixth time in five minutes with same issue and you really seriously have no time to answer, you want to reject that call. and in such a manner his phone tells him he's rejected.
11:29.25pawieckiYou can for example change ringing strategy (ring one phone at a time, in a row) and duration (5 seconds and hangup).
11:32.26pawieckiMarquel: oh, I see, so that's more of a social than technical problem. Tell him to stop calling you or answer and Playback announce that tells him you're busy and to write sms/email for example.
11:33.09Marquelpawiecki: _if_ he would listen to "stop calling" i wouldn't have that problem.
11:33.18Marquelso i decided to take the technical approach.
11:34.01pawieckiMarquel: catch his number in the dialplan, use Answer and Playback with some announce, then Hangup. Problem solved.
11:34.08Marquelalso, playback of such a recording (also good idea) would be technically the same thing as redirecting him to hangup(), wouldn't it?
11:34.34Marquelyeah, but that's too static ;)
11:34.48Marquel(doing that already for some other ... "customers"...)
11:35.13pawieckino, Playback just plays audio file. There needs to be a next step, which could be Hangup.
11:36.14*** join/#asterisk jamesaxl (~James_Axl@
11:38.35Marquelpawiecki: yes, but getting the incoming call from the regular Dial() to the other track is still the same thing.
11:39.18Marquelso. ChannelRedirect() seems to be the way to go, just need to figure how to get the correct channel name.
11:39.41pawieckiMarquel: I don't know what a track is.
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11:40.42Marquelthe line of applications... 1,Dial(...); 100,Playback(...);101,HangUp() and so on, 100 being the different track.
11:57.49pawieckiMarquel: that's not the "track", that's the priority of the same extension(s). I'm not sure what do you mean with ChannelRedirect()
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11:59.44Marquelpawiecki: ChannelRedirect picks up the incoming channel and puts it in context,exten,priority as desired.
12:01.04Marquel_if_ you know the name of the channel you mean ;)
12:02.30pawieckiMarquel: yes, but why not just use the GotoIF to check the CALLERID(num) ?
12:02.39pawieckiIt's way simpler
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12:18.19Marquelpawiecki: because that's too static for my use-case.
12:18.37Marqueli just want to press a button just in case - sometimes i want to take the call ;)
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12:26.30pawieckiMarquel: then you can activate/deactivate this static rule with a code for example :)
12:26.45pawiecki**22 - active / **23 deactivated
12:27.56Marqueland forget it all the time... ;)
12:28.16Marqueland being unable to use it on other numbers.
12:32.18[TK]D-FenderMarquel, you need to ID the channel somehow and can then use CLI or AMI to hang up on them
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12:33.29[TK]D-FenderSo dial something that checks for other channels from your device that are in state "ringing" and hangup the bridgechan
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12:36.00[TK]D-FenderOr if you aren't worried about multiple simultaneous calls you could jsut set a glabl variable or AstDB value before they dial you so you can have their channel handy immediately
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12:36.58Marquel[TK]D-Fender: going for the last option (fot the moment), need to figure the relevant name. currently thinking about CHANNEL(name), but haven't been able to test, yet.
13:01.18znfoh wait, wrong channel
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13:27.50pawieckiWhat is a recommended way of sending Fax over IP, using T.38? I have a problem with Orange operator in France, who does not send me re-INVITE to change media from G.711 to T.38. They say, that I should send request to use T.38, when I send a fax call and they do not support any other option - are they right?
13:32.56pawieckiI've read this => but I'm not sure my interpretation is correct.
13:37.05[TK]D-FenderSaying what you read doesn't show what you did or how the other side reacted
13:37.17[TK]D-FenderCorrect your approach
13:37.48[NC]pawiecki: It SHOULD be the recipient side that is responsible for re-inviting to T.38. So for an outbound call, it should be the telco that re-invites and for an inbound call, it should be your device. You can send re-invites if the telco doesn't and see if that helps, but it's also possible they just don't support T.38 to that destination, many telcos have T.38 available only to a subset of destinations...
13:43.41*** join/#asterisk polysics (
13:44.10polysicshey guys! Astricon was awesome and Asterisk 15 SFU is too
13:45.00polysicsquestion for you: at Astricon 2016 there was a discussion about supporting streaming ASR and TTS services like Google or Watson. Did that eventually go anywhere?
13:47.57pawiecki[TK]D-Fender: ok
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14:05.40pawiecki[TK]D-Fender: example:
14:07.19pawieckiThere's no re-INVITE and fax fails, because it's g.711.
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14:12.03[TK]D-Fenderpawiecki, Show actual * SIP debug and actual configs
14:17.46pawiecki[TK]D-Fender: right now I don't have any debug to show you. The screenshot id from an older issue, that still is being discussed. I primarily asked to confirm what is the recommended way. This issue goes back and forth, and they are asking us again the same, already answered, questions, so I wasn't confident about it.
14:18.10pawiecki[NC]: thanks.
14:18.22[TK]D-FenderSomeone else's debug and lack of configs makes this a complete non-starter for me...
14:42.02*** join/#asterisk samwierema (
14:43.52Samotpawiecki: What is the issue exactly?
14:45.42pawieckiSamot: When client was with another operator (polish Netia), we had no problems with calls and fax via T.38. Now, after client has changed operator, fax transmission fails when calling french numbers.
14:46.42SamotAnd now?
14:46.46SamotWho are they with?
14:47.11SamotSo they changed ISPs?
14:47.52SamotYou provide them with phone service?
14:48.41pawieckiYes, Orange has their servers visible only from their network.
14:49.33SamotWhat does the ISP have to do wit you giving them voip service?
14:50.04pawieckiMy grammar sucks, I mean Orange's PBX is not routable from Internet, so they provide their own connection for that.
14:50.20SamotHow are you giving them service?
14:50.28SamotSo they changed ISPs and got a new PBX?
14:51.01SamotI'm trying to figure out how changing Internet providers broke your ability to give them T.38
14:51.04pawieckiWe only support their * PABX.
14:51.14SamotThat is not what I asked
14:51.24Samot10:47:52 AM S<Samot> You provide them with phone service?
14:51.35Samot10:48:41 AM P<pawiecki> Yes, Orange has their servers visible only from their network.
14:51.42Samot^^ That's not " We just support the PBX"
14:51.50SamotThe answer would have been "No, we just support the PBX"
14:51.52pawieckidefine "phone service" then
14:52.00SamotThe actual SERVICE
14:52.07Samot"Here's your sip trunk creds"
14:52.13Samot"You dial to this host"
14:52.30pawieckiThat's SIP Trunk service for ya
14:52.42pawieckiso now define SIP Trunk service
14:52.43SamotBut you don't provide the SIP Trunk.
14:53.00SamotDude, do you give them DIDs?
14:53.17SamotDo they use your network to receive or make calls?
14:53.33SamotOr did they get their SIP trunk details from Orange?
14:53.48pawieckiphone service =! SIP Trunk service, so in my understanding supporting someone's PABX and their phones IS a phone service, so I answered "yes". You may argue with that, but question was far from being clear and specific.
14:54.07SamotMuch like your description of this issue.
14:54.21SamotSo you are the PBX ADMIN?
14:54.23pawieckiSamot: which description?
14:54.46SamotSo Orange is the one this FAX has to go through
14:54.49pawieckiSamot: yes.
14:55.15SamotSo now when the client faxes to France numbers, they fail?
14:55.16pawieckiWell, yes. That's what I meant, when I said, that they changed the operator to Orange.
14:55.19pawieckiWhat was not clear about it?
14:55.28Samot"Operator" is a person.
14:55.33SamotOr position.
14:55.39pawieckiOk, then, "carrier is better?
14:56.00pawieckiyes, faxes fail
14:56.05SamotWell, it actually means something.
14:56.14SamotSo to all of France or just specific numbers?
14:57.36SamotI find that hard to believe.
14:57.46SamotAnd no other FAX destinations have an issue?
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14:58.54Marquelis there a way to ask the calling channel its entire name (like SIP/bob-00001ab)?
15:00.35Samotpawiecki: Did the old carrier support T.38 and does Orange support T.38?
15:03.52pawieckiSamot: now i see a pattern here. I guess the info from client is incorrect. It's probably, that they send faxes to their
15:04.31pawieckimother-company in France, and they also changed operator to Orange, so now the behaviour is different, because endpoints also changed operator.
15:04.40pawieckiBut now I'm guessing.
15:04.50Samotpawiecki: Did the old carrier support T.38 and does Orange support T.38?
15:05.16pawieckiYes, and yes.
15:05.28SamotAnd you're using T.38 on the trunk?
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15:11.00pawieckiFor a fax call, first INVITE goes with G.711. If we receive reINVITE with T.38, then T.38 is used. Does that answer your question?
15:11.39SamotSo you have T.38 set on the trunk?
15:12.18pawieckiSamot: how should I check, to be sure?
15:12.29SamotLook at your trunk settings.
15:12.34SamotAre you using Chan_SIP?
15:13.51Marquelokay, now i'm down to why the global variable appears empty inside an extension, after the dialplan has set it.
15:17.25pawieckiSamot: yes.
15:17.48Samott38pt_udptl <-- Do you have that with any of it's options?
15:17.56pawieckiMarquel: did you reload the dialplan?
15:18.05SamotEither in the [general] section of sip.conf or in the peer section?
15:19.54Marquelpawiecki: yes.
15:20.03pawieckiSamot: I'm waiting for VPN to reconnect and will check, just a sec.
15:20.24pawieckiMarquel: show me how you defined variable
15:20.25Marquelpawiecki: the console logs the command yet dialplan show globals still show the variable as empty.
15:21.00SamotMarquel: Show the dialplan
15:21.22SamotMarquel: Show the logs from the Asterisk console for the call attempt.
15:21.28Marquelpawiecki: define or set? define is "[globals] VARNAME=", then there's exten => s,n,Set(VARNAME=${CHANNEL},g)
15:22.12SamotMarquel: Show the logs from the Asterisk console for the call attempt.
15:22.17infobotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:22.47pawieckit38pt_udptl = yes, redundancy
15:22.51pawieckiSamot: ^
15:23.19pawieckiI love the infobot
15:23.22Marquel(yes, i know of pastebin, not for single lines, though ;) )
15:23.27pawieckihe's so cool
15:23.44Samotpawiecki: OK. So every other destination gets FAXes except for their central office in France?
15:23.55SamotMarquel: Show the logs from the Asterisk console for the call attempt.
15:24.03Samot^^ As in more than one line.
15:24.11SamotYou're in priority 8 of that context.
15:24.21SamotSo there should be at least a few more lines.
15:24.28SamotShow the *whole* call attempt.
15:25.37Samot11:21:28 AM M<Marquel> pawiecki: define or set? define is "[globals] VARNAME=", then there's exten => s,n,Set(VARNAME=${CHANNEL},g)
15:25.46pawieckiSamot: I'm not 100% sure, because we didn't test it so precisely. Also, can we continue this topic in about two hours or on monday? I should head home now, still at work.
15:26.02SamotIf I'm around.
15:26.03Samot11:22:46 AM M<Marquel>  -- Executing [s@std-inbound:8] Set("SIP/inbound-00000169", "EXTERNALCHANNEL=SIP/inbound-00000169,g") in new stack
15:26.13SamotMarquel: Tell me how those match?
15:26.16SamotBecause they don't.
15:27.07pawieckiSamot: ok, thanks for your input, bye all.
15:29.20SamotSo the value is being set.
15:29.23SamotWhat's the issue?
15:30.43Marquelthe other extension doesn't get it. it's empty when trying to do ChannelRedirect(${EXTERNALCHANNEL}) in another context/channel: -- Executing [*666@phones:1] ChannelRedirect("SIP/7111-0000016c", ",std-inbound,i,1") in new stack
15:30.59Marquelshould be right in front of ',std-inbound' but it isn't there.
15:31.45SamotSo whatever the global var value is..
15:31.58SamotWhen set in [globals] is the value for the WHOLE call...
15:32.27SamotYou need to do __EXTERNALCHANNL to make your overridden value apply beyond the channel you are on.
15:32.37SamotYou need to do __EXTERNALCHANNEL to make your overridden value apply beyond the channel you are on.
15:33.54SamotChannel B has no idea what the values of vars on Channel A are.
15:34.10SamotUnless you make the vars inheritable.
15:34.31SamotOtherwise Channel B will load the [globals] vars with the values set in [global]
15:34.36Marqueldoesn't help.
15:35.01Marqueldouble underscores in front and still empty.
15:35.06Samot11:21:00 AM S<Samot> Marquel: Show the dialplan
15:35.34Marquelexten => *666,1,ChannelRedirect(${EXTERNALCHANNEL},std-inbound,i,1)
15:35.46SamotALL OF IT
15:35.56Marquelthat IS all of it.
15:36.04SamotThat can't be all of your dialplan
15:36.19SamotWhere's the [globals] section
15:36.32Samotwhere's the std-inbound section?
15:36.42SamotWhy are you only showing pieces?
15:36.52SamotYou are asking for help on finding where this issue is...
15:36.59SamotBut you only show a part of the puzzle.
15:37.23avb__ is getting lost if youare using Local channels
15:37.44avband in general they are working like crap
15:37.46Marquelthe dialplan is 390 lines and i will need to redact it carefully.
15:37.53avbcheck out MASTR_CHANNEL
15:37.57avbcheck out MASTER_CHANNEL
15:38.02avbthis is working somehow :)
15:38.21Marqueli am asking for one simple thing - i want a value to be available to whoever does a call in whichever context, whichever extension it might be.
15:38.47SamotThats channel inheritance.
15:38.59avbbut i rewrote a solution not to utilize __ variables and storing all need stuff in the database
15:39.02Marqueli will use a fucking db entry if "global variable" is not what a "global variable" is everywhere else in programming but i really don't see where the entire 390 lines will help.
15:39.04SamotOr you need to use a GoSub or Macro on the Dial to set those vars.
15:39.24SamotI can't see how your settings VARS
15:39.30SamotI can't see if something isMESSING with them
15:39.52SamotI can't see if you had some WRONG in your dialplan code at any point in your logic.
15:39.59Marquel[globals] did contain "EXTERNALCHANNEL=" (literally) but does not do so anymore.
15:40.14SamotDude, I've asked for specific things.
15:40.19SamotYou don't want to give them. Fine.
15:40.28avb_CALLER=01796775267 will get cleared after you will exit from std-inbound
15:40.50Marqueldb entry then.
15:40.53SamotOnly the first child channel will inherit CALLER
15:41.09SamotAny channels that channel creates will not have CALLER
15:41.49avbMarquel: listen to Samot , he is a smart guy :)
15:46.09MarquelCALLER is of no interest.
15:46.17Marqueli want CHANNEL to be available.
15:47.22Samot${CHANNEL} is on every channel.
15:47.28MarquelSamot: right.
15:47.40SamotYou're setting the value on the channel..
15:47.47SamotYou're just not passing that value to the NEXT channel.
15:47.51Marquelbut i want the CHANNEL from std-inbound to be available in another context.
15:48.01SamotYou have an inheritance issue.
15:49.06Marquelthat might indeed be the case, yes.
15:49.23SamotIt's not *might*
15:49.28SamotIt *is the case.
15:51.33Marquelthe database has solved it.
15:51.52SamotNo, it didn't.
15:51.59SamotIt just does it a different way.
15:52.18Marquelputting the ${CHANNEL} into the database did the trick.
15:52.21SamotSo yeah, your over all issue of having that var on other channels...fixed.
15:52.31SamotWhy you are not getting inheritance properly, not fixed.
15:52.49SamotSo you didn't actually fix what you were doing.
15:52.55SamotYou changed how you were doing it.
15:52.59Marquelas i said above: i expect a "global" to be available throughout all contexts at all times with the value it was last set to, but this is not the case with asterisk.
15:53.07SamotIT IS
15:53.15SamotIf I set VARNAME=
15:53.20SamotThat's it, in [globals]
15:53.29Marquelthat's right.
15:53.35SamotThe ${VARNAME} is loaded on every channel EMPTY
15:53.36Marquelthat works here that way too.
15:53.51SamotIf I set a NEW value to VARNAME in a context..
15:54.04SamotIt applies ONLY to the channel I am ON
15:54.22SamotIf that channel creates a child, my updated value has to be INHERITED
15:54.22Marquelit did not work with VARNAME= in [globals].
15:54.33Marquelyeah, but i do not create a child.
15:54.48SamotWhen you do your Dial() <-- That's the child.
15:54.52Marqueli am talking about an entirely new call, in a different context.
15:55.25Marquelyes, i'm not interested in that Dial() anymore. I want to abort it. from another call in a different context, even unrelated extension.
15:56.55Marquelhence the ChannelRedirect() from before (as discussed with pawiecki).
16:06.56Marquelthanks for your patience with me and the helpful insights all of you gave me.
16:09.38*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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18:20.38hdonhi all :) anyone know of any free radio stations or chat rooms that can be listened to / participated in using asterisk?
18:21.02SamotYou mean besides this one?
18:21.33hdonSamot, i didn't know there was a chan_irc module :3
18:21.53SamotOK, so you want to integrate them into Asterisk.
18:22.01hdonbut i'm specifically interested in something with SIP + RTP audio
18:22.13hdonyes :)
18:22.19SamotIn what way?
18:22.19hdonit doesn't have to be ABOUT asterisk
18:22.41hdonidk like an internet radio station that you can use SIP+RTP to listen to instead of the more usual Internet radio technologies
18:22.43SamotDo you want Asterisk to use these things?
18:22.54SamotOr do you just want to bundle them with Asterisk?
18:23.15SamotSo you want to stream music on hold to someone
18:23.22hdonno no
18:23.25hdonthis is not a practical application\
18:23.30hdoni just thought it would be something fun to do with asterisk
18:23.43SamotHow would I listen to this as an end user?
18:24.13hdonwith a softphone maybe
18:24.19hdonsomething like a party line would be perfect
18:24.33hdonmostly for fun
18:24.51SamotSo no practical application.
18:24.59SamotNothing a radio station would invest in.
18:25.04SamotSomething for a podcaster.
18:25.23hdonsomething like that
18:25.34SamotYou're basically talking about a conference bridge.
18:25.54SamotWhere the admin (DJ/whatever) is the only one that can "talk" i.e. stream audio
18:25.59SamotEveryone is muted.
18:27.13hdonyeah that would work
18:27.16hdonexcept open to the public
18:27.34SamotAs far as the chat goes.. SIP SIMPLE..
18:27.56hdonwell i know how to build it. i want to know if any already exist :)
18:27.59SamotBut now you're talking all the users have to have a SIP account.
18:28.12SamotBecause there's no real world application for it.
18:28.23SamotI mean, it could exist. In someone's basement.
18:28.47hdonwell, that someone's basement is somewhere... i'm gonna try to find it
18:28.49SamotFor funsies that their friends or small social group know about.
18:29.22SamotBecause really Asterisk isn't the right platform for just streaming audio and chatting in an app.
18:29.24[TK]D-Fenderyou'll find them next to the wild geese.
18:29.36hdon[TK]D-Fender, hopefully
18:29.55SamotYou're trying to use telephony for web media apps.
18:30.00SamotTotally wrong way.
18:30.20hdoni just want to have some fun sometimes
18:31.03[TK]D-FenderAnd picking the least practical starting points
18:32.00hdonthat's part of the fun
18:32.48SamotYou're the guy in the group that gets on everyone's case because playing chicken with cars on the freeway isn't fun.
18:32.54Samot"You could get killed"
18:32.58Samot"That's part of the fun"
18:33.23Samot"Come on guys, where is your sense of adventure. Screw logic!"
18:37.10*** join/#asterisk Penguin (~xwQ5kwYl6@2001:470:1f07:26d:20c:29ff:fe62:be33)
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18:42.14hdonSamot, that doesn't seem fair
18:42.34SamotNo, but it was kinda funny.
18:42.52SamotAnd that's part of the fun!
18:43.02*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
18:44.22SamotI mean there is a chance someone has done this before.
18:44.26SamotI don't know.
18:44.50SamotThere is also a chance that someone tried it, it didn't work so that's why there's nothing out there on it.
19:28.41startledmarmothdon: I heard, a while back, about an open community of Asterisk-based conference rooms dedicated to certain diaspora communities
19:28.46*** join/#asterisk areski (~areski@
19:29.04startledmarmotessentially a place for people the Hmong to hang out and speak Hmong all day
19:29.15startledmarmotbecause it's so infrequently heard in real life
19:48.49*** join/#asterisk Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
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21:16.37jamesaxlI am connecting With appendixes with openvpn. should I use install asterisk on every appendix or one is enough ?
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21:50.45SamotWhat is an "appendix"?
21:50.53SamotWhat happens if it bursts?
21:58.18*** join/#asterisk troyt (
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22:18.38*** join/#asterisk coch (500c3b45@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:19.00cochIs there anybody ?
22:19.35cochI'm trying to configure an asterisk server
22:20.20*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~UncleKiwi@unaffiliated/unclekiwi)
22:20.42cochAnd I Have the following error : chan_sip 4274 serious network trouble
22:20.52fauxalliancecoch: what's the issue, qu'est qui ce passe
22:21.37cochJe peux passer en francais si tu préfères
22:21.38fauxalliancecoch: get some sip debug and pastebin the logssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
22:22.01cochOkay c'est parti je t'envoie la stacktrace
22:22.20fauxalliancei craked my touchscreen, and ubuntu and xinput needs an angry bug report
22:24.36fauxalliancecoch: anglais préféré, you'll get more help
22:24.46fauxalliancein french, less sarcasm
22:24.48UncleKiwihi, I am wanting to configure 'wake up calls' for a hotel I have installed asterisk into i am googling but I thought I would ask here if anyone can suggest a link to the best path to follow
22:24.57cochI didn't forgot you, I'm trying to send you the stack trace
22:25.04fauxalliancesip debug please
22:25.26cochHow can I have the SIP debug ?
22:25.32cochIn the output ?
22:25.45Samotcoch: Stop.
22:26.07Samotcoch: That error 99.9% of the time means your configuration is not correct.
22:26.33cochYes thanks Samot, I know, but I didn't manage to put the good conf
22:26.45cochI'm working on it for 4 hours
22:26.51SamotSo looking at a SIP debug isn't going to fix your config.
22:26.56SamotAre you using Chan_SIP?
22:27.00fauxallianceasterisk -rvvvvvv
22:27.09fauxalliancesip set debug on
22:27.13fauxallianceor something somthing
22:27.14SamotOr are you using PJSIP?
22:27.25cochSamot : PJSIP
22:27.31infobotwell, pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:27.37SamotShow your pjsip.conf file.
22:27.37fauxalliancemaudit tabarnac
22:27.43coch@fauxalliance, okay I'm writing those commands
22:27.52SamotShow your config.
22:28.05cochOkay I send you the conf pjsip file
22:28.15infobotpastebin is, like, a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:28.25cochOk, I put it on pastepin
22:28.26fauxallianceSamot: thx1138
22:28.29SamotPut the link in the channel.
22:28.35fauxalliancecoch: STP
22:28.39cochOkay Samot
22:28.45cochYes fauxalliance ?
22:29.16fauxallianceSIL TU PLAIT
22:29.29cochYes tell me fauxalliance ?
22:29.34fauxalliancepaste the bloody logs
22:29.38fauxalliancein a pastebit
22:30.25cochOkay I'll do it too
22:32.12cochFirst one : the conf file
22:32.47cochSecond one : debug log
22:33.21fauxalliancethats easy, Samot, take it away.
22:34.09fauxalliancecoch: quel version de Asterisk?  DHADI?
22:34.47cochASterisk : 13.17.2
22:35.03cochYes, why ...?
22:35.31cochDAHDI : 2.10.2
22:35.35fauxallianceok ok
22:36.20fauxalliancethere are multiple issues, you might need to enable the dhadi debug so we can see whats going on with the caller id error.
22:36.40cochOKay, how I can activate it ?
22:37.25SamotYou said you're using PJSIP
22:37.33SamotAnd all I see is DAHDI and Chan_SIP
22:38.04cochThe conf file I paste you is the pjsip.conf file
22:38.14SamotBecause you said you're using it.
22:38.27SamotYour debug has no one thing related to PJSIP in it.
22:39.34cochI send you and other trace where you will see pjsip error too
22:40.06fauxalliancecore set debug on
22:40.22coch'core set debug on' is done
22:41.04fauxalliancebring bring... où est-ce que ça fait mal
22:41.18fauxalliancepaste all the log please
22:42.51fauxalliancedix lignes... patrout!??!
22:42.57fauxallianceall of it
22:43.17fauxallianceslurs in mulptiple languages
22:43.20cochIt's all the log I have
22:43.36cochWhen I make a phone call I have that stack trace
22:44.17fauxalliance"what rolls downstais, alone or in pairs, and over your neighbours dog..." it's log, it's better than bad, it's good.
22:44.42*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
22:45.24cochcoredump in asterisk ?
22:46.35*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-kixjbwlhkmpnxiby)
22:46.35fauxalliance‎[20:13] ‎<‎coch‎>‎ When I make a phone call I have that stack trace
22:46.43fauxalliance^^ show it please
22:46.57[TK]D-FenderChan_sip isn't loaded
22:46.58fauxallianceit's bigger than ten lines, i pray
22:47.31cochLine 1à
22:47.38[TK]D-Fenderthis also looks wrong.
22:47.49fauxallianceparlant du diable
22:47.50[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't have a peer & IP there at the same time
22:47.56cochThe warning appears when I make a phone call
22:48.11[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Chan_sip isn't loaded <------
22:48.14fauxallianceit explodes
22:48.56cochOkay, maybe we can start to fix the bugs one by one....... =D
22:49.11[TK]D-FenderFix your chan_SIP so it loads
22:49.21cochOkay, how can I do that ?
22:49.30[TK]D-FenderLOOK AT IT
22:49.32fauxalliancemodule load sip shit
22:49.43fauxalliancecore load sip shit even.
22:50.12[TK]D-Fendermodule load
22:50.25[TK]D-Fenderand look at your config when you see the result of that
22:50.35[TK]D-Fenderalready suspects the usual SNAFU
22:50.53[TK]D-Fender<coch> And I Have the following error : chan_sip 4274 serious network trouble <--- which this is indicative of
22:50.54cochOkay I'll start to do that : module load
22:52.14cochmodule load -> I send you the trace
22:53.18cochOkay now when I make a phone call I have this stacktrace :
22:53.54[TK]D-Fender[Oct 14 00:51:53] WARNING[2983]: chan_sip.c:32980 reload_config: Failed to bind to Address already in use
22:53.59[TK]D-FenderEaxctly as suspected
22:54.06[TK]D-FenderPJSIP is configured to use the SAME port
22:54.10[TK]D-Fenderand it is FUCKING YOU
22:54.17[TK]D-FenderYou can't have them fight over the same port
22:54.27[TK]D-FenderSo pick one and make it DIFFERENT than the other
22:54.28cochOkay, how can I fix that ?
22:55.19cochOkay can I remove pjsip or I can the port ?
22:55.29coch*change the port
22:56.35[TK]D-FenderMake them stop fighting over the same port
22:56.37[TK]D-FenderDoesn't matter how.
22:56.44[TK]D-FenderConfiure your system accordingly
22:57.13cochOkay, how can I change the port of the pjsip ? On the bind ?
22:57.24fauxallianceSAME THING
22:58.23coch@fauxalliance : I don't understand
23:01.06[TK]D-Fenderits in your Transport
23:01.13[TK]D-FenderRead the sample config
23:02.13cochOkay thank, I'm changing it. And after I reload the sip
23:04.47SamotNeed to restart asterisk
23:04.51SamotAfter port changes
23:04.56SamotNot just reload sip
23:05.30cochasterisk restarted
23:07.42cochHolly chit
23:07.49cochIt's fucking working
23:07.53cochThanks a lot men
23:08.25Samot6:26:07 PM <Samot> coch: That error 99.9% of the time means your configuration is not correct.
23:08.36SamotCalled it 40 mins ago
23:09.10cochYeah but I didn't realize at this time
23:09.18cochI'm a beginner on this software
23:09.31cochThanks for your time @all

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