IRC log for #asterisk on 20170928

00:01.33*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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11:54.13sotozWhat happens with cached media files in asterisk? Do they get removed at some point?
11:54.48sotozI see `__actual_expires:                     1501501775` when doing `media cache show`
11:55.14sotozbut I've seen that there are cached files that their actual_expires time has already passed and they didn't get removed
12:06.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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12:13.03summerholidayshi #asterisk i am having a problem i am running Asterisk on Ubuntu 16.04, i have set my /etc/security/limits.conf for root, asterisk, and * to a high value.. when i run asterisk as root, the file descriptors are high, when i run it via the service asterisk start command, they are back to 1024 ... could someone please advise me how i am supposed to set the file descriptor limit for asterisk when it runs as a user not as root?
12:21.00*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
12:26.07fauxallianceAsterisk doesn't need to run as the all-powerful root user
12:26.32summerholidaysi have found a way to allow non-root run with more than 1024 files
12:26.39summerholidaysfor anyone interested, you must change /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf maxlines
12:26.44summerholidaysas well as limits.conf
12:26.47summerholidays- thanks gentlemen anyway.
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14:58.52*** join/#asterisk Stokkeland (~tstokkel@
15:02.12Stokkelanda call from a nortel system proxied in an avaya-sm to my Asterisk 13.8-cert2 setup is failing. I do not have any crypto or srtp allowance set up - but I am not great at understanding all the detail of an invite
15:02.36Stokkelandin this log:  i fail to understand what in the incoming invite is actually requiring crypto?
15:03.25Stokkelandcurious to if the INVITE has something in it that is either wrong, or asterisk just cant handle, or if there actually is something in that sdp setup saying "must be encypted"
15:04.03Stokkelandhoping i can tell nortel they are doing something wrong, or they need to allow unencrypted
15:04.05[TK]D-Fendera=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:Os6TewaViNMcRlOz/xRygA+ltW/vAWExmzsuF+MO|2^31|87195293:4
15:04.06[TK]D-Fendera=crypto:2 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:Os6TewaViNMcRlOz/xRygA+ltW/vAWExmzsuF+MO|2^31
15:04.12[TK]D-FenderClearly they include it
15:04.23Stokkelandthey include it - but do they require it?
15:04.36[TK]D-Fenderin that call
15:04.57[TK]D-FenderMaybe you can configure them to do otherwise, but for this call... that's what you've got
15:05.07Stokkelandokay - so if there is any a=crypto that means it is required?
15:05.19[TK]D-Fenderthat's ALL they offer
15:05.24Stokkelandokay - thank you
15:08.08SamotHoly crap.
15:08.20SamotTalk about sending a SIP message completely wrong.
15:10.24SamotMax-Forwards: 16 <-- That is extremely low
15:10.39SamotOr that call when through almost 54 hops
15:11.16*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
15:12.21SamotThe initial message should start Max-Forwards at 70 and reduce it by one for each route/hop it takes.
15:23.38Stokkelandinterresting.. i'll point that out at them also - its some nortel legacy system
15:26.50SamotThose via headers are in the wrong spot too.
15:27.29SamotBut either that system is programmed to use TLS/encryption from the phone..
15:27.42SamotOr just on this sip peer
15:29.50*** join/#asterisk gsh (
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16:20.26Stokkelandthey have a mess.. i told them originally we would have less issues if they used an sbc or some other media termination
16:29.21SamotWhat do they need this nortel for?
16:43.56voipmonkset it and forget it... so much that no one knows how it works - the techs that worked on it are all dead or in the home...
16:44.16*** join/#asterisk jamesaxl (~James_Axl@
16:44.40voipmonkdust off the book it came with and catch a virus from 38 years ago
16:53.32SamotThe real question is, is it really needed?
16:53.41SamotWhat is this Nortel doing that is so important?
16:59.24*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
17:00.08fauxallianceSamot: ten more years of service, break even.
17:00.48SamotHey, those old PBX systems were built like cars.
17:00.56SamotThey were meant to out last you.
17:01.07SamotI still have hotels on Mitels they bought 30 years ago
17:12.08*** join/#asterisk SoBlindWolf (
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19:03.50RovingWriterwhats everyone's preference when it comes to ITSP's? flowroute? vitelity? other?
19:04.21fauxalliancei like
19:04.39fauxalliancedidlogic is a well kept secret
19:05.38fauxalliancefrom Hong Kong with POP's everywhere
19:06.21fauxalliancedidlogic is more like a carrier did exchange / stock market
19:07.18fauxallianceno cloud.
19:10.38fauxalliance24 pops, 12 countries... wholesales should take a look
19:12.06fauxalliancei was thinking at getting a 1GB private switch port at 1 Wilshire.
19:12.20SamotI prefer to work with direct carriers as much as possible.
19:12.35fauxallianceSamot: hence, why I use them
19:12.49SamotNo, not DIDLogic.
19:13.02SamotI mean I go straight to the carrier if at all possible.
19:13.04fauxallianceSamot: you are on the SAME network that the carriers use...
19:13.10fauxalliancei like low latency
19:13.24SamotWho do you call for support?
19:13.27fauxallianceshag the carrier, pay less
19:13.39fauxallianceSamot: didlogic has fantastic support
19:13.59SamotOK and when they say "It's not our issue because we just sell and pass through"
19:14.05Samot"We have to get with the carrier"
19:14.31SamotThat's what *I* have to tell my end users
19:14.46SamotI don't need to have my vendor need to call their vendor who calls their vendor
19:16.17SamotGranted I use aggregates for backup connections.
19:17.17SamotBut I've had the aggregate vendors tell me, in the past, it was the upstream carrier. An upstream carrier I had peers with and zero issues with at all.
19:20.41fauxallianceSamot: decentralize, often one can route around a bunk carrier, and in my experience over the last six years with didlogic, their downtime is less than a minute a month
19:21.20fauxallianceive had issues with flowroute and playing 'whack a mole' with pops, keeping someone on pager duty to rotate pops
19:21.20SamotAll I stated was my preference to be direct with the carrier.
19:22.00fauxalliancelocally, LEC or bust
19:22.09fauxalliancebut, for ITSP, i choose didlogic
19:22.30SamotI choose LEC
19:22.44SamotMy LEC peers let me have nationwide footprint
19:23.05SamotCanada, PR included.
19:23.06fauxallianceil n y pas bien mais c'est plus cher
19:23.12fauxalliancenothing better, just more expensive
19:23.23SamotStart up?
19:23.36SamotBut my rates are pretty low
19:24.58*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (~startledm@2605:e000:844d:6e00:4bc:4ef1:64f5:7bab)
19:25.15fauxallianceand the route of least cost, wins the call, again.
19:25.47SamotMy direct carriers win the rating war.
19:26.10SamotThey are cheaper than going through aggregates/clearing houses
19:26.25fauxallianceSamot: you are in a beautiful situation
19:26.31*** join/#asterisk mdiehl1 (~mdiehl@2606:a000:ee8b:9600:fabc:12ff:fe72:f5b2)
19:27.04mdiehl1Hi all.  I'm having difficulty getting my perl script to connect to my asterisk server via ami.
19:27.10mdiehl1Authentication failure.
19:27.39fauxalliancemdiehl1: given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow, perhaps pastebin the code and resultant errors.
19:27.50mdiehl1One moment.
19:27.54SamotThe user is setup properly in manager.conf?
19:29.27mdiehl1Here is a portion of my manager.conf:
19:30.13fauxalliancemdiehl1: is the authentication request coming from localhost?
19:30.54SamotSecret=>'ya, right',
19:31.00Samot^^ Get rid of the extra space
19:31.08Samotya,right not ya, right
19:31.27mdiehl1The actuall password is a 16 character random string...
19:31.39SamotIt's on your LOCAL machine
19:31.41Samotwe can't hack it
19:31.54SamotYou have an authentication issue and you masked the password
19:31.56fauxalliancemake the effen password kittens
19:31.56mdiehl1True dat!
19:32.05SamotTotally given us the wrong lead on your issue
19:32.26SamotDoes it match your script?
19:32.39mdiehl1I copy-pasted it from manager.conf into my script.
19:32.48fauxalliancethats an issue
19:32.54mdiehl1I'm listening....
19:33.03fauxallianceno copy pasta passwords
19:33.08fauxalliancetype/ verify
19:33.44fauxalliancemake the password 'kittens' and watch it fix itself
19:33.51mdiehl1I just changed it to kitten
19:33.57mdiehl1reloaded manager on the server.
19:34.04fauxallianceand boom
19:34.06mdiehl1My script still doesn't connect.
19:34.30fauxalliancethen, it wasnt a silly unicode ascii encoding copy password
19:34.45mdiehl1No, I don't/didn't think so.
19:34.53mdiehl1I'll pastebin is as is.
19:35.08SamotThis is painful.
19:35.22Samotmdiehl1: asterisk -rvvvvv
19:35.28Samotmdiehl1: manager set debug on
19:35.32SamotMake connection
19:35.38SamotPastebin the debug output
19:36.25fauxallianceand again, are you connecting from the same machine as the server, because you clearly have disabled... perhaps a netmask there, or a host.
19:37.11fauxalliance[17:00] <fauxalliance> mdiehl1: is the authentication request coming from localhost?
19:37.22fauxalliancethat _was_ question / step one
19:37.40fauxallianceelse, you are blacklisted
19:37.46mdiehl1Yes, the auth request is coming from localhost
19:37.54fauxallianceSamot: back to you
19:38.18mdiehl1When I turn on debugging, the manager debugging, I get a flood of ami events.
19:38.27mdiehl1I don't see the connection request in the flood.
19:38.39SamotSo you don't see a Login Event
19:39.14SamotWhat is firing off all these AMI events?
19:39.26mdiehl1I don't see any login Event.
19:39.35mdiehl1Sip registrations and such are firing the ami events.
19:40.57SamotDo you other other AMI users?
19:41.49mdiehl1Yes, a "server" account.  connected from
19:42.00SamotValidate your script
19:42.04SamotUse that account.
19:44.13SamotDid you just screw up the pastebin for your script or does your subroutine not close out properly?
19:44.16mdiehl1I'm trying that now.
19:45.15mdiehl1The pastebin of the script contains the connection function I use to connect to ami.
19:45.29SamotSo your subroutine is closed properly.
19:46.18SamotThat closing } can be a bitch when it's not there.
19:48.01mdiehl1The sub is closed correctly.
19:48.14SamotSo you screwed up your pastebin
19:48.20mdiehl1must have.
19:48.22SamotBecause your subroutine in that pastebin is not closed.
19:49.31mdiehl1I'm pretty sure the script is syntactically correct.
19:49.46*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212) looks that way except for it missing a closing bracket.
19:50.07SamotBut you can't confirm or not if you just pastebin'd it wrong.
19:51.32mdiehl1I'll repaste the whole sub.
19:52.25*** join/#asterisk SoBlindWolf (
19:53.10SamotAre you using the perl asmanager?
19:53.40mdiehl1use Asterisk::AMI;
19:57.12SamotHave you used any of the built in subroutine's to debug this..
19:57.37mdiehl1I'll have to do some reading....
19:58.03SamotYou should, I read the documents for this 5 minutes ago.
19:58.10mdiehl1Very similar, if not identical, code works on my other server.
19:58.18mdiehl1It's not a code issue, I don't think.
19:58.24SamotThere are settings you can have to run subroutines when it connects or fails.
19:58.36mdiehl1the other callbacks.
19:58.45SamotWell you have almost no debugging running for this
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20:40.34fauxalliancethree failed pastebins...
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