IRC log for #asterisk on 20170920

00:00.39Korolevfile, that makes sense, because that's all I find everywhere, functions
00:02.00RovingWriterbeat me to it
00:03.17Korolevremote_uri, there we go! thank you!
00:03.22*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
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00:11.06Korolevman! two hours and five minutes later, I'm finally done. You guys rock!
00:12.32fauxalliancethats not a bad turnaround time, thanks for reading the manual! :)
01:38.08elcontrastadorgetting make errors on 15.0.0rc1...any suggestions. looks like a dependency that configure script didnt pick up
01:43.16fauxalliance/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
01:43.18fauxalliance/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto
01:44.51*** join/#asterisk x86- (
01:48.56x86-I'm getting an issue :  chan_sip.c:23225 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"Anonymous" <>;tag=as04e49904'
01:49.19x86-checked the files for anonymous .. I have it configured right.
01:49.40fauxallianceallow anonymous inbound sip in the sip settings?
01:49.52fauxallianceprobably not
01:52.52x86-where would that be
01:53.01x86-I checked the config files searched for the word anonymous
01:54.32fauxalliancesip.conf  allowguest=yes
01:55.18fauxalliance[23:23] <x86-> I checked the config files searched for the word anonymous   >perhaps read the manual or google the issue
01:58.44x86-changed it and still getting the same error
01:59.34fauxalliancedid something overwrite your configuration, like a GUI maybe
02:00.51fauxallianceand do you have an inboud route to catch such calls
02:07.00fauxalliancehmm, gsm gateway with chan_dongle... thats where chan_mobile went
02:21.23*** join/#asterisk cemotyz09 (
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07:02.14*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
07:13.58*** join/#asterisk Guesty (~bounceman@
07:14.16GuestyHow can Asterisk say "WARNING[11844][C-00004feb]: res_musiconhold.c:1438 local_ast_moh_start: Unknown format 'wav' -- defaulting to SLIN" When the file has the extension .GSM? It confuses me a lot
07:18.15GuestyI am trying to boost the quality of MOH, to be honest at the moment it sucks. Doesn't sound very 2017. I also tried 16 PCM 8000 wav with no better results, it only returns Unknown format.
07:20.30GuestyEven if I call internally it is bad quality
07:42.06*** join/#asterisk DanB (
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09:01.04_8bitsHello, what does "Computed Login" or "Computed Logoff" means in ASTERNIC?
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09:08.39*** join/#asterisk _8bits (
09:08.56_8bitsHello, does anyone know what does "COMPUTED LOGIN/LOGOFF" means in ASTERNIC call center?
09:16.47pawiecki_8bits: show it
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14:21.25polysicsI wonder if anyone can help me troubleshoot a VERY weird issue
14:23.55polysicsbasically, I am trying to figure out if a pound key press is terminating my MRCPRecog instance because of some internals or if it's application code
14:34.06thiagocHi, anyone know how can I set a variable using de U option from Dial? Tried to use _ and __ but it doesn't work
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15:14.27polysicsI am wondering what the best way is to see what "path" a DTMF digit is taking
15:14.41polysicsas I do not really see it in the console but I do see it in the AMI output which is odd
15:15.08SamotTurn up DTMF logging.
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15:30.22wonderworldhow would i run a shell command and get the output back into the dialplan? System() just seems to return SUCCESS or FAILURE.
15:32.17wonderworldSamot: tnx
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15:51.57polysicsSamot: this will sounds VERY stupid. I can't find DTMF logging settings :D
15:56.59polysicsok, add dtmf in logger.conf
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17:21.32elcontrastadorBuilding Asterisk 15.0.0rc1 on Ubuntu get the following error during make: ./ undefined reference to `CRYPTO_num_locks'
17:21.51elcontrastadorGoogling has given me solid hit on this.
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17:27.41[TK]D-FenderUnreleased branches are supported in the dedicated dev channel
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22:22.13sibiriai have a somewhat annoying problem with pjsip: it doesn't always automatically quality remote hosts upon startup
22:22.55sibiriasometimes it qualifies some of them, sometimes not and then they are unavailable until qualify_frequency happens
22:28.20sibiriathis happens whether i have five trunks set up, two, or even just a single one
22:32.51sibiriawhich trunks are qualified and which aren't at startup is random. no discernable pattern
22:53.54*** join/#asterisk Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
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23:51.35*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/suzeanne)

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