IRC log for #asterisk on 20170907

00:00.07SamotWith "core set verbose 10"
00:00.09warewolfsec, redacting
00:00.20warewolfoh, hold on then I'll have to redo a call
00:00.32warewolfall I've got is the XML blob from XMPP.
00:01.54warewolf is the XML blob, lemme call my google voice number from work, sec
00:06.41SamotAlso, I did misspeak. In a sense.
00:07.18SamotYou are correct, Google Voice isn't going anywhere. It's still the voice platform for Google. GTalk, however, is dead.
00:07.43SamotGTalk is how the third-party stuff is done, like Motif via the XMPP Federation.
00:14.12warewolfalright, full detail with redacting personal specifics
00:14.58warewolfthat <nick:nick xmlns:nick="">Work</nick:nick> there, is the name I have in google for my office desk phone
00:15.10Samotxabean*CLI>     -- Executing [s@incoming-gvoice:4] Set("Motif/+14105551212-ea0d", "CALLERID(all)=+14105551212") in new stack
00:15.29warewolfis that overwriting the name field?
00:15.40SamotThat is the full callerid
00:15.50SamotCALLERID(name) is the name only variable.
00:16.04SamotCALLERID(num) or CALLERID(number) is the number only field
00:16.13warewolflemme switch that over then.
00:16.16SamotCALLERID(all) is the full CallerID header.
00:17.11SamotSo a full callerid would be CALLERID(full)=Name <number>
00:17.33Samoter all not full
00:18.25warewolfokay, apparently by default asterisk stuffs (what it thinks is like a SIP endpoint) the <ses:session initiator="this here"> into the name field.
00:18.45warewolfso I get in the name field, which is crazy unweildy.
00:19.03warewolfand the whole point of the "stripcrazy" stuff in the dialplan documented in the asterisk wiki.
00:20.19SamotI really don't know.
00:20.27warewolfokay, thanks.
00:20.34SamotBut as I said Motif/Jingle is XMPP Federation
00:20.45SamotIt's not longer supported for GTalk.
00:20.57warewolfcan you do me a favor?
00:20.58SamotA call is not really a 1-to-1 XMPP chat
00:21.18warewolfif I ask question "X", can you not provide answers to question "Y" ?
00:21.20Samot^^ I'll put that right here.
00:21.38SamotYou're asking questions about something that is most likely broken.
00:21.39warewolfI'm not asking about google voice.  I'm asking about asterisk.
00:21.45SamotIt's not sending your callerid name
00:21.53SamotThat's not an asterisk issue.
00:22.18SamotIt's not sending the callerid name is a format that is recognized.
00:22.20warewolfok, you're not listening to what I'm saying
00:22.33warewolfthe data is in the XMPP stanza sent to asterisk as a client.
00:22.44warewolf line 13.
00:23.03warewolfsee "Work" there?  That's basically the equivlant of the caller ID name field.
00:23.23warewolfI want to figure out what to hack in asterisk to leverage that data from the XML, and stuff it into the caller ID name field.
00:23.44warewolfI appreciate the basic troubleshooting of the caller id all v.s. name v.s. number stuff
00:23.58Samot8:22:17 PM <Samot> It's not sending the callerid name is a format that is recognized. <-- See there....
00:24.12SamotGTalk/GV is not sending the callerid in a format Asterisk is understanding..
00:24.15SamotNot XMPP
00:24.36SamotIs this something that just started to happen?
00:24.41warewolfit's in the XML over the XMPP connection
00:24.48SamotI know.
00:25.03SamotIt may not understand those attributes.
00:25.06warewolfwhich is fine!
00:25.12warewolfI want to make it understand those attributes!
00:25.16SamotDid this just start happening?
00:25.23SamotWhen did it start?
00:25.24warewolfI literally just two days ago got this working
00:25.40SamotSo now listen to what I am saying.
00:25.41warewolfthis is not some magic change on the google side that broke caller id name
00:25.50SamotIt could be.
00:26.09SamotMy whole point about this no longer being supported.
00:26.15warewolfthis is obviously something that asterisk doesn't support *as is currently* and I'm trying to figure out how to make it work
00:26.25SamotListen to me.
00:26.32SamotSince you are new to this..
00:26.54SamotMotif has, for it's life time, been updated constantly because Google keeps changing stuff.
00:27.08SamotGoogle makes a change, Motif needs a patch
00:27.18SamotConstant thing.
00:27.32SamotPeople have had their stuff break with GV constantly.
00:27.40SamotGoogle has pulled the plug.
00:27.56SamotThe way Motif connects/communicates with GV is no longer supported.
00:28.00SamotEventually will go away.
00:28.08SamotSo you *could* hack Asterisk...
00:28.10SamotBut why?
00:28.17warewolfit sounds like you're trying to convince me that this isn't worth my time
00:28.38warewolf(and quite possibly yours, since you chimed in)
00:28.58SamotOr perhaps this is a break from the drudge of coding I'm doing.
00:29.11SamotAnd now I have warm fuzzies..
00:29.25warewolfhave another beer.  More warm fuzzies.
00:29.33SamotBecause I *helped* you understand this is a waste of time.
00:29.39SamotIt's why I'm here.
00:29.46warewolfnegative, it's not a waste of time.
00:30.05warewolf"this is broken, I'd like to fix it" is how all open source comes into existance.
00:30.12SamotSometimes "support" is telling someone "No that's dumb. Don't do it."
00:30.20warewolfnah, I get it.
00:30.23SamotAnd I'd be all over it
00:30.31SamotIf Google wasn't going to shut it all down.
00:30.51SamotHaving something like that is only as good as to what it connects to
00:31.05SamotWhen you make it work and Google shuts it down or makes another change...
00:31.09SamotYou have a shit burger.
00:31.14warewolfdon't care that google is banging the war drums for gtalk/motif/google voice/hangouts/allo/whatever-the-hell-else-comes-next dieing
00:31.45warewolfhere, have a hypothetical: lets say you're the primary dev of chan_motif or res_xmpp
00:32.20Samotres_xmpp is not just for Google.
00:32.24SamotIt's used for other things.
00:32.32warewolfand you point me "Here, asterisk ver 23.2.1, line 57 has an example of setting channel variables, in res_xmpp.c, and there's already functions elsewhere that extract data from the received XML"
00:32.43warewolfknow what I'd do?
00:32.49warewolfI'd go hack it to do what I want.
00:33.24warewolfthen I'd go subscribe to asterisk-dev{elopers,patches,users,whatever} and say "I figured out X.  I'm not an asterisk expert, but here's the 80% that got me what I desired"
00:33.27SamotIf you want to do that go head.
00:33.54SamotAs the developer of res_xmpp, in this hypothetical, I work on Asterisk.
00:34.11SamotWhich means I follow a set of rules/guidelines.
00:34.31SamotSo if it's not on the list, I'm not heart broken because res_xmpp is there for XMPP not GV
00:34.32warewolfyou're forgetting that you have the power of saying "Thanks, but we're going to reject your patch."
00:34.46warewolfand that's 100% fine
00:34.49SamotYou want to patch it..
00:34.51SamotGo for it
00:35.15SamotBut again..
00:35.33SamotMaking your radio pick up station WXYT doesn't help when WXYT goes off the air.
00:35.45warewolfso what's the rule/guideline where you activly tell someone not to work on something because in your opinion it's not worth the time?
00:36.48SamotIt all depends on my mood at the time.
00:37.48SamotJust note...
00:38.11SamotThat while I have been providing advice/opinions you're making a big deal over..
00:38.17SamotI still helped you with  your issue.
00:38.32SamotI didn't say "It's broken, you're screwed"
00:38.49SamotI helped you understand what the issue is.
00:39.01SamotAnd then advised that your solution to fix it was bonkers.
00:40.25warewolfone man's trash is another man's treasure
00:40.36SamotVery true.
00:40.47warewolfmy fiancee is in hawaii, and I'm in virginia.  The only chance I get to hear from her is over the phone.
00:41.01warewolfI previously used a sip trunking provider, and the call qualtiy was so bad my fiancee yelled at me.
00:41.12warewolfI literally just ditched them
00:41.28warewolfso I switched over to xmpp/motif
00:41.33SamotYou went to this.
00:41.37warewolfand the call quality went through the roof
00:41.49warewolfI'm more invested than you are.  I get that.
00:42.01warewolfbut please stop trying to step on someone else's dream?
00:42.09SamotGo for it.
00:42.13SamotI never said not.
00:42.17SamotI said "Why would  you"
00:42.57SamotIf you think this is the best option then you either have to accept the flaws in it.
00:43.06SamotOr you need to invest time into fixing it.
00:43.15SamotDigium doesn't take requests
00:43.28SamotIf they are going to make it work, they will
00:43.38SamotIf Jingle is third party, it's up that guy.
00:44.26SamotHere's a question for you...
00:44.38SamotWhy don't you ship her an ATA or an IP phone
00:44.48warewolfI did!
00:44.52SamotThen she can be registered directly to Asterisk like you
00:44.52warewolfshe never plugged it in.
00:45.05warewolfI even bought her a brand new google pixel phone!
00:45.08SamotSo the easiest and most practical solution is that
00:45.13warewolfshe still uses her samsung galaxy s5.
00:45.25SamotHave her get Bria or something.
00:45.27warewolf(which has battery life problems)
00:45.40warewolfwe're back to x/y again
00:46.01warewolfI'm gonna go deep dive through source and try to figure this out.
00:46.31warewolfI do appreciate your time, thank you.
01:24.42*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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01:56.43k-manI need to get 2 outdoor rated door phones for my new warehouse, anyone have any experience with any they can recommend? I just want the kind with one button
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02:22.45*** join/#asterisk mltngpot (
02:24.09mltngpotI have a user whos voicemail is showing -1 new messages in the cli
02:25.01mltngpotI am using, I have cleared out the /var/lib/asterisk/voicemail/default/xxx directory
02:26.51mltngpotI am new to asterisk and have been unable to figure out how to fix that problem
02:28.41Samotmltngpot: well...this is a bad introduction.
02:29.11Samot1.8 is dead. But we can give it a shot
02:29.13mltngpotfair enough
02:29.55SamotShow the directiory contents
02:30.01mltngpotit is an inheritance. I am going to upgrade it once I know enough
02:30.09SamotAnd the cli outout showing the -1
02:30.24infoboti heard pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:30.49SamotNeed 10 mins. Mobile right now
02:31.21mltngpotno worries, you are helping me out of a bind
02:31.59SamotJust post the links..look in a nit
02:41.50SamotConsole output?
02:44.36SamotWhere's the output of Asterisk telling you there is -1 voicemail.
02:44.39SamotI don't see it.
02:45.50mltngpotI just put it on the bottom, Ill put up a new pastbin
02:49.34SamotNot sure.
02:49.48SamotI recall this being an issue but I can't remember this fix.
02:50.40mltngpotok, can I create a new voicemail box and have it dump things in there instead of his assigned extension?
02:52.02Samotbut that's going to require a few changes to the dialplan but that's not too hard.
02:52.36mltngpotso just copy that config line, put in the new mailbox number in voicemail.conf, change the sip.conf to point there
02:53.26SamotYou might need to do a little reading up.
02:53.28infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
02:53.46mltngpotI have a lot of reading up todo
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02:57.44mltngpotthank you so much
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07:15.36gavimobilei have an issue where all of my trunks disconnect and dont reconnect unless i restart asterisk using from the cli "core restart now". i've attached my log which shows normal behavior, however at 13:40:14] something happened where the message log shows something was reset.
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08:49.23pawieckiHi I have * version 11.20, with default register expiry settings, 'sip show peer A' shows Sess-Expires: 1800 secs / Min-Sess: 90 secs. Phone is Yealink T21P, with timer set to 180 secs. Now this sip peer loses registration randomly, but usually right before it should re-register. Any ideas?
08:51.29pawieckiI have the same problem with Grandstream GXW4232, where only a single sip peer loses registration, and the rest ~30 work just fine.
08:52.07pawieckiTwo different devices, the same *, and this weird behaviour.
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08:59.54pawieckiI figured maybe 'ignoreregexpire = yes' might do the trick (testing), but I still don't know what is the cause of this problem.
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10:35.11bluez_hmm how do you access and set global variables in extensions.lua?
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11:06.14DivideBy0cervajs2: those are devices that were created by or subscribed to via ARI
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11:07.50cervajs2any tips howto "ARIficate" devices created in i.e. pjsip.conf ?
11:09.16fileyou might want to explain your goal first
11:09.23cervajs2my goal is dynamic routing of agents. i need check i agents device is in_use
11:10.30filethen you can either do a GET of the specific device to get the device state, or you can subscribe using to get events as their device state changes
11:10.31DivideBy0you can subscribe to all events related to device states:
11:10.45DivideBy0come on file, give a guy a chance to copy and paste! :)
11:10.56cervajs2using node.js. i will listen for event deviceChange but i need bootstrap when application starts
11:11.02fileDivideBy0: the floor is yours then :D
11:11.26filecervajs2: there is no route to get the device state of EVERYTHING on the system
11:12.11cervajs2file: its missing or its by design?
11:12.26filenoone has written such a thing
11:12.50fileand there are other queue implementations which work fine without it
11:13.09cervajs2file: with AMI its possible run and then catch events right?
11:13.30fileyes? if that's what it says
11:16.14cervajs2file: other method is - somewhere get device names - then run /deviceStates/{deviceName}
11:16.41fileyou have to know the device names regardless
11:17.02cervajs2file: last question. if works /deviceStates/{deviceName} why /deviceStates is tied to ARI?
11:17.16filebecause noone wrote it to return EVERYTHING?
11:17.45fileor has contributed a patch to do so
11:17.49cervajs2file: ok :) thanks for answers
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11:50.06infernixi set up an SPA941 on a remote site with static port forwards and configuring the phone to use the external IP for sip sessions; it's successfully registering and calls work fine to and from asterisk (which is on a public IP) and its public sip trunks
11:50.50infernixhowever, asterisk keeps audio ip local in a sip show channel X, despite having the same codecs, having nat=no directmedia=yes directrtpsetup=yes
11:51.13infernixevery call, whether in or out, is a  'simple_bridge' basic-bridge
11:51.41infernixso wireshark shows the rtp media traffic going from sip phone <> asterisk server <> public sip provider
11:52.21infernixi know it works fine when a call is coming from the sip trunk and is forwarded back to a PSTN number on the same sip trunk (e.g. asterisk gets out of the media path in that case)
11:52.40infernixbut for the life of me I cannot get it out of the media path with this linksys
11:53.20infernixcodec is g729 on both channels,
11:56.20infernixsip show peer shows DirectMedia  : Yes for both the phone and sip trunk
11:56.53bluez_hmm how do i set a call duration timeout?  TIMEOUT(absolute)=5 seems to be from dialing, not from connect
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12:02.52bluez_nvm got it
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12:16.47bluez_hmm no way to delete a global variable totally
12:19.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:27.42[TK]D-Fenderinfernix, Show us the call
12:28.20infernixit might be this: [Sep  7 14:27:02] WARNING[2693][C-00000003]: chan_iax2.c:1239 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay 0, this delay -2369, threshold 1000, new offset 2369
12:28.37infernixi don't use iax at all though
12:28.43infernixand i don't think jitterbuffer is enabled by default?
12:30.44[TK]D-Fenderinfernix, Show us the call
12:31.05infernixredacting the sip debug, hang on
12:32.48[TK]D-FenderFirst rule do NOT fuc with the evidence
12:33.08[TK]D-FenderI don't care if you PW & PM the link.
12:33.20[TK]D-FenderBut do NOT fuck with the evidence
12:34.51infernixjust replacing my mobile number
12:36.21infernixbut i may have found it already
12:36.32infernixjbenable=yes somewhere
12:36.49infernixthat was it
12:37.26cervajs2file: will you accept minor patch for ast13 pjproject to change PJSIP_MAX_PKT_LEN from 6000 to 32000 as this is in ast15?
12:37.49cervajs2file: or can you change it on your own?
12:38.24fileum, it already was
12:40.55cervajs2file: great, tnx
12:42.15infernixjbenable is global?
12:43.06infernixand why would asterisk choose to create a local bridge with a jitterbuffer if directmedia is possible between peer & user?
12:45.27infernixanyway, i think I can do without
13:04.04SamotBecause Asterisk doesn't truly "proxy" the media.
13:04.13SamotIt will also interject itself when needed
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14:13.11pawieckiHi, I've posted earlier, but now more people are online: Hi I have * version 11.20, with default register expiry settings, 'sip show peer A' shows Sess-Expires: 1800 secs / Min-Sess: 90 secs. Phone is Yealink T21P, with timer set to 180 secs. Now this sip peer loses registration randomly, but usually right before it should re-register. Any ideas?I have the same problem with Grandstream GXW4232, where only a single sip peer loses registration, and the r
14:13.13pawieckiest ~30 work just fine. Two different devices, the same *, and this weird behaviour.
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14:37.24lagzillaIs it possible to have AMI generate a test call with audio?
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14:57.32SamotYou can issue an Originate command that will pickup a local channel and issue a Dial() to a destination
14:58.02SamotBe it a local phone/device peer or a trunk peer to another system or PSTN
14:58.33SamotThen you can do a Playback() or something along those lines when the call is answered and bridged.
14:59.14SamotBut that's a real call.
14:59.20SamotYou can't simulate it.
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16:08.09jameswfahhh the old "channel originate Local/1001 application Playback tt-monkeys"
16:08.19jameswfbest thing ever.
16:10.04jameswfThis seems like a good ARI example..... monkey roulette. Pull a list of endpoints and randomly dial one every minute or two with screaming monkeys
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16:57.30summerholidayshi all,
16:57.30summerholidaysi have 2 asterisks servers communicating on a standard setup, (no private ips, no custom ports, etc
16:57.30summerholidayswhen i dial a call from AST 1 to AST 2, i get all signalling, except when the phone is answered
16:57.30summerholidaysAST 2 starts trying to "retransmit" the connect 200 message .. and i always see RETRANSMITTING.. it never actually arrives at AST1
16:57.30summerholidayswhat could be the cause please?
16:57.31summerholidaysplease take into mind that all other messages are received/sent fine.. just when it gets to answer
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17:14.40[TK]D-FenderSIp/netowrking screwup
17:14.47[TK]D-Fendervery clearly
17:14.51[TK]D-Fenderthings aren't getting answered
17:15.07[TK]D-Fenderwhich is either because they are trying to talk to the wrong place or something isn't making it there
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19:58.31tuxd00dI have one location, using a Ubiquity EdgeMAX router that likes to use the same port numbers for phones.  (Ext 402 and 405).  Protocol (UDP, TCP, TLS) doesn’t seem to matter.  SIP ALG is disabled.  Latest firmware.  They never had issue with their Vonage service.  Currently registering to Asterisk 12, but will be moving to 14.  Has anyone else experience this? Was it fixable?
20:23.01*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
21:34.01dan_jtuxd00d: vonage may be using a vpn to get around any issues with blocked/used ports. or it could simply be a config issue within asterisk?
21:34.39tuxd00dI thought they might be as well, but the config on the phones does not have one configured. And the router does not either.
21:37.41tuxd00dOn this server, which has been running for 3 years, with hundreds of endpoints, only this location is having this particular issue. So I’m leaning towards the router as the cause. But I’m not ruling out an asterisk misconfiguration.  I’ve just never seen a router assign two or more devices the same port mapping.
21:49.46*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
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22:44.28nnyhaving to install freepbx from distro and garbage SangomaOS. Someone kill me
23:09.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
23:20.20summerholidaysgetting retransmitted on a connection stage of a call.. no reason why .. any one got any ideas please ? no firewalls involved.
23:20.33[TK]D-FenderSHow us actual debug
23:20.54infoboti guess pastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:26.56*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
23:33.34*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-udeiaizotjflpmge)
23:46.35*** join/#asterisk sommarnatt (

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