IRC log for #asterisk on 20170906

00:00.39*** join/#asterisk jrabe (
00:02.25hdonoh hm yes i am
00:04.17hdonor there's some kind of a race condition and my simple test doesn't expose it...
00:04.46hdonoh whoops... used Promise.join when i meant :|
00:05.23hdonis there a way to just get all variables on a channel?
00:10.35Samothdon: I believe there is an #asterisk-ari channel these questions might be more suited for.
00:10.50hdonah thanks Samot
00:11.25SamotYou may get faster, better and/or more in-depth answers there.
00:12.06SamotI mean ARI, sure some of those could be answered here
00:12.16SamotBut node-ari is getting a wee specific.
00:12.33SamotThat might be more a thing the ARI-heads know about.
00:41.11*** join/#asterisk jkroon_ (~jkroon@
00:50.19*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
01:27.05*** join/#asterisk s-mutin (~s-mutin@
01:28.45*** join/#asterisk s-mutin (~s-mutin@
01:38.09*** join/#asterisk jab416171 (
01:41.47*** join/#asterisk tupton (
01:43.01tuptonstupid question because i don't know what to google. so a did number aka telephone number a person can get for free or dirt cheap. but what about service to that phone number? do i have to pay so much for talking on that number? or is that just covered under my isp bandwidth?
01:43.41tuptoni plan on setting up freepbx.
01:44.19tuptonare there any services i have to pay for besides the did number? considering i'll be running my own pbx
01:44.22SamotThat question is in no way related to the type of PBX
01:44.45Samottupton: VoIP = Phone Service
01:44.56SamotA SIP Trunk = Line
01:45.15SamotYou would have to pay for your service just like any other voice service.
01:45.35SamotWhat plans/rates that are offered is up to the provider you choose.
01:46.13tuptonso i run an asterisk server, but then still need to have a voip provider provide me service? so that's what i'd look into? voip providers
01:46.27SamotITSP/SIP Trunk Providers
01:46.34tuptongotcha. thank you
01:46.38SamotThink of the Asterisk box as a really big phone
01:46.42SamotThat does a lot of stuff.
01:46.51tuptonnot asterisk related entirely, but this is the closest related freenode channel
01:46.52*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
01:46.55SamotYou still need to plug it into the phone line, so to speak.
01:47.05tuptonunderstood. thank you
02:22.11[TK]D-FenderWhoeve you get the DID from gives you the service.
02:22.18[TK]D-FenderAnd by "give" we mean "charge you for"
02:22.31[TK]D-FenderIt's more like you're renting the number
02:22.59[TK]D-FenderHaving a number assigned to you does not necessarily have any relation on how many calls you can take or place however
02:50.16*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
04:28.54*** join/#asterisk jkroon__ (~jkroon@
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06:28.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:17.16*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
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07:56.31*** join/#asterisk Amadis (3e6f8f32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:11.43*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:11.50*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:34.06*** join/#asterisk Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
08:36.02*** join/#asterisk DanB (
08:48.09zicadaI am currently in the process of troubleshooting some problems we have with leaking event fd's. Could anyone here answer if these are "normal" in the logs ?
08:48.12zicada[Sep  6 10:41:55] WARNING[16408] res_http_websocket.c: Web socket closed abruptly
08:48.15zicada[Sep  6 10:41:55] WARNING[16408] ari/ari_websockets.c: WebSocket read error: Success
08:48.33zicadaWhat is successful avout the read error I guess is what I'm asking :)
08:55.03*** join/#asterisk Kaian (~kaian@
09:01.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
09:08.38*** join/#asterisk iheartlinux (
09:10.51*** join/#asterisk pawiecki_ (~pawiecki@
09:12.09*** join/#asterisk chl_ (~chl@unaffiliated/chl/x-9330839)
09:12.48chl_hello, having some issues with call forwarding - no sound is coming through, but calls are being forwarded
09:12.59chl_i have set up firewall rules
09:13.59chl_should a rule for rtp - 10000:20000/udp be sufficient?
09:17.53zicadachl_: sudo lsof -p <pid of asterisk> | grep LISTEN
09:18.10zicadaWill tell you what ports and protocols to open
09:22.35*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
09:32.07dan_jchl_: does your asterisk box have a public IP or are you behind a router?
09:44.20chl_dan_j: public IP
09:45.01sibiriai have a bit of a basic question
09:45.28sibiriathe X-Asterisk headers that pop up when receiving BYE
09:45.36sibiriaare these determined and set by us, or the remote side?
09:46.53sibiriawe're getting cause-id 1 (unallocated/404) on calls that were correctly connected, proceeding normally
09:46.54chl_zicada: asterisk 1463 asterisk 18u ipv4 17901 0t0 TCP *:cisco-sccp (LISTEN) was the only thing returned
09:57.04pawieckiHi, I have a mechanizm to handle sip peers' restriction, for example local =1, same-country=2, mobile=3, international=4 and so on. Right now I set variable for every peer in sip.conf, and then retrieve level of restrictions before outbound call. Now I'm curious if there's a simpler way of doing this.
09:58.32pawieckiI use agi script, which does 'sip show peer x' for every account and then search for variable 'restriction'
10:00.26pawieckithat way, when peer A calls peer B, and B redirects to external number, * uses restrictions for B, instead of A.
10:04.43pawieckiIs there any more elegant solution for assigning restrictions for outgoing calls?
10:09.08dan_jchl_: If asterisk has a public IP and there is no NAT router involved in the setup, the audio port numbers are contained in rtp.conf
10:13.45*** join/#asterisk stux|work (
10:18.15*** join/#asterisk bl3nto (
10:26.12*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
10:46.28*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
11:42.17chl_thanks dan_j
11:52.27*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
12:27.04*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat58@2601:283:8302:2f0d:b528:e3ce:c9e9:59b0)
12:36.11*** join/#asterisk kgunnit1 (~kgunnit@2600:100e:b033:5f6c:ea3e:72:ac9:df30)
13:04.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
13:11.05*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:06.30*** join/#asterisk bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:17.42*** join/#asterisk newtonr (newtonr@nat/digium/x-kkkvmwgafkcxngzq)
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14:18.01*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-nnabnrjvhdonuhig)
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15:05.09*** join/#asterisk eharris (~eharris@unaffiliated/eharris)
15:18.38imcdonaWhich modules are required for IAX2 support in Asterisk? I'm getting "Auto-congesting call due to slow response" on IAX2 calls. If I set auto-load modules to yes it works fine so I must be missing a module that IAX2 depeonds on. Anyonw have any ideas?
15:18.57imcdonaobviously I've included
15:19.22imcdonaor what module would control response to a channel being opened?
15:26.51newtonrDId you try turning on debug and turning the debug verbosity way up? Might get more clues.
15:31.40imcdonaYeah, I did that already. I found this in the debug log " Can't find native functions for channel 'IAX2/" Not sure if that's realted. All codecs are loaded. All bridging modules are loaded. I'm literally loading modules one-by-one and attempting a dial until I find the module resposible
15:41.02*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-flonmyhfczttshpc)
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15:46.55*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
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15:55.08*** part/#asterisk allenp (~allen@unaffiliated/allenp)
16:04.38sibiriag.722 - is it somewhat deployed and usable or is it recommended to be avoided in favor of g.711?
16:06.29Samotg722 is great for extension to extension calling
16:06.38SamotBut there is no g722 over the PSTN
16:07.09SamotYour provider, if even they accept g722, will transcode it to g711/g729/gsm which every is best for them.
16:10.08sibiriaoki, ty
16:12.49*** join/#asterisk robinak (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
16:37.13*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (
17:11.44*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
17:23.44imcdonaThe module resposible for the IAX2 calls getting "auto-congesting call due to slow response" is "". Asterisk fully loads with no complaints but won't complete IAX2 calls unless that module is loaded
17:27.48[TK]D-FenderYou need something for timing for IAX in trunk mode
17:28.05[TK]D-FenderSo either a kernel based or DAHDI based module loaded
17:28.07imcdonaHow about making a dependency of so unless is loaded then fail to load
17:28.57*** join/#asterisk woddy (~woddy@unaffiliated/woddy)
17:29.04imcdonaOr make a timing source a dependency on chan_iax2? As it stands now, there's no error, just lots of frustation should anyone make the same mistake.
17:31.31[TK]D-FenderIf you're going to cherry-pick your modules you should be aware of what they require...
18:10.03imcdonaIs there a list of module dependencies I'm not aware of?
18:46.16*** join/#asterisk tsia (~tsia@2a02:2028:54c:6e01::7440:b0b6)
18:47.29*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
18:58.05*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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19:04.26*** join/#asterisk j-fish (uid178161@gateway/web/
19:07.03*** join/#asterisk tsia (~tsia@2a02:2028:54c:6e01::7440:b0b6)
19:08.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
19:09.00*** join/#asterisk bluez_ (sid168910@gateway/web/
19:09.04bluez_hey guys
19:09.51bluez_is there an easy way to make a exntension/dialplan rule self destruct once dialed?
19:09.55bluez_i.e. it can only be dialed once
19:11.36*** join/#asterisk woddy (~woddy@unaffiliated/woddy)
19:12.41Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yo yo
19:12.52Kobazit's my favorite fender
19:13.47Kobazanyway... anyone know if you can... on a call by call basis, have a polycom phone not show a call as 'missed'.  Like from a hunt group... phone A/B/C ring, A picks up, B/C get 'missed calls'
19:14.00[TK]D-Fenderbluez_, Check some value as the first priority.  If it's set then don't continue.  If you continue, set the flag
19:14.17[TK]D-Fenderbluez_, Or something else
19:14.53[TK]D-Fenderbluez_, put that dialplan in a separate file and INCLUDE it.  Then in your dialplan overwrite that sub-file.
19:14.53bluez_ok but i want it removed permanently
19:15.10Kobazi know polycoms have a feature... Since UCS 4.0.0 we do support RFC 3326 "Call completed elsewhere" and this would clear the missed call if your SIP server supports this.
19:15.17[TK]D-FenderThese are text configs.
19:15.19Kobaznot sure how to use it from asterisk
19:15.26[TK]D-Fenderfuck with the files however you want
19:15.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz, "core show application dial" <-----------
19:16.07Kobazinteresting... so it's in there somewhere
19:16.44KobazoOOo c: If the Dial() application cancels this call, always set HANGUPCAUSE to 'answered elsewhere'
20:00.22*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (~F2Knight@
20:01.39*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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20:05.43*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:06.47*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~imcdona@
20:19.17*** join/#asterisk pawiecki (
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20:27.01*** join/#asterisk shanth__ (
20:45.00*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
21:02.39*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
21:03.13*** join/#asterisk mutin-s (~s-mutin@
21:05.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:33.05*** join/#asterisk cervajs2 (
21:34.46cervajs2any hints why ARI DeviceStates shows nothing but DeviceStates/SIP/test shows correct output ?
21:40.11sibiriais there a way to run a series of Application/Data sets from a call file without referring to a context?
21:50.44*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
22:13.41revealis it possible with asterisk to do a recursive ldap search or a way of automating adding the members automatically?
22:16.22filesibiria: no.
22:21.18*** join/#asterisk Bordr (
23:05.38*** join/#asterisk kgunnit (
23:06.30*** join/#asterisk kgunnit2 (~kgunnit@2600:100e:b045:64d3:6260:3b5c:3a28:f738)
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23:24.29*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-nnabnrjvhdonuhig)
23:48.58*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/suzeanne)
23:50.07*** join/#asterisk warewolf (
23:50.32warewolfanybody here an asterisk core coder type of person?
23:51.02warewolfI'm trying to figure out where I need to hack asterisk source to add caller ID *name* to calls coming in over xmpp/motif (google voice)
23:51.40SamotWhy even bother?
23:51.52warewolfI see in the xmpp debugging a <nick:nick>CallerName IsHere</nick:nick> stanza, trying to track down where that comes in, and how I stash it in caller ID
23:51.54SamotAnd you don't need to hack anything for that.
23:53.40Samot1) Google officially ended third-party XMPP connectors to Google Voice.
23:54.07warewolfhold on
23:54.09Samot2) Google Voice is now a Google only thing. Have Hangouts, you got Google Voice. It's for Google to Google only stuff now.
23:54.15SamotJune 26th 2017
23:54.32SamotSome of the connectors may still be out there..
23:54.37SamotSome may still be working
23:54.39warewolfyou're wrong, becuase I'm placing and receiving calls via asterisk over xmpp/motif
23:54.40SamotBut it's done.
23:55.00warewolfI *know* google has said it's going away, and has *for ages*
23:56.08warewolfrewind, back to my question: where/how could I hack in caller id names from the XMPP <nick:nick>Stuff here</nick:nick> xml node?
23:56.46SamotDon't know.
23:56.53warewolfokay then.
23:56.54SamotFirst is has to be sent.
23:56.58SamotIs it being sent?
23:57.10warewolfcaptured it while my fiancee called me.
23:57.13SamotHow did you confirm that?
23:57.21SamotOK so Asterisk shows the callerid?
23:57.23SamotIn the logs?
23:57.33SamotCDRs, etc...
23:57.41warewolfin XMPP debugging
23:58.08warewolfI switched xmpp debugging on in asterisk with 'xmpp set debugging on' or whatever the command is
23:59.56SamotShow a call that this happens on

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