IRC log for #asterisk on 20170905

00:00.37*** join/#asterisk jrabe (
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00:29.46darkunderlordok, so I think it's been happening since I was trying to get upgraded to 13. I'm guessing it's DB changes I made to go to 13, and 11 doesn't like them. Odd though, because it seems to have all the data it needs when querying from the CLI.
00:31.08SamotWell there were some changes.
00:31.15SamotOutline in the wiki.
00:31.18SamotWell mainly 11 to 12
00:31.24SamotLTS never has new stuff in it
00:44.30*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
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10:51.25zicadaI'm having some issues with 2 eventfd file discriptors sticking around after each successful call. Thus after a while, the underlying OS will complain about too many open files.
10:51.58zicadaThis is on a ubuntu lts.
10:59.17*** join/#asterisk sekil (
11:10.21*** join/#asterisk jjrh (
11:21.05zicadaAre any of the developers of Asterisk in this channel ?
11:21.16SamotWhat is your issue?
11:26.24*** join/#asterisk sekil (
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12:27.09blinky_afternoon all.  I am running an asterisk box with multiple ring groups.  I need to set a time condition for between 8 and 9 in the morning.  The rule needs to divert all ring groups to an other ring group.  I can set up the time condition but I dont understand where to set the ring groups that need to be diverted, any advice?
12:28.10SamotYou set them up like normal and route calls to them
12:37.44*** join/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
12:38.27FarhaadNhi, how can i set two ip address for bind address in sip.conf
12:38.47FarhaadNi want to bind to internal and external ip address
12:38.47SamotYou don't
12:38.59SamotUnless what is v4 and one is v6
12:39.23FarhaadNwhy i can set
12:39.28FarhaadNbut i cant 2 address?
12:39.35SamotThat's how it is
12:39.43SamotThat's how it has always been with Chan_SIP
12:40.05FarhaadNonly way is set bind address to
12:40.28SamotYou can bind to, that's the wildcard
12:40.36SamotOr you can put the specific address in there
12:40.45roswellFarhaadN, afair chan_pjsip has an opportunity to point several transports (or whatever it's called) to different ips, however i'm not a big fan of it
12:40.51SamotBut you cannot have two IPs listening on UDP for Chan_SIP.
12:41.05*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:41.16SamotYou can have two listen, one for UDP and once for TCP
12:41.29SamotBut not multiple IPs on the same transport.
12:41.50roswellFarhaadN, what's your asterisk version?
12:42.06FarhaadNSamot: OK
12:42.11FarhaadNroswell: 14.6
12:42.53SamotSo this box has both a public IP and a LAN IP?
12:43.03SamotThat you want to listen for SIP?
12:43.13roswellFarhaadN, have a look at , those sections having type=transport
12:43.32FarhaadNi have to interfaces
12:43.47FarhaadNone for internal :
12:43.58FarhaadNand onw for register sip frome internet
12:44.03SamotSo this box isn't behind NAT?
12:44.20SamotIs it behind a firewall at least?
12:45.35FarhaadNroswell: check it, both use tcp
12:46.10SamotYou'll need to switch to PJSIP for this.
12:46.32SamotAlthough, I honestly can't say why you are doing it this way.
12:46.48Samot"I have two interface cards" is never enough reasoning.
12:47.30FarhaadNtell me how figure that
12:47.39SamotFigure what?
12:48.17roswellFarhaadN, check what? see that bind keyword?
12:48.47FarhaadNSamot: tell me how to fix this
12:48.54SamotFix what?
12:48.59SamotWhat is actually broken?
12:49.37FarhaadNi want to other people from internet register to my asterisk server with internet ip address
12:50.01SamotThat's called NAT
12:52.25FarhaadNSamot: ask from network manager to nat that ip too local ip?
12:53.50SamotFarhaadN: Of course.
12:54.05FarhaadNi dont need change anything?
12:54.18thiagochi all, I'm having a problem when some extension pick up a call from a queue and transfer to another extension, asterisk creates a local channel and when the call terminates that local channel doesn't disappears
12:54.21SamotFarhaadN: Are you telling that after all this time coming in here, you've never set this part up?
12:54.28SamotFarhaadN: Of course.
12:54.37SamotYou need to read the wiki and the sample configs for this
12:54.57FarhaadNSamot: i only set
12:55.07SamotI'm not talking about that
12:55.10SamotI'm talking about NAT
12:55.18FarhaadNno, i mean in past
12:55.20SamotYes, you setup NAT to send the calls to the PBX
12:55.33SamotI'm talking about setting up Asterisk.
12:57.21FarhaadNSamot: can u give me link of wiki?
13:02.27FarhaadNpawiecki_: tanx
13:07.23*** part/#asterisk FarhaadN (~Farhad@
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13:44.39zicadaI tried asking about this earlier, but people were likely asleep.
13:45.43zicadaI am looking to solve a problem with leaking file descriptors. Every time we complete a call, two "zomby" eventfd descriptors are created and they are never removed, so after X calls we will hit the soft limit and Asterisk crashes with "too many open files"
13:46.14zicadaThis occurs when we use Asterisk to bridge together two channels mixing in audio.
13:47.08zicadaI have been peering at the code,and google'd a lot, but no luck. It very well could be we are doing something "weird" exposing a cornercase where this happens, but no sure.
13:47.23roswellzicada, how exactly do you bridge channels?
13:48.53*** join/#asterisk shanth (~shanth@2001:19f0:9002:2c8:5400:ff:fe79:7f3)
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13:52.54zicadaroswell: we are bridging together an incoming 1st leg and and outgoing second leg (like a conferance).
13:53.23roswellzicada, do u use any external app for mixing streams?
13:55.32zicadaroswell: no
13:56.05roswellzicada, well without seeing your dialplan related to the issue, i can't tell more
13:56.47roswellusually asterisk is running out of fds when an external process fails to terminate properly
13:57.07roswellmaybe there's some agi call
13:57.47roswellmaybe some shell command
13:59.29zicadaWe are using ARI4Java to communicate with our apps
14:00.05zicadaBut shouldn't asterisk be in charge of closing down its own descriptors when communication no longer happens over its websocket(s) ?
14:02.23roswellzicada, do you have a chance of running netstat -apn | grep 8088
14:02.55roswellor whichever port your asterisk uses for webrtc connections. just don't paste the whole output here
14:03.08zicadatcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -
14:03.18zicadaand then 11 or so TIME_WAIT and one ESTABLISHED
14:07.59roswellso this is not about networking at least
14:09.38*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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14:11.16zicadaroswell: if we dont "addchannel" for the conferance, we only end up with 1 descriptor "left over" instead of 2.
14:11.40zicadaAnd the way we trigger it is simply making a call and then hanging up after a few seconds.
14:15.22*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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14:46.17rrittgarnhaving an issue with app_queue. Periodic announcements aren't playing at all. Config is here:
14:46.47rrittgarncurious if I'm missing something obvious. I also don't see any attempts to play the files in debug output when logged, so guessing i missed something
14:50.51rrittgarnnevermind, figured it out, announcements wont play while ringing, so timeout has to be < my announce interval... now to figure out why its not playing my particular audio
15:03.04*** join/#asterisk fonefreak (
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15:28.18[TK]D-FenderYup, you scrweed up
15:28.32[TK]D-Fenderit dials agents for 100 seconds before having a chance to play announcements
15:28.41[TK]D-Fenderbut you set the LIFE of the caller in queue to 100 seconds
15:28.45[TK]D-Fenderso they never hear it
15:29.10[TK]D-Fenderit doesn't play messages WHILE ringing agents, only in between
15:57.33*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-dnenqerraaetkfns)
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16:05.45*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
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16:19.54salviadudI'm pondering if there's an easier way to handle this next scenario
16:20.16salviadudToday, one of my sales agents got 2 calls on her sip phone, and wanted to add them to a conference.
16:20.43salviadudSo, I helped out and just transferred both parties to a conference room and dialed in to that room at the end.
16:20.49salviadudIs there an easier way?
16:21.47salviadudMaybe I am doing the best way there is.
16:21.58salviadudOr that would depend on what the phone can do.
16:22.06salviadudIn my case, crappy cisco phones
16:22.48*** join/#asterisk shanth_ (
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16:38.02[TK]D-Fenderno "join" feature on those huh?
16:38.17[TK]D-FenderPolycom has that going back 12 years now....
16:41.19salviadudThere is a "join" softkey as I read a cisco manual, but I didn't find it available.
16:41.59salviadudBut that might be with the SCCP protocol
16:42.08salviadudand I'm on sip right now...
16:47.35*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
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18:14.13dan_jHas anyone got experience disabling sipalg on a Technicolor TG589vac v2?
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18:31.40SamotNever even heard of them
18:33.33salviadudI did it!
18:33.44salviadudThose old cisco phones still work
19:10.30*** part/#asterisk catbehemoth (
19:24.25*** join/#asterisk Ussat (~Ussat@pdpc/supporter/active/ussat)
19:25.28Ussatafternoon, installing asterisk as a POC , I have a couple choices of Linux distros, RHEL 6 or 7, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, are their packages for either of these ?
19:26.01UssatI would prefer NOT to compile from source if can be avoided
19:29.25allenpI'm on ubuntu 17.04 and the packages are available there
19:29.35allenpI would assume anything on 16.04 would be out of date
19:29.42allenpor, older at least
19:30.07[TK]D-Fenderit should have * 13 available
19:30.08SamotJust note that packages are always going to be out of date.
19:30.36[TK]D-FenderRH based you can use repos like the ones provided by FreePBX for just *'s basics
19:30.47[TK]D-FenderNot sure if Digium offers one still
19:31.07Ussatallenp, yea, we would like to use a LTS version of Ubuntu though
19:31.18krayloCan you believe that an SMB that I consult for is actually considering Trixbox as an alternative to SwitchVox!? wtaf!!?
19:31.34SamotTrixbox == WAY DEAD
19:31.44krayloyup! tried telling them that
19:31.45UssatYea we are going with 16.04 LTS
19:31.46SamotNot even like, "It hasn't been updated in a year"
19:31.53SamotMore like IT DOESN'T EXIST
19:31.55kraylotheir head office still uses it; so it's on the table
19:32.02Samottell them no.
19:32.12SamotThat's like saying "I still run Windows XP so that's an option"
19:32.21krayloLOL! Yup.
19:32.34SamotIt will not support anything current
19:32.37SamotIt will not be supported
19:33.01Ussatallenp, did you run intp this bug with it on 17.04 ?
19:33.04SamotSo if you guys are cool with a 100% unsupport/unmaintained/out-of-date PBX system. Go for it.
19:33.28[TK]D-FenderIf you pick TrixBox you're BEYOND stupid
19:33.31SamotBut hey, the boss still runs it.
19:33.48[TK]D-FenderThat's choosing to deliberately stab yourself in the face
19:33.54krayloproblem is too many big mouths -- that aren't doing any of the actual work -- keep bringing it up. I've already told them.. it's their choice and that I will not be held responsible for the 'result'
19:34.00SamotAnd shoot yourself in the foot
19:34.10SamotThen set yourself on fire.
19:34.17Ussat[TK]D-Fender, I am not familiar with FreePBX, is that Asterisk ?
19:34.17[TK]D-FenderI think the head-stabbing is a higher priority than your foot :)
19:34.19kraylomore like lobbing off your own d*ck
19:34.20SamotWith a tire around your neck
19:34.34SamotIt's all of the above.
19:34.34[TK]D-FenderTrixbox was a shitty FORK of FreePBX
19:34.35krayloanyway... just had to vent
19:34.43[TK]D-Fenderboth of which use * underneath
19:34.44allenpUssat: I have not run into any issues with my install, however I'm not running anything production at this point.  Just a lab setup to learn asterisk
19:34.44SamotI wouldn't recommend it.
19:34.59Samotkraylo: I'm giving you professional advice. Do not use Trixbox.
19:35.06Ussatallenp, yea this is just a POC
19:35.10[TK]D-Fender7 year old shit
19:35.16[TK]D-Fenderfuck POC
19:35.20[TK]D-Fenderthere's no excuse for it
19:35.28krayloSamot: I'm 100% in agreement. I will not use or implement it.
19:35.28Ussatallenp, you just did a apt-get install asterisk , correct ?
19:35.36[TK]D-FenderYou want to install Windows 3.11 while you're at it?
19:35.43allenpUssat: yeah
19:35.51krayloSamot: if 'they' choose to, despite my recommendation to the contrary... that's their problem.
19:35.58[TK]D-FenderAlso.. you POC will not have the modern interfaces on * as it is.
19:35.59Ussatwhat version of asterisk did you end up with ?
19:36.04allenpyou can always apt-cache search to see what is available
19:36.34allenpno idea, just installed it over the long weekend.  I'd check but this is on a VM on my home network
19:36.48Ussatahh, yea this is for a VM also
19:36.51UssatOK, thanks
19:37.09allenpno prob
19:38.42Samotkraylo: Are you the one that has to deal with it?
19:38.47SamotBecause if you are, it's your problem.
19:39.01SamotOr if you're in charge of IT/tech in some way. 100% your issue.
19:41.05*** part/#asterisk drudge` (~drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
19:43.42Ussatallenp, you grabbed that from universe right ?
19:43.58allenpgood question
19:44.09allenpin the lab I just enable everything and go crazy
19:44.24Ussatheh ok
19:44.28allenpenable everything but backports
19:45.32UssatYea I am building this POC on my home laptop in a VM, assuming this does what I want, will export the OVA to our esxi cluster for a POC there
19:46.45[TK]D-FenderWhat are you trying to "prove"?
19:48.12Ussatshort version, build a replacement for the old crap asterisk installs we have, running on CentOS5 with a gods know how old version of asterisk
19:48.40Ussatits not a full blown PBX by any means, its used for a specific application
19:50.09[TK]D-FenderWhat is there to actually "prove" in going from a questionable origin * build to a know dead-end pit-stop from history?
19:50.34[TK]D-Fenderbecause if you had "specific application" ..... Trixbox isn't going to offer you anything for this at all
19:50.53[TK]D-FenderIt's a dumb shit GUI you'll still have to add all your custom shit to
19:51.08SamotI think you're confusing two conversations.
19:51.12[TK]D-FenderWhich will prove nothing ... except that it installs * and you still ahve to adapt your custom stuff to it
19:51.16Samotkraylo = Trixbox
19:51.24SamotUssat = Asterisk upgrade
19:51.41[TK]D-Fenderdevloped a nifty headache and the ibuprofen hasn't kicked in yet...
19:51.49[TK]D-Fenderscratch that
19:51.56SamotI'm not sure what Proof of Concept is needed for this
19:52.00[TK]D-FenderDon't mind me...
19:52.10SamotCan you do it on the current version of Asterisk you're running?
19:52.16[TK]D-FenderYou can be unsure of his need... I am not entirely here right now.
19:52.22[TK]D-Fendergoes for a walk to get some air
19:52.27SamotIf that's a yes, 99.999% chance it's going to run on the upgraded box
19:53.02UssatSamot, its complicated, mostly political
19:53.24SamotYou need a new OS
19:53.30Ussatand NO, I really cant, problem is mainly, its on a Centos5 system, old as hell, getting no updates etc
19:53.35UssatSamot, exactle
19:53.36SamotBut want a LTS...
19:53.46SamotBut then..
19:53.50SamotYou want to install from packages..
19:53.55SamotWhich are always behind.
19:54.15SamotThe Asterisk packages are always a couple releases behind.
19:55.05SamotOr and not maintained by Asterisk/Digium.
19:55.13SamotSo what they do to them to make them work...
19:55.31SamotCan't always be know.
19:55.40UssatSamot, I understand that, BUT, a LTS will get support/sec updates etc for a set ammount of time. I am OK with "older" packages, but not ancient. Also, I will be able to update the Asterisk install as new packages are released
19:56.00[TK]D-FenderNobodyis making packages for C5.
19:56.04UssatCould I do a source install on RHEL7 or 17.04, sure
19:56.12SamotLet me give you a REAL example.
19:56.15[TK]D-FenderSo forget LTS
19:56.18[TK]D-Fenderthat's just game over
19:56.29Ussatdude I am MOVING off that
19:56.30SamotHe's talking about a new OS
19:56.51SamotNot using Ubuntu 17 vs 16 because 16 is LTS and 17 is not
19:57.00SamotMy point is..
19:57.06SamotThe Asterisk install using packages..
19:57.32Ussatwill always be behind.......I know
19:57.32Samot6 days ago Digium just patched Asterisk 13, 14 AND 11
19:57.51SamotIt's 30 days from being fully dead
19:57.57SamotIt's Security Fixes Only
19:58.11SamotThe bug they patched is so bad and been around for so long..
19:58.14SamotThey had to patch 11
19:58.21SamotAny package you install now...
19:58.28SamotWill still have that major security bug
19:59.06UssatSamot, I understand what you are saying, but I am not going to be upgrading source based installs every time there is a patch
19:59.16SamotSo note right now, anything version of Asterisk 13 that isn't 13.17.1 will have a major security bug
19:59.37SamotThose are the "Yes, we should update"
20:00.31SamotThis isn't a patch that add Taylor Swift ring tones to Asterisk.
20:00.42SamotThis is a patch that stops your ass from hanging out
20:03.53SamotI dont read PMs
20:04.40Ussatanyway..I get what youre saying, and I will look at the sec issue patched
20:11.27krayloSamot: it won't be my problem (trixbox) since (1) technically, it's not my function to support it after its been implemented (2) I'll be making it clear that I do not offer support nor will I personally implement that outdated P.O.S.. I'd be happy to walk away from the whole deal rather than get snaked into such a situation.
20:11.49SamotGood call
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21:28.17*** join/#asterisk Bhakimi (~textual@
21:29.14Bhakimihi guys, i randomly get these type of errors "Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2/provider-trunk-2087813854-2986 (type = 6, subclass = 2, ts=357002, seqno=60) "
21:29.38Bhakimieventually the channel driver locks and nothing works until i restart asterisk
21:30.08Bhakimiany idea how i can force the channel to drop or some setting i can possibly set to prevent this lock ?
21:47.12SamotThat sounds like your SIP messages are timing out
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21:49.07SamotThere aren't any real IAX2 commands for this but AMI or ARI should be able to destroy the channel.
21:49.16SamotBut they'll need to know it exists first
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23:59.22hdonhi all :) anyone with experience using node-ari-client? the result of getChannelVar() seems to be a channel object rather than the value of the channel variable i asked for. am i using it wrong?

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