IRC log for #asterisk on 20170823

00:53.10*** join/#asterisk Bhakimi (
01:19.59Samot65 polycoms, even those models, for $200 means that they either didnt know the value..or something like perhaps they are fscked
01:20.17SamotHopefully it is the forementioned.
02:46.33*** join/#asterisk shanth_ (
03:47.34*** join/#asterisk roukoswarf (
04:06.35*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~puzzled@2001:982:1097:1::1:3)
04:24.23*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
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05:02.34*** join/#asterisk Frojoe (Frojoe@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:bc74)
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05:03.34*** join/#asterisk DanQuinney (sid18169@gateway/web/
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05:10.22*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
05:10.24Harishello all
05:10.27Harisguys, anyone around ?
05:10.30Harisat this hour
05:11.36SamotOf course.
05:13.01HarisI have a telco, that's connected to me via registry, rather than peer
05:13.13Harisin sip show channels output, I can't see cli under user/ANR field
05:13.25Harisfor inbound calls. but cli is showing at agent end
05:13.48HarisIs this my config/fault or the telco isn't sending me cli for incoming calls ?
05:14.19Harisanother telco is connected via peer method. incoming calls coming from them are showing cli under user/ANR column in sip show channels output
05:14.42SamotShow an actual debug.
05:15.33SamotThe device does't magically show CLID.
05:15.44SamotSo it would seem they are sending those details.
05:16.26*** join/#asterisk cryptic (
05:16.52Haristhat's why I'm confused. for one telco, its showing. for the other, its not
05:17.39SamotSo this is only in sip show channels?
05:17.56SamotThe CDRs, the CELs, they all show the CLID?
05:19.20SamotIf the CLID is showing up at the agent's device but not in the User/ANR field in sip show channels, then the telco is passing CLID.
05:19.35SamotIt just doesn't magically show up on the device without it being sent to the device.
05:24.10Harisok. so why is it not showing in sip show channels output ?
05:24.21SamotWill you show a debug?!
05:24.27Harismaking it ready for paste
05:24.28SamotAnd answer the other questions?
05:24.35SamotDon't f'ing EDIT IT
05:24.37Harisremoving the unnecessary part
05:24.44Harisits 2500 lines
05:24.51Hariscutting it down to under 1000
05:25.05SamotHow can a single call be 2500 lines?
05:25.41Harisits not a single call. its normal "muliple calls going on" "activity" during business hours
05:29.48Harisok. its 1500 lines
05:30.53Haristhe call from
05:31.18Harisit shows the username for my sip registry in the user/ANR field, rather than the caller number
05:31.29Hariscaller's+ no
05:31.45Haristhe incoming call from 03400007510
05:32.01SamotSo it's not that nothing isn't there.
05:32.13SamotIt's just the sip register username instead of the number?
05:32.22SamotOf course it's going to be the username
05:32.31SamotThat's where the call is actually being sent.
05:32.39Harisits an inbound call
05:32.52SamotInbound calls point to the your SIP register
05:32.59SamotThat's the point of registering.
05:33.08SamotTo tell the other side "This is my location to send stuff to"
05:33.25SamotWhy does it matter if it is in this location?
05:33.26Harisis this different in peer connectivity ?
05:33.34SamotThe caller Id is correct in the CDRs and CELS, right?
05:33.45SamotSo what's the issue?
05:33.48SamotAnd yes, it is.
05:33.52SamotBecause there's no user
05:34.03SamotThey are routing the number directly to you
05:34.17SamotThat is what is put in the user part of the request/to URIs
05:34.31HarisI can't see no for inbound calls, on cli, in ship show channels output
05:34.45SamotWhy are you looking there?
05:35.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
05:35.08Hariswhy not
05:35.10*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:35.18SamotIt's more a debug tool
05:35.25SamotThen a reporting tool.
05:35.29SamotIt shows SIP dialogs.
05:35.31SamotALL of them
05:35.33SamotNot just invites.
05:35.43SamotNotify, ACK, REGISTER, etc.
05:36.46SamotIt also holds the LAST message..
05:36.50SamotNot active messages.
05:36.55Harisfor the other telco, which is connected to me, via peer method, for them, I can no for in/out calls in sip show channels output
05:37.07SamotI just explained why
05:37.24HarisI thought, that was for peer via registry method
05:37.27SamotBecause the DIDs are routed to the IP of the PBX directly
05:37.47Harisok, so if they changed method of connectivity, this would also be that way ?
05:38.02SamotBecause that's how SIP Registers work.
05:38.06Haristhis is the behaviour for registry vs peer method of connectivity
05:38.25SamotTelco A = He registers
05:38.31SamotTelco B = IP auth
05:38.34[TK]D-FenderYou need a peer regardless
05:38.40SamotNot that.
05:38.52HarisThat is what I'v been telling them for a good 4 days now
05:38.55SamotHe's complaining that in "sip show channels"
05:38.58Harischange my connectivity from registry to peer
05:39.01[TK]D-Fenderwhether they need to to register doesn't change needing a peer to match the calls
05:39.14SamotWith the REGISTERED trunk the User/ANR is showing the SIP user..not the DID
05:39.30SamotThis has nothing to do with the actual registration.
05:39.44SamotIt's how "sip show channels" is displaying the information for him.
05:39.57SamotBecause they are sending the calls to his SIP user registeration..
05:39.59[TK]D-FenderI don't recalls seeing actual debug
05:40.10SamotHe pasted it
05:40.13*** join/#asterisk boris_t (~boris_t@
05:40.41SamotAnd it's pointless.
05:40.54SamotBecause it has nothing to do with what he is asking about.
05:40.57SamotAt all.
05:41.12HarisI'm still confused
05:41.19SamotPeer             User/ANR         Call ID          Format           Hold     Last Message    Expiry     Peer
05:41.19Samot204.132.107.230  (None)           fdbaa869-3e2c0f  (nothing)        No       Rx: REGISTER               <guest>
05:41.28Samot^^^ THIS
05:41.46SamotYou want to know what the User/ANR is showing as the SIP user for your Teclo Trunk that uses REGISTRATION
05:41.54SamotThat's because the calls are routed to the USER
05:42.07SamotThe other Telco in which the calls are routing to the PBX directly...
05:42.11SamotThey will show the NUMBER
05:42.18SamotBecause that's where the calls are SENT
05:42.44SamotThe User/ANR is pulled from the Request-URI
05:43.07SamotWhen a call is routed to a SIP account, the Request-URI is <username>@<location>:<port>
05:43.44SamotWhen a call is routed to a IP the Request-URI is <number>@<location>:<port>
05:43.44Harisso your saying that's how it works, and then saying its not how that works
05:44.18SamotThe User/ANR value in "sip show channels" is the USER part of the Request-URI
05:44.22Harissee the username in the user/anr field. lol
05:44.27SamotWhatever that USER is, is what is there.
05:44.52Harisso, it actually does matter if its peer or registry based connectivity
05:44.56SamotBecause the Teclo that you REGISTER to is setting the USER of the Request-URI to your USERNAME
05:45.07Haristo get asterisk to get that number, I need to change that method of connectivy from isp/telco
05:45.21SamotWhy are you using this?
05:45.25SamotIt's a debug tool
05:45.28SamotNot a reporting tool
05:45.34Samot"sip show channels"
05:45.46SamotYou're making something out of completely nothing.
05:45.48Harisbecause I'm sitting at the server. I can't go to each agent's seat and see what calls are going on
05:46.18HarisI need to see what calls are going on at server level
05:46.18Samot"sip show channels" shows ALL SIP dialogs.
05:46.23SamotNot just calls.
05:46.29SamotSo using it to monitor calls is dumb.
05:47.19Hariswell .. it does show active calls, at any given time, not withstanding the excess in a recurring way
05:47.38SamotDude, it shows the last message.
05:47.51SamotAn ACK is either an INVITE being ACK'd.
05:47.55SamotOr it's a CANCEL being ACK'd.
05:48.00Harislet me see the web plugin I have with fpbx. perhaps it will also get it
05:48.00SamotWhich one? Don't know.
05:48.07SamotIt's a cache.
05:48.20SamotDude, install FOP2
05:48.28SamotIt's exactly what it is made for.
05:48.34SamotYou can monitor and manage calls
05:48.37SamotSee all the extensions
05:48.41SamotParking Lot
05:49.02Harisg00gl3s fop2
05:50.47Harisfop 2.31 or fop mgr ?
05:50.49Harisor both ?
05:50.57SamotIt's all the same.
05:51.01SamotAs of 2.x
05:51.33Harisok. getting the main FOP Version 2.31.13
05:52.31SamotYou can add a monitor button for the SIP trunks.
05:52.39SamotAnd it will show all the calls on those trunks..
05:55.26*** join/#asterisk KValchev (
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06:16.10*** join/#asterisk [\\\] (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
06:18.08Harisis it safe to have fop2 change extensions_override_freepbx.conf to extensions_override_fop2.conf ?
06:21.52*** join/#asterisk DanB (
06:27.27kannanin asterisk 11.20-vici (a version for Vicidial, an asterisk configurator), i want to react to security events and ban certain remote IPs. Fail2ban isn't working well though i tried it. I am thinking of parsing the security-filename (setup from logger.conf) but don't know how to optimally move the file pointer when parsing it. I am therefore considering patching logger.c to write the...
06:27.29kannan...offending IP to a file when the logged line is in buffer, which can then be handled at leisure by a cron job. Is there any other better or obvious way that I am ignorant about?
06:27.31drmessanoHaris: Safe?  What about the ramifications of changing the file to something that's not #included anywhere
06:28.26SamotHow about reading the documents.
06:28.43Samotextensions_override_fop2.conf is written out to /etc/asterisk
06:29.01SamotAnd then it is included in extensions_override_freepbx.conf
06:29.06SamotIt doesn't "overwrite" it
06:29.11Haris*whew* ok
06:29.15SamotIt appends an include statement.
06:29.18drmessanoProblem solved
06:29.19HarisI did read the README
06:29.33SamotThere's an entire install wiki
06:29.59SamotThe guys over at AsterNIC know what they are doing.
06:30.35HarisI already have asternic
06:30.41Harisclient side of it that is
06:30.49SamotAsterNIC is a company.
06:30.54HarisI know that
06:30.56SamotThey have software products.
06:30.57HarisI mean its plugin
06:31.27HarisI have the realtime tab opened for asternic's plugin
06:31.42SamotAsterNIC CDRs  is a third party module for FreePBX
06:31.47Harisbut it doesn't show the number for which call is going on
06:32.09SamotWhat are you talking about?
06:32.11drmessanoAsterNIC is a company
06:32.14drmessanothey have applications
06:32.24SamotFOP2 is one of those applications.
06:32.26drmessanoYou don't have "an AsterNIC"
06:32.27Harisqueue stats plugin
06:32.34SamotThat's an application
06:32.48SamotQueue Stats is designed for multiple PBX systems.
06:32.59HarisI know that part
06:33.00SamotIt just happens to include plain Asterisk and FreePBX
06:33.23SamotThese are third party applications you are installing.
06:33.27SamotThat have FreePBX support.
06:33.59drmessanoHe clearly knows all this
06:34.00Harisasternic's queue stats is already installed
06:34.07drmessano+/- All
06:34.11HarisI'm checking out fop2 on another box
06:34.26drmessanoI like Tacos
06:35.25SamotI like long slow deep wet kisses that last three days
06:35.38SamotBull Durham quote.
06:36.29drmessanoI love a girl that can appreciate a mouth full of warm nuts
06:36.45drmessanoSpeaking of peanuts at the ballpark, of course
06:37.04drmessanoThere is no better treat
06:37.16SamotYou guys. You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag your way down to first. You lollygag in and out of the dugout. You know what that makes you? Larry!
06:38.11drmessanoI actually had refused to watch that movie for 20+ years
06:38.37drmessanoI was really big into sports cards in the mid-80s to mid-90s
06:38.40SamotIt's so damn good.
06:38.53Samot"Well, Nuke's scared because his eyelids are jammed and his old man's here. We need a live... is it a live rooster?"
06:38.56drmessanoand one of the companies made some Bull Durham cards
06:39.07drmessanoand included them as Limited Edition in random packs
06:39.35drmessanoand I kinda felt like "What the fuck is a Bull Durham and why is this marketing shit being shoved down my throat"
06:39.40drmessanoand I hated the movie
06:40.03SamotAnd when you finally watched it?
06:40.40drmessanoIt's not bad.  But now it's kinda like..
06:40.42Harisfor some reason the web front end can't connect or use the backend fop2 service
06:40.50drmessanoI love Ghostbusters.. because i've been watching it all my life
06:41.07drmessanoBut had I first watched it 2014.. Maybe not so much
06:41.31Harisworthless pathetic crap ghostbusters
06:41.42drmessanoYeah righto
06:41.45SamotDid you actually start the fop2 service?
06:41.58drmessanoGhostbusters is worthless pathetic crap?
06:42.02SamotLike it's not that hard to install.
06:42.10drmessanoYou have to be fucking kidding me
06:42.18SamotYou do have to edit the configuration
06:42.21Harismany times
06:42.24SamotGive it an AMI user account.
06:42.25Harisdoes it need to be enabled ?
06:42.32Harismy bad
06:42.39SamotWell you need to go and read the fscking install documents.
06:42.44drmessanoYeah it needs to be turned on
06:42.47SamotThat tell you what files to edit
06:42.54SamotWhat you need to do in FreePBX
06:42.56drmessanoThey actually have an install doc
06:43.02SamotAnd how to start the damn thing.
06:43.10drmessanoI know that's against your religion to read shit, but still
06:43.18drmessanoMight try it sometime
06:43.40Samotdrmessano: You have Netflix?
06:43.46drmessanoI do
06:44.01SamotIs "The Norsemen" an option for you?
06:45.09drmessanoIm checking now
06:45.15SamotSorry, just "Norsemen"
06:46.39drmessanoYes it is
06:46.50SamotIt is well worth the watch.
06:47.34drmessanoI'll add it to my list
06:47.39drmessanoLooks good
06:49.21SamotDead pan delivery..
06:52.20Harisits not against my religion to read docs
06:52.36Harisits IN my religion to read them
06:52.46SamotThen you should have.
06:52.48Hariswe gave 'boobs' to the world
06:52.59SamotYou would have seen the steps needed to make this work.
06:53.02Harispaper+ books+
06:53.09Harismy bad
06:53.11SamotYou also gave us the Holocaust.
06:53.33Haristhat holocaust debate needs to be revisited
06:53.40SamotSo you invited books
06:53.48SamotThen decided they were bad and burned them.
06:53.53SamotFull circle.
06:53.59Harisnope. that wasn't us
06:54.21Haristhat were human beings who did not believe in our religion. but this is a very lengthy educational discussion, not for this time
06:55.14Harishitler was not part of us. neither our ally or someone we had any agreement(s) with
06:55.38drmessanoHow did we go from you not reading the FOP2 docs to hitler?
06:55.42drmessanoDeflect much?
06:55.42Haristhe holocaust as I see it was mostly because germans of the europe at the time, saw the cut throat worthless interest based economic system that jews of the time had instigated
06:55.50Harismy bad
06:55.57Harisgoing back to docs
06:57.49HarisI'm surprised. for intelligent, educated, docs reading human beings, your knowledge of other religion(s) come from cartoon(s), movies, rather than reading their actual docs/scripts
06:57.56Harissee that alot
06:58.11SamotI have no idea what you are talking about.
06:58.23SamotYou actually haven't specified a religion.
06:58.30drmessanoHow do you know exactly what *I* know?
06:59.00SamotWe have no clue what you mean by "our religion"
06:59.54*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:00.51Hariswell, I'd like to defer this, in favour of the work I'm doing. we can have that one later
07:01.00Harisfor right now
07:01.02drmessanoIn other words
07:01.06Harisfound the config file
07:01.12drmessanoYou dont want to piss anyone off so you can continue to get help
07:01.20drmessanoWhat a fucking asshole
07:01.29HarisI'm a Muslim
07:01.32Harismy religion is Islam
07:01.44HarisI'm not sure which one you were talking about. actually one was never specified
07:01.48Harisbut since it was pointed at me ..
07:01.52HarisI .. improvised
07:02.07SamotWell you claimed we knew nothing of "other religions"
07:02.09Haristhe world is not you alone. the world wouldn't stop functioning without .. you
07:02.17SamotExcept there was no reference point to what you meant by "other"
07:02.31Harisother = encompases all
07:02.35Haris* wildcard
07:03.06drmessanoYou realize that "against your religion" was a *figure of speech*, right?
07:03.09Harisok. I don't know how to set the AM MGR credentials
07:03.21HarisI may not have
07:03.22drmessanoSince you're so intelligent and all, I would have figured that you would have guessed that
07:03.24SamotThat would be in the FreePBX Wiki.
07:03.28HarisIts hard to grasp things
07:03.31Harisin first go
07:03.34SamotWe can tell.
07:03.35drmessanoFor you, yes
07:03.44*** join/#asterisk tsia (
07:03.52drmessanoYou've spent 2 years making 3 months progress
07:04.07SamotNot really.
07:04.12SamotHe gave up on WebRTC.
07:04.21drmessanoOk, so 2 months
07:04.24Hariswe don't have to go back to that one, right now
07:04.32drmessanoOf course not
07:04.40drmessanoBecause again, you need help
07:04.47drmessanoand don't want to piss anyone off
07:04.49drmessanoTotally get it
07:05.02SamotI'm not going to provide FOP2 support.
07:05.13drmessanoSo instead we get "Well, I would say something, but"
07:05.18SamotI suggested FOP2 because using "sip show channels" to monitor calls was dumb.
07:05.21HarisI didn't ask for fop2 support. I asked for AM MGR credentials part
07:05.24drmessanoNice micro-aggression there
07:05.27SamotFreePBX WIKI
07:05.32SamotI already said that
07:05.33Harisgoing there
07:05.46HarisI don't need to piss anyone off
07:05.55drmessanoNo, of course not
07:05.57Samot"How to do stuff in FreePBX GUI? Where should I look?"
07:05.58Harisunless your really into having a discussion on that topic
07:06.00drmessanoBecause you require constant help
07:06.01Samot^^ The WIKI
07:06.01Hariswhich most .. aren't
07:06.13Harisand since this is also not the place, I'd be kicked for being off-topic
07:06.16drmessanoDon't want to shit where you eat
07:06.18drmessanoI get it
07:06.27SamotDude, let's not talk about "off-topic"
07:06.35Haristell drmessano that
07:06.35SamotYou bring FreePBX issues in here all the time.
07:06.43drmessanoSamot: Hitler would talk about it
07:06.48Hariscorrection: asterisk
07:06.49SamotYou literally are off-topic all the time.
07:06.56SamotFreePBX is a distro that uses Asterisk
07:07.01SamotThere is no GUI support here.
07:07.07SamotBecause FreePBX does things in a certain way
07:07.10Harisnot asking gui Qs here
07:07.14drmessanoHaris: Also, I don't need to be "told" anything
07:07.16SamotSure you are.
07:07.18HarisAM MGR is not the gui part
07:07.21drmessanoSO keep your fucking hateful comments to yourself
07:07.22HarisI'm going to wiki
07:07.24Samot"How do I setup AMI Manager"
07:07.27Samot100% GUI
07:07.28*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
07:07.29drmessanoI dont need your virtue signalling BS
07:07.31Haristhere's no hate in my comments .. yet
07:07.35Harisah ok
07:07.42Harisdidn't see am mgr is part of fpbx, not asterisk
07:07.45SamotThere's a frigging section for it.
07:08.06HarisI never asked to give you that. neither did I start the conversation about religion
07:08.10Samot"Asterisk Manager Users"
07:08.21drmessanoHaris: There was no conversation about religion
07:08.29Samot"against your religion" is a figure of speech.
07:08.36Samotas in "Are you adverse to doing X"
07:08.41Haristhere was
07:08.52SamotYou treated it like a conversation.
07:08.53drmessanoYou took a figure of speech and started a fucking battle over it and decided to start hurling micro-aggressions
07:08.55drmessanoGo figure
07:08.56Harishold this one for another time please. its work time rightn wo
07:08.59Harisright now+
07:09.00drmessanoBut we wont get into that
07:09.18drmessanoSamot: Please stop arguing.. he needs help with his PBX
07:09.23SamotLet's not fight
07:09.24drmessanoShut up now please and just help
07:09.28SamotWe need to support him for free.
07:09.35SamotWhile he gets paid to be told what to do.
07:10.04drmessanoLets focus on the real issue here
07:10.08Harisno Samot. you get far more than me and still complain
07:10.10drmessanoWhich is helping Haris 24/7
07:10.22HarisI just don't have the time to explain to you how you get far more than me right now
07:10.38Harisyou don't help me 24/7. stop whining please
07:10.40SamotI have no idea what that statement means.
07:10.41drmessanoIt's because i'm Jewish
07:10.52HarisI respect you if your jewish
07:10.54drmessanoThis is basically a hate crime
07:10.57Harismakes us cousins of sort(s)
07:11.14Harisbut work now, discussion later please
07:11.26SamotWe're not stopping you from working
07:11.27HarisI know its night time, your tired. you need to rest
07:11.28drmessanoYes, please dont distract us from helping you
07:11.50drmessanoIm wide awake
07:11.54drmessanoWhats your excuse?
07:11.56SamotWell he has to work. I don't want to bother him while he's working.
07:12.24drmessanoSamot: Save that for another time, please
07:12.31drmessanoRight now, lets go back to my issues.. all of them
07:12.40SamotThat's a long list.
07:12.49SamotI'm not certified for most of the items on it.
07:12.57SamotBut I'll give it a ago.
07:13.01Samotgets out the dolls
07:13.14drmessanopoints to a spot on the bear
07:13.34SamotThe animal ones are just for show.
07:13.47drmessanoShow on us on the Bear where he touched you
07:13.53drmessanoShow us on the Bear where he touched you
07:14.46drmessanoSorry, that was very Kekish of me
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09:45.15wyoungHai drmessano!
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11:20.38wyoungand hi to you too pagios !
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14:55.58darkunderlordhey, if I've been given a PJSIP trunk password that has a percent and equal sign, do I just wrap it in quotes?
14:56.09darkunderlordor escape it somehow?
14:56.38darkunderlordbecause I can't change it and I'm getting a 403 from them
14:56.56darkunderlordlol your name is almost my dads. his is Tom Ryan
14:56.57SamotYou can't escape it
14:57.10SamotIt's plain text
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14:57.47darkunderlordthe web said a little about quotes, but still no dice, and of course we're going live, so this isn't a test that I can take my time on :D
14:58.12SamotDid you ask the provider to change it?
14:58.19SamotTo something without special characters?
14:58.50darkunderlordthey are pretty dumb, so not sure I want to. It's backwoods country telecom lol
14:59.10SamotThe easiest and simplest solution is that.
14:59.23SamotAnd if they are dumb, then they shouldn't be your provider.
14:59.27darkunderlordyeah, just want to know that wrapping in quotes works.
14:59.35SamotIt's plain text.
14:59.35darkunderlordhahaha, no choice. It's the country
14:59.44darkunderlordmiddle of nowhere
14:59.44SamotIt's VoIP
14:59.54SamotAll you need is Internet.
14:59.58darkunderlordthey are the internet provider too, so I have to use them
15:00.03darkunderlordfor at least something :D
15:00.11SamotYou do not have to use them for voice.
15:00.27SamotYou're not stuck with them for voice.
15:00.31SamotYou're not using a PRI
15:00.35SamotOr a T1 for voice only
15:01.00SamotTell them that you can't have special characters in the password.
15:01.12SamotI've worked for ITSPs and Telcos, it is not an uncommon thing.
15:14.25darkunderlordI got him to change the pw.  thanks. I'm still trying quotes
15:14.45SamotWhat part of "plain text" is not clear?
15:15.20SamotgH%v12 is not going to work just because you did "gH%v12" or gH\%v12
15:15.32SamotOne will include two sets of quotes
15:15.41SamotOne will include the backslash
15:15.46SamotAll part of the password.
15:18.16*** join/#asterisk AnonRecluse13 (~AnonReclu@
15:19.27sekilasterisk can use separate presence server nowadays?
15:19.43SamotWhat do you mean?
15:20.41sekilthere were some talk about doing it the proxy send a publish to presence server
15:21.26SamotI'm sure that has been.
15:21.41SamotAsterisk cares not about the existence of a presence server.
15:21.57SamotAsterisk does Presence/Subscriptions with HINTS.
15:24.41sekilfile: thanks...event state compositor can be a proxy?
15:24.49sekilfile:  not asterisk only
15:24.52SamotDid you not read it?
15:25.06SamotBecause if you did, you wouldn't be asking that question.
15:25.23sekilSamot: I did
15:25.37SamotSo the part where it keeps say "Other entities"
15:25.48SamotAnd then says "You can use Kamailio"
15:25.52SamotWhich is a proxy
15:26.20SamotIt expressly says and gives examples of a third party even state compositor.
15:26.37sekilSamot: that I did not read..
15:26.44sekilSamot: thank you
15:28.25sekilvery good then
15:28.57fileultimately what you can and can't use is dependent on the other entity
15:29.01fileif they support it then you can
15:29.03fileif they don't you can
15:29.08fileer can't
15:30.21SamotWell and the actual endpoint needs to support it
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15:30.48fileto the endpoint it's a normal SUBSCRIBE
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15:31.16SamotBut they generally that the $PROXY field from the SIP Registration settings
15:31.30SamotSo the subscriber is user@$PROXY
15:32.03SamotSame with Presence. The endpoint needs to support using non-$PROXY hosts for these.
15:32.29SamotLike with Polycom's. You can set the resource server to be different then the proxy
15:32.39SamotSo your BLF/Presence comes from that server.
15:34.22filedepends on deployment model
15:34.54SamotBut just as you say it's up the to the other entity to support this for Asterisk
15:35.15SamotIt's also up to the endpoint to be able to support a secondary server for this stuff too.
15:35.27sekilyeah you can set different presence server on many phones now
15:35.38SamotOn "many"
15:35.40SamotNot "all"
15:35.50SamotSo again, the endpoint also needs to support this setup.
15:35.53fileif you maintain completely separate services yes, if you run a full proxy setup then it doesn't have to be different
15:36.10sekilafaik cisco and panasonic
15:36.15SamotAs you said, it depends on how it is deployed.
15:36.18sekilI only have conf poly phones
15:36.27fileyup, we just provide the functionality - how people deploy it is up to them
15:36.48SamotI'm just pointing out the things that can be pitfalls in such a deployment
15:37.18sekilmy use would be to publish some different states asterisk can provide to interested phones
15:37.26SamotReally would suck spending all this time setting something like that up
15:37.36Samotand then trying to use Cisco 79XX phones.
15:37.49sekilI meant Cisco spa5xx
15:37.54SamotI understand that
15:38.03SamotI'm making a point.
15:38.51SamotThis is like laying out the perfect buffet line..
15:39.06SamotAnd then not having the proper serving utensils.
15:39.13sekilanyhow I was inquirying
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15:39.48sekilI switched to having proxy for regs and presence..but it's good to know new possibilities
15:43.16sekilalso I guess a NOTIFY from proxy to asterisk would be relayed to a phone
15:43.40SamotThe proxy would never send a NOTIFY to Asterisk
15:43.57sekilit would if configured
15:43.57SamotNot for this.
15:43.58fileand Asterisk would never forward it
15:44.24SamotAsterisk <--> Proxy <--> Users
15:44.28sekilfile: ok
15:44.33sekilSamot: no
15:44.42sekilSamot: users -> asterisk -> proxy presence server
15:44.51sekilSamot: that's what I'm talking about
15:45.00sekilSamot: that's beside the point
15:45.18sekilSamot: It would be possible to send the notify
15:45.29sekilSamot: but file said it would not be forwarded
15:45.36sekilSamot: so it's pointless
15:46.47*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
15:48.32SamotThe proxy should be between the users and Asterisk
15:48.34SamotThat's the point of it.
15:48.46SamotOtherwise it's not really a proxy
15:48.52SamotIt's just a presence server.
15:49.27SamotIf your device goes to INUSE on Asterisk.
15:49.42SamotAsterisk needs to send a NOTIFY to the subscribers watching that device's status.
15:49.50sekilSamot: there can be a case where you have other people's pbxes or your own hosted ones...and just want to have a separate presence server
15:49.51SamotSo Asterisk would need to send it to the Presence server..
15:49.55SamotThat would need to send it to the devices.
15:50.05sekilSamot: I'm not saying if it's a good case...
15:50.18Samotsekil: I've worked for ITSPs and CLECs for over a decade.
15:50.25SamotI am well aware of how to do this.
15:50.35sekilSamot: I actually have a proxy and pbx cluster now....proxy does regs and presence
15:50.40SamotSo when I say what you are doing is not right, I'm talking from experience.
15:50.49SamotBut OK.
15:51.12sekilSamot: I'm NOT doing it..
15:51.20sekilSamot: I'm discussing it..
15:51.30sekilSamot: I'm doing the opposite as I said three times now..
15:51.37sekilSamot: and I like your input
15:51.52sekilSamot: you asked why..
15:51.55sekilSamot: I replied..
15:52.36SamotSo you have Asterisk <--> Proxy <---> Users now?
15:52.42sekilSamot: nope
15:52.55SamotYou have nothing not?
15:52.57SamotYou have nothing now?
15:52.59sekilSamot: I have users -> OpenSIPS -> FreeSWITCH pbxes
15:53.34sekilSamot: OS handles and directed pickup...pretty much all signalling possible..
15:53.39SamotAre you going to be using Asterisk PBXes?
15:53.52sekilSamot: no..but other people are
15:54.11SamotSo you're not going to be using Asterisk..
15:54.18SamotBut you want to know how to do it on Asterisk?
15:54.30sekilSamot: to do what on asterisk?
15:54.46SamotYou asked about Presence on Asterisk
15:54.49SamotUsing proxies
15:55.02SamotBut now you're saying you're not going to be using Asterisk.
15:55.04sekilSamot: no..I was asking if Asterisk can use a different presence server
15:55.10sekilSamot: and now I know
15:55.45Samot11:19:25 AM S<sekil> asterisk can use separate presence server nowadays? <-- Poorly worded question
15:56.06SamotThat implies Asterisk can USE a separate presence server
15:56.08sekilSamot: you do have much free time if you ask me
15:56.17SamotNot "Can Asterisk be a Presence server?"
15:56.24SamotYes, apparently.
15:56.57SamotSo much free time.
15:57.11SamotThat I've taken three calls and done a few other things during this conversation.
15:57.14sekilSamot: in a manner of what we talked about
15:57.24sekilSamot: Asterisk would be a presence user agent
15:57.31SamotThat is a horrible idea.
15:57.43SamotFirst, Asterisk doesn't do Presence in the standard way
15:57.53sekilSamot: it's not an's a discussion as I said..
15:57.53SamotSecond, it is not designed for that.
15:58.06sekilSamot: I do not have an idea..
15:58.30sekilSamot: and thank you for your input...but I was just asking if Asterisk can use separate presence server..
15:58.41SamotYou did it again
15:58.53SamotYes. Asterisk can use a separate presence server.
15:59.07SamotNo. Asterisk should not be used AS A presence server.
15:59.11sekilSamot: an idea would be to maybe offload other people's pbxes or something...didn't really thought about it much
15:59.29sekilSamot: I'd like to know first what could be done..then think about how to do it..
16:00.42SamotAsterisk <--> Proxy <--> Users
16:00.49SamotUse the Presence abilities of the proxy
16:01.17*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
16:01.21SamotUsers subscriber to the proxy for NOTIFYs. It's where their PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE requests will go.
16:01.42sekilSamot: uhh...say you have a pbx
16:01.51SamotAsterisk = PBX
16:02.04sekilSamot: and for some would like to offload its presence to a different server
16:02.27SamotYou can with Chan_PJSIP
16:02.32SamotAs file showed.
16:02.33sekilSamot: you would say to a pbx owner to send all subscribes via it's publishing to your proxy
16:02.37SamotYou can't with Chan_SIP
16:02.44SamotIt has to go to the proxy server with the users.
16:02.46sekilSamot: so that's the idea..
16:03.05Samotsekil: The users have to exist on the presence server.
16:03.07sekilSamot: and proxy would eventualy returned all notifyes
16:03.16SamotYou just can't randomly let people use it.
16:03.18sekilSamot: no they don't Samot
16:03.30SamotThey have to SUBSCRIBE
16:03.39SamotIn order to SUBSCRIBE you have to auth
16:04.06sekilSamot: if you have users -> something -> proxy
16:04.29sekilSamot: or users -> something -> something -> somethting -> proxy presence
16:04.36SamotIf I want to use Server A for presence/MWI/BLF/etc..
16:04.44SamotI need to be able to SUBSCRIBE to Server A
16:04.52SamotWhich requires a user account
16:04.54sekilSamot: if you can get somehting somehting something to send proper data...proxy would relay notifies back
16:05.23SamotYou're making this over complicated.
16:05.53sekilSamot: that's debatable..
16:05.58sekilSamot: but not inaccurate
16:06.17sekilSamot: anyhow..I gtg..thanks man..always nice to talk to you..
16:12.13*** join/#asterisk Bordr_ (
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16:19.56*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (aafe5147@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:21.07anonymouz666hi everyone. anyone have any clue on how to recrod a video call on format h264, h263? not transcoding, not conference, just record a pass-through call.
16:21.53anonymouz666it looks like a very simple task but not from asterisk point of view.
16:23.31filethere is no ability to do that currently
16:24.36anonymouz666@file: do you think could make any sense do dial normaly using but using calling Record as Macro parameter?
16:24.45filethat will not record a call.
16:25.39anonymouz666@file: so there's no way to do that... not even in a 'creative' way?
16:25.58anonymouz666using monitor? moving to a confbridge or meetme?
16:26.05anonymouz666none of these would work?
16:26.09filenot for video.
16:26.11SamotAsking different ways, isn't going to change it.
16:26.46salviadudcan you wireshark it?
16:26.46anonymouz666Samot: sometimes could lead to another path to reach the goal
16:27.05SamotIf it was you and I having the talk, sure.
16:27.05anonymouz666I can't, need to do that at server side.
16:27.15SamotBut when the guy who designs and builds it says "No there isn't"
16:27.29SamotThat's a pretty clear way.
16:27.42SamotWell I guess there is one "creative" way
16:27.43anonymouz666yes, sure. I understand.
16:27.57SamotYou can actually re-code the core Asterisk code
16:28.07anonymouz666Samot: you can always do that.
16:28.07SamotAnd then rebuild it with this support.
16:30.01anonymouz666the point is this is not good for the project. video today is a must have in most of big companies.
16:30.23anonymouz666that's not me saying that, it is the market, the companies.
16:31.45*** join/#asterisk woddy (~woddy@unaffiliated/woddy)
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16:33.15SamotBut the actual recording and archiving of the video isn't.
16:33.23SamotThey mainly want the audio.
16:34.13SamotThe recording of a video call is only as good as the recording of the audio part of the call.
16:34.41SamotOtherwise you have a silent movie or worse, a poorly dubbed kung-fu movie
16:35.31SamotNot to mention there is not video over the PSTN.
16:38.53filevideo isn't something you can do well in a month
16:39.00fileit's a recent focus, so it'll improve over time
16:39.42Samot4 or 5 years ago we spent like 90-120 days testing video
16:40.03filetake for example the recording - none of the core parts were designed to record video
16:40.15filefor two party calls
16:40.19SamotCameras, phone configs, quality, etc.
16:40.26SamotAnd got _zero return_ on it.
16:41.51SamotBut yeah, now that there is an actual focus on it..
16:41.59SamotGive it a few years, things will happen.
16:42.43*** join/#asterisk karelk (~karel@
16:42.45SamotVideo will be like SIP and DSL.
16:43.05SamotA bunch of little guys that want to be cutting edge will pour money and time into it.
16:43.08SamotMake it a thing..
16:43.56SamotThen ATT, Comcast and others will get behind it and then shit will roll.
16:44.07SamotAnd the little guys will get undercut.
16:45.16SamotThen you'll be able to do PiP video calls on your Comcast X1000 system.
16:45.36SamotSo you can video call your friends while binge watching Game of Thrones.
16:48.54SamotI have no doubt that ATT/Comcast/others have resources already focused on video solutions.
16:49.39SamotAnd resources focused on watching companies that are already providing video solutions.
17:04.09*** join/#asterisk RovingWriter (~rubble@unaffiliated/rovingwriter)
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17:17.53hexhaxtronI got about 150 users on my system. Can I create an account for them all using PAM auth?
17:18.39SamotYou mean for their devices?
17:18.43hexhaxtronCan I create a SIP for them all using PAM auth?
17:21.17RovingWriter150 users on your system... is this a thin client system?
17:21.17SamotIt's either done with the .conf files or the RealTime database.
17:21.46RovingWriterif the users are in a LDAP, u can do it
17:22.56SamotDoesn't RT support LDAP
17:23.00SamotI can't remember.
17:24.09RovingWriterit does
17:24.30RovingWriteri was just elaborating on your answer slightly
17:24.44SamotI figured. I know RT supports a few databases.
17:24.52SamotI just couldn't remember if LDAP was in the list.
17:24.57RovingWritersure is
17:25.19SamotI don't LDAP.
17:26.30SamotNor do I Dap.
17:26.44SamotI find them both silly.
17:26.46SamotBut that's me.
17:33.06[TK]D-FenderYes you can use LDAP
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20:19.13GeorbeHi. I have a B410P ISDN card. I have configured the 1st port in TE mode, and I have connected an NT ISDN unit on it (provided by my TelCo). The light turns Green. The port is working fine, although I am getting the line "Primary D-Channel on span 5 up" and immidiatly the line "Primary D-Channel on span 5 down" all the time.
20:20.34GeorbeAfter 1 or 2 hours, the ISDN port stops working. It is still Green, but no calls can be made through this port. Also the messages about the D-channel stops coming up on my logs.
20:21.49GeorbeThe only thing I can do to fix it, is to run "dahdi restart". But after 1 or 2 hours, it stops working again. Can anyone help me on this issue please? Thanks.
20:25.15RovingWriterso, do most * people use just the normal config files, extensions.conf, sip.conf, and go from there? most people don't use realtime? and most people write their dialplan in extensions.conf, as opposed to doing stuff dynamically?
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20:29.34MechWarRovingWriter: Many people don't have knowledge to develop efficiently a dynamic dialplan
20:31.48cresl1nGeorbe: is this setup using ptmp signaling or ptp signaling?
20:32.28cresl1nif you get Primary D-channel on span x down very quickly, that sounds a lot more like ptmp signaling
20:32.54cresl1nwith ptmp, usually the d-channel isn't always active, is brought down quickly after it is used
20:32.59GeorbeI get the warning message every EXACTLY 16 seconds
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20:33.27GeorbeThe error message is the following: "WARNING[23478]: sig_pri.c:1211 pri_find_dchan: Span 5: D-channel is down!"
20:33.54GeorbeSo your recomendation is to switch it to ptmp?
20:34.02cresl1nthat might be what it's trying to do
20:34.08GeorbeI will do it in a few momments
20:34.17Georbe*few minutes
20:41.05GeorbeIt seems that that was the issue...
20:41.28Georbethe warning messages (about the D-Channel) are gone
20:41.33GeorbeThank you very much.
20:43.34GeorbeFunFact: the same TelCo gives me some ISDN Lines that they are working as PTP, and some ISDN Lines that they are working as PTMP!!! Isn't that weird?
20:49.45Georbeis there any way to find out if the D-Channel on a specific port is up or down? (using CLI)
20:58.37[TK]D-Fenderpri show spans
20:58.41[TK]D-Fenderpri show span X
20:58.44[TK]D-Fendertake your pick
21:02.20Georbewhat's the difference between those two outputs: 1) "B4XXP (PCI) Card 1 Span 1                OK" and 2) "PRI span 5/0: Up, Active"
21:03.07GeorbeAlarm OK on the first output, is equal to Green light, and it is also equal with the "Up" on the second command output above?
21:03.28Georbeand the "Active" is the status of the D-Channel?
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21:11.58cresl1nI always forget what the difference between up and active means
21:12.09cresl1nI usually would heuristically deduce the line state
21:12.14cresl1nso look at Q.921 debug
21:12.43cresl1nsee if multiframe mode is established
21:13.00cresl1n(i.e. sabme and ua are being exchanged by the two ends at least once every 10 seconds or so)
21:13.21cresl1nif that's not happening, and it's a ptmp line, that's ok, because the d-channel could be down
21:13.34cresl1nif it's a ptp line, that's bad, because it means the d-channel's down but it should be up
21:13.47cresl1n<— maintained/rewrote big chunks of libpri
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21:21.03Georbethanks cresl1n
21:21.21GeorbeI will test the Q.921 debug right now
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21:32.57*** join/#asterisk Casper (~ThePhanto@unaffiliated/thephantom)
21:34.14CasperHi there, voip phone. I was looking at wifi phones and couln't find any good looking inexpensive ones. All I find is one with an ethernet base and non-wifi wireless... Is that because wifi have issues? or I don't look hard enought?
21:35.16RovingWriterwhat do you consider inexpensive?
21:35.36RovingWriterright off the top of my head, the Yealink T29G is is wifi compatible, and sells for $120
21:36.12RovingWriteralso, your mobile phone is a wifi-enabled sip phone. :)
21:36.45RovingWritermight need to be more specific because good looking is subjective, and inexpensive is also relative
21:38.19*** join/#asterisk d1gital (~d1gital@fsf/member/d1gital)
21:41.48Casper220$ is expensive, and ebay cheap is inadequate usually :D
21:42.38Casperreally, looking for something good that don't cost too much, and trying to figure out why they most use a base station (vendor lockin or a different purpose)
21:44.27RovingWriterwell i have you an example of a phone that is wifi, and is $120
21:50.15DanQuinneyYealink are very decent for their price
21:53.06tuxd00dYou can pick up referburished yealinks next to free.
21:54.18tuxd00dYou can use a WiFi Ethernet adapter to have any phone use WiFi.
21:54.29RovingWritertrue ^
21:55.04RovingWriterso, i assome many of you have at least tried twilio's stuff - what keeps u going with asterisk? seems like twilio has more stuff to it?
21:55.51tuxd00dI haven’t had any problems with that method.  Some brands will provide 99% update, other 100%..  Some adapters seem to “power save” or something which doesn’t allow for packets to route and return before the timeout.
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21:56.38tuxd00dRovingWriter: Twillo has software?
21:57.05Casperwill look for yealinks
22:01.57DanQuinneyI can't imagine many itsp's use twilio
22:03.49*** join/#asterisk moose55 (4a65f8de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:04.06moose55can anyone help me with vlan for polycom phones and daisy chained PCs?
22:04.25moose55all my straight runs to phones work flawlessly
22:04.51moose55once I introduce the daisy chained connections ( all of which are on their own switch ) - my voice traffic is horrendous
22:04.58moose55I am using HP 1920 switches
22:05.34moose55I know this is not exactly asterisk related but I would suspect you guys have set up environments before
22:06.05GeorbeCan I record an incoming call as soon as it lands into a queue? Currently I have "Call recording" of the queue to yes, but it only records the call as soon as the extension answers the call.
22:09.35Georbemoose55: you have two VLANs. One for the PCs, and one for the Voice. On each port of the switch, you have to set up the Voice VLAN as tagged and the PCs VLAN as untagged.
22:10.07moose55what if I dont know the vlan ID for the PCs?
22:10.56Georbedon't you have access to the configuration of the switch?
22:11.23moose55I will tomorrow...their IT is no longer in
22:11.37moose55We moved the daisy PCs to our switch
22:11.42RovingWritertuxd00d, twilio has a full API, where you just host your dialplan with them, or they can hit webhooks and get info from you
22:12.34RovingWriterthey dont necessarily have software, but they provide the same end result as a * box can, mostly.
22:12.47tuxd00dRovingWriter: Oh, that’s what you meant.
22:13.07RovingWriter* can do some things twilio can't, and twilio can do things * doesn't without a lot of customization
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22:13.40Georbemoose55: the command "sho vlan" will show you all the VLANs your network have, and the VLAN configured for each port of the switch
22:14.43moose55I have to tag the vlan on the polycom config first correct
22:14.52Georbethen, for each port you will connect an IP Phone and a PC, you have to do this configuration: (let's say Voice VLAN is 10 and PCs VLAN is 50)
22:15.14Georbevlan 10
22:15.28Georbetagged <port name>
22:15.31Georbevlan 50
22:15.37Georbeuntagged <port name>
22:15.48Georbethat's it
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22:16.11moose55but I have to set the VLAN ID in the Polycom to be 10?
22:16.21Georbeyou can also specify a port range (where ever I say <port name>
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22:16.54Bhakimidoes anyone in here know someone who has build a ringless voicemail drop application using asterisk ?
22:17.26Georbedo you use DCCHP?
22:17.37moose55static set all the phones
22:20.55GeorbeIf you enable LLDP on the HP switch, there is nothing to do on the phones.
22:21.39GeorbeLLDP is a protocol just like Cisco's CDP
22:22.28Georbepolycom and HP switch will exchange data using LLDP and then polycom will know what the Voice VLAN is
22:22.39tuxd00dBhakimi: It is not clear what you are asking for.
22:23.02moose55so the polycom has LLDP enabled, I can leave it alone
22:23.11Bhakimithere are providers out there that call mobile numbers in a way to jam the call which then lets them leave a message
22:23.26Bhakimithey call it ringless voicemail drops or voicemail drops
22:23.29moose55in the switch ( default ), I go to VLAN and create VLAN ID 122
22:25.47moose55Then go to Voice VLAN and add all the ports to VLAN 122 and set mode to (manual?)
22:26.13Georbeswitchport mode access
22:26.42Georbeswitchport access vlan 122 (if the DATA Vlan is 122)
22:27.11tuxd00dBhakimi: Do they use a backdoor to the VoiceMail system of each mobile carrier?
22:30.16moose55voice is 122
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22:32.59moose55I dont have CLI access to the switch
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22:37.30GeorbeI don't know how you can do it from the Web interface. Actually the first time I have tried to do it through the Web interface, I didn't managed to do it, and that'a why I switched to CLI.
22:38.56Georbebut maybe YOU will figure it out. Give it a try. What you are trying to do is to give *tagged* access to Voice VLAN and *untagged* access to DATA VLAN.
22:38.58moose55so the uplink to my router should be tagged vlan 122 though correct and with link type access
22:39.31Georbethe uplink with the router has to be in trunk mode
22:39.53moose55but does the router need anything configured on it too?
22:40.19Georbeit is allready in trunk mode. If it is not, then you need another solution
22:40.35Georbemaybe make it a flat network without VLANs
22:40.52moose55i tried...I have a separate subnet for the phones
22:41.08moose55once I introduce the daisy switch, the voice goes coppy instantly
22:41.16Georbethe subnet is configured in the router also... isn't it?
22:41.16moose55then as soon as I unplug, its fine
22:41.41Georbein what interface? is it a VLAN interface?
22:41.58moose55it is a separate router
22:42.02moose55with its own static IP
22:42.14moose55i was starting with a fresh HP1920
22:43.10Georbewhat about the DATA subnet... where is the router of the DATA subnet?
22:43.21Georbeand how is connected to HP1920?
22:44.08moose55I have a router on a Pubic IP from ISP with DHCP off and its own LAN subnet
22:44.19moose55that is uplinked to two switches ( A and B )
22:44.20Georbe*and how is the router connected to HP1920? (I am talking about the DATA network)
22:44.37Georbeand the HP1920 where is connected?
22:44.48moose55all pheons are on their own cable, no daisy, to switches A and B
22:45.15moose55I then have a switch with PC and Phones daisied
22:45.30moose55when I uplink that switch to the router, voice traffic still works
22:45.41moose55because the PCs dont know my static DHCP off network
22:46.10moose55its when I plug the uplink to the data network ( which is another switch ), the voice network gets choppy
22:46.55Georbethere is something wrong with your setup
22:47.11Georbetell me more about the switched A and B
22:47.23Georbedo they support VLANs?
22:47.25moose55nothing more, they are all HP 1920s ( for the voice network )
22:47.39moose55they are all home run connections to phones only
22:47.43moose55uplinked to a router
22:47.47Georbeso you have 3 HP1920 switches?
22:47.58moose55yeah for my voice network
22:48.08moose55theres 80 phones
22:48.23Georbeand how many switches do you have for your DATA network?
22:48.54moose55not sure, I think like 5 which is why I need to stop my subnet from accessing the data uplink port
22:49.15moose55or 3 switches as well, they have 2-3 as backplane connected
22:50.47GeorbeThe right configuration is the following:
22:52.38Georbe(Internet) --- (router)(ether1) ---trunk--- (switch A) ---trunk--- (switch B) ---trunk--- (switch C)
22:53.03Georbeether1 on router has to be configured with vlans
22:53.24Georbelet's say VLAN 10 (for Voice) and Vlan 50 (for DATA)
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22:54.17Georbeall ports from all three switches (that connects each switch to another) has to be in trunk mode
22:54.44moose55does the router port need to be tagged, untagged, or excluded
22:55.29Georbether is no such thing on the router (tagged or untagged)
22:55.59Georbeif you configure vlans in a specific interface on a router, all VLANs are tagged
22:56.31Georbethat's why you configure the ports on all the switches as trunk.
22:57.15Georbeand wherever you connect a PC or a Phone (or both), you configure it in access mode
22:57.29moose55im using a low end router...i can add the port to be a member of a vlan
22:57.51Georbewhat router do you use?
22:58.25moose55I am currently using an RV130 since I wasnt expecting this....I can bring an 1840 tomorrow but I am not sure of the current IOS
22:59.09moose55I tagged ports 1,3,4 with a membership to vlan10
22:59.28GeorbeIn Cisco routers, you configure subinterfaces (with dot1q)
22:59.49GeorbeThat's how you configure VLANs on Cisco routers.
23:00.18moose55yeah - I dont think this will do that
23:01.23GeorbeRV130 uses the tagged/untagged thing
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23:02.06GeorbeLet;s say that port2 is connected to your switch
23:02.43Georbethen you have to set up all the VLANs you have as tagged on this port
23:03.04Georbeexcept the first VLAN, whitch will be untagged. (it is called management VLAN)
23:03.44moose55so I set port 2 to be tagged vlan10 and port 3 to be tagged vlan10...goes to switch A and Switch B
23:03.59Georbeon all other ports you have to configure all the vlans as excluded
23:04.10moose55the uplink port on switch A and Switch B need to be tagged vlan10 correct
23:05.01Georbewhere do you use port3?
23:05.35moose55switch B
23:06.26Georbeand port2 is connected to switch A ?
23:07.13Georbeis there any cable connecting Switch A with Switch B?
23:07.29Georbethis is wrong
23:07.49moose55but the RV utilizes the 4 ports on the back as a switch as well
23:08.40Georbeyou have to connect Switch A with Switch B, so you don't bottlenecks
23:09.49GeorbeSorry... RV130 has Gigabit ports, so there is no problem
23:09.55moose55ok good
23:10.28moose55so do I tag the uplink ports to the RV as vlan10
23:11.10Georbewhatever you do on router, that's what you will do on the uplink ports
23:12.09moose55so how does the polycom/pc know to use that port?
23:17.57moose55so how does the polycom/pc know to use that port?
23:19.22Georbepolycom (not polycom/pc), uses LLDP and gets the information from the switch. It knows then what is the Voice VLAN and what is the DATA VLAN
23:19.53Georbeand then "uses" the Voice VLAN for itself, and "gives" the data VLAN to the PC.
23:20.03Georbethe PC doesn't know anything
23:20.28Georbepolycom it's just like a switch with two ports
23:21.38Georbeon the first port (the one connected to the switch) gets the two VLANs, and on the second port (the one connected to the PC) "gives" the DATA VLAN untagged.
23:23.15Georbewhenever (on the same port of the switch as mentioned on the above line) you connect the PC only (and not o phone), the PC "understands" only the untagged VLAN, and "ignores" the tagged VLANs
23:27.33moose55for some reason this isnt working for me
23:27.39moose55not sure if I am doing something wrong
23:28.54moose55I tag the ports on the RV as members to vlan10, port 2 goes to switch C on port 24. I tag port 24 as vlan10.
23:31.51moose55in voice vlan, i can add it to be vlan10. then voice vlan port mode has options of No Change, Auto, Manual and voice vlan port state has options No Change, Enabled, Disabled
23:32.28moose55and then add all ports into the voice vlan10
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