IRC log for #asterisk on 20170810

00:21.05*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
00:33.30*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
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03:44.45*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
04:19.12*** join/#asterisk Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
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05:47.22*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
06:09.14*** join/#asterisk Bhakimi (
06:11.12BhakimiHi guys!! i work on a predictive dialer platform and we use asterisk for its dialing, the platform is called vicidial incase any of you know it. my question is how and why IAX2 has less delay in connecting calls from one server to another vs SIP. this comes from the authur of the open source project
06:11.57Bhakimii really like to get away from IAX2 since it gives me all kinds of warnings where there are high call attempts even though the cpu is only at load avarage of 2
06:12.56Bhakimiwhat i cant risk is delays in calls connecting since delays are one of the biggest drawbacks of a predictive dialer and anymore delays then we already have would not be acceptable.
06:33.28*** join/#asterisk boris_t (
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08:34.44*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
09:31.36*** join/#asterisk Mr_Pleb_Mgoo (~jakeb@
11:46.05*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
11:46.56*** join/#asterisk fonefreak (
11:54.13*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (~dtg@
11:55.23Ast001HI can you tell me if Asterisk PBX is supporting mutliple username/password configuration coming from same server (same IP) ?
11:55.41Ast001I am using version 11 which can be installed on rpi
11:56.20Ast001but all peers are flapping between registered and unregistered SIP all the time
11:57.42Ast001You can see what I mean here
12:02.47*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
12:21.11*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (~dtg@
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14:04.21mubwoops wrong channel
14:08.09*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-mgutwxpbdssemadl)
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14:12.40*** join/#asterisk newtonr (newtonr@nat/digium/x-karmtgngbidsmhot)
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14:23.40learathnice password
14:34.46*** join/#asterisk bford (d8cff501@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:02.14*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
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16:24.22*** join/#asterisk Bhakimi (
16:24.30Bhakimigood morning people!
16:24.44Bhakimii got a asterisk deadlock that gets created when i do a dundi flush
16:25.04Bhakimirestarting asterisk wont fix the issue until i reboot the box, any idea why this is?
16:25.22Bhakiminot sure why rebooting would solve the issue and not a asterisk restart
16:30.19salviadudBhakimi, what version of asterisk
16:30.26salviadudversion of dahdi and dahdi tools
16:30.40salviadudWhat distro are you running (this is just curiosity)
16:30.41Bhakimiand yes i know its about EOL but we have a custom build around that version
16:30.55salviadudyou are master-race
16:31.04salviadudweird that you are having trouble
16:31.09Bhakimiwhats master-race?
16:31.17salviadudgentoo master-race haha
16:31.34salviadudeverything is compiled to perfection...
16:31.35Bhakimiso ive been having this issue for over 2 years
16:31.46Bhakimiits a big company i work at that uses asterisk 11 for their application
16:31.53Bhakimiwe use dundi for dynamic routing
16:33.01*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
16:33.10*** join/#asterisk billxx (49958984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:33.16salviadudMmm, I've never used dundi
16:33.19salviadudto be honest
16:33.46Bhakimiit seems when i do a dundi flush all iax and sip channels stop working and the box starts getting these type of errors Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to
16:33.52Bhakimiwhat im more curiouse about is why rebooting the box fixes it
16:33.57Bhakimiand not just restarting asterisk
16:34.16Bhakimiits as if asterisk ran out of file descriptors or something
16:34.54Bhakimiwhich is set to 65535
16:37.01Bhakimisalviadud: have you ever had to reboot the server to fix a deadlock issue?
16:37.25salviadudYou mean, reboot the whole box, instead of just the asterisk service?
16:38.15salviadudBhakimi, you got any logs to show?
16:38.40Bhakimiall i get is a bunhc of "Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to.." errors on channels that are deadlocked
16:39.09Bhakiminothing much, ive been working with asterisk over 10 years and im stunned
16:39.30salviadudYou've been since 1.2
16:39.33Bhakimii think if i can find out why rebooting the server fixses the issue i may be able to find the root cause of the problem
16:40.04salviadudBhakimi, I would try to reproduce the same issue with version 13, at least
16:40.16salviadudIs there another box you can do tests on?
16:40.25Bhakimiwish i could, the application this company runs is only compatible with 11 at the moment
16:40.38Bhakimino way to test with 13
16:41.16Bhakimii know its dundi for sure
16:41.30Bhakimibecause when there is high load and i do a dundi flush it causes the deadlock
16:50.58salviadudBhakimi, I can't help you there, but maybe someone else can, pastebin your dundi.conf
16:51.16Bhakimisalviadud: thanks
16:51.17salviadudWe gotta start from somewhere
16:54.18filethere is also a guide for getting a backtrace for looking at a deadlock on the wiki
16:54.58*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
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17:07.49*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (
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17:16.34*** join/#asterisk skywayskase (~skywayska@
17:24.24Bhakimilooks like astdb is the root cause
17:24.35Bhakimimy astdb has over 30k records
17:25.03Bhakimiwhen i do a dundi flush fsync takes forver to write the dat and causes asterisk to lock up
17:25.46Bhakimiis there a way to run astdb in mysql or somewhere else so i dont have to deal with locks ?
17:27.26Bhakimiany suggestions how i can work better with astdb and not cause a deadlock because of its size?
17:27.42salviadudBhakimi, is your asterisk box on a solid state drive?
17:27.50salviadudI can imagine that better hardware might help...
17:27.53*** join/#asterisk joshelson (~joshelson@
17:27.55Bhakimino, i was thinking about doing that tho
17:28.35salviadudhow much ram does it consume?
17:28.48salviadudYou said it was a big company
17:30.08Bhakiminot much
17:30.11Bhakimivery little
17:30.18Bhakimiit has 16 gigs but bearly uses ram
17:30.24Bhakimii can upgrade the drives to be SSD
17:31.03Bhakiminot sure if that makes much different, the size of astdb is 3.5 mb
17:31.40*** join/#asterisk dakudos (
17:42.25*** join/#asterisk Oatmeal (~Suzeanne@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/suzeanne)
17:45.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
17:46.06salviadudIt locks up on that then...
17:58.02*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
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19:16.29*** join/#asterisk d00gster_ (~d00gster@unaffiliated/d00gster)
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19:24.54*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
19:26.07*** join/#asterisk laptopdude91 (~Stephen@
19:27.02laptopdude91Is it bad practice to have multiple devices connect to asterisk under a single user/secret?
19:28.28laptopdude91Furthermore, would it be bad practice to port forward TLS-enabled SIP, and allow my friends to connect to it?
19:30.08*** join/#asterisk Bordr_ (
19:38.17*** join/#asterisk J0hnSteel (~J0hnSteel@
19:41.41[TK]D-FenderBad ? No.  Only supported under PJSIP though
19:43.32laptopdude91To which one?
19:43.55laptopdude91Are there any advantages/disadvantages? (Other than the fact I'd save a bit of time on configuration)
19:44.28[TK]D-FenderIt either works, or it doesn't
19:57.34*** join/#asterisk Pasha (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory)
20:04.35*** join/#asterisk brokensyntax (~quassel@
20:05.21*** join/#asterisk Samael28 (~Samael28@
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20:57.45*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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21:14.46*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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22:34.54*** join/#asterisk |ance|ott (~|ance|ott@
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23:19.37*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-mgutwxpbdssemadl)
23:26.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@

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